4,480 research outputs found

    Endophytic Mycoflora of Indian Medicinal Plant, Terminalia arjuna and their Biological Activities

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    Studies were undertaken to isolate, identify and evaluate the biological activities of endophytic mycoflora of Indian medicinal plant, Terminalia arjuna. A total of 20 isolates of endophytic fungi were obtained from the leaves, twigs and bark tissues of the Terminalia arjuna. Out of 20, six isolates exhibited promising antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activities when cultivated at shake flask level. The selected isolates were identified on the basis of morphology and ITS gene sequencing. Three isolates, designated as TA BA 1, TA L1 and TA L2 were identified as Aspergillus flavus whereas; the remaining three endophytic fungi were identified as Diaporthe arengae (TA TW2), Alternaria Sp. (TA TW1) and Lasiodiplodia theobromae (TA BA2). Aspergillus flavus was found as the predominant endophyte in leaves and bark tissues of the plant. The crude extract of the test isolates showed considerable antimicrobial activity against common human bacterial (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella abony and Bacillus subtilis) and fungal (Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger and Penicilium sp.) pathogens. The extract of Diaporthe arengae (TA TW2) significantly reduced the concentration of DPPH free radical as percent DPPH scavenging activity was found to be highest (69.56%) in comparison with other isolates. The % inhibition of hemolysis of RBCs was found to be highest (82.85%) with Diaporthe arengae (TA TW2) in comparison (83.26%) with standard drug (Ibuprofen). Among all, the extract of the Diaporthe arengae (TA TW2) showed excellent biological activities and hence was subjected to further characterization. The phytochemical investigation of the extract revealed the presence of terpenoids as the major phytoconstituents which was supported by TLC and UV spectroscopic studies. The results indicate that the isolated endophytes could be the valuable source of these bioactive molecules with diverse biological activities. The bioactivities may be attributed to the terpenoids present in the endophytic extract

    Path (or cycle)-trees with Graph Equations involving Line and Split Graphs

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    H-trees generalizes the existing notions of trees, higher dimensional trees and k-ctrees. The characterizations and properties of both Pk-trees for k at least 4 and Cn-trees for n at least 5 and their hamiltonian property, dominations, planarity, chromatic and b-chromatic numbers are established. The conditions under which Pk-trees for k at least 3 (resp. Cn-trees for n at least 4), are the line graphs are determined. The relationship between path-trees and split graphs are developed

    Advanced Door Level Security For Theft Detection

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    Now a day?s many door access control systems are available in market but still the theft rates are increased. Protecting highly secured areas with single level biometric system for access control is not efficient. So in this paper we proposed a system with two level security checks. This system uses password with face recognition technique for theft detection. First system acquires password from user. If that password matched with authorized password, then current captured image will get compared with authorized image stored along with that password. This two level security reduces the number of comparisons required to match the image with authorized person. If any unauthorized person tries to get access of area, then system raises alarm and sends message to registered mobile number using GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) module. If any unauthorized person tries to harm the system, vibration sensor sends signal to microcontroller 89E51RD2 which in turns raises alarm. This system helps users for improvement of the door security of sensitive locations by using face detection and recognition. This system uses sensor, namely passive infrared receiver (PIR) which detects presence of human in front of door, Vibration sensors for detecting vibrations at door or window area, Microcontroller 89E51RD2 for sending signals to computer, Camera for capturing images, GSM module for sending messages and a buzzer for alerting authorized persons

    Review of Multimodal Biometric Identification Using Hand Feature and Face

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    In the era of Information Technology, openness of the information is a major concern. As the confidentiality and integrity of the information is critically important, it has to be secured from unauthorized access. Security refers to prohibit some unauthorized persons from some important data or from some precious assets. So we need accurateness on automatic personal identification in various applications such as ATM, driving license, passports, citizen's card, cellular telephones, voter's ID card etc. Unimodal system carries some problems such as Noise in sensed data, Intra-class variations, Inter-class similarities, Non-universality and Spoof attacks. The accuracy of system is improved by combining different biometric traits which are called multimodal. This system gives more accuracy as it would be difficult for imposter to spoof multiple biometric traits simultaneously. This paper reviews different methods for fusion of biometric traits


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    The Automatic ECG signal analysis by wavelet transform (WT) along with MATLAB using signal processing and wavelet toolboxes to ease the process to calculate the set on points, and set off points, and time intervals within QRS complexes, T waves and P waves. This process will allow the analyses on the characteristics of each QRS complexes, T waves and P waves. This can be done by using Wavelet filter Coefficients, for this procedure following steps are used for filtration:- R-R interval detection QRS Complex Detection T wave and P wave detectio

    A review on mouth dissolving tablet

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    The demand for MDT (Mouth Disintegrating Tablet) has been increasing from the last decade particularly in geriatric, pediatric and patient with some sort of disabilities in swallowing. MDTs are those tablets which when placed in mouth get dissolved rapidly in saliva without the need of liquid and can be swallowed. European pharmacopoeia adopted the term Orodispersible tablet for MDTs. Mouth disintegrating tablets are also known as Fast melting tablets, Orodispersible tablets, fast dissolving/dispersing tablets or melt in mouth tablets. This article reviews the potential benefits offered by MDTs as an oral drug delivery system for various kinds of patients suffering from different diseases and disabilities. Desired characteristics and challenges for developing fast disintegrating drug delivery systems, quality control tests, various techniques used in the preparation of fast disintegrating drug delivery systems like lyophilization technologies, tablet molding method, sublimation techniques, spray drying techniques, mass extrusion technology, direct compression method and uses of super-disintegrates. It also reviews the patented technologies for fast dissolving tablets, advantages and disadvantages of different technologies for preparing fast disintegrating dosage form, future prospective for MDTs. The growing importance for MDTs is due to the potential advantages offered by this technology. MDT is a New Drug Delivery system with least disintegration time and ease of self administratio


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    Objective: Present work demonstrates the use of film that releases the drug at a pre-programmed manner. Several methods have been explored for management of moxifloxacin in dealing of Odontogenic infections which are mainly caused by necrotic pulp or by bacterial invasion from the periodontal tissue. These are usually mixed bacterial infections, and they penetrate mostly into the soft and bony oromaxillofacial tissues to produce submucosal infiltrates and abscesses.Methods: The films were developed with the intention to minimize the dose of a drug, to deliver definite concentration and to preserve dosage at its site for a longer period by this means gets a better patient compliance. Moxifloxacin films were prepared by solvent casting technique using gellan gum at different concentrations and PEG 400 as plasticizers. Compatibility study such as FT-IR and DSC also performed to check the interaction between drug and excipients used. The formulations were evaluated for their thickness, weight uniformity, folding endurance, content uniformity, surface pH, In vitro drug release. Optimized formulations were subjected to in vitro antibacterial activity and stability studies to assess the effectiveness of the formulations.Results: Formulations shown the good uniformity of drug content, there was no any kind of effect on moisture loss test. Weight and thickness of the films were found to be uniform. Plasticizer like PEG400 was found to influence their effect on drug release as well as characteristics of films.Conclusion: In vitro studies revealed that the formulations provide the best alternative to prolong drug release at the end of 10 h and formulations remained stable with intact at ambient conditions.Â

    Comparative assessment of efficacy of lignocaine (1.5 mg/kg), esmolol (300 µg/kg), and dexmedetomidine (0.5 µg/kg) in minimizing the pressor response to laryngoscopy and intubation

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    Background: The objectives of the present study were to compare the effect of lignocaine (1.5 mg/kg IV given 3 mins before laryngoscopy and intubation), esmolol (300 µg/kg as a bolus 2 mins before intubation), and dexmedetomidine (0.5 µg/kg IV over 10 mins) on the pressor response in non-hypertensive American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Grade I and II patients posted for elective surgery and the pharmacoeconomic and pharmacoepidemiological inferences drawn on comparison of these drugs.Methods: After approval by the Institutional Ethics Committee, 90 consenting adult patients aged 18-65 years of age of either sex of non-hypertensive ASA Grade I or II undergoing elective surgery under general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation were included in this randomized, prospective study protocol. (1) Group L: Patients were given IV lignocaine 1.5 mg/kg. (2) Group E: Patients were given IV esmolol 300 µg/kg. (3) Group D: Patients were given IV dexmedetomidine 0.5 μg/kg. Adequate monitoring, oxygenation, and hydration were established on the entry in the operating room (OR). All hemodynamic data were measured on arrival in OR, before induction, before intubation, and at 1, 3, 5 mins after intubation by an independent observer. Anesthesia was induced with thiopental sodium and fentanyl 2 μg/kg; intubation was performed with cuffed oral endotracheal tube of appropriate size for airway management. Surgery was allowed to start only after 5 mins of intubation.Results: Esmolol effectively blunted the blood pressure response to intubation, but incompletely attenuated the increase in heart rate (HR). Dexmedetomidine was more effective than lignocaine in minimizing the increase in HR, systolic blood pressure (SBP), and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) subsequent to endotracheal intubation.Conclusion: Dexmedetomidine 0.5 µg/kg has manifested to maintain hemodynamic stability associated with intubation and hence may prove beneficial for cardiac patients where the stress response to laryngoscopy and intubation is highly undesirable

    Preparation Of Mixed Ligand Complexes Of Cerium (III) Metal Using Multidentate Ligands And Investigation Of Their Physicochemical, Spectral, Thermal, And Antibacterial Properties.

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    This study involves the synthesis and characterization of Cerium (III) Mixed-ligand complexes employing 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde oxime (BO) as the primary ligand and organic compounds 2-amino-3-(1H-indol-3-yl)propanoic acid (L1) , 2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid  (L2) , 2-amino-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid  (L3) ,  2-Amino-3-sulfhydrylpropanoic acid  (L4) as secondary ligands. The resulting complexes exhibit a brown color and display stability, as evidenced by conductometric measurements indicating non-electrolyte behavior. FTIR analysis reveals coordination through O and N donor atoms, while thermogravimetric studies highlight stability with coordinated water molecules, supported by high decomposition temperatures. UV studies demonstrate intra-ligand and ligand-to-metal charge transfer transitions. Elemental analysis confirms a 1:2:1 ratio for the complexes. Antibacterial assays using agar cup and tube dilution methods affirm the complexes' antibacterial activity against specific bacterial strains
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