872 research outputs found

    Bicarbonate is required for migration of sperm epididymal protein DE/CRISP-1 to the equatorial segment and expression of rat sperm fusion ability

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    Numerous studies have demonstrated that sperm capacitation is a bicarbonate-dependent process. In the rat, capacitation has not been studied as much as in other species, mainly because of the difficulties in carrying out functional assays with this animal model. In the present study, we have examined the influence of bicarbonate in the overall rat sperm capacitation process by analyzing involvement of the anion in 1) protein tyrosine phosphorylation, 2) migration of epididymal protein DE (also known as CRISP-1) from the dorsal region to the equatorial segment of the sperm head that occurs during capacitation, and 3) ability of sperm to fuse with the egg. Incubation of sperm under capacitating conditions produced a time-dependent increase in protein tyrosine phosphorylation. This phosphorylation did not occur in the absence of HCO3- and rapidly increased by either exposure of sperm to HCO3- or replacement of the anion by a cAMP analog (dibutyryl-cAMP) and a phosphodiesterase inhibitor (pentoxifylline). The absence of HCO3- also produced a significant decrease in the percentage of cells showing migration of DE to the equatorial segment. This parameter was completely restored by addition of the anion, but dibutyryl-cAMP and pentoxifylline were not sufficient to overcome the decrease in DE migration. Sperm capacitated in the absence of HCO3- were unable to penetrate zona-free eggs independent of the presence of the anion during gamete coincubation. Exposure of these sperm to bicarbonate, or replacement of the anion by dibutyryl-cAMP and pentoxifylline, only partially restored the sperm fusion ability. Altogether, these results indicate that, in addition to its influence on protein tyrosine phosphorylation, bicarbonate is required to support other rat sperm capacitation- associated events, such as migration of DE to the equatorial segment, and expression of the ability of sperm to fuse with the egg.Fil: Da Ros, Vanina Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Munuce, María José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Cohen, Debora Juana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Marin Briggiler, Clara Isabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Busso, Dolores. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Visconti, Pablo E.. University of Massachussets; Estados UnidosFil: Cuasnicu, Patricia Sara. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; Argentin

    Estrategias didácticas para fortalecer habilidades de cálculo mental que favorecen la resolución de problemas de cantidad en los estudiantes de segundo grado de primaria de la institución educativa Fe y Alegría 26 del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho

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    Este proyecto de innovación denominado “Estrategias didácticas para fortalecer habilidades de cálculo mental que favorecen la resolución de problemas de cantidad en los estudiantes de segundo grado de primaria de la institución educativa Fe y Alegría 26 del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho”, surge ante la necesidad de poseer docentes idóneos para mejorar los aprendizajes y los resultados de la competencia de cantidad en el segundo grado de primaria. El objetivo central de este proyecto es conseguir que las docentes involucren en sus sesiones de aprendizaje estrategias de cálculo mental para resolver problemas aditivos. El marco conceptual se sustenta en los aportes de María Ortiz Vallejo y Cecilia Parra, especialistas en educación matemática y promotoras del trabajo de cálculo mental en la enseñanza primaria, ambas promueven el desarrollo de las habilidades cognitivas a partir de su práctica, de las orientaciones didácticas, de las estrategias aplicadas en las sesiones de aprendizaje y de las características e importancia del docente activo durante su enseñanza. A través de la matriz del FODA, se analizan las características internas y la situación externa de la institución como punto de referencia para planificar el proyecto con éxito; el resultado de este análisis permitirá identificar la situación problemática, organizar sus causas y efectos en el árbol de problemas, definir los criterios para establecer el objetivo general, los específicos y plantear las actividades en la matriz de consistencia. El proyecto contiene tres partes: La primera se refiere a la caracterización de la realidad educativa que nos acerca a la situación socio económica y cultural de los estudiantes, la segunda describe en el marco conceptual los temas de cálculo mental, el rol de docente y el uso de diversas estrategias en el desarrollo de las sesiones de aprendizaje y la tercera parte puntualiza la matriz de evaluación y monitoreo para corregir errores que se pueden presentar durante el desarrollo del proyecto. El plan de trabajo menciona las actividades, los responsables y el tiempo en que se ejecutará. Se adjuntan los anexos con los datos estadísticos, las fuentes documentarias y textuales que dan validez a la elaboración del proyecto. Finalmente los resultados esperados con la implementación y monitoreo del proyecto de innovación permitirán que la institución educativa cuente con docentes de segundo grado capacitadas en el uso de estrategias de cálculo mental y que logren involucrarlas en la planificación de sus sesiones de aprendizaje.Tesis de segunda especialida

    El derecho a la vivienda digna desde un análisis del referencial de la política pública para la adquisición de vivienda de interés social urbana, por parte de la población víctima del desplazamiento forzado (2007-2011)

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    En este trabajo se analiza el referencial de mercado presente en la política pública de vivienda de interés social urbana y sus implicaciones en la adquisición de vivienda nueva por parte de la población víctima del desplazamiento forzado, a partir del enfoque del referencial de las políticas públicas, desarrollado por Pierre Muller; en contraposición de lo que implica un enfoque de derechos humanos para garantizar el derecho a la vivienda digna. Este análisis se hace para el periodo 2007-2011, y considera algunas reflexiones y propuestas que han surgido sobre la política de vivienda de interés social urbana para la población víctima del desplazamiento forzado.Para concluir, se realiza una breve mirada a los lineamientos de la política de vivienda de interés social urbana nueva para la población desplazada, y se presentan recomendaciones generales en materia de la garantía del derecho a la vivienda digna para dicha población. (texto tomado de la fuente)This work is to analyze a market referential present in the public policy for urban social housing, and its impact on the acquisition of brand new houses by victims of forced displacement, from referential frame of public policies by Pierre Muller; this as opposed to a human rights approach to guarantee the right to decent housing. The analysis covers the period between 2007- 2011, and it incorporates some reflections and proposals about urban social housing for forced displacement population. To conclude, it makes a brief assessment of the lineaments of the social policy for new urban social houses of the displaced population, making some general recommendations to guarantee a right to a decent housing for this population.Maestrí

    Uso de fontes legais adicionais em breves de amicus curiae apresentados em Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin

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    As the political arena becomes increasingly polarized, the legal arena is playing a more important role in the creation of education policy in the United States. One critical stage in the legal process for such efforts is at briefing where “amici curiae,” or friends-of-the-court, may introduce additional arguments for the court to consider through the filing of amicus curiae briefs. To explore the use of extra-legal sources by amici, we focus on the 2013 U.S. Supreme Court case Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin and ask the questions: 1) What are the types, and relative use by amici, of extra-legal sources cited in the briefs submitted in Fisher I? and 2) What is the relative use of extra-legal sources cited in amicus briefs by supporting party and by category of amici? Our findings reveal the wide-range of extra-legal sources used in amicus briefs, and that the type of extra-legal sources incorporated may be associated with who the amici are and which party they support. Ultimately, we discuss potential reasons for the differences observed in the use of extra-legal sources and offer recommendations to more effectively engage in the policy briefing process.A medida que la arena política se polariza cada vez más la arena legal juega un papel más importante en la creación de una política educativa en los Estados Unidos. Una etapa crítica en el proceso legal para tales esfuerzos es en una sesión de información donde “amici curiae”, o amigos de la corte, pueden presentar argumentos adicionales para que la corte los considere mediante la presentación de escritos amicus curiae. Para explorar el uso de fuentes extra legales por amici, nos enfocamos en el caso 2013 de la U.S.Supreme Court Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin y hacemos las siguientes preguntas: 1) ¿Cuáles son los tipos y el uso relativo de los amici de fuentes legales citadas en los escritos presentados en Fisher I? y 2) ¿Cuál es el uso relativo de las fuentes extra legales citadas en los escritos amicus por la parte que apoya y por categoría de amici? Nuestros hallazgos revelan la amplia gama de fuentes extra legales utilizadas en los informes amicus, y que el tipo de fuentes extra legales incorporadas puede asociarse con quiénes son los amici y qué partido apoyan. En última instancia, discutimos las posibles razones de las diferencias observadas en el uso de fuentes extra legales y ofrecemos recomendaciones para participar de manera más efectiva en el proceso de información sobre políticas.À medida que a arena política se torna cada vez mais polarizada a arena legal desempenha um papel mais importante na criação de uma política educacional nos Estados Unidos. Um estágio crítico no processo legal para tais esforços é em uma sessão de informação onde “amici curiae”, ou amigos do tribunal, podem apresentar argumentos adicionais para que o juiz considere arquivar amicus curiae briefs. Para explorar o uso de fontes legais extra pela Amici, nós nos concentramos no caso de 2013 do U.S. Supreme Court Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin e fazemos as seguintes perguntas: 1) Quais são os tipos e o uso relativo de amici de fontes legais citadas nos trabalhos apresentados em Fisher I? e 2) Qual é o uso relativo das fontes extralegais citadas nos resumos de amicus pelo partido que apoia e pela categoria amici? Nossas descobertas revelam a ampla variedade de fontes legais extra usadas nos relatórios de amicus e que o tipo de fontes extralegais incorporadas pode ser associado com quem é o amici e qual partido eles apoiam. Em última análise, discutimos os possíveis motivos das diferenças observadas no uso de fontes extralegais e oferecemos recomendações para participar de forma mais efetiva no processo de informação política

    La co-création d'un jeu musical éducatif en contexte extrascolaire : une approche pédagogique visant à faire appel à la créativité et à l'engagement des jeunes musiciens âgés de 10 à 14 ans pour ce type d'apprentissage musical

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    Cette recherche doctorale a exploré la co-création d'un jeu musical éducatif. Plus spécifiquement, elle a exploré cette activité pédagogique créative pour diversifier les approches pédagogiques qualifiées de créatives qui ont été documentées jusqu'à présent en musique, notamment en contexte extrascolaire. Pour ce faire, ce projet doctoral a été structuré autour de quatre objectifs : 1) documenter les activités mises en place et réalisées durant le processus de co-création d'un jeu musical éducatif avec un groupe de jeunes musiciens apprenant un instrument de musique en contexte extrascolaire; 2) décrire les habitudes créatives (Lucas, 2016) qui ont été sollicitées par les participants tout au long du processus de création de leur jeu musical éducatif; 3) décrire, à partir des 8 facteurs proposés par O'Neill (2013), l'engagement perçu et manifesté par les participants durant la co-création de leur jeu musical éducatif; et 4) porter un regard critique, basé sur les trois composantes d'une pédagogie créative (Lin, 2011), envers l'approche pédagogique créative que la chercheure a mis en œuvre pour réussir cette activité d'apprentissage avec les participants. Un total de sept jeunes musiciens apprenant divers instruments musicaux (ex. : piano, guitare, violon, violoncelle) ont participé aux dix séances animées par la chercheure pour co-créer leur jeu musical éducatif. Différents outils de collecte de données ont été utilisés pour documenter ce projet : des enregistrements vidéo des séances, des observations, un questionnaire sur l'engagement envers l'activité réalisée (O'Neill, 2013), et un entretien de groupe pour approfondir la compréhension de l'activité d'apprentissage étudiée. Les résultats issus de ce projet de recherche ont mis en lumière que l'activité de co-création du jeu musical éducatif réalisé par les participants a fait appel aux trois composantes de la pédagogie créative de Lin (2011), soit l'enseignement créatif et l'enseignement pour la créativité dans la pédagogie de la chercheure, et l'apprentissage créatif des participants. Concernant leur apprentissage créatif, nos résultats ont mis en évidence que chacune des phases liées à la co-création d'un jeu musical éducatif (orientation, création, gameplay) ont fait appel aux cinq dimensions créatives suggérées par Lucas (2016) (ex. : être collaboratif, être imaginatif, être discipliné, être persistant, et être curieux), mais de façon différente selon le type d'activités réalisées et de la phase de co-création à laquelle les participants travaillaient. Quant à l'engagement des participants, nos résultats ont permis de relever que les 8 facteurs proposés par O'Neill (2013) ont soutenu, à des degrés divers toutefois, l'engagement perçu par nos participants. À ce titre, le facteur en lien avec les défis perçus durant la co-création d'un jeu musical éducatif a été celui qui a le plus contribué à soutenir leur engagement envers cette activité d'apprentissage. Nos observations des enregistrements vidéo ainsi que l'entretien de groupe réalisé à la fin du projet ont permis d'identifier et de décrire les moments où les participants ont manifesté leur engagement durant la création de leur jeu, c'est-à-dire lorsqu'ils restaient concentrés sur la tâche qu'ils réalisaient, lorsqu'ils manifestaient leur appréciation envers la tâche réalisée et les apprentissages acquis, ou lorsqu'ils persévéraient face à des difficultés, entre autres exemples. Par ailleurs, les réflexions critiques de la chercheure sur sa pédagogie ont fait ressortir que ses expériences précédentes en tant qu'enseignante du violon et d'auxiliaire de recherche ont possiblement influencé ses choix d'alignement d'apprentissages (Jones, 2005) tout au long du processus de co-création avec les participants, notamment en démontrant une préférence envers des approches pédagogiques moins hiérarchiques (midwife, fellow traveller). De plus, sa réflexion a relevé que les stratégies pédagogiques qui ont été plus efficaces pour co-créer le jeu musical éducatif ont été celles qui reflétaient une interconnexion entre les trois composantes de la pédagogie créative (Lin, 2011). À titre d'exemple, cette interconnexion se manifestait lorsque l'activité réalisée faisait appel à la créativité des participants (enseignement créatif), à l'aide d'une attitude ouverte et flexible de sa part (enseignement pour la créativité), laquelle entraîne à une expérience d'apprentissage créatif des participants. Finalement, l'intervention pédagogique implémentée par la chercheure a permis d'identifier les aspects liés aux modèles éducatifs, opérationnels et conceptuels utilisés pour mener son intervention éducative. Ces modèles ont été nécessaires pour établir les fondements pédagogiques qui se sont avérés pertinents pour structurer son activité d'apprentissage autour de la co-création d'un jeu musical éducatif.This doctoral research explored the co-creation of an educational music game as a pedagogical activity that could diversify the creative pedagogy approaches (Lin, 2011) documented to date in music, particularly in out-of-school settings. To that end, this research project was structured around four objectives: 1) to document, supported by the Creative and Playful Learning model (Kangas, 2010), the activities that were necessary to successfully complete the process of co-creating a music learning game with a group of young musicians (10-14 years old); 2) to describe the creative dimensions (Lucas, 2016) that were called upon by the participants throughout the process; 3) to describe, based on O'Neill's (2013) eight factors of engagement, the perceived and demonstrated engagement of the participants during the co-creation of their music learning game; and 4) to take a critical look, based on the three components of a creative pedagogy (Lin, 2011), towards the creative pedagogical approach the researcher implemented to successfully complete this learning activity with the participants. A total of seven young musicians learning a musical instrument (e.g., piano, guitar, violin, or cello) in an out-of-school context participated in ten music-learning-game-co-creation sessions facilitated by the researcher. Various data collection tools were used, including video recordings of the sessions, observations, an engagement questionnaire (O'Neill, 2013), and a group interview. The findings from this research project highlighted that the process of co-creating a music learning game put into action the three components of a creative pedagogy (Lin, 2011), notably creative teaching and teaching for creativity (in the researcher), and creative learning (in the participants). In relation to creative learning our results highlight that each of the phases related to co-creating an educational music game (i.e., orientation, creation, gameplay) called upon participants' five creative dimensions (e.g., being collaborative, being imaginative, being disciplined, being persistent, and being curious) (Lucas, 2016) in particular ways, depending on the type of activities performed during each phase. Regarding participants' engagement, our results allowed us to identify the eight factors (O'Neill, 2013) that contributed, to varying degrees, to sustaining participants' perceived engagement. As an example, the factor related to the perceived challenges during the co-creation of a music learning game was the factor that contributed the most to sustaining participants' engagement towards this learning activity. In contrast, the lack of perceived support from a teammate as well as the participants' instrument teachers was the factor that least supported participants engagement in this activity. Also, our observations and the group interview allowed us to identify and describe the moments where participants seemed to manifest their engagement during the creation of their game. For example, by remaining focused on the task, by verbally showing an appreciation for the task and the learning acquired, by persevering during difficulties and challenges, among other examples. In addition, the researcher's critical reflections noted that her previous experiences as a violin teacher and research assistant may have influenced her choices of learning alignments (Jones, 2005) throughout the co-creation process with the participants, notably a preference for less hierarchical pedagogical approaches (i.e., midwife, fellow traveler). Also, her reflection noted that the most effective pedagogical strategies were those that reflected an interconnectedness between the three components of creative pedagogy (Lin, 2011). Specifically, when the activity being conducted called upon students' creativity (creative teaching) and was well supported by an open and flexible attitude on her part (teaching for creativity), this resulted in a creative learning experience for the participants. In contrast, the less effective strategies were those that reflected a lack of connection among these components, either when she adopted an invasive attitude that did not respect the autonomy of the participants (i.e., less effective teaching for creativity that affects creative learning) or when the way that an activity was carried out did not maximize the intended opportunities for creative expression (i.e.: less effective creative teaching that results in less creative learning). Finally, the pedagogical intervention implemented by the researcher allowed us to identify the set of educational, operational, and conceptual models (e.g., Jones, 2005; Lin, 2011; Lucas, 2016 and O'Neill, 2013) that allowed us to establish the pedagogical foundations to structure a learning activity based on the co-creation of music learning games

    Methods to Account for Design for Disassembly: Status of the Building Sector

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    Embracing the design for disassembly (DfD) mindset when constructing new and renovating existing buildings is a promising means of achieving our climate targets and putting the circular economy principles in practice, as promoted in the European Green Deal. Current greenhouse gas emissions’ accounting frameworks only deal with DfD to a certain extent. A better and more common understanding of how this can be carried out will not only help promote DfD but also shed light on how DfD should be seen in the context of other emission reduction measures. This could help to achieve balanced and credible scenarios that can be used in policy-making processes. When building components or materials are used over several cycles (buildings), the allocation of environmental impacts across the different buildings must be discussed. In an attempt to address this issue, this study examined whether and how current LCA standards for construction products and buildings consider such allocation issues.publishedVersio

    Standardized age - Length key for east Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna based on otoliths readings.

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    This paper presents an age-length key (ALK) based on age estimates from otoliths following a recent standardized reading criterion. Sampling of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) otoliths comes from the “Biological and genetic sampling and analysis" (GBYP) project and was complemented with some samples from the Spanish institute of Oceanography. Using 2010 to 2012 data improves length range and monthly sampling coverage. Variability in length at age from ALK seems acceptable and although it was developed from data pooled over three years, the bias is likely to be small. Final age was adjusted to account for the date of capture and the timing of bands formation throughout the year. Monthly formation of edge type, translucent or opaque, was inconclusive and did not allow establishing an annual formation pattern. The confidence interval of the von Bertalanffy growth model curve fitted to ALK data included currently adopted growth function for eastern bluefin stock and western stock function up to age 8. From age 9, this last western function predicts slightly older ages than the present ALK growth model.Postprint0,000