77 research outputs found

    Pretreatment with a 55-kDa Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-Immunoglobulin Fusion Protein Attenuates Activation of Coagulation, but not of Fibrinolysis, during Lethal Bacteremia in Baboons

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    Baboons (Papio anubis) receiving a lethal intravenous infusion with live Escherichia coli were pretreated with either a 55-kDa tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-IgG fusion protein (TNFR55:IgG) (n = 4, 4.6 mg/kg) or placebo (n = 4). Neutralization of TNF activity in TNFR55:IgG-treated animals was associated with a complete prevention of mortality and a strong attenuation of coagulation activation as reflected by the plasma concentrations of thrombin-antithrombin III complexes (P < .05). Activation of fibrinolysis was not influenced by TNFR55:IgG (plasma tissue-type plasminogen activator and plasmin-a2-antiplasmin complexes), whereas TNFR55:IgG did inhibit the release of plasminogen activator inhibitor type I (P < .05). Furthermore, TNFR55:IgG inhibited neutrophil degranulation (plasma levels of elastase-α1-antitrypsin complexes, P < .05) and modestly reduced release of secretory phospholipase A2. These data suggest that endogenous TNF contributes to activation of coagulation, but not to stimulation of fibrinolysis, during severe bacteremi

    Clinical, Histologic, and Molecular Characteristics of Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase-positive Primary Cutaneous Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma

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    Unlike systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma, the vast majority of primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphomas (C-ALCL) do not carry translocations involving the ALK gene and do not express ALK. Expression of ALK protein therefore strongly suggests secondary cutaneous involvement of a systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Recent studies described a small subgroup of ALK-positive C-ALCL, but information on frequency, prognosis, and translocation partners is virtually lacking. A total of 6/309 (2%) C-ALCL patients included in the Dutch registry for cutaneous lymphomas between 1993 and 2019 showed immunohistochemical ALK expression. Clinical and histopathologic characteristics, immunophenotype and disease course were evaluated. Underlying ALK translocations were analyzed with anchored multiplex polymerase chain reaction-based targeted next-generation sequencing. Median age at diagnosis was 39 years (range: 16 to 53 y). All patients presented with a solitary lesion. Treatment with radiotherapy (n=5) or anthracycline-based chemotherapy (n=1) resulted in complete responses in all 6 patients. Three patients developed a relapse, of whom 2 extracutaneous. After a median follow-up of 41 months, 5 patients were alive without disease and 1 patient died of lymphoma. Immunohistochemically, 3 cases (50%) showed combined nuclear and cytoplasmic ALK expression with underlying NPM1-ALK fusions, while 3 cases (50%) showed solely cytoplasmic ALK expression with variant ALK fusion partners (TRAF1, ATIC, TPM3). ALK-positive C-ALCL is extremely uncommon, has a comparable favorable prognosis to ALK-negative C-ALCL, and should be treated in the same way with radiotherapy as first-line treatment

    Cell-of-origin classification using the Hans and Lymph2Cx algorithms in primary cutaneous large B-cell lymphomas

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    Primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type (PCDLBCL-LT) and primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma with a diffuse population of large cells (PCFCL-LC) are both primary cutaneous B-cell lymphomas with large-cell morphology (CLBCL) but with different clinical characteristics and behavior. In systemic diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (DLBCL-NOS), gene-expression profiling (GEP) revealed two molecular subgroups based on their cell-of-origin (COO) with prognostic significance: the germinal center B-cell-like (GCB) subtype and the activated B-cell-like (ABC) subtype. This study investigated whether COO classification is a useful tool for classification of CLBCL. For this retrospective study, 51 patients with PCDLBCL-LT and 15 patients with PCFCL-LC were analyzed for their COO according to the immunohistochemistry-based Hans algorithm and the NanoString GEP-based Lymph2Cx algorithm. In PCFCL-LC, all cases (100%) classified as GCB by both Hans and Lymph2Cx. In contrast, COO classification in PCDLBCL-LT was heterogeneous. Using Hans, 75% of the PCDLBCL-LT patients classified as non-GCB and 25% as GCB, while Lymph2Cx classified only 18% as ABC, 43% as unclassified/intermediate, and 39% as GCB. These COO subgroups did not differ in the expression of BCL2 and IgM, mutations in MYD88 and/or CD79B, loss of CDKN2A, or survival. In conclusion, PCFCL-LC uniformly classified as GCB, while PCDLBCL-LT classified along the COO spectrum of DLBCL-NOS using the Hans and Lymph2Cx algorithms. In contrast to DLBCL-NOS, the clinical relevance of COO classification in CLBCL using these algorithms has limitations and cannot be used as an alternative for the current multiparameter approach in differentiation of PCDLBCL-LT and PCFCL-LC

    Genetic Stability of Driver Alterations in Primary Cutaneous Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma, Leg Type and Their Relapses:A Rationale for the Use of Molecular-Based Methods for More Effective Disease Monitoring

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    Primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, leg type (PCDLBCL-LT) is a rare, aggressive cutaneous lymphoma with a 5-year disease-specific survival of only ~55%. Despite high response rates to initial immune-polychemotherapy, most patients experience a disease relapse. The genetic evolution of primary and relapsed/refractory disease has only scarcely been studied in PCDLBCL-LT patients. Therefore, in this retrospective cohort study, 73 primary/pre-treatment and relapsed/refractory biopsies of 57 patients with PCDLBCL-LT were molecularly characterized with triple FISH and targeted next-generation sequencing for 52 B-cell-lymphoma-relevant genes, including paired analysis in 16 patients. In this cohort, 95% of patients harboured at least one of the three main driver alterations (mutations in MYD88/CD79B and/or CDKN2A-loss). In relapsed/refractory PCDLBCL-LT, these oncogenic aberrations were persistently present, demonstrating genetic stability over time. Novel alterations in relapsed disease affected mostly CDKN2A, MYC, and PIM1. Regarding survival, only MYC rearrangements and HIST1H1E mutations were statistically significantly associated with an inferior outcome. The stable presence of one or more of the three main driver alterations (mutated MYD88/CD79B and/or CDKN2A-loss) is promising for targeted therapies addressing these alterations and serves as a rationale for molecular-based disease monitoring, improving response evaluation and early identification and intervention of disease relapses in these poor-prognostic PCDLBCL-LT patients

    Biological and Clinical Implications of Gene-Expression Profiling in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma:A Proposal for a Targeted BLYM-777 Consortium Panel as Part of a Multilayered Analytical Approach

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    Gene-expression profiling (GEP) is used to study the molecular biology of lymphomas. Here, advancing insights from GEP studies in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) lymphomagenesis are discussed. GEP studies elucidated subtypes based on cell-of-origin principles and profoundly changed the biological understanding of DLBCL with clinical relevance. Studies integrating GEP and next-generation DNA sequencing defined different molecular subtypes of DLBCL entities originating at specific anatomical localizations. With the emergence of high-throughput technologies, the tumor microenvironment (TME) has been recognized as a critical component in DLBCL pathogenesis. TME studies have characterized so-called “lymphoma microenvironments" and “ecotypes”. Despite gained insights, unexplained chemo-refractoriness in DLBCL remains. To further elucidate the complex biology of DLBCL, we propose a novel targeted GEP consortium panel, called BLYM-777. This knowledge-based biology-driven panel includes probes for 777 genes, covering many aspects regarding B-cell lymphomagenesis (f.e., MYC signature, TME, immune surveillance and resistance to CAR T-cell therapy). Regarding lymphomagenesis, upcoming DLBCL studies need to incorporate genomic and transcriptomic approaches with proteomic methods and correlate these multi-omics data with patient characteristics of well-defined and homogeneous cohorts. This multilayered methodology potentially enhances diagnostic classification of DLBCL subtypes, prognostication, and the development of novel targeted therapeutic strategies. Simple Summary: This review summarizes gene-expression profiling insights into the background and origination of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL). To further unravel the molecular biology of these lymphomas, a consortium panel called BLYM-777 was designed including genes important for subtype classifications, genetic pathways, tumor-microenvironment, immune response and resistance to targeted therapies. This review proposes to combine this transcriptomic method with genomics, proteomics, and patient characteristics to facilitate diagnostic classification, prognostication, and the development of new targeted therapeutic strategies in DLBCL

    Frequent mutated B2M, EZH2, IRF8, and TNFRSF14 in primary bone diffuse large B-cell lymphoma reflect a GCB phenotype

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    Primary bone diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (PB-DLBCL) is a rare extranodal lymphoma subtype. This retrospective study elucidates the currently unknown genetic background of a large clinically well-annotated cohort of DLBCL with osseous localizations (O-DLBCL), including PB-DLBCL. A total of 103 patients with O-DLBCL were included and compared with 63 (extra)nodal non-osseous (NO)-DLBCLs with germinal center B-cell phenotype (NO-DLBCL-GCB). Cell-of-origin was determined by immunohistochemistry and gene-expression profiling (GEP) using (extended)-NanoString/Lymph2Cx analysis. Mutational profiles were identified with targeted next-generation deep sequencing, including 52 B-cell lymphoma-relevant genes. O-DLBCLs, including 34 PB-DLBCLs, were predominantly classified as GCB phenotype based on immunohistochemistry (74%) and NanoString analysis (88%). Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of an extended-NanoString/Lymph2Cx revealed significantly different GEP clusters for PB-DLBCL as opposed to NO-DLBCL-GCB (P < .001). Expression levels of 23 genes of 2 different targeted GEP panels indicated a centrocyte-like phenotype for PB-DLBCL, whereas NO-DLBCL-GCB exhibited a centroblast-like constitution. PB-DLBCL had significantly more frequent mutations in four GCB-associated genes (ie, B2M, EZH2, IRF8, TNFRSF14) compared with NO-DLBCL-GCB (P = .031, P = .010, P = .047, and P = .003, respectively). PB-DLBCL, with its corresponding specific mutational profile, was significantly associated with a superior survival compared with equivalent Ann Arbor limited-stage I/II NO-DLBCL-GCB (P = .016). This study is the first to show that PB-DLBCL is characterized by a GCB phenotype, with a centrocyte-like GEP pattern and a GCB-associated mutational profile (both involved in immune surveillance) and a favorable prognosis. These novel biology-associated features provide evidence that PB-DLBCL represents a distinct extranodal DLBCL entity, and its specific mutational landscape offers potential for targeted therapies (eg, EZH2 inhibitors)
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