437 research outputs found

    The Impact of Inclusion Criteria in Health Economic Assessments

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    The article of record as published may be found at https://doi.org/10.2165/11590150-000000000-00000This study aims to present complex network models which analyze professional swimmers of 50-m freestyle Olympic competitions, comparing characteristics and variables that are considered performance determinants. This comparative research includes Olympic medalists’ versus non-medalists’ behavior. Using data from 40 athletes with a mean age, weight and height of 26 ± 2.9 years, 87 ± 5.59 kg, 193 ± 3.85 cm, respectively, at the Olympics of 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016 (16-year interval), we built two types of complex networks (graphs) for each edition, using mathematical correlations, metrics and the spectral decomposition analysis. It is possible to show that complex metrics behave differently between medalists and non-medalists. The spectral radius (SR) proved to be an important form of evaluation since in all 5 editions it was higher among medalists (SR results: 3.75, 3.5, 3.39, 2.91, and 3.66) compared to non- medalists (2.18, 2.51, 2.23, 2.07, and 2.04), with significantly differences between. This study introduces a remarkable tool in the evaluation of the performance of groups of swimming athletes by complex networks, and is relevant to athletes, coaches, and even amateurs, regarding how individual variables relate to competition results and are reflected in the SR for the best performance. In addition, this is a general method and may, in the future, be developed in the analysis of other competitive sports

    Representatividade LGBTQ+ : as percepções sobre a participação no banco do imagens Tem que Ter

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    A questão norteadora deste trabalho é como os modelos do projeto Tem que Ter se sentem representados a partir de sua participação no banco de imagens? Para isto, analisam-se o contexto histórico em que a comunidade está inserida e como os modelos do banco de imagens Tem que Ter sentem-se ao participar do projeto. O objetivo é discutir, a partir da vivência destes sujeitos, as possibilidades de representação midiática para a comunidade LGBTQ+ nas fotografias. Para isso, foram alavancados quatro objetivos específicos que pretendem: a) contextualizar o cenário dos bancos de imagens e do ativismo LGBTQ+; b) identificar a compreensão dos sujeitos sobre a representação midiática LGBTQ+; c) compreender as motivações para a participação no Tem que Ter; d) discutir as possibilidades de representação midiática para a comunidade LGBTQ+. Após uma contextualização do histórico da atividade LGBTQ+ no mundo e no Brasil (DOVER, 2007; ADELMAN, 2000; TREVISAN, 2018; BIMBI, 2017), bem sua representação na mídia (RODRIGUES, 2008; RODRIGUES; CARVALHO; 2015), os conceitos de fotografia são abordados (ROUILLE, 2005; DUBOIS, 1990). Em seguida as definições de bancos de imagens e representação (HALL, 2013), seguindo uma lógica para a representação em sociedade (FRANÇA, 2004), enfim, uma discussão sobre estereótipos e o apagamento da comunidade (HALL, 2013). Após, apresentou-se o banco de imagens Tem que Ter e o processo metodológico utilizado para a investigação dos objetivos específicos. Como estratégia metodológica utilizou-se a abordagem qualitativa, com entrevistas em profundidade semiestruturada com cinco sujeitos participantes do banco de imagens Tem que Ter. Dentro dos resultados, podem ser destacadas a necessidade de sentir-se representados que os modelos abordam, além da visibilidade que a participação no projeto permitiu a eles e à comunidade LGBTQ+. A necessidade de se comunicar com a sociedade, pensando na pluralidade que ela tem, também tem seu realce como resultado obtido.The focus of this research is how the LGBTQ+ community is represented at the photographs of image banks and advertising campaigns. Therefore, it was analyzed the historical context in which the community is inserted, and how the models from the image bank group Tem que Ter feel as part of this project. The purpose is to discuss, based upon these subjects background, the potential ways to represent the LGBTQ + in photographs for the media. So four specific objectives were defined: a) contextualization of image banks scenario and LGBTQ+ activism; b) define the subjects understanding about LGBTQ + media representation; c) understand the reason to participate on Tem que Ter; d) discuss the alternatives to media represent the LGBTQ+ community. After bring to context LGBTQ+ activity history in the world and in Brazil (DOVER, 2007; ADELMAN, 2000; TREVISAN, 2018; BIMBI, 2017), as well it‟s media representation (RODRIGUES, 2008; RODRIGUES; CARVALHO; 2015), photography concepts are discussed (ROUILLE, 2005; DUBOIS, 1990). The image banks and representation definition follows (HALL, 2013), according to the logic for representation in society (FRANÇA, 2004), ultimately, the discussion about stereotypes and the diminishment of the community (HALL, 2013). After, the Tem que Ter image bank was presented, followed by the research methodology to investigate the specific objectives. As methodological strategy was considered a qualitative approach, by the means of semi-structured deep in-depth interviews, with five subjects included in the Tem que Ter image bank group. Within the results, is quite important to bring to light the need that models feel to be represented, in addition to the visibility that the project brought to them and the LGBTQ + community. The necessity to communicate with the society taking into account it‟s plurality also is an important obtained result

    Perceptions of neighborhood social environment and drug dependence among incarcerated women and men: a cross-sectional analysis

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    Abstract Background Perception of neighborhood social environment can influence an individual’s susceptibility to drug dependence. However, this has never been examined with a jailed sample, where frequent transitions between local jails and disadvantaged neighborhoods are common. Understanding these associations could aid in the design of targeted programs to decrease drug dependence and recidivism among the incarcerated. Methods For this study, 596 women and men from three Kansas City jails were surveyed over the course of six months in 2010. Drug dependence was assessed with DSM-IV criteria. Independent variables included fear of one’s neighborhood, perceived level of neighborhood violence, and social capital. All data were self-reported and were analyzed using logistic regression. Results Controlling for gender and age, fear of neighborhood violence was associated with increased odds of having drug dependence (OR = 1.27, CI 1.02, 1.58) and a higher level of social capital prior to incarceration was associated with lower odds of drug dependence (OR = 0.65, CI 0.44, 0.96). Mental health problem diagnosis and past year intimate partner violence were significant mediating factors. Gender and race/ethnicity were significant moderating factors between neighborhood disadvantage and drug dependence. Conclusions Our study suggests that drug dependence programs for women and men who cycle between jails and communities require both individual- and community-level interventions. To be most effective, programs at the community-level should focus on helping specific groups navigate their communities, as well as address individual health needs associated with drug dependence.Peer Reviewe

    Band-like arrangement of taste-like sensory cells at the gastric groove: evidence for paracrine communication

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    The discovery of taste-related elements within the gastrointestinal tract has led to a growing interest in the mechanisms and physiological significance of chemosensory monitoring of chymus composition. Previous work suggests that brush cells located in the "gastric groove," which parallels the "limiting ridge," a structure in rodents that divides the fundus from the corpus, are candidate sensory cells. A novel sectioning technique revealed that these cells are arranged in a palisade-like manner forming a band which borders the whole length of the corpus epithelium. Using transgenic PLC beta 2 promoter-GFP mice and specific antibodies, we have demonstrated that most of these cells express gustducin, PLC beta 2, and TRPM5; typical signaling proteins of gustatory sensory "type II" cells. These molecular features strongly suggest that the cells may be capable of sensing nutrient or non-nutrient constituents of the ingested food. Since there is no evidence that brush cells are endocrine cells, attempts were made to explore how such putative chemosensory cells might transmit the information to "effector" cells. It was found that most of the cells express the neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) suggesting some paracrine interaction with adjacent cells. Moreover, they also express choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) as well as the vesicular protein SNAP25, indicating the potential for cholinergic transmission, possibly with subjacent enteric nerve fibers

    Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes as Model Systems for Electrosorption Studies

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    Highly ordered titanium dioxide nanotubes (TiO2 NTs) were fabricated through anodization and tested for their applicability as model electrodes in electrosorption studies. The crystalline structure of the TiO2 NTs was changed without modifying the nanostructure of the surface. Electrosorption capacity, charging rate, and electrochemical active surface area of TiO2 NTs with two different crystalline structures, anatase and amorphous, were investigated via chronoamperometry, cyclic voltammetry, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The highest electrosorption capacities and charging rates were obtained for the anatase TiO2 NTs, largely because anatase TiO2 has a reported higher electrical conductivity and a crystalline structure that can potentially accommodate small ions within. Both electrosorption capacity and charging rate for the ions studied in this work follow the order of Cs+ > Na+ > Li+, regardless of the crystalline structure of the TiO2 NTs. This order reflects the increasing size of the hydrated ion radii of these monovalent ions. Additionally, larger effective electrochemical active surface areas are required for larger ions and lower conductivities. These findings point towards the fact that smaller hydrated-ions experience less steric hindrance and a larger comparative electrostatic force, enabling them to be more effectively electrosorbed

    Microdosing for drug delivery application—A review

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    There is an increasing amount of research on microfluidic actuators with the aim to improve drug dosing applications. Micropumps are promising as they reduce the size and energy consumption of dosing concepts and enable new therapies. Even though there are evident advantages, there are only few examples of industrial microdosing units and micropump technology has not yet found widespread application. To answer the evoked question of what limits the application of microdosing technology for drug delivery, this work provides a comprehensive insight into the subject of drug dosing. We highlight and analyse specific microfluidic challenges and requirements in medical dosing: safety relevant aspects, such as prevention of freeflow and backflow; dosing-specific requirements, such as dosing precision and stability; and system-specific aspects, such as size, weight, and power restrictions or economic aspects. Based on these requirements, we evaluate the suitability of different mechanical micropumps and actuation mechanisms for drug administration. In addition to research work, we present industrial microdosing systems that are commercially available or close to market release. We then summarize outstanding technical solutions that ensure sufficient fluidic performance, guarantee a safe use, and fulfil the specific requirements of medical microdosing

    Escherichia coli K99 pili are composed of one subunit species

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/24207/1/0000466.pd

    Improving the early development of children through quality health care

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    Ensuring that the package of services provided during the first 1 000 days is more comprehensive, and includes the services envisaged in the Nurturing Care Framework and the ECD Policy, will require substantial changes in how services are organised, delivered and monitored.http://www.journals.co.za/content/journal/healthram2020School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH