8 research outputs found

    Metal-resistant rhizobacteria change soluble-exchangeable fraction in multi-metal-contaminated soil samples

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    There is a complex interaction between various components of the soil ecosystem, including microbial biomass and soil chemical contaminants such as heavy metals and radionuclides, which may greatly affect the efficiency of bioremediation techniques. The aim of this study was to investigate microbial capacity to change pH, changes in the metal soluble-exchangeable fraction, and effects of initial heavy metal contents on soil samples in microbial solubilization/immobilization capacity. The soil samples used in this study were collected at a known metal-contaminated site. Three highly metal-resistant bacteria were isolated from rhizosphere soil samples collected on weed species identified as Senecio brasiliensis, Senecio leptolobus, and Baccharis trimera. A completely randomized experimental design in a factorial arrangement was used, with three replicates. In general, with an acid pH, the isolates neutralized the contaminated growth media. In a neutral or basic initial pH, increases in pH were observed in the media, so these bacteria have an alkalizing effect on the growth media. Soluble metal contents were quite different and depend on the microbial species and heavy metal contents in the soil samples. The soluble-exchangeable fraction of metal such as Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cd, Pb, and Ba may be unavailable after inoculation with heavy metalresistant rhizobacteria. A promising approach seems to be the application of inoculants with metal-resistant bacteria in bioremediation of multi-metal-polluted environments to improve the efficiency of this environmentally friendly technology

    Desempenho agronômico a campo de híbridos de milho inoculados com Azospirillum

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    O uso de inoculantes na cultura do milho tem sido cada vez mais valorizado, em vista dos benefícios que pode trazer à cultura, como a fixação biológica do nitrogênio e o aumento da quantidade de raízes. Isto pode melhorar a absorção de água e nutrientes pela planta, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do milho, principalmente em períodos de seca. Este estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar, em condições de campo, as características agronômicas e o rendimento de grãos de híbridos de milho, inoculados, ou não, com uma mistura de três espécies de Azospirillum (A. brasilense, A. lipoferum, A. oryzae). Foram avaliados o teor relativo de clorofila nas folhas, a altura de planta, a senescência foliar, os componentes de rendimento de grãos, o teor de N, a matéria seca da parte aérea das plantas e o número mais provável de bactérias diazotróficas na rizosfera das plantas. A inoculação manteve o teor de clorofila significativamente maior até o estádio R3 das plantas, para os três híbridos testados, aumentou o rendimento da matéria seca da parte aérea, dos híbridos AS 1575 e SHS 5050, o peso de 1000 grãos, para o híbrido P32R48 e altura, para o AS 1575. Houve interação entre os genótipos de milho e as bactérias inoculadas, visto que, cada híbrido testado respondeu de forma diferente à inoculação. A inoculação de Azospirillum em milho demonstrou estimular o desenvolvimento das plantas no período vegetativo, aumentando a probabilidade de obter-se um estande de plantas uniforme, maior resistência ao estresse e maior concentração de clorofila nas folhas

    Lablab Purpureus Influences Soil Fertility and Microbial Diversity in a Tropical Maize-Based No-Tillage System

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    There are multiple mechanisms by which enhanced diversity of plant communities improves soil structure and function. One critical pathway mediating this relationship is through changes to soil prokaryotic communities. Here, nine different cropping systems were studied to evaluate how legume and grass cover crops influence soil fertility and microbial communities in a maize-based no tillage system. The soil’s bacterial and archaeal communities were sequenced (Illumina GAIIx, 12 replicates for treatment) and correlated with eight different soil features. The microbial community composition differed widely between planting treatments, with three primary “community types” emerging in multivariate space: (1) A community type associated with bare soil linked with low P, low pH, and high aluminum [Al]; (2) a community type associated with Lablab beans linked with high soil N, total organic carbon and other base cation concentrations, and high pH; and (3) a community type of all other non-lablab planting arrangements linked with higher soil P (relative to bare soil), but lower soil fertility (N and base cations). Lablab-based arrangements also expressed the highest microbial richness and alpha diversity. The inclusion of Lablab in maize-based cropping systems represents a potential alternative to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and increase the chemical and biological quality in agricultural soils under the no-tillage system

    Metal-resistant rhizobacteria change soluble-exchangeable fraction in multi-metal-contaminated soil samples

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    There is a complex interaction between various components of the soil ecosystem, including microbial biomass and soil chemical contaminants such as heavy metals and radionuclides, which may greatly affect the efficiency of bioremediation techniques. The aim of this study was to investigate microbial capacity to change pH, changes in the metal soluble-exchangeable fraction, and effects of initial heavy metal contents on soil samples in microbial solubilization/immobilization capacity. The soil samples used in this study were collected at a known metal-contaminated site. Three highly metal-resistant bacteria were isolated from rhizosphere soil samples collected on weed species identified as Senecio brasiliensis, Senecio leptolobus, and Baccharis trimera. A completely randomized experimental design in a factorial arrangement was used, with three replicates. In general, with an acid pH, the isolates neutralized the contaminated growth media. In a neutral or basic initial pH, increases in pH were observed in the media, so these bacteria have an alkalizing effect on the growth media. Soluble metal contents were quite different and depend on the microbial species and heavy metal contents in the soil samples. The soluble-exchangeable fraction of metal such as Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cd, Pb, and Ba may be unavailable after inoculation with heavy metalresistant rhizobacteria. A promising approach seems to be the application of inoculants with metal-resistant bacteria in bioremediation of multi-metal-polluted environments to improve the efficiency of this environmentally friendly technology

    Metal-Resistant Rhizobacteria Change Soluble-Exchangeable Fraction in Multi-Metal-Contaminated Soil Samples

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT There is a complex interaction between various components of the soil ecosystem, including microbial biomass and soil chemical contaminants such as heavy metals and radionuclides, which may greatly affect the efficiency of bioremediation techniques. The aim of this study was to investigate microbial capacity to change pH, changes in the metal soluble-exchangeable fraction, and effects of initial heavy metal contents on soil samples in microbial solubilization/immobilization capacity. The soil samples used in this study were collected at a known metal-contaminated site. Three highly metal-resistant bacteria were isolated from rhizosphere soil samples collected on weed species identified as Senecio brasiliensis, Senecio leptolobus, and Baccharis trimera. A completely randomized experimental design in a factorial arrangement was used, with three replicates. In general, with an acid pH, the isolates neutralized the contaminated growth media. In a neutral or basic initial pH, increases in pH were observed in the media, so these bacteria have an alkalizing effect on the growth media. Soluble metal contents were quite different and depend on the microbial species and heavy metal contents in the soil samples. The soluble-exchangeable fraction of metal such as Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Cd, Pb, and Ba may be unavailable after inoculation with heavy metalresistant rhizobacteria. A promising approach seems to be the application of inoculants with metal-resistant bacteria in bioremediation of multi-metal-polluted environments to improve the efficiency of this environmentally friendly technology.</p></div