1,381 research outputs found

    Retarded Postimplantation Development of X0 Mouse Embryos: Impact of the Parental Origin of the Monosomic X Chromosome

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    AbstractAbout 12–17% of the embryos obtained by mating mice carrying the In(X)1H orPafmutations are of the 39,X (X0) genotype. Depending on the mutant mice used for mating, the monosomic X chromosome can be inherited from the paternal (XP) or the maternal (XM) parent. The XP0 embryos display developmental retardation at gastrulation and early organogenesis. XP0 embryos also display poor development of the ectoplacental cone, which is significantly smaller in size and contains fewer trophoblasts than XX siblings. In contrast, XM0 embryos develop normally and are indistinguishable from XX littermates. In both types of X0 embryos, an X-linkedlacZtransgene is expressed in nearly all cells in both the embryonic and the extraembryonic tissues, suggesting that X inactivation does not occur when only one X is present. Of particular significance is the maintenance of an active XPchromosome in the extraembryonic tissues where normally the paternal X chromosome is preferentially inactivated in XX embryos. The differential impact of the inheritance of X chromosomes from different parents on the development of the X0 embryos raises the possibility that the XPis less capable than the XMin providing the appropriate dosage of X-linked activity that is necessary to support normal development of the embryo and the ectoplacental cone. Alternatively, the development of the XP0 embryo may be compromised by the lack of activity of one or several X-linked genes which are expressed only from the maternal X chromosome. Without the activity of these genes, embryonic development may be curtailed even though all other loci on the XPchromosome are actively transcribed

    The morphogenetic role of midline mesendoderm and ectoderm in the development of the forebrain and the midbrain of the mouse embryo

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    The anterior midline tissue (AML) of the late gastrula mouse embryo comprises the axial mesendoderm and the ventral neuroectoderm of the prospective forebrain, midbrain and rostral hindbrain. In this study, we have investigated the morphogenetic role of defined segments of the AML by testing their inductive and patterning activity and by assessing the impact of their ablation on the patterning of the neural tube at the early-somite-stage. Both rostral and caudal segments of the AML were found to induce neural gene activity in the host tissue; however, the de novo gene activity did not show any regional characteristic that might be correlated with the segmental origin of the AML. Removal of the rostral AML that contains the prechordal plate resulted in a truncation of the head accompanied by the loss of several forebrain markers. However, the remaining tissues reconstituted Gsc and Shh activity and expressed the ventral forebrain marker Nkx2.1. Furthermore, analysis of Gsc-deficient embryos reveals that the morphogenetic function of the rostral AML requires Gsc activity. Removal of the caudal AML led to a complete loss of midline molecular markers anterior to the 4th somite. In addition, Nkx2.1 expression was not detected in the ventral neural tube. The maintenance and function of the rostral AML therefore require inductive signals emanating from the caudal AML. Our results point to a role for AML in the refinement of the anteroposterior patterning and morphogenesis of the brain

    Management of children's urinary tract infections in Dutch family practice: a cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Optimal clinical management of childhood urinary tract infections (UTI) potentiates long-term positive health effects. Insight into the quality of care in Dutch family practices for UTIs was limited, particularly regarding observation periods of more than a year. Our aim was to describe the clinical management of young children's UTIs in Dutch primary care and to compare this to the national guideline recommendations. METHODS: In this cohort study, all 0 to 6-year-old children with a diagnosed UTI in 2001 were identified within the Netherlands Information Network of General Practitioners (LINH), which comprises 120 practices. From the Dutch guideline on urinary tract infections, seven indicators were derived, on prescription, follow-up, and referral. RESULTS: Of the 284 children with UTI who could be followed for three years, 183 (64%) were registered to have had one cystitis episode, 52 (18%) had two episodes, and 43 (15%) had three or more episodes. Another six children were registered to have had one or two episodes of acute pyelonephritis. Overall, antibiotics were prescribed for 66% of the children having had ≤ 3 cystitis episodes, two-thirds of whom received the antibiotics of first choice. About 30% of all episodes were followed up in general practice. Thirty-eight children were referred (14%), mostly to a paediatrician (76%). Less than one-third of the children who should have been referred was actually referred. CONCLUSION: Treatment of childhood UTIs in Dutch family practice should be improved with respect to prescription, follow-up, and referral. Quality improvement should address the low incidence of urinary tract infections in children in family practice

    A randomised controlled trial of the effects of a web-based PSA decision aid, Prosdex. Protocol

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    Contains fulltext : 51771.pdf ( ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Informed decision making is the theoretical basis in the UK for men's decisions about Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) testing for prostate cancer testing. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of a web-based PSA decision-aid, Prosdex, on informed decision making in men. The objective is to assess the effect of Prosdex on six specific outcomes: (i) knowledge of PSA and prostate cancer-related issues - the principal outcome of the study; (ii) attitudes to testing; (iii) decision conflict; (iv) anxiety; (v) intention to undergo PSA testing; (vi) uptake of PSA testing. In addition, a mathematical simulation model of the effects of Prosdex will be developed. METHODS: A randomised controlled trial with four groups: two intervention groups, one viewing Prosdex and the other receiving a paper version of the site; two control groups, the second controlling for the potential Hawthorn effect of the questionnaire used with the first control group. Men between the ages of 50 and 75, who have not previously had a PSA test, will be recruited from General Practitioners (GPs) in Wales, UK. The principal outcome, knowledge, and four other outcome measures - attitudes to testing, decision conflict, anxiety and intention to undergo testing - will be measured with an online questionnaire, used by men in three of the study groups. Six months later, PSA test uptake will be ascertained from GP records; the online questionnaire will then be repeated. These outcomes, and particularly PSA test uptake, will be used to develop a mathematical simulation model, specifically to consider the impact on health service resources

    The Tumor Suppressor PRDM5 Regulates Wnt Signaling at Early Stages of Zebrafish Development

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    PRDM genes are a family of transcriptional regulators that modulate cellular processes such as differentiation, cell growth and apoptosis. Some family members are involved in tissue or organ maturation, and are differentially expressed in specific phases of embryonic development. PRDM5 is a recently identified family member that functions as a transcriptional repressor and behaves as a putative tumor suppressor in different types of cancer. Using gene expression profiling, we found that transcriptional targets of PRDM5 in human U2OS cells include critical genes involved in developmental processes, and specifically in regulating wnt signaling. We therefore assessed PRDM5 function in vivo by performing loss-of-function and gain-of-function experiments in zebrafish embryos. Depletion of prdm5 resulted in impairment of morphogenetic movements during gastrulation and increased the occurrence of the masterblind phenotype in axin+/− embryos, characterized by the loss of eyes and telencephalon. Overexpression of PRDM5 mRNA had opposite effects on the development of anterior neural structures, and resulted in embryos with a shorter body axis due to posterior truncation, a bigger head and abnormal somites. In situ hybridization experiments aimed at analyzing the integrity of wnt pathways during gastrulation at the level of the prechordal plate revealed inhibition of non canonical PCP wnt signaling in embryos overexpressing PRDM5, and over-activation of wnt/β-catenin signaling in embryos lacking Prdm5. Our data demonstrate that PRDM5 regulates the expression of components of both canonical and non canonical wnt pathways and negatively modulates wnt signaling in vivo

    Manipulation of Cell:Cell Contacts and Mesoderm Suppressing Activity Direct Lineage Choice from Pluripotent Primitive Ectoderm-Like Cells in Culture

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    In the mammal, the pluripotent cells of embryo differentiate and commit to either the mesoderm/endoderm lineages or the ectoderm lineage during gastrulation. In culture, the ability to direct lineage choice from pluripotent cells into the mesoderm/endoderm or ectoderm lineages will enable the development of technologies for the formation of highly enriched or homogenous populations of cells. Here we show that manipulation of cell:cell contact and a mesoderm suppressing activity in culture affects the outcome of pluripotent cell differentiation and when both variables are manipulated appropriately they can direct differentiation to either the mesoderm or ectoderm lineage. The disruption of cell:cell contacts and removal of a mesoderm suppressor activity results in the differentiation of pluripotent, primitive ectoderm-like cells to the mesoderm lineage, while maintenance of cell:cell contacts and inclusion, within the culture medium, of a mesoderm suppressing activity results in the formation of near homogenous populations of ectoderm. Understanding the contribution of these variables in lineage choice provides a framework for the development of directed differentiation protocols that result in the formation of specific cell populations from pluripotent cells in culture

    Ror2 Enhances Polarity and Directional Migration of Primordial Germ Cells

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    The trafficking of primordial germ cells (PGCs) across multiple embryonic structures to the nascent gonads ensures the transmission of genetic information to the next generation through the gametes, yet our understanding of the mechanisms underlying PGC migration remains incomplete. Here we identify a role for the receptor tyrosine kinase-like protein Ror2 in PGC development. In a Ror2 mouse mutant we isolated in a genetic screen, PGC migration and survival are dysregulated, resulting in a diminished number of PGCs in the embryonic gonad. A similar phenotype in Wnt5a mutants suggests that Wnt5a acts as a ligand to Ror2 in PGCs, although we do not find evidence that WNT5A functions as a PGC chemoattractant. We show that cultured PGCs undergo polarization, elongation, and reorientation in response to the chemotactic factor SCF (secreted KitL), whereas Ror2 PGCs are deficient in these SCF-induced responses. In the embryo, migratory PGCs exhibit a similar elongated geometry, whereas their counterparts in Ror2 mutants are round. The protein distribution of ROR2 within PGCs is asymmetric, both in vitro and in vivo; however, this asymmetry is lost in Ror2 mutants. Together these results indicate that Ror2 acts autonomously to permit the polarized response of PGCs to KitL. We propose a model by which Wnt5a potentiates PGC chemotaxis toward secreted KitL by redistribution of Ror2 within the cell

    Pan-Cancer Analysis of lncRNA Regulation Supports Their Targeting of Cancer Genes in Each Tumor Context

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    Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are commonly dys-regulated in tumors, but only a handful are known toplay pathophysiological roles in cancer. We inferredlncRNAs that dysregulate cancer pathways, onco-genes, and tumor suppressors (cancer genes) bymodeling their effects on the activity of transcriptionfactors, RNA-binding proteins, and microRNAs in5,185 TCGA tumors and 1,019 ENCODE assays.Our predictions included hundreds of candidateonco- and tumor-suppressor lncRNAs (cancerlncRNAs) whose somatic alterations account for thedysregulation of dozens of cancer genes and path-ways in each of 14 tumor contexts. To demonstrateproof of concept, we showed that perturbations tar-geting OIP5-AS1 (an inferred tumor suppressor) andTUG1 and WT1-AS (inferred onco-lncRNAs) dysre-gulated cancer genes and altered proliferation ofbreast and gynecologic cancer cells. Our analysis in-dicates that, although most lncRNAs are dysregu-lated in a tumor-specific manner, some, includingOIP5-AS1, TUG1, NEAT1, MEG3, and TSIX, synergis-tically dysregulate cancer pathways in multiple tumorcontexts