5,656 research outputs found

    Late Paleoproterozoic (1900–1800 Ma) nappe stacking and polyphase deformation in the Hengshan–Wutaishan area: Implications for the understanding of the Trans-North-China Belt, North China Craton

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    International audienceThe Hengshan–Wutaishan area forms part of the Trans-North-China Belt developed in response to the final amalgamation of the North China Craton. The Hengshan–Wutaishan domain and the adjacent Fuping massif constitute the largest and the most representative rock exposure of the belt. A structural study allows us to redefine the lithological and tectonic units that compose the architecture of the Hengshan–Wutaishan domain and to propose that the Trans-North-China Belt was built up through a polyphase tectonic evolution within the period 1900–1800 Ma. The first event (D1) corresponds to the emplacement of lower and upper nappes herein called the Orthogneiss and Volcanites Unit (OVU) and the Low Grade Mafic Unit (LGMU), respectively. The OVU mainly consists of rocks formed in an arc system and metamorphosed under amphibolite facies conditions whereas the LGMU represents oceanic crust rocks with an arc component that underwent greenschist facies metamorphism. The syn-metamorphic D1 deformation is characterized by a NW–SE stretching and mineral lineation with a top-to-the SE sense of shear that corresponds to the sense of nappe motion. U–Th–Pb EPM chemical dating on monazite from three metapelites of the OVU gives isochron ages of 1884 ± 11 Ma, 1886 ± 5 Ma and 1887 ± 4 Ma interpreted as the age of the prograde amphibolite facies metamorphism coeval with nappe stacking during the D1 event. The D2 event corresponds to a widespread crustal melting of the OVU and underlying basement rocks in Hengshan related to the exhumation of deep structures about 20–30 Ma after nappe emplacement. The migmatite contains blocks of retrograded eclogite or HP-granulitic restites, and is characterized by the development of a pervasive foliation and lineation. A late D2 event represents the folding stage of the migmatitic foliation during the completion of a dome. The Orthogneiss and Volcanics Unit and the Low Grade Mafic Unit are unconformably covered by weakly metamorphosed to unmetamorphosed sediments belonging to the Hutuo Supergroup. These rocks were deformed by a ductile D3 event, characterized by a NW–SE trending stretching lineation, south verging folds associated with an axial planar slaty cleavage and an E–W crenulation lineation. Lastly, a left-lateral wrenching along the Zhujiafang Shear Zone separates the northern and southern parts of Hengshan. Our structural study shows that there is no significant difference between the southern part of Hengshan and the lower part of Wutaishan, both areas belong to OVU and show a structural continuity. We suggest that this polyphase deformation developed in response to a north-westward subduction of an old ocean, named the Lüliang Ocean, beneath the Western Block, followed by collision with a micro-continent named the Fuping Block at not, vert, similar1890–1880 Ma

    Contrasted tectonic styles for the Paleoproterozoic evolution of the North China Craton. Evidence for a ~2.1 Ga thermal and tectonic event in the Fuping Massif

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    International audienceStructural analysis along with 40Ar–39Ar and U–Pb datings in the Fuping massif provide new insight into the evolution of the eastern part of the Trans-North China Belt (North China Craton), from 2.7 Ga to 1.8 Ga. D1 is responsible for the development of a dome-and-basin structure coeval with crustal melting giving rise to migmatite and Nanying gneissic granites at 2.1 Ga. This dome-and-basin architecture resulted from the interference between a N–S compression of a weak ductile crust and gravity-driven vertical flow, in a high thermal regime. The next events involved flat lying ductile thrusting (D2) and normal faulting (D3) dated at around 1880 Ma and 1830 Ma, respectively. The D2 and D3 events belong to the Trans-North China Orogeny that results in the final amalgamation of the North China Craton. The D1 deformation is considered as evidence for an earlier orogen developed around 2.1 Ga prior to the Trans-North China Orogeny. The change in the deformation style between the 2.1 Ga and 1.8 Ga could be viewed as a consequence of the cooling of the continental crust in the North China Craton

    Polyorogenic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Trans-North China Belt, new insights from the in LĂĽliangshan-Hengshan-Wutaishan and Fuping massifs

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    http://www.episodes.org/backissues/302/abstract2.htmInternational audienceThe Trans-North China Belt (TNCB) is a Paleoproterozoic collisional orogen (ca. 1.9-1.8 Ga) responsible for the amalgamation of the North China Craton. Detail field works in LĂĽliangshan, Hengshan, Wutaishan and Fuping massifs where the belt is well exposed, allow us to draw new tectonic map and crustal-scale cross sections. The available petrologic, radiometric, geochronologic data are integrated in a geodynamic evolution scheme for this orogen. The Low Grade Mafic Unit (LGMU) is interpreted as an ophiolitic nappe rooted in a suture zone located in the western part of the LĂĽliangshan. This ophiolitic nappe overthrusts to the SE upon the Orthogneiss-Volcanites Unit (OVU) that consists of a bimodal volcanicsedimentary series metamorphosed under amphibolite facies conditions intruded by calcalkaline orthogneiss. The OVU is a composite Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic magmatic arc developed during two stages (ca. 2500 and 2100 Ma) upon a continental basement corresponding to the western extension of the Neoarchean Fuping massif. The OVU overthrusts to the SE the Fuping massif along the Longquanguan shear zone. This stack of nappe, coeval with an amphibolite facies metamorphism, is dated at ca 1880 Ma. Subsequently, the metamorphic series experienced a widespread migmatization at 1850 Ma and was intruded by post-orogenic plutons dated at 1800 Ma. The weakly to unmetamorphosed Hutuo Supergroup unconformably overlies the metamorphosed and ductilely deformed units (OVU and LGMU), but it is also involved in a second tectonic phase developed in subsurface conditions. These structural features lead us to question the ca 2090 Ma age attributed to the Hutuo supergroup. Moreover, in the Fuping massif, several structural and magmatic lines of evidence argue for an earlier orogenic event at ca 2100 Ma that we relate to an older west-directed subduction below the Fuping Block. The Taihangshan Fault might be the location of a possible suture zone between the Fuping Block and an eastern one. A geodynamic model, at variance with previous ones, is proposed to account for the formation of the TNCB. In this scheme, three Archean continents, namely from West to East, the Ordos, Fuping and Eastern Blocks are separated by the LĂĽliang and Taihang Oceans. The closure of the Taihang Ocean at ca 2100 Ma by westward subduction below the Fuping Block accounts for the arc magmatism and the 2100 Ma orogeny. The second collision at 1900-1880 Ma between the Fuping and Ordos blocks is responsible for the main structural, metamorphic and magmatic features of the Trans-North China Belt

    Surfactant use based on the oxygenation response to lung recruitment during HFOV in VLBW infants

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    Purpose: Early lung recruitment (ELR) during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) in combination with prophylactic surfactant use has been reported to reduce mortality, improve respiratory outcomes, and reduce the need for repeated surfactant dosing, suggesting that surfactant might be used more selectively in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants on HFOV than generally recommended. We report our first experience from such a selective early rescue use of surfactant in VLBW infants on HFOV. Methods: After a deliberate ELR maneuver and "optimal” continuous distending pressure (CDP) finding during HFOV, used as primary ventilation mode for VLBW infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), surfactant was only given when an unsatisfactory oxygenation response to lung recruitment (as defined by CDP×FiO2>5) was observed. Results: Out of 144 VLBW infants on HFOV, 84 (58.3%) received surfactant and 60 (41.7%) did not. Duration of required oxygen supplementation (37.4±44.9 vs. 46.2±35.4days; P=0.031) and respiratory support (i.e., n-CPAP and/or mechanical ventilation; 22.3±19.3 vs. 38.2±24.3days; P=0.001) was shorter for infants who did not receive surfactant than for those who did. The incidence and severity of bronchopulmonary dysplasia was similar in both groups, and there was no difference in survival rates between groups. Subgroup analysis for infants of less than 28weeks of gestation revealed similar results. Conclusions: First intention HFOV combined with an early attempt at lung volume optimization might allow surfactants to be used more selectively (in relation to disease severity) in VLBW infants presenting with RDS at birth without negatively influencing the outcom

    Multilevel analysis of childhood nonviral gastroenteritis associated with environmental risk factors in Quebec, 1999–2006

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    Childhood nonviral gastroenteritis is a priority for various public health authorities. Given that waterborne transmission is sometimes incriminated during investigation of gastroenteritis outbreaks, the authors hypothesized that watershed characteristics may influence the occurrence of this disease and could contribute additional insights for better prevention and control. The study described here aimed to investigate watershed characteristics in relation to nonviral gastroenteritis and specifically three bacterial and parasitic forms of childhood gastroenteritis to assess their relative importance in the province of Quebec, Canada. Information on children aged 0–4 years with bacterial or parasitic enteric infections reported through ongoing surveillance between 1999 and 2006 in the province of Quebec was collected. Factors measured at the municipal and watershed levels were analyzed using multilevel models with a Poisson distribution and log link function. Childhood nonviral gastroenteritis, giardiasis, and campylobacteriosis were positively associated with small ruminants and cattle density. Childhood salmonellosis was positively associated with cattle density. Also, childhood campylobacteriosis incidence was positively associated with larger watershed agricultural surface. In addition to local agroenvironmental factors, this analysis revealed an important watershed effect

    Ca(OH)2/CaO reversible reaction in a fluidized bed reactor for thermochemical heat storage

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    Thermal energy storage (TES) is a key factor for increasing the efficiency of concentrated solar power plants. TES using a reversible chemical reaction appears to be a promising technology for high energy density thermal storage (100–500 kW h m-3), at high temperature(up to 1000 °C) and during a long period (24 h to several months). This paper details an experimental study to carry out the reversible reaction Ca(OH)2(s) + DHr CaO(s) + H2O(g) in a fluidized bed (FB) reactor. The 4 micron Ca(OH)2 powder fluidization has been performed with an appropriate proportion of inert easy-to-fluidize particles. Then, Ca(OH)2 dehydration and CaO hydration have been implemented in a FB reactor and 50 cycles have been reached. The mean energy density obtained is 60 kW h m-3 solid_mixture which amounts to a promising energy density of 156 kW h m-3 Ca(OH)2-bulk if the reactants and the easy-to-fluidize particles are separated. The results demonstrated the feasibility of the implementation of the Ca(OH)2/CaO thermochemical heat storage in a fluidized bed reactor

    Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen: toward a comprehensive model.

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    International audienceIn this contribution we present a reconstruction of the overall lithotectonic architecture, from inner zones to external ones, of the Paleoproterozoic Trans North China Orogen, within the North China Craton. Moreover, forward thermobarometrical modeling on a kyanite-bearing gneiss yields a reliable prograde P-T-t-D path. In addition, 40Ar/39Ar dating on rocks from distinct litho-tectonic units helps us to distinguish several tectono-metamorphic events during the orogenic development. Considering these results, we propose a geodynamic model involving three cratonic blocks, namely the Western, Fuping and Eastern Blocks, separated by two oceans, the Lüliang and Taihang Oceans. The opening of oceanic basins occurred around 2.2-2.3 Ga. After the westward subductions of oceanic lithosphere, the Trans-North-China Orogen was built up through a polyphase tectonic evolution within the period 1900-1800 Ma. The first event (D1) corresponded to the emplacement of lower and upper nappes herein called the Orthogneiss-and-Volcanites Unit (OVU) and the Low-Grade-and-Mafic Unit (LGMU), respectively. The syn-metamorphic D1 deformation (1880 ± 10 Ma) is characterized by a NW-SE stretching and mineral lineation with a top-to-the SE sense of shear. During ongoing compression of the thickening orogenic crust, a second deformation event D2 (1850 ± 10 Ma) was responsible for (1) syn-anatectic lateral flow and exhumation of the orogenic root and (2) folding of the middle and upper parts of the orogenic wedge that consequently acquired a fan-type geometry. The late D3 (1830 ± 10 Ma) and D4 (1810 ± 10 Ma) events are related to late-orogenic normal and strike-slip shearing, respectively. In our present state of knowledge, the Paleoproterozoic Trans-North China Orogen might be regarded as the assemblage of two continent-continent collisional belts, both of which are characterized by nappe stacking accommodated by top-to-the E/SE ductile shearing. Continental subduction, crustal thickening, partial melting of overthickened crust, exhumation of HP rocks and deposition of syn-orogenic detrital basins are typical features of modern collisional-type orogens

    The Zanhuang Massif, the second and eastern suture zone of the Paleoproterozoic Trans-North China Orogen

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    International audienceThis paper presents a reappraisal of the tectonic evolution of the Zanhuang Massif that lies at the eastern margin of the Trans-North China Orogen, a continent–continent collision belt that marked the amalgamation of the North China Craton in Late Paleoproterozoic. Detailed field work with focus on geometries of structures and kinematics was performed. This was completed with LA-ICP-MS U–Pb analyses on zircon, EPMA U–Th/Pb dating on monazite and 40Ar/39Ar dating on amphibole. These studies led us to propose a new three-fold litho-tectonic subdivision of the massif: The Western Zanhuang Domain (WZD) made of TTG, migmatite and pink anatectic granite is correlated to the Fuping Massif that crops out to the north-west. Both areas represent a continental block, called the Fuping Block, which acquired most of its architecture around 2100 Ma ago. The Eastern Zanhuang Domain (EZD) made of TTG and migmatite represents the western edge of an Eastern Neoarchean Block. In between, the Central Zanhuang Domain (CZD) is a NE–SW trending stack of supracrustal, gneiss and mafic magmatic rocks thrust sheets displaced toward the ESE upon the Eastern Block. The lithological features suggest that the CZD represents the remnant of an oceanic basin, called the Taihang Ocean that closed during the amalgamation of the Eastern Block and the Fuping Block around 1880–1850 Ma. In agreement with recent work done along the western margin of the belt, in the Lüliang Massif, this study documents the amalgamation of the North China Craton in response to the closure of two oceanic basins, namely the Lüliang Ocean and the Taihang Ocean. West-dipping subductions and collisions involving three distinct continental blocks, called the Western, the Fuping and the Eastern Blocks, took place around 1880–1850 Ma
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