127 research outputs found

    Concevoir une formation continue en ligne pour les professionnels de la santé

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    Le prĂ©sent ouvrage prĂ©sente des recommandations pratiques en matiĂšre de conception de formation continue en ligne. Il s’appuie sur une revue de la littĂ©rature issue de diverses disciplines, comme la psychologie, l’éducation ou la communication, et en fait une synthĂšse structurĂ©e selon un cadre conceptuel intĂ©grateur inspirĂ© de deux modĂšles d’évaluation de formation (Kirkpatrick, 1994 et Moore, 2003). AprĂšs une prĂ©sentation gĂ©nĂ©rale de la dĂ©marche d’élaboration d’une formation continue en ligne, les chapitres suivants abordent Ă  tour de rĂŽle les critĂšres retenus pour Ă©valuer une formation : – La satisfaction de l’apprenant : l’apprenant est-il intĂ©ressĂ© par les sujets proposĂ©s et satisfait de la formation reçue ? – L’apprentissage : l’apprenant a-t-il acquis de nouvelles connaissances ? – Le changement d’attitude : l’attitude de l’apprenant a-t-elle Ă©tĂ© modifiĂ©e positivement, le cas Ă©chĂ©ant ? – Le changement de comportement : le contenu de la formation est-il transfĂ©rĂ© concrĂštement dans la pratique professionnelle ? Des exemples sont Ă©galement prĂ©sentĂ©s pour illustrer de quelle façon les notions abordĂ©es peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es en pratique. Enfin, au terme de chacun des chapitres, des Ă©lĂ©ments-clĂ©s Ă  retenir permettent de rĂ©sumer les contenus principaux. S’adressant aux chercheurs, aux pĂ©dagogues et aux Ă©tudiants, cette contribution vise Ă  soutenir ceux qui dĂ©sirent se familiariser davantage Ă  la conception de formation continue en ligne ou qui sont engagĂ©s dans une telle dĂ©marche

    Identification of functional microRNAs released through asymmetrical processing of HIV-1 TAR element†

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    The interaction between human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and RNA silencing pathways is complex and multifaceted. Essential for efficient viral transcription and supporting Tat-mediated transactivation of viral gene expression, the trans-activation responsive (TAR) element is a structured RNA located at the 5â€Č end of all transcripts derived from HIV-1. Here, we report that this element is a source of microRNAs (miRNAs) in cultured HIV-1-infected cell lines and in HIV-1-infected human CD4+ T lymphocytes. Using primer extension and ribonuclease (RNase) protection assays, we delineated both strands of the TAR miRNA duplex deriving from a model HIV-1 transcript, namely miR-TAR-5p and miR-TAR-3p. In vitro RNase assays indicate that the lack of a free 3â€Č extremity at the base of TAR may contribute to its low processing reactivity in vivo. Both miR-TAR-5p and miR-TAR-3p down-regulated TAR miRNA sensor activity in a process that required an integral miRNA-guided RNA silencing machinery. miR-TAR-3p exerted superior gene downregulatory effects, probably due to its preferential release from HIV-1 TAR RNA by the RNase III Dicer. Our study suggests that the TAR element of HIV-1 transcripts releases functionally competent miRNAs upon asymmetrical processing by Dicer, thereby providing novel insights into viral miRNA biogenesis

    Regulation of host gene expression by HIV-1 TAR microRNAs

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    Background: The transactivating response (TAR) element of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is the source of two functional microRNAs (miRNAs), miR-TAR-5p and miR-TAR-3p. The objective of this study was to characterize the post-transcriptional regulation of host messenger RNAs (mRNAs) relevant to HIV-1 pathogenesis by HIV-1 TAR miRNAs. Results: We demonstrated that TAR miRNAs derived from HIV-1 can incorporate into host effector Argonaute protein complexes, which is required if these miRNAs are to regulate host mRNA expression. Bioinformatic predictions and reporter gene activity assays identified regulatory elements complementary and responsive to miR-TAR-5p and miR-TAR-3p in the 3’ untranslated region (UTR) of several candidate genes involved in apoptosis and cell survival. These include Caspase 8, Aiolos, Ikaros and Nucleophosmin (NPM)/B23. Analyses of Jurkat cells that stably expressed HIV-1 TAR or contained a full-length latent HIV provirus suggested that HIV-1 TAR miRNAs could regulate the expression of genes in T cells that affect the balance between apoptosis and cell survival. Conclusions: HIV-1 TAR miRNAs may contribute to the replication cycle and pathogenesis of HIV-1, by regulating host genes involved in the intricate balance between apoptosis and infected cell, to induce conditions that promote HIV-1 propagation and survival

    Regional variations in early life stages response to a temperature gradient in the northern shrimp Pandalus borealis and vulnerability of the populations to ocean warming

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    In order to define the relative vulnerability of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) populations to the ongoing global warming, we compared the thermal performance curves for survival and growth in the first three pelagic larval stages from three populations of the Northwest Atlantic. Egg carrying females were obtained from different regions characterized by distinct sea surface temperature (SST) conditions for larval development in spring. Two independent experiments were conducted in two different years. In spring 2012, larvae from females captured in the Lower St Lawrence Estuary (LE) and in the Northeast Gulf of St Lawrence (GSL) were compared. In spring 2014, larvae from females captured in the LE and on the Labrador–Newfoundland Shelf (Northwest Atlantic, NWA) were used. The LE larvae were used both years and served as the reference population for comparisons. In 2012 and 2014, groups of 25 newly hatched northern shrimp larvae from each source population were incubated at six temperatures (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 °C) to monitor and compare survival and growth at moult. Northern shrimp larvae from the LE (warmer May–June SST) had a higher optimal temperature range for survival compared to larvae from the GSL and the NWA (colder May–June SST) populations. However, in 2012 growth performance at moult was reduced at higher temperatures for the LE population compared to the GSL population. The differences in thermal performance curves observed may suggest the presence of a certain level of local adaptation in response to the different regional SST regimes in spring–early summer. Northern shrimp larvae in the Northeast Gulf of St Lawrence and Northwest Atlantic shelf could benefit from warmer early-spring temperatures; however, larvae from the Lower Estuary may be closer to their upper tolerance limits and thus more likely at risk of negative impact of future warming of surface water masses. -- Keywords : Northern shrimp ; Larval survival ; Larval growth ; Macrophysiology ; Conservation physiology ; Climate change

    Wheat EST resources for functional genomics of abiotic stress

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    BACKGROUND: Wheat is an excellent species to study freezing tolerance and other abiotic stresses. However, the sequence of the wheat genome has not been completely characterized due to its complexity and large size. To circumvent this obstacle and identify genes involved in cold acclimation and associated stresses, a large scale EST sequencing approach was undertaken by the Functional Genomics of Abiotic Stress (FGAS) project. RESULTS: We generated 73,521 quality-filtered ESTs from eleven cDNA libraries constructed from wheat plants exposed to various abiotic stresses and at different developmental stages. In addition, 196,041 ESTs for which tracefiles were available from the National Science Foundation wheat EST sequencing program and DuPont were also quality-filtered and used in the analysis. Clustering of the combined ESTs with d2_cluster and TGICL yielded a few large clusters containing several thousand ESTs that were refractory to routine clustering techniques. To resolve this problem, the sequence proximity and "bridges" were identified by an e-value distance graph to manually break clusters into smaller groups. Assembly of the resolved ESTs generated a 75,488 unique sequence set (31,580 contigs and 43,908 singletons/singlets). Digital expression analyses indicated that the FGAS dataset is enriched in stress-regulated genes compared to the other public datasets. Over 43% of the unique sequence set was annotated and classified into functional categories according to Gene Ontology. CONCLUSION: We have annotated 29,556 different sequences, an almost 5-fold increase in annotated sequences compared to the available wheat public databases. Digital expression analysis combined with gene annotation helped in the identification of several pathways associated with abiotic stress. The genomic resources and knowledge developed by this project will contribute to a better understanding of the different mechanisms that govern stress tolerance in wheat and other cereals
