48 research outputs found

    Breast cancer and microRNAs: therapeutic impact

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    Summary Despite advances in detection and therapies, breast cancer is still the leading cause of cancer death in women worldwide. The etiology of this neoplasm is complex, and both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the complicate scenario. Gene profiling studies have been extensively used over the last decades as a powerful tool to define the signature of different cancers and to predict outcome and response to therapies. More recently, a new class of small (19-25 nucleotides) non-coding RNAs, microRNAs (miRs or miRNAs) has been linked to several human diseases, included cancer. MicroRNAs are involved in temporal and tissue-specific eukaryotic gene regulation, 1 either by translational inhibition or exonucleolytic mRNA decay, targeted through imperfect complementarity between the microRNA and the 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) of the mRNA. 2 Since their ability to potentially target any human mRNA, it is likely that microRNAs are involved in almost every biological process, including cell cycle regulation, cell growth, apoptosis, cell differentiation and stress response. 3 The involvement of microRNAs in the biology of human cancer is supported by an increasing body of experimental evidence, that has gradually switched from profiling studies, as the first breast cancer specific signature reported in 2005 by our group 4 describing an aberrant microRNA expression in different tumor types, to biological demonstrations of the causal role of these small molecules in the tumorigenic process, and the possible implications as biomarkers or therapeutic tools. 5 These more recent studies have widely demonstrated that microRNAs can modulate oncogenic or tumor suppressor pathways, and that, at the same time, their expression can be regulated by oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes. The possibility to modulate microRNA expression both in vitro and in vivo by developing synthetic pre-microRNA molecules or antisense oligonucletides has at the same time provided a powerful tool to a deeper comprehension of the molecular mechanisms regulated by these molecules, and suggested the intriguing and promising perspective of a possible use in therapy. Here we review our current knowledge about the involvement of microRNAs in cancer, focusing particularly on breast cancer, and their potential as diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic tools

    Relationship between p53 and p27 expression following HER2 signaling

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    HER2, frequently associated with low p27 expression in breast tumors, when activated has been found to upmodulate p53 in tumor cells. The aim of this work was to investigate the role of p53 in the connection between HER2 and p27. Fifty-two breast tumor specimens, characterized for p53 mutations, were analyzed immunohistochemically (IHC) for HER2, p53 and p27 expression. p27, inversely associated with HER2, was found in 29% of tumors with IHC-negative mutated p53 versus 93% of tumors with accumulation of p53 protein and 59% with wild-type p53 (p=0.001), indicating a direct association between p53 and p27 expression. HER2-overexpressing cell lines carrying wild-type or null p53 protein, and treated with heregulin beta1 (HRG), were analyzed for expression and subcellular localization of p53 and p27. In HER2-overexpressing cells stimulated with HRG, p27 protein expression increased in parallel with p53 with no corresponding increase in p27 transcript. No p27 increase was observed in p53-null cells. Transfection with wild-type p53 restored p27 upmodulation in HRG-stimulated cells, indicating a crucial role of p53 in determining p27 upmodulation following HER2 activation. Together, our data demonstrate the crucial role of p53 in determining p27 upmodulation following HER2 activation. This could have implications in the response to Transtuzumab therapy

    Breast cancer-secreted miR-939 downregulates VE-cadherin and destroys the barrier function of endothelial monolayers.

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    Abstract Exosomes-secreted microRNAs play an important role in metastatic spread. During this process breast cancer cells acquire the ability to transmigrate through blood vessels by inducing changes in the endothelial barrier. We focused on miR-939 that is predicted to target VE-cadherin, a component of adherens junction involved in vessel permeability. By in silico analysis miR-939 was found highly expressed in the basal-like tumor subtypes and in our cohort of 63 triple-negative breast cancers (TNBCs) its expression significantly interacted with lymph node status in predicting disease-free survival probability. We demonstrated, in vitro , that miR-939 directly targets VE-cadherin leading to an increase in HUVECs monolayer permeability. MDA-MB-231 cells transfected with a miR-939 mimic, released miR-939 in exosomes that, once internalized in endothelial cells, favored trans-endothelial migration of MDA-MB-231-GFP cells by the disruption of the endothelial barrier. Notably, when up taken in endothelial cells exosomes caused VE-cadherin down-regulation specifically through miR-939 as we demonstrated by inhibiting miR-939 expression in exosomes-releasing TNBC cells. Together, our data indentify an extracellular pro-tumorigenic role for tumor-derived, exosome-associated miR-939 that can explain its association with worse prognosis in TNBCs

    Neutrophil extracellular traps mediate transfer of cytoplasmic neutrophil antigens to myeloid dendritic cells toward ANCA induction and associated autoimmunity.

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    Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs) target proteins normally retained within neutrophils, indicating that cell death is involved in the autoimmunity process. Still, ANCA pathogenesis remains obscure. ANCAs activate neutrophils inducing their respiratory burst and a peculiar form of cell death, named NETosis, characterized by formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), decondensed chromatin threads decorated with cytoplasmic proteins endorsed with antimicrobial activity. NETs have been consistently detected in ANCA-associated small-vessel vasculitis, and this association prompted us to test whether the peculiar structure of NET favors neutrophil proteins uploading into myeloid dendritic cells and the induction of ANCAs and associated autoimmunity. Here we show that myeloid DCs uploaded with and activated by NET components induce ANCA and autoimmunity when injected into naive mice. DC uploading and autoimmunity induction are prevented by NET treatment with DNAse, indicating that NET structural integrity is needed to maintain the antigenicity of cytoplasmic proteins. We found NET intermingling with myeloid dendritic cells also positive for neutrophil myeloperoxidase in myeloperoxidase-ANCA-associated microscopic poliangiitis providing a potential correlative picture in human pathology. These data provide the first demonstration that NET structures are highly immunogenic such to trigger adaptive immune response relevant for autoimmunity

    Dasatinib reduces FAK phosphorylation increasing the effects of RPI-1 inhibition in a RET/PTC1-expressing cell line

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    BACKGROUND: TPC-1 is a papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC)-derived cell line that spontaneously expresses the oncogene RET/PTC1. TPC-1 treated with the RET/PTC1 inhibitor RPI-1 displayed a cytostatic and reversible inhibition of cell proliferation and a strong activation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK). As dasatinib inhibition of Src results in reduction of FAK activation, we evaluated the effects of TPC-1 treatment with dasatinib in combination with RPI-1. RESULTS: Dasatinib (100 nM) strongly reduced TPC-1 proliferation and induced marked changes in TPC-1 morphology. Cells appeared smaller and more contracted, with decreased cell spreading, due to the inhibition of phosphorylation of important cytoskeletal proteins (p130(CAS), Crk, and paxillin) by dasatinib. The combination of RPI-1 with dasatinib demonstrated enhanced effects on cell proliferation (more than 80% reduction) and on the phosphotyrosine protein profile. In particular, RPI-1 reduced the phosphorylation of RET, MET, DCDB2, CTND1, and PLCγ, while dasatinib acted on the phosphorylation of EGFR, EPHA2, and DOK1. Moreover, dasatinib completely abrogated the phosphorylation of FAK at all tyrosine sites (Y576, Y577, Y861, Y925) with the exception of the autoactivation site (Y397). Notably, the pharmacological treatments induced an overexpression of integrin β1 (ITB1) that was correlated with a mild enhancement in phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and STAT3, known for their roles in prevention of apoptosis and in increase of proliferation and survival. A reduction in Akt, p38 and JNK1/2 activation was observed. CONCLUSIONS: All data demonstrate that the combination of the two drugs effectively reduced cell proliferation (by more than 80%), significantly decreased Tyr phosphorylation of almost all phosphorylable proteins, and altered the morphology of the cells, supporting high cytostatic effects. Following the combined treatment, cell survival pathways appeared to be mediated by STAT3 and ERK activities resulting from integrin clustering and FAK autophosphorylation. EphA2 may also contribute, at least in part, to integrin and FAK activation. In conclusion, these data implicate ITB1 and EphA2 as promising therapeutic targets in PTC