266 research outputs found

    Common Coronary Anomalies on MDCT

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    Coronary artery anomalies are rare, and the incidence is around 1 to 2% in the general population. Majority of the patients are asymptomatic and detected while investigating another clinical issue. A few anomalies may be life-threatening due to the malignant course with potential for ischemia and even sudden death. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) has high accuracy in detecting these anomalies because of volume rendering (VR) and multiplanar reconstruction (MPR). ‘High take-off’, origin of the coronary artery from the opposite or noncoronary cusp with anomalous course and coronary artery fistula are three most frequent anomalies. MDCT can be a useful screening tool in the study of coronary anomalies

    Common Coronary Anomalies on MDCT

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    Coronary artery anomalies are rare, and the incidence is around 1 to 2% in the general population. Majority of the patients are asymptomatic and detected while investigating another clinical issue. A few anomalies may be life-threatening due to the malignant course with potential for ischemia and even sudden death. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) has high accuracy in detecting these anomalies because of volume rendering (VR) and multiplanar reconstruction (MPR). ‘High take-off’, origin of the coronary artery from the opposite or noncoronary cusp with anomalous course and coronary artery fistula are three most frequent anomalies. MDCT can be a useful screening tool in the study of coronary anomalies

    Glycan Structures Contain Information for the Spatial Arrangement of Glycoproteins in the Plasma Membrane

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    Glycoconjugates at the cell surface are crucial for cells to communicate with each other and the extracellular microenvironment. While it is generally accepted that glycans are vectorial biopolymers, their information content is unclear. This report provides evidence that distinct N-glycan structures influence the spatial arrangement of two integral membrane glycoproteins, Kv3.1 and E-cadherin, at the adherent membrane which in turn alter cellular properties. Distinct N-glycan structures were generated by heterologous expression of these glycoproteins in parental and glycosylation mutant Chinese hamster ovary cell lines. Unlike the N-linked glycans, the O-linked glycans of the mutant cell lines are similar to those of the parental cell line. Western and lectin blots of total membranes and GFP immunopurified samples, combined with glycosidase digestion reactions, were employed to verify the glycoproteins had predominantly complex, oligomannose, and bisecting type N-glycans from Pro(-)5, Lec1, and Lec10B cell lines, respectively. Based on total internal reflection fluorescence and differential interference contrast microscopy techniques, and cellular assays of live parental and glycosylation mutant CHO cells, we propose that glycoproteins with complex, oligomannose or bisecting type N-glycans relay information for localization of glycoproteins to various regions of the plasma membrane in both a glycan-specific and protein-specific manner, and furthermore cell-cell interactions are required for deciphering much of this information. These distinct spatial arrangements also impact cell adhesion and migration. Our findings provide direct evidence that N-glycan structures of glycoproteins contribute significantly to the information content of cells

    The importance of RT-qPCR primer design for the detection of siRNA-mediated mRNA silencing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of RNAi to analyse gene function <it>in vitro </it>is now widely applied in biological research. However, several difficulties are associated with its use <it>in vivo</it>, mainly relating to inefficient delivery and non-specific effects of short RNA duplexes in animal models. The latter can lead to false positive results when real-time RT-qPCR alone is used to measure target mRNA knockdown.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We observed that detection of an apparent siRNA-mediated knockdown <it>in vivo </it>was dependent on the primers used for real-time RT-qPCR measurement of the target mRNA. Two siRNAs specific for <it>RRM1 </it>with equivalent activity <it>in vitro </it>were administered to A549 xenografts via intratumoural injection. In each case, apparent knockdown of <it>RRM1 </it>mRNA was observed only when the primer pair used in RT-qPCR flanked the siRNA cleavage site. This false-positive result was found to result from co-purified siRNA interfering with both reverse transcription and qPCR.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data suggest that using primers flanking the siRNA-mediated cleavage site in RT-qPCR-based measurements of mRNA knockdown <it>in vivo </it>can lead to false positive results. This is particularly relevant where high concentrations of siRNA are introduced, particularly via intratumoural injection, as the siRNA may be co-purified with the RNA and interfere with downstream enzymatic steps. Based on these results, using primers flanking the siRNA target site should be avoided when measuring knockdown of target mRNA by real-time RT-qPCR.</p

    Overexpression of the Lung Cancer-Prognostic miR-146b MicroRNAs Has a Minimal and Negative Effect on the Malignant Phenotype of A549 Lung Cancer Cells

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    INTRODUCTION:Expression levels of miR-146b-5p and -3p microRNAs in human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are associated with recurrence of the disease after surgery. To understand this, the effect of miR-146b overexpression was studied in A549 human lung cancer cells. METHODS:A549 cells, engineered with lentiviruses to overexpress the human pre-miR-146b precursor microRNA, were examined for proliferation, colony formation on plastic surface and in soft agar, migration and invasiveness in cell culture and in vivo in mice, chemosensitivity to cisplatin and doxorubicin, and global gene expression. miR-146b expressions were assessed in microdissected stroma and epithelia of human NSCLC tumors. Association of miR-146b-5p and -3p expression in early stage NSCLC with recurrence was analyzed. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:A549 pre-miR-146b-overexpressors had 3-8-fold higher levels of both miR-146b microRNAs than control cells. Overexpression did not alter cellular proliferation, chemosensitivity, migration, or invasiveness; affected only 0.3% of the mRNA transcriptome; and, reduced the ability to form colonies in vitro by 25%. In human NSCLC tumors, expression of both miR-146b microRNAs was 7-10-fold higher in stroma than in cancerous epithelia, and higher miR-146b-5p but lower -3p levels were predictive of recurrence. CONCLUSIONS:Only a minimal effect of pre-miR-146b overexpression on the malignant phenotype was seen in A549 cells. This could be because of opposing effects of miR-146b-5p and -3p overexpression as suggested by the conflicting recurrence-predictive values of the two microRNAs, or because miR-146b expression changes in non-cancerous stroma and not cancerous epithelia of tumors are responsible for the prognostic value of miR-146b

    Analytical variables influencing the performance of a miRNA based laboratory assay for prediction of relapse in stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Laboratory assays are needed for early stage non-small lung cancer (NSCLC) that can link molecular and clinical heterogeneity to predict relapse after surgical resection. We technically validated two miRNA assays for prediction of relapse in NSCLC. Total RNA from seventy-five formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens was extracted, labeled and hybridized to Affymetrix miRNA arrays using different RNA input amounts, ATP-mix dilutions, array lots and RNA extraction- and labeling methods in a total of 166 hybridizations. Two combinations of RNA extraction- and labeling methods (assays I and II) were applied to a cohort of 68 early stage NSCLC patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>RNA input amount and RNA extraction- and labeling methods affected signal intensity and the number of detected probes and probe sets, and caused large variation, whereas different ATP-mix dilutions and array lots did not. Leave-one-out accuracies for prediction of relapse were 63% and 73% for the two assays. Prognosticator calls ("no recurrence" or "recurrence") were consistent, independent on RNA amount, ATP-mix dilution, array lots and RNA extraction method. The calls were not robust to changes in labeling method.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this study, we demonstrate that some analytical conditions such as RNA extraction- and labeling methods are important for the variation in assay performance whereas others are not. Thus, careful optimization that address all analytical steps and variables can improve the accuracy of prediction and facilitate the introduction of microRNA arrays in the clinic for prediction of relapse in stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).</p

    The sinus tarsi approach in displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures: a systematic review

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    Purpose: Although open reduction and internal fixation is currently considered the gold standard in surgical treatment of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures, various different approaches exist including the limited lateral approach. The aim of this systematic review was to combine the results of studies using the sinus tarsi approach, which is the most frequently applied limited lateral approach. Method: A literature search in the electronic databases of the Cochrane Library and Pubmed Medline, between January 1st 2000 to December 1st 2010, was conducted to identify studies in which the sinus tarsi approach or a modified sinus tarsi approach was utilized for the treatment of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures. The methodological quality of the included studies was assessed using the Coleman methodology score. Results: A total of eight case series reporting on 256 patients with 271 calcaneal fractures was identified. Overall good to excellent outcome was reached in three-quarters of all patients. An average complication rate of minor wound complications of 4.1% was reported and major wound complications in 0.7%. The need for a secondary subtalar arthrodesis occurred at an average rate of 4.3%. The average Coleman methodology score was 56.8 (range 39-72) points. Conclusion: The results, i.e. functional outcome and complication rates, of the sinus tarsi approach compare similarly or favourably to the extended lateral approach. Therefore, in the process of tailoring the best treatment modality to the right patient and the right fracture type, the sinus tarsi approach might be a valuable asset

    Use of wild bird surveillance, human case data and GIS spatial analysis for predicting spatial distributions of West Nile Virus in Greece

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    West Nile Virus (WNV) is the causative agent of a vector-borne, zoonotic disease with a worldwide distribution. Recent expansion and introduction of WNV into new areas, including southern Europe, has been associated with severe disease in humans and equids, and has increased concerns regarding the need to prevent and control future WNV outbreaks. Since 2010, 524 confirmed human cases of the disease have been reported in Greece with greater than 10% mortality. Infected mosquitoes, wild birds, equids, and chickens have been detected and associated with human disease. The aim of our study was to establish a monitoring system with wild birds and reported human cases data using Geographical Information System (GIS). Potential distribution of WNV was modelled by combining wild bird serological surveillance data with environmental factors (e.g. elevation, slope, land use, vegetation density, temperature, precipitation indices, and population density). Local factors including areas of low altitude and proximity to water were important predictors of appearance of both human and wild bird cases (Odds Ratio = 1,001 95%CI = 0,723–1,386). Using GIS analysis, the identified risk factors were applied across Greece identifying the northern part of Greece (Macedonia, Thrace) western Greece and a number of Greek islands as being at highest risk of future outbreaks. The results of the analysis were evaluated and confirmed using the 161 reported human cases of the 2012 outbreak predicting correctly (Odds = 130/31 = 4,194 95%CI = 2,841–6,189) and more areas were identified for potential dispersion in the following years. Our approach verified that WNV risk can be modelled in a fast cost-effective way indicating high risk areas where prevention measures should be implemented in order to reduce the disease incidence
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