32 research outputs found

    Carving Out Parameter Space in Type-II Two Higgs Doublets Model

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    We analyze the Type-II two Higgs doublets model in light of the newly discovered Higgs-like particle with mass 125 GeV. The observed 125 GeV particle is identified with the light CP-even Higgs boson in the two Higgs doublets model. We study the parameter space of the model consistent with the Higgs data, branching ratio of Bˉ→Xsγ\bar{B}\to X_s\gamma as well as precision electroweak measurements. We also incorporate theoretical constraints--- perturbativity of the couplings and vacuum stability, in our study. We find that only a small parameter space of the model remains viable. The phenomenology of the heavy Higgs bosons in the surviving parameter space is studied.Comment: Revise the CP odd scalar branching ratios. Main conclusion remains unchange

    Dark Matter-Neutrino Interaction in Light of Collider and Neutrino Telescope Data

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    We study the DM-neutrino interaction in the framework of simplified model. The phenomenology of such an interaction are derived. We also investigate the bound on DM-neutrino interaction from the LHC and neutrino telescopes. We find that for the case of a scalar dark matter, the LHC gives a stronger bound on dark matter annihilation cross-section than the neutrino telescopes. However, for the fermionic dark matter case the neutrino telescopes bounds are more stringent for dark matter mass, ≳200\gtrsim 200 MeV. In the case of lower DM mass, the neutrino telescopes provide better bounds for a light mediator, while the collider bounds are better for a heavy mediator. Possible UV completions of the simplified model are briefly discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures. Add discussion on DM-neutrino interaction. References updated. Match JHEP versio

    Probing Lepton Flavor Violation at the 13 TeV LHC

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    We investigate the bounds on tau-mu lepton flavor violation (LFV). Our main focus is on the collider constrains on tau-mu LFV. We use the Type-III Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model (2HDM) as a set up for our study. While the LFV branching fraction of the 125 GeV is well constrained by current LHC searches, the heavier neutral states could have a large branching fraction to tau and muon. We estimate the LHC reach for the 13 TeV center of mass energy with 300 fb−1\text{fb}^{-1} luminosity for a neutral boson decaying into a tau and a muon. We identify parts of the LFV parameter space where the searches for heavy scalar and pseudoscalar decaying into a tau and a muon are more sensitive than the similar search for the 125 GeV boson.Comment: 29 + 3 pages, 23 figures. Version 2 expanded discussion of low energy constraints and added more references. Matched the JHEP versio

    Nonstandard Yukawa Couplings and Higgs Portal Dark Matter

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    We study the implications of non-standard Higgs Yukawa couplings to light quarks on Higgs-portal dark matter phenomenology. Saturating the present experimental bounds on up-quark, down-quark, or strange-quark Yukawa couplings, the predicted direct dark matter detection scattering rate can increase by up to four orders of magnitude. The effect on the dark matter annihilation cross section, on the other hand, is subleading unless the dark matter is very light -- a scenario that is already excluded by measurements of the Higgs invisible decay width. We investigate the expected size of corrections in multi-Higgs-doublet models with natural flavor conservation, the type-II two-Higgs-doublet model, the Giudice-Lebedev model of light quark masses, minimal flavor violation new physics models, Randall-Sundrum, and composite Higgs models. We find that an enhancement in the dark matter scattering rate of an order of magnitude is possible. Finally, we point out that a discovery of Higgs-portal dark matter could lead to interesting bounds on the light-quark Yukawa couplings.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figures; minor mistake in numerics fixed, conclusions unchanged; references adde

    One-loop corrections to the perturbative unitarity bounds in the CP-conserving two-Higgs doublet model with a softly broken ℤ2 symmetry

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    We compute all of the one-loop corrections that are enhanced, O(λiλj/16π2)O(\lambda_i \lambda_j / 16 \pi^2), in the limit s≫∣λi∣v2≫MW2s \gg |\lambda_i | v^2 \gg M_{W}^2, s≫m122s \gg m_{12}^2 to all the 2→22 \to 2 longitudinal vector boson and Higgs boson scattering amplitudes in the CPCP-conserving two-Higgs doublet model with a softly broken Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 symmetry. In the two simplified scenarios we study, the typical bound we find is ∣λi(s)∣⪅4|\lambda_i(s)| \lessapprox 4

    Theoretical Constraints on Additional Higgs Bosons in Light of the 126 GeV Higgs

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    We present a sum rule for Higgs fields in general representations under SU(2)L×U(1)YSU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y that follows from the connection between the Higgs couplings and the mechanism that gives the electroweak bosons their masses, and at the same time restricts these couplings. Sum rules that follow from perturbative unitarity will require us to include singly and doubly charged Higgses in our analysis. We examine the consequences of these sum rules for Higgs phenomenology in both model independent and model specific ways. The relation between our sum rules and other works, based on dispersion relations, is also clarified.Comment: 53 pages, 17 figures. Version 3: expanded references, matched JHEP versio

    Inflation from Minkowski Space

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    We propose a class of scalar models that, once coupled to gravity, lead to cosmologies that smoothly and stably connect an inflationary quasi-de Sitter universe to a low, or even zero-curvature, maximally symmetric spacetime in the asymptotic past, strongly violating the null energy condition (H˙≫H2\dot H\gg H^2) at intermediate times. The models are deformations of the conformal galileon lagrangian and are therefore based on symmetries, both exact and approximate, that ensure the quantum robustness of the whole picture. The resulting cosmological backgrounds can be viewed as regularized extensions of the galilean genesis scenario, or, equivalently, as `early-time-complete' realizations of inflation. The late-time inflationary dynamics possesses phenomenologically interesting properties: it can produce a large tensor-to-scalar ratio within the regime of validity of the effective field theory and can lead to sizeable equilateral nongaussianities.Comment: 28+10 pages, 4 figure