277 research outputs found

    Attaching of strain gages to substrates

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    A method and apparatus for attaching strain gages to substrates is described. A strain gage having a backing plate is attached to a substrate by using a foil of brazing material between the backing plate and substrate. A pair of electrodes that are connected to a current source, are applied to opposite sides of the backing plate, so that heating of the structure occurs primarily along the relatively highly conductive foil of brazing material. Field installations are facilitated by utilizing a backing plate with wings extending at an upward incline from either side of the backing plate, by attaching the electrodes to the wings to perform the brazing operation, and by breaking off the wings after the brazing is completed

    Characterization of exothermic brazing components Skylab experiment M552

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    Information developed to characterize flight and ground based samples from the Exothermic Brazing Experiment is detailed. Included is information developed from metallographic observation, chemical analysis, and measurements of component dimensions. Comparisons of the flight and ground based specimens showed that good quality brazes were obtained. Effects of the zero gravity processing were noted on liquid metal flow and braze alloy-base metal reactions. Unusual metallurgical structures exhibited in the nickel brazes made in Skylab were the result of composition variations apparently related to the time-temperature cycle characteristic of this braze

    Development of explosive welding procedures to fabricate channeled nozzle structures

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    Research was conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of fabricating a large contoured structure with complex internal channeling by explosive welding procedures. Structures or nozzles of this nature for wind tunnel applications were designed. Such nozzles vary widely in their complexity. However, in their simplest form, they consist of a grooved base section to which a cover sheet is attached to form a series of internal cooling passages. The cover sheet attachment can be accomplished in various ways: fusion welding, brazing, and diffusion welding. The cover sheet has also been electroformed in place. Of these fabrication methods, brazing has proved most successful in producing nozzles with complex contoured surfaces and a multiplicity of internal channels

    Materials processing in space M512, phase B report

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    The metallographic characterization, analysis, and property measurement of ground samples for comparison with those processed on Skylab are described. Experiments on metals melting and exothermic brazing are summarized, and results are presented

    Embryo Rescue in Wide Crosses in Arachis. 2. Embryo Development in Cultured Peg Tips of Arachis hypogaea

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    Embryo rescue techniques in Arachis are potentially important for recovering interspecific hybrids which have the propensity to abort. Pegs are commonly produced in interspecific crosses, but either they fail to reach the soil because growth is arrested, or pods are produced but embryo development is never re-initiated. Peg tips, with the ovule and embryo, of A. hypogaea L. cv. ‘NC 6’, were used to determine whether peg tips can be used as nurse tissue for in vitro culture of embryos. Tissues were collected 1, 2, 3 and 4 d after self-pollination, after which peg meristems were removed from half the pegs, and cultured on five media combinations. Continued reproductive development was observed for embryos cultured at all four collection days; however, the highest frequency of growth was observed in 1-d-old tissues. Evidence is presented that meristematic activity may restrict embryo growth in the 2- to 4-d-old embryos and, once the sequence of events is initiated to slow embryo growth, it is not easily reversed in vitro. Achievements of embryo growth to multicellular, globular stages (stages 1–1 or 1–2) encourage the development of methods to recover very young embryos through tissue-culture techniques

    Leaf litter degradation in highly turbid transitional waters: preliminary results from litter-bag experiments in the Gironde Estuary

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    The rates of decomposition of oak (Quercus robur) leaves have been examined using litter bags in a very high turbidity macrotidal estuary, the Gironde Estuary (S.W. France). The first experiments show a marked decrease in the decomposition rate of oak leaves at the water-sediment interface (mud-contact: anoxic conditions, reduced physical fragmentation) in comparison to the water column. The results point out the impact of hydrodynamic conditions on leaf litter degradation in such fluvio-estuarine systems. Regarding the aquatic-terrestrial linkage, our observations suggest direct changes in leaf decomposition kinetics and then, a potential delay on the recycling and transport processes of coarse particulate organic matter, especially in a context of modification of the natural water flow, due to global and land use changes

    Magnetism, FeS colloids, and Origins of Life

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    A number of features of living systems: reversible interactions and weak bonds underlying motor-dynamics; gel-sol transitions; cellular connected fractal organization; asymmetry in interactions and organization; quantum coherent phenomena; to name some, can have a natural accounting via physicalphysical interactions, which we therefore seek to incorporate by expanding the horizons of `chemistry-only' approaches to the origins of life. It is suggested that the magnetic 'face' of the minerals from the inorganic world, recognized to have played a pivotal role in initiating Life, may throw light on some of these issues. A magnetic environment in the form of rocks in the Hadean Ocean could have enabled the accretion and therefore an ordered confinement of super-paramagnetic colloids within a structured phase. A moderate H-field can help magnetic nano-particles to not only overcome thermal fluctuations but also harness them. Such controlled dynamics brings in the possibility of accessing quantum effects, which together with frustrations in magnetic ordering and hysteresis (a natural mechanism for a primitive memory) could throw light on the birth of biological information which, as Abel argues, requires a combination of order and complexity. This scenario gains strength from observations of scale-free framboidal forms of the greigite mineral, with a magnetic basis of assembly. And greigite's metabolic potential plays a key role in the mound scenario of Russell and coworkers-an expansion of which is suggested for including magnetism.Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures, to be published in A.R. Memorial volume, Ed Krishnaswami Alladi, Springer 201

    Impact of the California Lead Ammunition Ban on Reducing Lead Exposure in Golden Eagles and Turkey Vultures

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    Predatory and scavenging birds may be exposed to high levels of lead when they ingest shot or bullet fragments embedded in the tissues of animals injured or killed with lead ammunition. Lead poisoning was a contributing factor in the decline of the endangered California condor population in the 1980s, and remains one of the primary factors threatening species recovery. In response to this threat, a ban on the use of lead ammunition for most hunting activities in the range of the condor in California was implemented in 2008. Monitoring of lead exposure in predatory and scavenging birds is essential for assessing the effectiveness of the lead ammunition ban in reducing lead exposure in these species. In this study, we assessed the effectiveness of the regulation in decreasing blood lead concentration in two avian sentinels, golden eagles and turkey vultures, within the condor range in California. We compared blood lead concentration in golden eagles and turkey vultures prior to the lead ammunition ban and one year following implementation of the ban. Lead exposure in both golden eagles and turkey vultures declined significantly post-ban. Our findings provide evidence that hunter compliance with lead ammunition regulations was sufficient to reduce lead exposure in predatory and scavenging birds at our study sites

    Temporal bone verrucous carcinoma: outcomes and treatment controversy

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    Verrucous carcinoma is a rare tumor that presents in the head and neck with the most common sites being the oral cavity and larynx. Fourteen cases of verrucous carcinoma of the temporal bone have been described in literature; this study aims to examine treatment outcomes and discuss the controversy surrounding postoperative radiation. The study design included a literature review along with individual case report in the setting of a tertiary care medical center. Outcome analysis of all cases of verrucous carcinoma of the temporal bone, which are documented in the English literature, and presentation of a single patient report including gross, histologic and radiologic analyses were performed. The longest recorded survival for verrucous carcinoma of the temporal bone occurs in patients treated with surgery alone. Poorer outcomes for patients treated with adjuvant (chemo)radiation may be due to more advanced stage of disease at the time of treatment. Early reports of radiation leading to tumor dedifferentiation or early recurrence are not supported by more recent studies. Whether adjuvant radiation therapy is indicated in verrucous carcinoma of the temporal bone remains controversial
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