140 research outputs found

    Modified partial circumcision for phimosis: techniques and surgical outcomes

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    Objectives: In the last years, many surgical techniques of preputioplasty have aimed to preserve the foreskin in case of phimosis. These techniques are not reliable for patients affected by phimosis linked to balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO) and scarred foreskin. We tried an original technique of resection of the pathological foreskin, removing the mucosal internal layer followed by reconstruction of the foreskin. The aim was to evaluate the outcome of paediatric patients who underwent modified partial circumcision for pathological phimosis.Patients and methods: In all, 360 patients with phimosis underwent modified partial circumcision at our institution. The mean age of the boys was 8.9 years, range 5–15 years. In 145 (40.3%) cases, indication for surgery was clinical suspicion of BXO, in 215 (59.7%) cases it was chronic inflammation of the foreskin.Results: In all cases, the postoperative period was uneventful. Cosmesis was considered by parents as excellent in 95.2% of patients. In these patients, the glans was almost completely covered by soft foreskin. Histopathological examination of the removed foreskin documented BXO in 162 (45%). Twelve (3.3%) patients complained of recurrences and five (1.4%) patients of smegmatic cysts.Conclusion: The described surgical technique of modified partial circumcision for the correction of pathological phimosis appears cosmetically well accepted, safe, and simple with low rate of late postoperative complications.Keywords: balanitis xerotica obliterans, circumcision, partial circumcision, phimosi

    operative cystoscopy in the neonatal period

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    Aim of the study is to report the experience in the last three years about endourological treatment of newborns affected by genito- and urinary malformation, implying critical urinary tract dilatation and bladder mass requiring a neonatal operative management. Seven – four males and three female – patients were treated cystoscopically during the neonatal period. Three newborns with a posterior urethral valves (PUV), underwent a successful ablation of PUV. In a male with infected persistent large mullerian duct and subsequent acute urinary retention, a cystoscopically-assisted catheterization was performed. Two females, one with cloaca and the other with high persistent urogenital sinus and massive associated hydrometrocolpos underwent a cystoscopical drainage of the vagina and a positioning of a balloon catheter into the bladder. Another female with a bladder mass had a endoscopical biopsy. Thanks to modern neonatal operative urethrocystoscope, today is possible to treat early many pathological genito-urinary conditions in newborns

    Utility of uroflowmetry during the follow-up of children affected by balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO)

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    Introduction: To evaluate the outcome of circumcised patients with balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO) using uroflowmetry (UF). Methods: Between 2011 and 2013, 180 children underwent a circumcision for phimosis. The foreskin was examined on microscopy. Patients with an histological diagnosis of BXO were included in the study. Patients with BXO underwent UF two weeks after surgery and treatment with clobetasol propionate ointment. Patients were re-evaluated at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months postoperatively clinically and using UF. Results: 75 of 180 circumcised patients (41.6%) were included. At two weeks, Thirtytwo of 75 patients (42.7%) displayed a pathological UF. At six months, 15 patients (20%) had pathological UF and a new cycle of clobetasol was prescribed. At one year, 10 patients (13.3%) displayed patholgocial UF and underwent progressive urethral dilatation or meatoplasty. At 18 months, 71 patients (94.7%) displayed regular UF, 3 underwent a meatoplasty and one a staged urethroplasty for a severe urethral stenosis. At two years, UF was normal in 74 out of 75 (98.7%). Conclusions: We recommend to send for hystological examination all foreskins excised after circumcision. We believe that a clinical and uroflowmetric follow-up of pediatric patients with BXO is mandatory for a prompt identification of post-voiding dysfunction

    Thalidomide-dexamethasone as induction therapy before autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma and renal insufficiency.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and the toxicity of thalidomide-dexamethasone (Thal-Dex) as induction therapy before autologous peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) transplantation in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) with renal insufficiency. The study included 31 patients with a baseline creatinine clearance value ≤50 mL/min, 7 of whom required chronic hemodialysis. Patients received 4 months of Thal-Dex, followed by PBSC collection and subsequent transplantation. After induction, a partial response (PR) or greater was obtained in 23 patients (74%), including 8 (26%) who achieved a very good PR. Renal function improved more frequently in patients achieving a PR or greater (82%, vs 37% in patients achieving less than a PR; P = .04). Twenty-six patients underwent PBSC mobilization; in 17 of these patients (65%), >4 × 10 6 CD34 + cells/kg were collected. Double autologous transplantation was performed in 15 patients, and a single autologous transplantation was performed in 7 patients. After a median of 32 months of follow-up, median event-free survival was 30 months, and median survival was not determined. According to our data, Thal-Dex is effective and safe in patients with newly diagnosed MM and renal insufficiency. Given the relationship between recovery of renal function and response to induction treatment, more intensive Thal + bortezomib regimens could be explored to rescue higher numbers of patients

    Incidentally discovered enteric duplication cyst: a case report

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    Enteric duplications are rare congenital diseases with heterogeneous clinical pictures ranging from an asymptomatic course to life-threatening consequences, most commonly arising at the ileal and ileocecal region. The antenatal discovery is possible when it concerns a voluminous cystic form enabling an early management. The radiologic examinations are nonspecific and no diagnostic tools can allow a certain diagnosis on its own. Sometimes, the diagnosis of intestinal duplication is only made during the surgical exploration and confirmed after a histopathological examination. We report a 4 years old girl with antenatal diagnosed ovarian cystic mass of about 4 mm. She was admitted to our unit for abdominal pain and constipation. Abdominal ultrasonography showed a cystic mass in the right iliac fossa. MRI revealed a well-defined cystic mass (6 x 4.2 x 5.4 cm) in the right mid abdomen displacing the bowel to the left, likely to be strongly adherent to the last part of the ileum. 99mtc pertechnetate scan was negative for ectopic gastric mucosa. A laparoscopic approach was eventually necessary and the diagnosis of duplication cyst was confirmed. Children with antenatal diagnosis of abdominal mass need a close follow up and enteric duplication should be considered as potential diagnosis. The laparoscopic approach has an important role in differential diagnosis between intestinal duplications and other mass

    Emerging Role of MicroRNAs in the Therapeutic Response in Cervical Cancer: A Systematic Review

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    Cervical cancer is a common female cancer, with nearly 600,000 cases and more than 300,000 deaths worldwide every year. From a clinical point of view, surgery plays a key role in early cancer management, whereas advanced stages are treated with chemotherapy and/or radiation as adjuvant therapies. Nevertheless, predicting the degree of cancer response to chemotherapy or radiation therapy at diagnosis in order to personalize the clinical approach represents the biggest challenge in locally advanced cancers. The feasibility of such predictive models has been repeatedly assessed using histopathological factors, imaging and nuclear methods, tissue and fluid scans, however with poor results. In this context, the identification of novel potential biomarkers remains an unmet clinical need, and microRNAs (miRNAs) represent an interesting opportunity. With this in mind, the aim of this systematic review was to map the current literature on tumor and circulating miRNAs identified as significantly associated with the therapeutic response in cervical cancer; finally, a perspective point of view sheds light on the challenges ahead in this tumor

    Successful Pregnancies, Births, and Children Development Following Oocyte Cryostorage in Female Cancer Patients During 25 Years of Fertility Preservation

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    Simple Summary The study goal is to demonstrate that oocyte cryopreservation is a feasible and efficient option for fertility preservation in cancer patients through the comparison of in vitro fertilization treatments in nononcological patients. The preservation of fertility in cancer patients is a crucial aspect of modern reproductive medicine. Amenorrhea and infertility often occur after cancer therapy, worsening the quality of life. Cryopreservation of oocytes in young cancer patients is a therapeutic option for preserving fertility. A prospective study was conducted on 508 cancer patients who underwent oocyte cryopreservation to preserve fertility between 1996 and 2021 including the COVID-19 pandemic period. Patients underwent ovarian stimulation, followed by egg retrieval, and oocytes were cryopreserved by slow freezing or vitrification. Sixty-four thawing/warming cycles were performed. Survival, fertilization, pregnancy, and birth rate over the thawing/warming cycles were obtained. The data were compared with those from a group of 1042 nononcological patients who cryopreserved supernumerary oocytes. An average of 8.8 +/- 6.9 oocytes were retrieved per cycle, and 6.1 +/- 4.2 oocytes were cryopreserved. With their own stored oocytes, 44 patients returned to attempt pregnancy. From a total of 194 thawed/warmed oocytes, 157 survived (80%). In total, 100 embryos were transferred in 57 transfer/cycles, and 18 pregnancies were achieved. The pregnancy rate per transfer and pregnancy rate per patient were 31% and 41%, respectively. No statistically significant differences were observed between oncological patients and nononcological patients. A total of 15 babies were born from oncological patients. Children born showed normal growth and development. One minor malformation was detected
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