51 research outputs found

    A comparison of hydrogen photoproduction by sulfur-deprived Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under different growth conditions

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    Continuous photoproduction of H-2 by the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, is observed after incubating the cultures for about a day in the absence of sulfate and in the presence of acetate. Sulfur deprivation causes the partial and reversible inactivation of photosynthetic O-2 evolution in algae, resulting in the light-induced establishment of anaerobic conditions in sealed photobioreactors, expression of two [FeFe]-hydrogenases in the cells, and H-2 photoproduction for several days. We have previously demonstrated that sulfur-deprived algal cultures can produce H-2 gas in the absence of acetate, when appropriate experimental protocols were used (Tsygankov, A.A., Kosourov, S.N., Tolstygina, IN., Ghirardi, M.L., Seibert, M., 2006. Hydrogen production by sulfur-deprived Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under photoautotrophic conditions. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 31, 1574-1584). We now report the use of an automated photobioreactor system to compare the effects of photoautotrophic, photoheterotrophic and photomixotrophic growth conditions on the kinetic parameters associated with the adaptation of the algal cells to sulfur deprivation and H-2 photoproduction. This was done under the experimental conditions outlined in the above reference, including controlled pH. From this comparison we show that both acetate and CO2 are required for the most rapid inactivation of photosystem II and the highest yield of H-2 gas production. Although, the presence of acetate in the system is not critical for the process, H-2 photoproduction under photoautotrophic conditions can be increased by optimizing the conditions for high starch accumulation. These results suggest ways of engineering algae to improve H-2 production, which in turn may have a positive impact on the economics of applied systems for H,, production. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A Novel Small Molecule Supports the Survival of Cultured Dopamine Neurons and May Restore the Dopaminergic Innervation of the Brain in the MPTP Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease

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    We previously showed that monoterpenoid (1R,2R,6S)-3-methyl-6-(prop-1-en-2-yl)cyclohex-3-ene-1,2-diol 1 alleviates motor manifestations of Parkinson's disease in animal models. In the present study, we designed and synthesized monoepoxides of (1R,2R,6S)-3-methyl-6-(prop-1-en-2-yl)cyclohex-3-ene-1,2-diol 1 and evaluated their biological activity in the MPTP mouse model of Parkinson's disease. We also assessed the ability of these compounds to penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB). According to these data, we chose epoxide 4, which potently restored the locomotor activity in MPTP-treated mice and efficiently penetrated the BBB, to further explore its potential mechanism of action. Epoxide 4 was found to robustly promote the survival of cultured dopamine neurons, protect dopamine neurons against toxin-induced degeneration, and trigger the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascade in cells of neuronal origin. Meanwhile, neither the survival-promoting effect nor MAPK activation was observed in non-neuronal cells treated with epoxide 4. In the MPTP mouse model of Parkinson's disease, compound 4 increased the density of dopamine neuron fibers in the striatum, which can highlight its potential to stimulate striatal reinnervation and thus halt disease progression. Taken together, these data indicate that epoxide 4 can be a promising compound for further development, not only as a symptomatic but also as a neuroprotective and neurorestorative drug for Parkinson's disease.Peer reviewe

    Синтез, микроструктура и магнитные свойства магнитомягких пленок СоР

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    Soft magnetic thin CoP films were obtained by means of chemical metallization from aqueous cobalt salt solution in the presence of sodium hydroxide, citric acid and sodium hypophosphite as the reducing agent. The optimal values of the magnetic film parameters (saturation magnetization and width of ferromagnetic resonance line) were obtained by variation of composition of work solutions. It allows to reduce losses in their application in microwave devices. Microphotographs of magnetic film indicate a grain structure with a grain size of about 50 nm and presence of inclusions with the size of 3-5 nm. To determine the magnetic parameters of the investigated films the method of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) absorption curves processing is used. The values of FMR line width and an effective magnetization of film material saturation were obtained.Приведены результаты исследования свойств магнитомягких тонких пленок СоР, полученных методом химической металлизации из водного раствора на основе цитратных комплексов с применением в качестве щелочного реагента NaOH. С помощью вариации составов рабочих растворов получены оптимальные значения магнитных параметров пленок: намагниченности насыщения и ширины линии ферромагнитного резонанса

    New Carbonyl β-diketonate Rhodium (I) Complexes Containing 1-adamantyl Isocyanide

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    Синтезирована серия новых β-дикетонатных комплексов родия (I), содержащих 1-aдамантилизоцианидный лиганд (acac)Rh(CO)(CNAd) (1а), (dbm)Rh(CO)(CNAd) (2а) и (hfac) Rh(CO)(CNAd) (3а) (acac = ацетилацетонат, dbm = дибензоилметан, hfac= гексафторацетилацетон, Ad = 1-адамантил). Строение полученных соединений предложено на основании данных ИК- и ЯМР‑спектров. Исследованы реакции новых комплексов с диэтиламиномA series of new β-diketonate rhodium (I) complexes (acac)Rh(CO)(CNAd) (1а), (dbm)Rh(CO)(CNAd) (2а) and (hfac)Rh(CO)(CNAd) (3а) (acac = acetylacetonate, dbm = dibenzoyl methane, hfac = hexafluoroacetylacetonate, Ad = 1-adamantyl) containing adamantyl isocyanide ligand were synthesized. The new complexes were characterized by IR- and NMR‑spectroscopy. These spectroscopy data allow us to propose their molecular structures. The reactions between the new complexes and diethylamine were studie

    Дистанционное и радиолокационное исследование ледника Левый Ирбисту (Южно-Чуйский хребет, Республика Алтай)

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    To determine changes of glacier No. 31 (SU5A15106031), happened in the beginning of the XXI century, satellite images, obtained from the Landsat-7, 8, 9 and Sentinel-2 satellites in different years, were analyzed. As a result, data on the glacier changes were obtained for the period from 2000 to 2022. During this time, the length of the main stream of the glacier decreased by 144 m (6.8%), and the total area of the entire glacier – by 0.089 km2 (9.7%). The rate of retreat of the glacier front varied from 2 to 15 m/year, on average – 6.5 m/year, and the glacier area decreased by on average of 0.004 km2/year. In 2022, the glacier consisted of two separate ice streams, with a total area of 0.823 km2 and a maximum length of 1.955 km. Aerial photography was carried out using a DJI Phantom 4 quadcopter. A high-resolution orthophotoplan (±5 cm), a digital terrain model, a three-dimensional model of the surface of the glacier tongue and adjacent territories, with a total area of 0.25 km2, were made. Radar sounding was performed by the Python-3 georadar in two configurations: at frequencies 50 and 100 MHz. Two cross-sections of the glacier were constructed from the radar data: one was taken at a frequency of 100 MHz, and the second at both – 50 MHz and 100 MHz. The analysis of the radiogram of these profiles made possible to reveal that the larger thickness of the glacier in the study area was measured along the left side of the glacier tongue, the maximum recorded thickness was equal to 66 mНа основе данных ДЗЗ за 2000–2022 гг. выявлено изменение малого ледника № 31 (SU5A15106031), расположенного на Южно-Чуйском хребте Центрального Алтая. За это время ледник сократился на 144 м (на 6.8%) и потерял 0.089 км2 (9.7%) своей площади. Приведены результаты аэрофотосъёмки и радиолокационного зондирования нижней части языка ледника, выполненных в 2022 г

    Redox Properties of New Carbonyl β-diketonate Rhodium (I) Complexes Containing 1-adamantyl isocyanide Ligand

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    Электрохимическими методами изучены редокс-свойства новых карбонил β-дикетонатных комплексов родия (I), содержащих 1-адамантилизоцианидный лиганд, (β-diketonato) Rh(CO)(CNAd) [β-diketonato = ацетилацетонат (acac), дибензоилметан (dbm), гексафторацетилацетонат (hfac)] на платиновом, стеклоуглеродном и ртутном капельном электродах в ацетонитриле. Проведено сравнение электрохимического поведения новых комплексов с их родственными соединениями (β-diketonato) Rh(CO)(L) [L = CO, PPh3]. Показано, что механизм двухэлектронного окисления изученных комплексов зависит от природы хелатного лиганда. Одноэлектронное восстановление изоцианидных комплексов протекает при потенциалах, промежуточных между значениями Е1/2 восстановления дикарбонильных и карбонилфосфиновых комплексов родия (I), в соответствии с электронодонорной способностью терминальных лигандов CO, CNAd и PPh3The redox properties of new carbonyl β-diketonate rhodium (I) complexes containing 1-adamantyl isocyanide ligand (β-diketonato)Rh(CO)(CNAd) [β-diketonato = acetylacetonate (acac), dibenzoylmethane (dbm), hexafluoroacetylacetonate (hfac), Ad =1-adamantyl)] were studied by electrochemical methods at platinum, glassed carbon and dropping mercury electrodes in acetonitrile. The electrochemical behaviour of the new complexes and related rhodium compounds (β-diketonato)Rh(CO)(L) [L = CO, PPh3] were compared. The mechanism of two electron oxidation of the studied complexes was shown to depend on the nature of the chelate ligand. One electron reduction of the isocyanide complexes occurs at the Е1/2 values, that are found between the reduction potentials of dicarbonyl and carbonylphosphine rhodium (I) complexes. That is consistent with the electron-donating ability of the terminal CO, CNAd and PPh3 ligands at the Rh ato


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    Mitochondria import hundreds of different precursor proteins from the cytosol, and only 13 proteins are encoded by mtDNA itself. Recent investigations demonstrated real size of mitochondrial proteome and complexity of their functions There are many methods using for mitochondrial proteome profiling, that help to understand a molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial functions and identify the causes of disruptions that lead to different disorders. In this review we discuss a recent data in the field of mitochondrial proteomics.Собственная ДНК митохондрий кодирует лишь 13 полипептидов – субъединиц электронтранспортной цепи. Большинство же белков импортируются в митохондрии посредством различных механизмов. Последние исследования митохондриального протеома продемонстрировали истинные размеры и сложную функциональную организацию митохондриальных белковых профилей. Для протеомного профилирования митохондрий применяются различные технологии, которые в сумме представляют результаты, помогающие понять молекулярные механизмы функционирования органелл и выявить нарушения, приводящие к различным заболеваниям. В данном обзоре рассмотрены и проанализированны последние данные в области протеомики митохондрий и затронуты некоторые аспекты молекулярного патогенеза заболеваний дыхательной цепи

    Adaptation and Demography of Two Related Concepts under the Study of Low-Learned Territories

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    This article discusses the concept of “adaptation”. the authors interpret this concept differently. there are different types of adaptation: normal adaptation, incomplete adaptation of the personality, pathological adaptation, etc. The author offers his own definition of the concept of “adaptation” “innovative adaptation”, in the opinion of the author this term is very relevant and is of particular interest to a large number of people.В данной статье рассматривается понятие «адаптация». Авторы поразному трактуют данное понятие. Существуют разные виды адаптации: нормальная адаптация, незавершенная адаптация личности, патологическая адаптация и др. Автор предлагает свое определение данного понятия — «инновационная адаптация», по мнению автора, этот термин является очень актуальным и представляет особый интерес для значительной части населения.Публикация подготовлена в соответствии с планом НИР Института экономики УрО РАН на 2019-2022 гг

    Innovation activity as an element of socially responsible business by working out strategy of regional development

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    Especial importance in intensification of innovative activity as element of socially responsible business has realizing by authorities of all levels, as well as by owners and by management, of necessity of innovative approaches to deciding problem of skilled workers. The existing personnel needs as a rule reeducation, and training of new staff is a long and not yet ordered process. Development of innovative strategy should be carrying out as followed: diagnostic of socio-economic stage of territory; forecasting and comparative evaluation of eventual variants of innovative development; changing optimal variant; developing innovative strategy of realization of optimal variant.Особое значение в идентификации инновационной деятельности в качестве элемента социально ответственного бизнеса имеет осознание органами управления всех уровней, собственниками и менеджментом необходимости инновационных подходов к решению проблемы подготовки кадров. Имеющиеся кадры нуждаются, как правило, в переобучении, а подготовка новых кадров — длительный и еще не налаженный процесс. Разработка инновационной стратегии должна осуществляться в следующей последовательности: диагностика социально-экономического состояния территории; прогнозирование и сравнительная оценка возможных вариантов инновационного развития; выбор оптимального варианта; разработка инновационной стратегии реализации оптимального варианта.Публикация выполнена при поддержке Программы межрегиональных и межведомственных фундаментальных исследований №12-С-7-1007 «Факторы и механизмы акселерации социально-экономического развития регионов России»

    The Application of Titanium Dioxide Coatings by the Extraction-Pyrolysis Method

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