1,007 research outputs found

    Sistema de controle de horas extras.

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    Editores técnicos: Joseani Mesquita Antunes, Ana Lídia Variani Bonato, Márcia Barrocas Moreira Pimentel

    Remarks on a Chern-Simons-like coupling

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    We consider the static quantum potential for a gauge theory which includes a light massive vector field interacting with the familiar U(1)QEDU(1)_{QED} photon via a Chern-Simons- like coupling, by using the gauge-invariant, but path-dependent, variables formalism. An exactly screening phase is then obtained, which displays a marked departure of a qualitative nature from massive axionic electrodynamics. The above static potential profile is similar to that encountered in axionic electrodynamics consisting of a massless axion-like field, as well as to that encountered in the coupling between the familiar U(1)QEDU(1)_{QED} photon and a second massive gauge field living in the so-called U(1)hU(1)_h hidden-sector, inside a superconducting box.Comment: 6 pages. To appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Rock Characterization Through Physical Properties and Their Relationship to Simple Compressive

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    This work proposes a simple methodology and practical application in the field for the approximate determination of the Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) in rocks, property or characteristic that is important in mining, since through it analyzes are carried out to the assessment of security and stability factors and/or possible fortification systems in the works or mining structures, in addition to the characterization of the UCS is also influential in the use of explosives for the exploitation or extraction of materials from a quarry or mine. This estimate is proposed based on the determination of the following three properties of the rock, which in this investigation we call density, porosity and absorption ‘in mine’. These physical properties can be obtained in a simple, but methodical way and in this work, tests have been carried out on the same material or rock from the Cojitambo area, Cañar province (Ecuador) and on the basis of 60 samples or test tubes. The results obtained allow a correlation between the properties described above and the UCS, in addition to a calculation methodology for the proposed objective. Keywords: compression, rock, density, porosity, absorption, fortification. Resumen En este trabajo se propone una metodología sencilla y de aplicación práctica en campo para la determinación aproximada de la Resistencia a la Compresión Simple (RCS) en rocas, propiedad o característica que es importante en minería, ya que mediante la misma, se ejecutan análisis para la valoración de factores de seguridad y estabilidad y/o posibles sistemas de fortificación en las obras o estructuras mineras, a más de que la caracterización de la RCS es también influyente en el uso de explosivos para la explotación o extracción de materiales de una cantera o mina. Esta estimación se la propone en base a la determinación de las siguientes tres propiedades de la roca, que en esta investigación las denominamos densidad, porosidad y absorción ‘en mina’. Estas propiedades físicas se las puede obtener de una forma simple, pero metódica y en este trabajo se han ejecutado ensayos sobre un mismo material o roca proveniente de la zona de Cojitambo, provincia del Cañar (Ecuador) y sobre una base de 60 muestras o probetas. Los resultados obtenidos permiten una correlación entre las propiedades antes descritas y la RCS, a más que se ha estructurado una metodología de cálculo para el objetivo planteado. Palabras Clave: compresión, roca, densidad, porosidad, absorción, fortificación

    Coulomb's law corrections from a gauge-kinetic mixing

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    We study the static quantum potential for a gauge theory which includes the mixing between the familiar photon U(1)QEDU(1)_{QED} and a second massive gauge field living in the so-called hidden-sector U(1)hU(1)_h. Our discussion is carried out using the gauge-invariant but path-dependent variables formalism, which is alternative to the Wilson loop approach. Our results show that the static potential is a Yukawa correction to the usual static Coulomb potential. Interestingly, when this calculation is done inside a superconducting box, the Coulombic piece disappears leading to a screening phase.Comment: 4 page

    Note on the dual BRST Symmetry in U(1) Gauge Theory

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    We analyze the relation between the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian BRST symmetry generators for a recently proposed two-dimensional symmetry. In particular it is shown that this symmetry may be obtained from a canonical transformation in the ghost sector in a gauge independent way.Comment: 12 pages, late

    Chaos around a H\'enon-Heiles-inspired exact perturbation of a black hole

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    A solution of the Einstein's equations that represents the superposition of a Schwarszchild black hole with both quadrupolar and octopolar terms describing a halo is exhibited. We show that this solution, in the Newtonian limit, is an analog to the well known H\'enon-Heiles potential. The integrability of orbits of test particles moving around a black hole representing the galactic center is studied and bounded zones of chaotic behavior are found.Comment: 7 pages Revte

    Coulomb's law modification in nonlinear and in noncommutative electrodynamics

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    We study the lowest-order modifications of the static potential for Born-Infeld electrodynamics and for the θ\theta-expanded version of the noncommutative U(1) gauge theory, within the framework of the gauge-invariant but path-dependent variables formalism. The calculation shows a long-range correction (1/r51/r^5-type) to the Coulomb potential in Born-Infeld electrodynamics. However, the Coulomb nature of the potential (to order e2e^2) is preserved in noncommutative electrodynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Dynamic capabilities trends: A brief review of the state of the art

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    Dynamic capabilities (DC) is a relatively young area, being a subject of interest and research of the recent year, hence its literature is mainly conceptual. In this article, we review briefly the current state-of- The-art, the literature over the past 10 years and how its related with competitive advantages and management. This article presents a brief literature review, proposing to guide future research, which will be conducted in a near future and work on a dynamic competency model which allows organizations to continuously develop these skills, aligned with the best models and to develop more effective strategies, which will lead to a continuously improvement.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio