276 research outputs found


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    Movable heritage preserved in our museums are an invaluable evidence of our past. In order to properly respond to the need of 3D documentation of these significant assets, in the last few years both range-based and image-based solutions have been developed by researchers operating in the framework of Geomatics with a special focus on reaching a high level of detail and on texture radiometric quality, taking into consideration the intrinsic fragility of these kinds of objects which during the survey require a contactless approach. During the presented research a collection of architectural models representing ancient Nubian temples from “Museo Egizio di Torino” had been digitalized using different techniques; in particular, the wooden maquette of the temple of El-Hilla has been acquired using a new structured light handheld laser scanner, the Stonex F6 SR, and applying a close-range photogrammetric approach. In this paper a comparison between the two approaches is proposed as regards acquisition workflow, final results and suitability as regards digitisation of objects belonging to movable heritage and museum collections


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    Mobile Mapping Systems (MMS) have recently benefited from the development of many fusion-based technologies with countless systems development based on cars, drones, trolley, wearable or portable mapping system. The scale of applicating range from the urban to the architectural scale. Recent solution are also based on visual or Lidar SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), which substantially takes advantage of environmental features and techniques of continuous co-registration of the clouds, also in case of absence on GNSS positioning measurement. FARO Technology has recently developed the Swift, a fusion-based hybrid solution that integrates the sensors for 3D mapping in a trolley system configuration and recently, an external camera Panocam Theta Z1 is equipping the system enabling the possibility to associate radiometry to the acquired data. The working principle is the exploitation of a system of static and mobile configuration, using the so-called “anchor scans” co-registration as an hybrid intermediate solution between a typical static scan and a profilometers-based MMS point cloud. The co-registered clouds therefore yield a trajectory mode such as SLAM but benefit from the comparable range and density characteristics, according to user-customized settings, of static scans, with a duration of a few seconds per scan and a few minutes overall. In the present research the Swift System is tested in two different context and the assessment are conducted aimed at satisfying both the urban and the architectural scale instances in the direction of improving further evaluations

    Documenting Complexity for the 20TH Century Heritage: the Enriched 3d Models of the Turin Exposition Nervi's Halls Digitization

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    Abstract. Great attention is increasingly paid to the heritage belonging to the XX century, particularly for the spatial structures made of concrete, that are a significant trait of this modern movement architecture. Since they demand today urgent conservation plans sustaining their deterioration, the multidisciplinary researches should devotes a profound investigations for tailored approaches providing a clear indication of best practices and recommendation for correct 3D documentation, information management and structural assessment and monitoring. In this framework, the Geomatics approaches are advancing the interests toward the multi-scale and multi-sensor digitization and for supporting management of complex information in enriched 3D models. The iconic halls B and C in Torino Esposizioni (Italy), designed by Pier Luigi Nervi, is the case study presented. It was recently awarded by the Getty Keeping it Modern grant. The multi-disciplinary research conducted, still in progress, focuses a particularly into the investigation of the structural analysis and consistency of ferrocement elements of the vaulted system finalized to the structural condition assessment. Here the role of multi-scale and multi-sensor 3D models is investigated, such as the development of a digital twin of the halls as a starting point to create an enriched informative system. The reconstruction of this model particularly considering the large extension and the complexity of the spaces, is addressed to works as a collector of 3D multi-sensor data and information related to the diagnostic investigation on structural health monitoring for the durability of ferrocement elements


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    Abstract. The recent developments of passive sensors techniques, that have been able to take advantage of the technological innovations related to sensors technical features, sensor calibration, the use of UAV systems (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), the integration of image matching techniques and SfM (Structure from Motion) algorithms, enable to exploit both thermal and optical data in multi-disciplinary projects. This synergy boost the application of Infrared Thermography (IRT) to new application domains, since the capability to provide thematic information of the analysed objects benefits from the typical advantages of data georeferencing and metric accuracy, being able to compare results investigating different phenomena.This paper presents a research activity in terrestrial and aerial (UAV) applications, aimed at generating photogrammetric products with certified and controlled geometric and thematic accuracy even when the acquisitions of thermal data were not initially designed for the photogrammetric process. The basic principle investigated and pursued is the processing of a photogrammetric block of images, including thermal IR and optical imagery, using the same reference system, which allows the use of co-registration algorithms. Such approach enabled the generation of radiance maps, orthoimagery and 3D models embedding the thermal information of the investigated surfaces, also known as texture mapping; these geospatial dataset are particularly useful in the context of the built Heritage documentation, characterised by complex analyses challenges that a perfect fit for investigations based on interdisciplinary approaches


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    In the framework of restoration operations, valuable assistance can be supplied from innovative techniques and methods developed in the field of Geomatics. Over the years, this continuous collaboration has produced synergistic and interdisciplinary results that have been successfully contributing to heritage conservation and valorisation. In the case of the current research, thorough multisensory investigations have been performed in order to provide a deeper knowledge of the Green Room of the Valentino Castle in Turin and to support the planning of the future restoration works that will involve this valuable asset. In the framework of this experience, four LiDAR systems have been employed in order to evaluate the different results obtainable from the sensors. Additionally, a complete photogrammetric close-range survey has been carried out, and some tests were completed using a hyperspectral camera. The workflow followed during the current research is described in this paper, and a comparison between the obtained outputs is proposed, focusing on the characteristics of these metric products, useful and sometimes necessary in the framework of the restoration project. Besides, some considerations on the advantages and the issues connected with the use of these reality-based data as a starting point for HBIM (Heritage Building Information Modeling) model generation are proposed, along with some observations about the potentialities of a photogrammetric co-registration approach using spectrum technologies for deterioration/decay detection and monitoring of heritage

    The PP&S100 Project: Process Control as an Information System Instance

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    The Project PP&S100, Problem Posing & Solving, is part of a set of initiatives promoted by the General Directorate of the Italian Ministry of Education, Research and University, for supporting the many innovations that have recently affected curricula at the upper secondary level. Main goals of the project include strengthening computer science culture and enhancing its role as a scientific discipline; founding education processes on logics, mathematics and computer science weaved together to pursue an interdisciplinary scenario, building a culture of "problem posing and solving" by investing across a broad disciplinary group of subjects, ensuring growth of computer science based training of trainers and practicing activities within specific social networks and virtual learning environment to share learning materials, teaching supplies, mentoring and self-evaluation. This work presents a hierarchical conceptual model for "Computational Thinking" assumed by PP&S100, formalized according to the outcomes shown by information systems courses held at the Politecnico di Torino and validated using Process Control as an information system instanc


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    Great attention is increasingly paid to the heritage belonging to the XX century, particularly for the spatial structures made of concrete, that are a significant trait of this modern movement architecture. Since they demand today urgent conservation plans sustaining their deterioration, the multidisciplinary researches should devotes a profound investigations for tailored approaches providing a clear indication of best practices and recommendation for correct 3D documentation, information management and structural assessment and monitoring. In this framework, the Geomatics approaches are advancing the interests toward the multi-scale and multi-sensor digitization and for supporting management of complex information in enriched 3D models. The iconic halls B and C in Torino Esposizioni (Italy), designed by Pier Luigi Nervi, is the case study presented. It was recently awarded by the Getty Keeping it Modern grant. The multi-disciplinary research conducted, still in progress, focuses a particularly into the investigation of the structural analysis and consistency of ferrocement elements of the vaulted system finalized to the structural condition assessment. Here the role of multi-scale and multi-sensor 3D models is investigated, such as the development of a digital twin of the halls as a starting point to create an enriched informative system. The reconstruction of this model particularly considering the large extension and the complexity of the spaces, is addressed to works as a collector of 3D multi-sensor data and information related to the diagnostic investigation on structural health monitoring for the durability of ferrocement elements


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    Nowadays, many efficient technologies have been developed with the aim of collecting digital images and other metric data, greatly optimising the acquisition procedures and techniques. However, processing this data can be onerous and time-consuming, and increasingly often, there is a need to develop new strategies to enhance the level of automation of these processes. Using artificial intelligence, and particularly Convolutional Neural Networks, it is possible to automate processing tasks such as classification and segmentation. However, a significant challenge is represented by the necessity of obtaining sufficient training data to properly train a deep learning model. These datasets are composed of a significant amount of data and need to be annotated, which sometimes represents an onerous and challenging task. Synthetic data can represent an effective solution to this problem, significantly reducing the time and effort required to manually create annotated datasets and can be particularly useful when studying objects characterised by specific features and high complexity, requiring tailored solutions and ad hoc training. The presented research explores the opportunity of using synthetic datasets – generated from photogrammetric 3D models – for deep-learning-based heritage digitisation applications. The use of synthetic data generated from textured 3D models derived from SfM photogrammetric processes is proposed, with the aim of enhancing automatic procedures in the framework of heritage processes


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    Abstract. The use of moving devices equipped with range- and image-based sensor, generically defined Mobile Mapping systems (MMS), have been quite a disruptive innovation in the development of Geomatics techniques for 3D surveying large indoor-outdoor spaces and offer multiple solutions. The recent expansion of portable devices in the form of trolleys, backpacks, handheld tools largely implements SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) algorithms and technology based on both Lidar and/or visual solutions for answering to the positioning and the 3D reconstruction problems. The research on MMS is directed to improve both multi-sensor integration implementation and usability of systems in diversified use contexts and application fields. The aim of the presented research is the evaluation of the potential of the Swift system recently developed by FARO Technologies, that has been fine-tuned for regular and large extent interiors mapping (such as factories, hospitals, airports, offices). The work tries to preliminary investigate the data delivery and usability of the integrated system. This is based on three elements mounted on a sliding trolley moved by the operator walking: the ScanPlan profilometer working for the 2D SLAM mapping, the static TLS Focus S-series, and the smartphone managing the sensors operation and the acquisition progress. The evaluation strategy undertaken will be based on the global and local performance analysis related to the trajectory, the data accuracy, the metric content and consistency. Two test studies belonging to the 20th century. architecture are presented in a preliminary framework of evaluation and validation: a Liberty-style cinema and the Torino Esposizioni Hall B designed in ferrocement by pier Luigi Nervi
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