19 research outputs found

    A Ramsey apparatus for proton spins in flowing water

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    We present an apparatus that applies Ramsey's method of separated oscillatory fields to proton spins in water molecules. The setup consists of a water circuit, a spin polarizer, a magnetically shielded interaction region with various radio frequency elements, and a nuclear magnetic resonance system to measure the spin polarization. We show that this apparatus can be used for Rabi resonance measurements and to investigate magnetic and pseudomagnetic field effects in Ramsey-type precision measurements with a sensitivity below 100 pT

    Microstructural-defect-induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction

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    The antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii?Moriya interaction (DMI) plays a decisive role for the stabilization and control of chirality of skyrmion textures in various magnetic systems exhibiting a noncentrosymmetric crystal structure. A less studied aspect of the DMI is that this interaction is believed to be operative in the vicinity of lattice imperfections in crystalline magnetic materials, due to the local structural inversion symmetry breaking. If this scenario leads to an effect of sizable magnitude, it implies that the DMI introduces chirality into a very large class of magnetic materials?defect-rich systems such as polycrystalline magnets. Here, we show experimentally that the microstructural-defect-induced DMI gives rise to a polarization-dependent asymmetric term in the small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) cross section of polycrystalline ferromagnets with a centrosymmetric crystal structure. The results are supported by theoretical predictions using the continuum theory of micromagnetics. This effect, conjectured already by Arrott in 1963, is demonstrated for nanocrystalline terbium and holmium (with a large grain-boundary density), and for mechanically deformed microcrystalline cobalt (with a large dislocation density). Analysis of the scattering asymmetry allows one to determine the defect-induced DMI constant, D=0.45±0.07mJ/m2 for Tb at 100K. Our study proves the generic relevance of the DMI for the magnetic microstructure of defect-rich ferromagnets with vanishing intrinsic DMI. Polarized SANS is decisive for disclosing the signature of the defect-induced DMI, which is related to the unique dependence of the polarized SANS cross section on the chiral interactions. The findings open up the way to study defect-induced skyrmionic magnetization textures in disordered materials

    A novel broad-band neutron spin filter based on dynamically polarized protons using photo-excited triplet states

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    The use of polarized protons as a broad-band neutron spin filter is an attractive alternative to the well-established neutron polarization techniques, namely polarized 3He gas and super mirrors, since the spin-dependent neutron proton scattering cross-section is large in a broad wavelength range. We have developed a novel neutron spin filter where we create the necessary large proton polarization in a solid with a recent method of dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) that uses photo-excited triplet states. This requires only moderate experimental means and allows a compact design. In order to quantify the efficiency of the spin filter, we have measured the relevant spin-dependent and spin-independent terms of the neutron scattering cross-section of a naphthalene single crystal. The data allows to estimate the triplet spin filter performance over a broad wavelength range. With the recently achieved proton polarization of 80% the triplet filter compares well with a state of the art 3He filter

    A novel broad-band neutron spin filter based on dynamically polarized protons using photo-excited triplet states

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    The use of polarized protons as a broad-band neutron spin filter is an attractive alternative to the well-established neutron polarization techniques, namely polarized 3He gas and super mirrors, since the spin-dependent neutron proton scattering cross-section is large in a broad wavelength range. We have developed a novel neutron spin filter where we create the necessary large proton polarization in a solid with a recent method of dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) that uses photo-excited triplet states. This requires only moderate experimental means and allows a compact design. In order to quantify the efficiency of the spin filter, we have measured the relevant spin-dependent and spin-independent terms of the neutron scattering cross-section of a naphthalene single crystal. The data allows to estimate the triplet spin filter performance over a broad wavelength range. With the recently achieved proton polarization of 80% the triplet filter compares well with a state of the art 3He filter

    Impact of the neutron-depolarization effect on polarized neutron scattering in ferromagnets

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    It has been known for decades that a ferromagnetic sample can depolarize a transmitted neutron beam. This effect was used and developed into the neutron-depolarization technique to investigate the magnetic structure of ferromagnetic materials. Since the polarization evolves continuously as the neutrons move through the sample, the initial spin states on scattering will be different at different depths within the sample. This leads to a contamination of the measured spin-dependent neutron-scattering intensities by the other spin-dependent cross sections. The effect has rarely been considered in polarized neutron-scattering experiments even though it has a crucial impact on the observable signal. A model is proposed to describe the depolarization of a neutron beam traversing a ferromagnetic sample, provide the procedure for data correction and give guidelines to choose the optimum sample thickness. It is experimentally verified for a small-angle neutron-scattering geometry with samples of the nanocristalline soft-magnet Vitroperm (Fe73Si16B7Nb3Cu1). The model is general enough to be adapted to other types of neutron-diffraction experiments and sample geometries

    Ultra High-Resolution NMR: Sustained Induction Decays of Long-Lived Coherences

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    Long-lived coherences (LLCs) in homonuclear pairs of chemically inequivalent spins can be excited and sustained during protracted radio frequency irradiation periods that alternate with brief windows for signal observation. Fourier transformation of the sustained induction decays recorded in a single scan yields NMR spectra with line-widths in the range 10 < Delta v < 100 mHz, even in moderately inhomogeneous magnetic fields. The resulting doublets, which are reminiscent of J-spectra, allow one to determine the sum of scalar and residual dipolar interactions in partly oriented media. The signal intensity can be boosted by several orders of magnitude by "dissolution" dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP)