149 research outputs found

    Anchoring selenido-carbonyl ruthenium clusters to functionalised silica xerogels

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    Silica Xerogels containing carbonyl Ru3Se2 nido clusters were prepared in three different ways. The simple dispersion of [Ru3(mu3-Se)2(CO)7(PPh 3)2] via sol gel process produces an inhomogeneous material; by contrast, homogeneous xerogels were obtained by reaction of [Ru3(mu3-Se)2(CO)8(PPh 3)] with functionalised xerogels containing grafted diphenylphosphine moieties and by reaction of [Ru3(CO)12] with a xerogel containing grafted phosphine-selenide groups. The reaction between [Ru3(CO)12] and dodecyldiphenylphosphine selenide led to the formation of four selenido carbonyl clusters, which are soluble in hydrocarbon solvents and can be deposited as thin films from their solution by slow evaporation. Xerogéis de silica contendo carbonilas metálicas polinucleares (clusters) com estrutura nido Ru3Se2 foram preparadas através de três rotas diferentes. A simples dispersão do cluster [Ru3(mi3-Se)2(CO)7(PPh 3)2] pelo processo sol gel produz um material não homogêneo. Xerogéis homogêneos foram obtidos através da reação de [Ru3(mi3-Se)2(CO)8(PPh 3)] com xerogéis funcionalizados contendo fragmentos difenilfosfino enxertados, e pela reação do [Ru3(CO)12] com um xerogel contendo grupos fosfinoseleneto enxertados. A reação entre [Ru3(CO)12] e seleneto de dodecildifenilfosfinoseleneto resultou na formação de quatro clusters contendo ligantes carbonil e seleneto, solúveis em solventes apolares e que podem ser empregados na confecção de filmes

    Calidad de carne porcina. Evaluación de propiedades tecnológicas de la res en cerdos alimentados con sorgo termoprocesado en la Región Semiárida Pampeana

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    Three factors are relevant to consumer's meat quality the tenderness, juiciness and flavor. Objective measurements are related to them as the pH1 and pH24 (1 and 24 hours post mortem), intramuscular lipid content and tenderness, latter as determined by the water asset capacity and cut force of Longissimus dorsi muscle. The pH is associated with tenderness and pH1 (5.5 - 6.3) is generally suitable for fresh meat supply. On the other hand the acidity is linked with quality pork sausage cooked and dry. The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether to process the grain sorghum pressure - high temperature prior to inclusion in the diets of growing and finíshing pigs. can improve carcass quality compared to raw corno The pH of the 1st hour and after 24 hours was significantly different in the control diet of corn relative to sorghum, aspect that determines a meat less water retention in fresh and best resistance to cutting to have less tenderness. Pigs fed sorghum treated exposed carcass best for fresh consumption, for its slow decrease of pH in the first 24 hours, by greater water retention in fresh meat, as measured at water loss by cooking and tenderness of the cut.Son tres los factores relevantes de calidad cárnea para los consumidores terneza, jugosidad y aroma. Las mediciones objetivas que están relacionadas con ellas son pH1 y pH24 (1 Y 24 horas post mortem), contenido de Iípidos intramusculares y terneza, estos últimos se determinan por la capacidad de retención de agua y fuerza de corte del músculo Longissimus dorsi. El pH está asociado con la terneza, en general pH1 (5,5 - 6,3) está indicado para oferta de carne fresca. La acidez en tanto está ligada con la calidad para fiambres cocidos y secos. La finalidad de esta investigación fue determinar si el procesamiento de grano de sorgo por calor - presión, previo a la inclusión en las dietas de cerdos en crecimiento y terminación, permite mejorar la calidad de la carcasa respecto al maíz crudo. El pH de la 10 hora y después de 24 horas fue significativamente diferente en la dieta testigo de maíz respecto a las de sorgo, aspecto que determina una carne con menor retención de agua en fresco y mayor resistencia al corte al poseer menor terneza. Los cerdos alimentados con sorgos tratados expusieron reses óptimas para el consumo fresco por su lenta caída del pH en las primeras 24 horas, por su mayor retención de agua en la carne fresca, medido a través de las pérdidas de agua por cocción y la terneza al corte

    The vaginal-PVPA: A vaginal mucosa-mimicking in vitro permeation tool for evaluation of mucoadhesive formulations

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    Drug administration to the vaginal site has gained increasing attention in past decades, highlighting the need for reliable in vitro methods to assess the performance of novel formulations. To optimize formulations destined for the vaginal site, it is important to evaluate the drug retention within the vagina as well as its permeation across the mucosa, particularly in the presence of vaginal fluids. Herewith, the vaginal-PVPA (Phospholipid Vesicle-based Permeation Assay) in vitro permeability model was validated as a tool to evaluate the permeation of the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen from liposomal formulations (i.e., plain and chitosan-coated liposomes). Drug permeation was assessed in the presence and absence of mucus and simulated vaginal fluid (SVF) at pH conditions mimicking both the healthy vaginal premenopausal conditions and vaginal infection/pre-puberty/post-menopause state. The permeation of ibuprofen proved to depend on the type of formulation (i.e., chitosan-coated liposomes exhibited lower drug permeation), the mucoadhesive formulation properties and pH condition. This study highlights both the importance of mucus and SVF in the vaginal model to better understand and predict the in vivo performance of formulations destined for vaginal administration, and the suitability of the vaginal-PVPA model for such investigations

    UtilizaciĂłn de cereales no convencionales, tricepiro (Triticum x Secale x Thinopyrum) y triticale (Triticum x Secale), en la alimentaciĂłn de los cerdos. Dos experiencias.

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    The objective of these experiments was to study the different cereal grains ("tricepiro and trilicale") as energy sourees in growing-finishing diets. The hybrid gilts (Yorl<shire x Landrace x Duroc Jersey) were fed sd-/lbltum during 56 days with: 16% C.P.; 3.300 Kcal DElkg, 1,30% Ca; 0,93% P and 0,82% of Iys (Dry weight). The first experiment was done wilh tricepiro "Don René" (T1), triticale "Tehuelche" (T2) and the mixture of both triticale (50-50) "Don Erman and Don Frank" (T3), being compare with Com (T0)as a control in hybrid gilts between 57 - 100 kg Iiveweight, confined in individual boxes. In a second trial triticale "Yagén" (T4) and triticale "Don Santiago" (T5) were evaluated versus Corn (T0). AII other experimental conditions being the same as for trial one. The results of the first trial were: Oally welght galn (p<0,025): T2= 868,62 9 a; T3= 840,35 sb; T0=753,50 bc and T1= 729,25 c. Feed Intake In sil the period (p<0,01):T0= 181,95 kg  a; T3= 167,85 b, T2= 164,90 be and T1= 155 c. Conversion efflciency (p<0,01): T0=4,31:1 8; T1= 3,83:1 b; T3= 3,59:1 bc and T2= 3,40:1 c. Backfat thlckness (p<0,01):T0- 26,12 mm a; T3= 23,19 b; T1= 20,82 C and T2= 19,91 c. Fatty acid ratio: T2= 1,17% of oleic acid, T3= 1,59; T0=3,65 and T1= 3,67. Second trial results were: Oally welght gain (p<00,01):T0= 948 9 a; T5= 942 a; and T4= 883 b. Feed Intake In all th8 period (p<0,01): T4= 159,55 kg a; T5= 173,34 b, and T0= 169,51 b, but not found statistical difference In conversion efflciency and backfat thickness. Fatty acid ratio: T2= 1,17% of oleic acid, T3= 1,59; T0=3,65 and T1= 3,67. We conclude that trilicale Tehuelche, the mixture of Don Erman and Don Frank, and Don Santiago can be included in growing-finishing diets for hybrid gilts on account of the daily weight gain and faed conversion results obtained. tricepiro Don René showed the best result for backfat thickness and feed intake. indeed, Triticales tried in these diets produced carcasses with excellent values of backfat thickness.En un primer ensayo se evaluaron los granos de Tricepiro Don René (T1), triticale Tehuelche (T2) y una mezcla de 50% de triticale Don Frank y 50% de triticale Don Erman (T3) frente al maíz (T0), en dietas de desarrollo-terminación en cerdas híbridas nulíparas (Yorkshire x Landrace x Duroc Jersey). En una segunda experiencia se evaluaron los granos de triticale Yagán (T4) y triticale Don Santiago (T5) frente al maíz (T0), también en dietas de desarrollo terminación y con las mismas características en las unidades experimentales. Los animales se alojaron en boxes individuales en el periodo de 57 a 100 kg de p.v., y fueron alimentados ea- Ifbitum durante 56 días con una dieta que contenla 16,5% de P.B., 3300 kcal de ED/kg; 1,30% de Ca; 0,93% de P y 0,82% de lisina, valores en base seca. Se valoraron las dietas a través de los rendimientos productivos de los animales y los resultados del ensayo uno fueron: Ganancia diaria de peso (GOP), (p<O,025): T2= 868,62g 8; T3= 840,35 8b; T0=753,50 be y T1= 729,25 e. Consumo en todo el periodo (p<0,01): T0= 181,95 kg 8; T3= 167,85 b; T2= 164,90 be y T1= 155~. Eficíencla de conversión (p<0,01): T0=4,31:1 a; T1= 3,83:1 b; T3= 3,59:1 be: T2= 3,40:1 e. Espesor de grasa dorsal (p<0,01): T0= 26,12 mm 8; T3= 23,19 b; T1= 20,82 e; T2= 19,91 e. Los valores de Indice de acidez para los tratamientos fueron: T2= 1,17% de ácido oleieo, T3=1,59; T0=3,65 y T1= 3,67. En el ensayo dos: GOP (p<0,01): T0(Testigo)= 948 9 8; T5= 942 8 Y T4= 883 b. Consumo en todo el periodo (p<0,01): T4= 159,55 kg 8; T5= 173,34 b y T0 (Testigo)= 169:51b. No existieron diferencias significativas en Eficiencia de conversión alimenticia y el espesor de grasa dorsal (p<0,01). Los valores de Índice de acidez para los tratamientos fueron: T0= 3,17% de ácido oleico, T4=3,05 y T5= 2,82. Los granos de triticale Tehuelche, la mezcla Don Frank-Don Erman y Don Santiago son apropiados para incluirlos en dietas de crecimiento-terminación de cerdos por sus adecuadas respuestas a la ganancia diaria de peso y eficiencia de conversión alimenticia. El tricepiro Don René expresó el mejor resultado en las variables grasa dorsal y consumo. Los trilicales incorporados en estas dietas determinaron también carcasas con óptimos contenidos de grasa dorsal

    Accuracy and reproducibility of contrast-enhanced mammography in the assessment of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients with calcifications in the tumor bed

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    This study aimed to evaluate contrast-enhanced mammography (CEM) accuracy and reproducibility in the detection and measurement of residual tumor after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in breast cancer (BC) patients with calcifications, using surgical specimen pathology as the reference. Pre-and post-NAC CEM images of 36 consecutive BC patients receiving NAC in 2012–2020, with calcifications in the tumor bed at diagnosis, were retrospectively reviewed by two radiologists; described were absence/presence and size of residual disease based on contrast enhancement (CE) only and CE plus calcifications. Twenty-eight patients (77.8%) had invasive and 5 (13.9%) in situ-only residual disease at surgical specimen pathology. Considering CE plus calcifications instead of CE only, CEM sensitivity for invasive residual tumor increased from 85.7% (95% CI = 67.3–96%) to 96.4% (95% CI = 81.7–99.9% ) and specificity decreased from 5/8 (62.5%; 95% CI = 24.5–91.5%) to 1/8 (14.3%; 95% CI = 0.4–57.9%). For in situ-only residual disease, false negatives decreased from 3 to 0 and false positives increased from 1 to 2. CEM pathology concordance in residual disease measurement increased (R squared from 0.38 to 0.45); inter-reader concordance decreased (R squared from 0.79 to 0.66). Considering CE plus calcifications to evaluate NAC response in BC patients increases sensitivity in detection and accuracy in measurement of residual disease but increases false positives

    Prevalence and distribution of vascular calcifications at CT scan in patients with and without large vessel vasculitis: A matched cross-sectional study

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    Objectives The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence, entity and local distribution of arterial wall calcifications evaluated on CT scans in patients with large vessel vasculitis (LVV) and patients with lymphoma as reference for the population without LVV. Methods All consecutive patients diagnosed with LVVs with available baseline positron emission tomography-CT (PET-CT) scan performed between 2007 and 2019 were included; non-LVV patients were lymphoma patients matched by age (±5 years), sex and year of baseline PET-CT (≤2013; >2013). CT images derived from baseline PET-CT scans of both patient groups were retrospectively reviewed by a single radiologist who, after setting a threshold of minimum 130 Hounsfield units, semiautomatically computed vascular calcifications in three separate locations (coronaries, thoracic and abdominal arteries), quantified as Agatston and volume scores. Results A total of 266 patients were included. Abdominal artery calcifications were equally distributed (mean volume 3220 in LVVs and 2712 in lymphomas). Being in the LVVs group was associated with the presence of thoracic calcifications after adjusting by age and year of diagnosis (OR 4.13, 95% CI 1.35 to 12.66; p=0.013). Similarly, LVVs group was significantly associated with the volume score in the thoracic arteries (p=0.048). In patients >50 years old, calcifications in the coronaries were more extended in non-LVV patients (p=0.027 for volume). Conclusion When compared with patients without LVVs, LVVs patients have higher calcifications in the thoracic arteries, but not in coronary and abdominal arteries

    Abdominal Visceral Infarction in 3 Patients with COVID-19

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    A high incidence of thrombotic events has been reported in patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. We report 3 clinical cases of patients in Italy with COVID-19 who developed abdominal viscera infarction, demonstrated by computed tomography

    Regulation of PERK Signaling and Leukemic Cell Survival by a Novel Cytosolic Isoform of the UPR Regulator GRP78/BiP

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    The unfolded protein response (UPR) is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism to allow cells to adapt to stress targeting the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Induction of ER chaperone GRP78/BiP increases protein folding capacity; as such it represents a major survival arm of UPR. Considering the central importance of the UPR in regulating cell survival and death, evidence is emerging that cells evolve feedback regulatory pathways to modulate the key UPR executors, however, the precise mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Here, we report the fortuitous discovery of GRP78va, a novel isoform of GRP78 generated by alternative splicing (retention of intron 1) and alternative translation initiation. Bioinformatic and biochemical analyses revealed that expression of GRP78va is enhanced by ER stress and is notably elevated in human leukemic cells and leukemia patients. In contrast to the canonical GRP78 which is primarily an ER lumenal protein, GRP78va is devoid of the ER signaling peptide and is cytosolic. Through specific knockdown of endogenous GRP78va by siRNA without affecting canonical GRP78, we showed that GRP78va promotes cell survival under ER stress. We further demonstrated that GRP78va has the ability to regulate PERK signaling and that GRP78va is able to interact with and antagonize PERK inhibitor P58IPK. Our study describes the discovery of GRP78va, a novel cytosolic isoform of GRP78/BiP, and the first characterization of the modulation of UPR signaling via alternative splicing of nuclear pre-mRNA. Our study further reveals a novel survival mechanism in leukemic cells and other cell types where GRP78va is expressed

    The weekend effect on the provision of Emergency Surgery before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: case–control analysis of a retrospective multicentre database

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    Introduction: The concept of “weekend effect”, that is, substandard healthcare during weekends, has never been fully demonstrated, and the different outcomes of emergency surgical patients admitted during weekends may be due to different conditions at admission and/or different therapeutic approaches. Aim of this international audit was to identify any change of pattern of emergency surgical admissions and treatments during weekends. Furthermore, we aimed at investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the alleged “weekend effect”. Methods: The database of the CovidICE-International Study was interrogated, and 6263 patients were selected for analysis. Non-trauma, 18+ yo patients admitted to 45 emergency surgery units in Europe in the months of March–April 2019 and March–April 2020 were included. Demographic and clinical data were anonymised by the referring centre and centrally collected and analysed with a statistical package. This study was endorsed by the Association of Italian Hospital Surgeons (ACOI) and the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES). Results: Three-quarters of patients have been admitted during workdays and only 25.7% during weekends. There was no difference in the distribution of gender, age, ASA class and diagnosis during weekends with respect to workdays. The first wave of the COVID pandemic caused a one-third reduction of emergency surgical admission both during workdays and weekends but did not change the relation between workdays and weekends. The treatment was more often surgical for patients admitted during weekends, with no difference between 2019 and 2020, and procedures were more often performed by open surgery. However, patients admitted during weekends had a threefold increased risk of laparoscopy-to-laparotomy conversion (1% vs. 3.4%). Hospital stay was longer in patients admitted during weekends, but those patients had a lower risk of readmission. There was no difference of the rate of rescue surgery between weekends and workdays. Subgroup analysis revealed that interventional procedures for hot gallbladder were less frequently performed on patients admitted during weekends. Conclusions: Our analysis revealed that demographic and clinical profiles of patients admitted during weekends do not differ significantly from workdays, but the therapeutic strategy may be different probably due to lack of availability of services and skillsets during weekends. The first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic did not impact on this difference

    Diversity and ethics in trauma and acute care surgery teams: results from an international survey

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    Background: Investigating the context of trauma and acute care surgery, the article aims at understanding the factors that can enhance some ethical aspects, namely the importance of patient consent, the perceptiveness of the ethical role of the trauma leader, and the perceived importance of ethics as an educational subject. Methods: The article employs an international questionnaire promoted by the World Society of Emergency Surgery. Results: Through the analysis of 402 fully filled questionnaires by surgeons from 72 different countries, the three main ethical topics are investigated through the lens of gender, membership of an academic or non-academic institution, an official trauma team, and a diverse group. In general terms, results highlight greater attention paid by surgeons belonging to academic institutions, official trauma teams, and diverse groups. Conclusions: Our results underline that some organizational factors (e.g., the fact that the team belongs to a university context or is more diverse) might lead to the development of a higher sensibility on ethical matters. Embracing cultural diversity forces trauma teams to deal with different mindsets. Organizations should, therefore, consider those elements in defining their organizational procedures. Level of evidence: Trauma and acute care teams work under tremendous pressure and complex circumstances, with their members needing to make ethical decisions quickly. The international survey allowed to shed light on how team assembly decisions might represent an opportunity to coordinate team member actions and increase performance
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