161 research outputs found

    Berteologi secara moderat dalam konteks kebhinekaan

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    Doing theology is a means that can bring people to understand more about every teaching in religion so that what is understood can encourage people to apply it in everyday life. Theological ideas and views have developed very dynamically, resulting in many emerging views that are diverse, even contradicting one another. The problem that arises is when theology is not based on an attitude of respect and respect for the different views of each group, class, theological tradition, and even religion. This research is a Christian view and attitude in moderate theology in the context of Indonesian diversity. In this study, the method used is descriptive qualitative with an approach to an understanding and understanding of the importance of good theology and which does not tend to be extreme towards a particular religious group. Moderate theology within the scope of religions will be able to confront two different views and ideas by prioritizing the values of diversity as a glue to build humanist religious moderation. AbstrakBerteologi merupakan sarana yang dapat membawa manusia agar semakin memahami setiap ajaran dalam agama, sehingga apa yang dipahami dapat mendorong manusia menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Gagasan serta pandangan teologi mengalami perkembangan yang sangat dinamis, sehingga banyak bermunculan pandangan yang beragam, bahkan bertentangan satu dengan yang lain. Masalah yang timbul adalah ketika berteologi tidak didasari pada sikap menghargai dan menghormati perbedaan pandangan dari setiap kelompok, golongan, tradisi teologi, bahkan agama. Penelitian ini merupakan pandangan dan sikap Kekristenan dalam berteologi secara moderat dalam konteks kebhinnekaan Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan terhadap suatu pengertian dan pemahaman akan pentingnya berteologi yang baik dan yang tidak cenderung bersikap ekstrim kepada suatu kelompok agama tertentu. Berteologi secara moderat dalam lingkup agama-agama akan mampu untuk mengonfrontasikan dua pandangan serta gagasan yang berbeda dengan mengedepankan nilai-nilai kebhinnekaan sebagai suatu perekat guna membangun moderasi beragama yang humanis

    International entrepreneurship of universities : process-oriented and capabilities perspectives

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    Objective: The objective of the article is to propose a model of process-oriented dimension and capabilities perspective on the basis of existing literature and the concept of university-based international entrepreneurship. Research Design & Methods: The article is conceptual and based on scientific literature from online databases. The method used in the research was the critical and reflective analysis of published research results in the area of process-oriented dimension and capabilities perspective for the international entrepreneurship of universities. Findings: An entrepreneurial university is mainly supported by incremental changes flowing from organisational identity and culture. Leadership is strongly concentrated on sense-making. The creative processes in HEI’s are of entrepreneurial and social nature. Process-oriented and capabilities perspectives consist of a useful cognitive base for explaining entrepreneurial activities of universities. Implications & Recommendations: Dominant functionalistic approach to the entrepreneurship of universities does not fully explain the social nature of activities of HEI’s. To develop entrepreneurial orientation in HEI, leaders should concentrate on sense-making and sense-giving. Contribution & Value Added: Process-oriented dimension and capabilities perspective for the international entrepreneurship of universities is a new approach in management theory. Cognitive value lies in the novel approach to entrepreneurial universities as benefiting from the interpretative paradigm and incrementalism


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    The works in color are available at: https://www.behance.net/gallery/68541945/chaosPrace w oryginalnej (kolorowej) wersji dostępne są pod adresem: https://www.behance.net/gallery/68541945/chao

    Analiza korupcji

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    The present article discusses the source of the word „corruption”, legal regulations in the world and in Poland, including the Law of XII Tables, Ancient Rome, the Old Testament or in the Enlightement, and in the Polish law, starting from the Statute of Wiślica through the legal solutions passed in the Penal Code of 1932, other contemporary legal acts, the Penal Code of 1969 and present regulations concerning bribery. The matter of changing the regulations concerning corruption before joining the EU by Poland was raised, as well as the present legal status, including the regulation of corruption in sport and economy. The question of new areas of threat has been presented, including political corruption.W niniejszym artykule omówione zostało źródło pochodzenia pojęcia „korupcja”, regulacje prawne na świecie oraz, w tym w prawie XII tablic, Starym Testamencie, starożytności czy oświeceniu, a także w prawie polskim, poczynając od Statutu wiślickiego poprzez rozwiązania prawne przyjęte w kodeksie karnym z 1932 r., innych ówczesnych aktach prawnych, kodeksie karnym z 1969 r. i obecnych regulacjach dotyczących łapownictwa. Poruszona została sprawa zmian w przepisach dotyczących korupcji przed wejściem Polski do Unii Europejskiej i obecny stan prawny, w tym uregulowanie korupcji w sporcie czy gospodarce. Przedstawiona została także kwestia nowych obszarów zagrożeń, np. korupcji politycznej

    The Institutionalization of Spontaneous Changes in Enterprises: a Processual Perspective

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    Background. From a processual standpoint, institutionalization constitutes a cognitive perspective in the context of organizational change. As a natural and spontaneous process, institutionalization may be observed from the point of view of changes in routines and day-today activities implemented in the course of a company’s operations. Actions of spontaneous nature may give rise to changes in practices institutionalized as routinized modes of action. This research perspective is known as the processual approach in management. Research aims. The objective of the study is to recognize the process of institutionalization of spontaneous changes in an enterprise. Method. The research involved an in-depth interview. Key findings: A well-defined brand identity is akin to an institution providing foundations for a shared understanding of the enterprise’s strategy and the implemented practices. In this sense, brand identity imposes some definite constraints on the organization and on its day-today routine functioning, thanks to which the enterprise maintains continuity and can be successful in a season-driven sector (fashion industry). This is accompanied by the institutionalization of practices, which may be less definite, but equally important. This is caused by sector-specific change and by the need to introduce changes in the cyclical process of fashion collection development

    Stratification of patients with COPD according to the 2011 GOLD report

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    Introduction: The authors aimed to compare the distribution of COPD based on the new GOLD grading with stadium based exclusively on spirometry.Material and methods: Eligible patients had an average age of 64.8 years and smoked at least 10 pack-years. COPD was defined according to GOLD fixed cut-off criterion FEV1/FVC < 0.70. In all patients postbronchodilator spirometry was performed. Categories were defined with the mMRC dyspnoea scale and CAT scale. COPD exacerbations in the previous year and lung function were evaluated. Statistical comparisons were done using t-student test.Results: 315 COPD patients, 99 (31.4%) women and 216 (68.6%) men, were examined. Mean pack-years in the whole group was 47.1 ± 17.8. In women this figure was less than in men, 43.7 ± 19.2 vs 49.5 ± 16.5 (p > 0.05), respectively. At study entry, 144 subjects (45.7%) were current smokers, and the majority of them (n-87, 60.4%) belonged to category D — 26/66 (54.5%) women and 51/102 (50%) men. Based on spirometry alone, the patients were classified as moderate COPD 144 (45.71%), severe – 154 (48.89%), and very severe 17 (5.4%). According to the 2011 GOLD report stratification, 60 patients (19.04%) were graded as category A, 63 (20%) as category B, 24 (7.62%) as category C, and 168 (53.33%) as category D, although 21 (12.5% of them) were in category B, but the number of exacerbations classified them as category D.Conclusions: The COPD population is heterogeneous in reference to the symptoms, value of FEV1, and susceptibility to exacerbations. Clinical symptoms assessed using validated questionnaires characterized COPD patients better than the value of spirometric parameters (which are necessary for diagnosis of this disease). Some patients were difficult to classify, especially those belonging to category C.Wstęp: Celem pracy było porównanie rozkładu POChP według nowej gradacji GOLD ze stadium ocenianym wyłącznie na podstawie spirometrii.Materiał i metody: Pacjenci spełniający warunki byli w wieku 64,8 roku i palili papierosy co najmniej 10 paczkolat. POChP było zdefiniowane według GOLD z wartością FEV1/FVC < 0,70 po teście odwracalności obturacji. Kategorie zostały określone według skali duszności mMRC i skali CAT. Oceniano zaostrzenia POChP w ciągu ostatniego roku i wskaźniki wentylacji. Opracowanie statystyczne wykonano przy użyciu testu t-studenta.Wyniki: W badaniach analizowano 315 pacjentów z POChP: 99 (31,4%) kobiet i 216 (68,6%) mężczyzn. Palenie papierosów określone średnią wartością paczkolat w całej grupie wynosiło 47,1 ± 17,8, ale średnia paczkolat u kobiet była krótsza niż u mężczyzn, odpowiednio 43,7 ± 19,2 vs 49,5 ± 16,5 (p > 0,05). Przy przystępowaniu do badania 144 osoby (45,7%) nadal paliły papierosy, większość z nich (n-87 — 60,4%) należała do kategorii D — 36/66 (54,5%) kobiet i 51/102 (50%) mężczyzn. Na podstawie tylko spirometrii POChP umiarkowaną sklasyfikowano u 144 pacjentów (45,71%), ciężką u 154 (48,89%), a bardzo ciężka u 17 (5,4%). Według raportu GOLD 2011 60 pacjentów (19,04%) zostało zakwalifikowanych do kategorii A, 63 (20%) do kategorii B, 24 (7,62%) do kategorii C i 168 (53,33%) do kategorii D, chociaż 21 (12,5%) z nich było w kategorii B, lecz liczba zaostrzeń spowodowała zakwalifikowanie ich do kategorii D.Wnioski: Populacja z POChP jest heterogenna pod względem objawów, wartości FEV1 i podatności na zaostrzenia. Objawy kliniczne oceniane przy użyciu zwalidowanych kwestionariuszy lepiej charakteryzują pacjentów z POChP niż wskaźniki spirometryczne, które są konieczne w diagnozowaniu tej choroby. Niektórych pacjentów trudno sklasyfikować, szczególnie tych do kategorii C

    Lightweight gearbox: for which market

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    PFC elaborat en Erasmus EPS a Politechnika ŁódzkaTreball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'

    The Institutionalization of Spontaneous Changes in Enterprises: a Processual Perspective

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    Background. From a processual standpoint, institutionalization constitutes a cognitive perspective in the context of organizational change. As a natural and spontaneous process, institutionalization may be observed from the point of view of changes in routines and day-today activities implemented in the course of a company’s operations. Actions of spontaneous nature may give rise to changes in practices institutionalized as routinized modes of action. This research perspective is known as the processual approach in management. Research aims. The objective of the study is to recognize the process of institutionalization of spontaneous changes in an enterprise. Method. The research involved an in-depth interview. Key findings: A well-defined brand identity is akin to an institution providing foundations for a shared understanding of the enterprise’s strategy and the implemented practices. In this sense, brand identity imposes some definite constraints on the organization and on its day-today routine functioning, thanks to which the enterprise maintains continuity and can be successful in a season-driven sector (fashion industry). This is accompanied by the institutionalization of practices, which may be less definite, but equally important. This is caused by sector-specific change and by the need to introduce changes in the cyclical process of fashion collection development

    Lightweight gearbox: for which market

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    PFC elaborat en Erasmus EPS a Politechnika ŁódzkaTreball desenvolupat dins el marc del programa 'European Project Semester'