700 research outputs found

    Symposium Panel Three: Viable Models: Shareholder Resolutions

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    The Right to Counsel at Summary Courts-Martial: COMA at the Crossroads

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    United States Court of Military Appeals: A Review of the 1975-76 Term

    Characterization of Somatosensory Processing in Relation to Schizotypal Traits in a Sample of Nonclinical Young Adults

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    A core feature of schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs) is a basic sensory (e.g., visual, auditory) processing disruption, yet few studies have examined somatosensation. The current dissertation project examined somatosensory processes among individuals at varying degrees of psychometric risk for psychosis using tactile texture and spatial discrimination and letter recognition tasks. Differential patterns of associations of somatosensory abilities with schizotypal trait dimensions (positive, negative, disorganized), independent of anxiety and depressive symptoms, and the relative contributions of bottom-up (peripheral and morphologic features) versus top-down (error types) processing were examined. It was hypothesized that: 1) performance on somatosensory tasks would account for significant variability in total schizotypal traits; 2) somatosensory performances would be differentially associated with schizotypal trait dimensions, and somatosensory performances would account for variability in schizotypal traits beyond mood symptoms; and, 3) central and peripheral mechanisms may contribute to somatosensory performance, but they were not expected to fully account for the associations between basic somatosensory processing and schizotypal traits. Participants were 125 (37 Male/88 Female) young adults (Mage = 20.55, SD = 3.27) recruited from the City University of New York human subjects pool. Participants were asked to complete somatosensory tasks and mood and personality self-report measures. Fingerprints were obtained to assess morphologic features. Anxiety and depressive symptoms were included as covariates, as they accounted for a significant proportion of variability schizotypal traits. Contrary to hypotheses, after accounting for the relative contributions of mood symptoms, better spatial discrimination and rough texture discrimination abilities were associated with more disorganized and negative schizotypal traits, respectively, at the trend level. Exploratory analyses demonstrated some differential contributions of dermatoglyphic features and letter recognition confusion errors in accounting for variability in schizotypal traits. Specifically, more isomorphic errors were significantly associated with fewer negative (and total) schizotypal traits, and, at trend level, more minutiae were associated with more positive schizotypal traits. Findings are discussed in the context of theories regarding neural substrates of somatosensory processing disruptions in SSDs. Implications for understanding SSD etiology and using somatosensory measures as possible indicators of risk for psychosis are posited

    A Call to Revisit and Address the Histories of Bullying in Nursing Education

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    The issue of bullying in nursing, and particularly in nursing education has been examined in numerous contexts, both in Canada and elsewhere. In this paper, we reflect on the ongoing prevalence of bullying in nursing’s history, its impacts, and question why it has continued to be problematic in nursing and in nursing education. We argue that part of the issue is a reluctance to come to terms with bullying’s historical origins in nursing. While we note that discussions of the issue of bullying in nursing start to appear in the 1970s, and more dedicated discussions of bullying in nursing education specifically may not appear in the literature until the 1990s, we suggest that descriptions of behaviours that can be understood as bullying can be found in earlier references. Furthermore, we review some of the theories that have been put forward in an attempt to understand the origins of bullying in nursing, including its relationship to power imbalances and hierarchies in nursing and society at large. Finally, highlighting the proactive work of nursing associations with a focus on those in Canada, we point to some ways forward. We also call for more scholarship to critically examine earlier history of bullying in nursing education. In particular we argue that such scholarship must proactively seek out diverse nurses’ voices which may be inadequately represented in dominant narratives of nursing history. La question de l’intimidation en sciences infirmières, et surtout dans la formation infirmière, a été étudiée dans de nombreux contextes, tant au Canada qu’ailleurs. Dans cet article, nous réfléchissons à la prévalence continue et aux répercussions de l’intimidation dans l’histoire des soins infirmiers et nous cherchons à comprendre pourquoi elle constitue encore un problème en sciences infirmières et en formation infirmière. Nous soutenons qu’une partie du problème vient d’une réticence à composer avec les origines historiques de l’intimidation dans ce domaine. Même si nous constatons que des discussions sur la question de l’intimidation en sciences infirmières commencent à apparaître dans les années 1970 et que des discussions plus spécifiques à la formation infirmière sur ce phénomène n’apparaissent probablement pas dans les écrits avant les années 1990, nous sommes d’avis que des documents plus anciens présentent des descriptions de comportements susceptibles d’être reconnus comme étant de l’intimidation. De plus, nous examinons certaines des théories présentées visant à comprendre les origines de l’intimidation dans le milieu des sciences infirmières, notamment sa relation avec les déséquilibres de pouvoir et les hiérarchies en place dans le domaine infirmier et la société en général. Enfin, en soulignant le travail proactif des associations infirmières, en particulier au Canada, nous proposons quelques avenues pour le futur. Nous lançons un appel pour que davantage de recherches portent un regard critique sur les origines de l’intimidation dans la formation infirmière. Plus particulièrement, nous soutenons que ces recherches doivent s’attarder aux points de vue diversifiés des infirmières qui pourraient être mal représentées dans le discours dominant de l’histoire des sciences infirmières

    La biblioteca escolar y la formación lectora

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    Este artículo discute los conceptos ideológicamente legitimados que dan sustento a las nociones socialmente predominantes acerca de la relación entre formación lectora y biblioteca escolar y, alternativamente, plantea las condiciones que deberían ser asumidas por esa misma relación para que se torne enriquecedora: grosso modo, el sentido de las prácticas que comprometen a la totalidad de la comunidad educativa, la creación de entornos favorables, las interacciones con diversos tipos de texto, las nuevas relaciones con los textos, las formas de organización diferentes, el carácter de los procesos para hacerse lector, el sentido del conocimiento, la biblioteca y los maestros y los bibliotecarios como mediadores

    La formación continua de maestros: otros modos de concebirla

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    La dificultad y complejidad de los problemas que plantea la formación docente en el país obligan a quienes son sus protagonistas más notables a asumir retos de gran envergadura. En efecto, tanto los maestros como las instituciones encargadas de su formación han de involucrarse en un proceso que implique la transformación radical de las concepciones educativas, pedagógicas, del modelo de escuela y de formación que las encarna. Un proceso así caracterizado no puede omitir la reflexión acerca del carácter de las instituciones que tienen bajo su responsabilidad la formación del maestro, entre muchas dimensiones posibles

    Informe de experiencia en el área de adquisición de talento en una empresa privada

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar los aprendizajes logrados en relación a las competencias que componen el perfil de egreso de la carrera de psicología: diagnostica, interviene y evalúa; durante el desarrollo de un periodo de práctica de ocho meses, en el área de Adquisición de Talento de una empresa multinacional, enfocada en innovación en la ciencia. Las actividades realizadas en la organización han permitido la identificación de necesidades y problemáticas particulares en el proceso de selección y contratación de practicantes (de alcance internacional), a través del uso de herramientas de recojo de información como las matrices utilizadas en las reuniones con los(as) supervisores para determinar los requisitos de cada perfil de practicante. Es así que, uno de los resultados del diagnóstico fue la necesidad de hacer más inclusivo el proceso de selección de practicantes en Perú. A partir de ello, se diseñó y ejecutó un programa de intervención a modo de capacitación dirigido a los(as) supervisores para fortalecer la conciencia de diversidad en el proceso. Por otro lado, esta experiencia también me ha permitido profundizar en mis habilidades de evaluación en tanto he sido capaz de monitorear constantemente mi aprendizaje de inicio a fin; en un comienzo surgió una dificultad en poder manejar procesos locales e internacionales por lo cual se fortalecieron las habilidades de priorización y organización a través de cronogramas mensuales que conllevaron a que se lograra manejar varios procesos de selección a la vez.This paper has the objective to illustrate the achievements in relation to the specific skill set that composes the psychology degree graduation profile: diagnose, intervene and evaluate, during the course of an eight month period internship in talent acquisition of a private multinational company dedicated to science innovation. In that sense, the activities carried out throughout this internship has allowed the identification of the needs and problems immersed in the organization, specifically around the intern´s selection process (international scope), through the use of information recollecting tools such as matrices used for determining the interns profile with the company´s supervisors. Thus, one of the diagnosis results was the need to develop a selection process of Peru´s intern program with an inclusive scope. Based on this, an intervention project was designed and executed as a training aimed at the company's supervisors to strengthen awareness of diversity in the process. On the other hand, this experience has also allowed me to deepen my skills in evaluation as I have been able to constantly monitor my end to end learning process. Initially, a difficulty arose in being able to manage local and international talent processes which is why my prioritization and organization skills were strengthened through monthly targets that led to managing several processes at the same time

    Caring for Others, but Not Themselves: Implications for Health Care Interventions in Women with Cardiovascular Disease

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    Cardiovascular disease is the largest killer of women internationally and women often suffer inferior outcomes following an acute cardiac event as compared to men. A gendered approach to investigating cardiovascular disease in women incorporates the unique social, cultural, and economic circumstances that being a woman brings to the health encounter. The multiple roles enacted by many women may be important factors in this health discrepancy. In order to more fully understand the impact of the roles of women on health, a questionnaire was administered to participants of the Heart Awareness for Women group cardiac rehabilitation program which assessed women's role perceptions followed by discussions. We found that caregiving can be both positive and negative. It gives a sense of purpose, meaning, and community connection as well as burden and conflict. Emphasis must be placed on promoting strategies in women to achieve a balance between caregiving responsibilities and prioritisation of cardiovascular health