131 research outputs found

    Immunomodulatory effects of fruits of Barringtonia racemosa Linn.

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    Background: Barringtonia racemosa (B. racemosa) is used medicinally in treatment of diarrhoea, asthma, coughs, jaundice. It is also used as an analgesic and antipyretic. This plant has also significant anti-tumor activity. However, systematic evaluation of its immunomodulatory effects has not been reported. In present study the hydroalcoholic extract of fruits of B. racemosa has been evaluated for its immunomodulatory properties in animal models.Methods: Extract of Fruits of B. racemosa was prepared from fruit powder and methanol by macerations and filtration. Healthy albino Wistar rats of either sex having 110-160 g body weight were used for this study. 1. Delayed type hypersensitivity reaction (DTH) using Sheep red blood cells (SRBCs): After immunization with SRBC effect of cyclophosphamide and hydroalcoholic extract of B. racemosa was seen on paw volume changes in rats challenged with SRBC by using digital Plethysmometer. 2. Humoral antibody response to SRBC: Animas were immunized with SRBC and treated with cyclophosphamide and hydroalcoholic extract of B. racemosa. Serum of these animals was observed for haemagglutination titer.Results: Fruits extract at the dose of 5 mg/kg i.p. showed significant decrease in DTH response as compared to that of control group animals. However, the effect of extract was less potent as compared to that of cyclophosphamide treated group. In haemagglutination titer assay, antibody titer in case naïve control, SRBC treated, cyclophosphamide treated and extract treated groups was 1:1, 1:32, 1:8 and 1:16 respectively.Conclusions: The hydroalcoholic extract of this fruits was found to inhibit SRBCs induced DTH in rats. Similarly, SRBCs induced antibody titer was also reduced

    Study of Oligohydramnios and its perinatal outcome

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    Background: Importance of amniotic fluid volume as an indicator of fetal status is being appreciated relatively recently. Around 3% to 8% of pregnant women are presenting with low amniotic fluid at any point of pregnancy. The present study was undertaken to study the outcome of pregnancies with Oligohydramnios [(amniotic fluid index) AFI≤5cm] at or beyond 34 weeks.Methods: This study consists of 50 cases of antenatal patients with oligohydramnios (AFI≤5) at or beyond 34 weeks of gestation compared with age and gestation matched 50 normal liquor (AFI≥5 and ≤25). The outcome measures recorded were labor, gestational age at delivery, amniotic fluid index (AFI), mode of delivery, indication for cesarean section or instrumental delivery, APGAR score and birth weight.Results: In the present study, AFI was significantly decreased in cases (3.74±1.2) compared (12.54±2.5) with controls. Variable deceleration was noted in 14 (28%) and late deceleration in 5 (10%) cases. In control group, 2 (4%) had late deceleration. In cases induced labor is in 14 (28%), spontaneous labor 36 (72%). In cases, term normal vaginal delivery was in 15 (30%), PVD in 6 (12%), LSCS in 28 (56%) and instrumental vaginal delivery in 1 (2%). In controls, full term normal vaginal delivery was in 41 (82%), PVD in 5 (10%), LSCS in 4 (8%). APGAR score <7 at 1 minute was in 19 (38%) and at 5 minutes was in 5 (10%) in cases. Birth weight is reduced in cases. IUGR was reported in 9 (18%) in cases.Conclusions: Pregnancies with Oligohydramnios (AFI≤5) is associated with increased rate of non-reactive NST. Routine induction of labor for Oligohydramnios is not recommended. It is preferable to allow patients to go into spontaneous labor with continuous FHR monitoring. Antepartum diagnosis of Oligohydramnios warrants close fetal surveillance

    Genetic evaluation for understanding combining ability effects and Heterotic grouping in Maize (Zea mays L.)

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    Combining ability of the genotypes/lines is a major factor in planning the breeding programme and for development of Heterotic hybrids. In the present study, twenty maize inbred lines were crossed to three diverse testers CM-111, GPM-549 and GPM-581 and the resultant F1 hybrids were evaluated in an alpha lattice design. General combining ability of lines which is representation of additive gene action was found to be significant for all the quantitative traits. Specific combining ability which is indication of non-additive gene action was found to be significant for the traits number of kernel rows per cob, number of kernels per row, cob girth, cob length, test weight and grain yield. Lines VL-058725, VL-1018527 and VL-108723 produced heterotic hybrids in cross combination with any of the tester due to their high GCA effects. Whereas, the lines VL-0536, SNL-1574 and VL-109086 interacted positively with their testers thus producing heterotic hybrids with high positive SCA. GGE biplot analysis was helpful in visualizing the combining ability effects and identify heterotic pattern among theinbred lines. Heterotic grouping based on SCA and mean grain yield was able to classify thirteen of the twenty inbred lines into two distinct heterotic groups i.e., Heterotic group A and B consisting of six and seven lines respectively. Heterotic group A consisted of lines with high GCA whereas, heterotic group B with low GCA lines. SCA effect showed significant positive correlation with all the quantitative traits and played a prominent role in determining the performance of hybrids, thus indicating the importance of non-additive gene action in developingheterotic hybrids

    Role of leutenising hormone LH and insulin resistance in polycystic ovarian syndrome

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    Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most frequent endocrine disorder seen in pre-menopausal women, affecting 5-10% of this population. It is characterized by menstrual irregularities and clinical hyperandrogenism such as hirsutism, seborrhoea and acne. PCOS women have insulin resistance, which results in compensatory hyperinsulinemia. A number of findings suggest that hyperinsulinemia may play a central role in the development of hyperandrogenism. This study is under taken to measure insulin resistance and leutenising hormone (LH) in PCOS patients and to see the relationship of insulin resistance with leutenising hormone (LH).Methods: Case control study was done taking 60 women PCOS and 60 age matched healthy women as controls. In all the subjects, concentrations of fasting plasma glucose estimated using enzymatic methods in semiautoanalyser. Fasting serum insulin and leutenising hormone (LH) measured by CLIA using Lumax-CLIA microplate reader. HOMA IR was calculated from estimated parameters.Results: The concentration of fasting serum insulin,fasting plasma glucose,HOMA –IR and leutenising hormone(LH) in controls are 9.33±3.08 µIU/ml,94.38±10.36mg/dl,12.16±0.67and 4.67±1.94 mIU/ml respectively; in PCOS cases they are 24.50±10.03µIU/ml,114.20±30.38 mg/dl,7.29±4.08 and 15.75±7.51 mIU/ml respectively. The mean concentrations of all the parameters were significantly (p value<0.05) increased in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome when compared with healthy women.Conclusions: This study shows that 75% of pcos women were insulin resistant and HOMA IR shows a positive correlation (r value 0.48, p<0.05) with serum leutenising hormone(LH)

    Effect of edible dyes on value addition and post-harvest life of tuberose spikes

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    Tuberose is one of the most imperative bulbous crops with white fragrant florets, used for loose as well as cut flowers. All the commercial varieties have white colour flower only which is limiting factor in its popularity and marketing. By using edible dyes this issue may be solved for getting higher price in market as well as consumers satisfaction. An investigation was carried out to study the effect of food dyes on value addition and post harvest life of cut spikes of tuberose cv. Local Double in completely randomized design with factorial concept consisting thirty-six treatment combinations and one absolute control. Different treatments of food dyes and immersion time considerably induced colour in tuberose spikes without affecting postharvest life. The results revealed that 4% lemon yellow food dye with one hour immersion of tuberose cut spikes was found best in improving vase life (6.02 days), floret diameter (3.29 cm), opening of florets (49.66%) and visual appearance with minimum physiological loss in weight (16.91 % and 34.04 % at second and fourth day, respectively). Tinted tuberose cut spikes aids higher net return than white flowers, which will benefit farmers in fetching good prices

    Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography in 3 Tesla: 2D MRCP versus 3D MRCP in Diagnostic Evaluation with Special Reference to Different Acquisition and Reconstruction Planes

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    Purpose: Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is an established technique for the evaluation of intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts in patients with known or suspected hepatobiliary disease. However, the ideal acquisition and reconstruction plane for optimal bile duct evaluation with 3D technique has not been evaluated.The purpose of our study was to compare different acquisition and reconstruction planes of 3D MRCP for bile duct assessment. Methods: 51 consecutive adult patients suspected to have pancreatico-biliary disease were examined with 3 Tesla (Philips 3 T Ingenia) system both a multi thin slice (3D) and a breath-hold (Single Shot) MRCP technique were performed. In the multi thin slice technique both source images and maximum intensity projections were examined. Two radiologists blinded to clinical information viewed both MRCP techniques independantly. Measure of correlation between each of the techniques and the inter observer agreement were computed. Coronal and axial MIP were reconstructed based on each dataset (resulting in two coronal and two axial MIP, respectively) and assessed the MIP, regarding visualization of bile ducts and image quality.Results were compared (Wilcoxon test). Intra- and interobserver variability were calculated (kappa-statistic). Results: In case of coronal data acquisition, visualization of bile duct segments was significantly better on coronal reconstructed MIP images as compared to axial reconstructed MIP (p \u3c 0.05). Regarding visualization, coronal MIP of the coronal acquisition were equal to coronal MIP of the axial acquisition (p \u3e 0.05). Image quality of coronal and axial datasets did not differ significantly. Obstruction due to tumor was shown in 30% of patients, and calculi in the common bile duct were shown also in 30% of patients employing the 3D MRCP technique. Obstruction due to tumor and calculi were shown in 30% and 21% of patients, respectively, using the SS 2D MRCP technique. Sensitivity and specificity in distinguishing calculi in the common bile duct by 3D MRCP and SS MRCP were 100%, 100%, 70% and 100% respectively. Conclusions: Although the 3D MRCP multislice technique is more time consuming than the SS MRCP breath-hold technique at a 3 Tesla (Philips 3 T Ingenia) system it is advisable to use thin slice 3D MRCP in order not to misdiagnose calculi in the common bile duct.The results of our study suggest that for visualization and evaluation of intra- and extrahepatic bile duct segments reconstructed images in coronal orientation are preferable

    Effect of land configuration and fertilizer dosage on growth and yield of African marigold under vertic ustochrept soil regimes

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    Adopting proper land management systems and nutrient levels could improve growth, yield and quality by rendering better soil physical structure and mineral nutrition under heavy rainfall areas. An experiment was conducted to identify appropriate land configuration and fertilizer dose for African marigold var. Punjab Gainda-1, in split plot design with three land configuration methods viz., flat bed, raised bed and ridge &amp; furrow system as main plots, and three fertilizer doses (RDF/ha) viz., 100%, 80% and 60% as subplots with recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) being 10 t FYM + 150:100:100 kg/ha NPK. Results showed that adopting raised bed method of land configuration with the application of 8 t FYM + 120:80:80 kg/ha NPK exhibited enhanced vegetative growth and flower yield (16.26 t/ha) with greater benefit cost ratio (2.88) and, hence, found economically best for commercial production of African marigold


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    ABSTRACTObjective: To study the clinical and biochemical profile of patients who develop steroid-induced diabetes (SID) and its predisposing factors.Methods: Non-diabetic patients aged ≥18 years started on steroids were considered eligible for the study. In every case after detailed examination,fasting plasma glucose (FPG), post-prandial plasma glucose (PPG), glycated hemoglobin, fasting insulin were measured prior to starting steroids andwas repeated in 1 week (day 3/4) after starting steroid according to standard guidelines. FPG and PPG were repeated periodically during follow-upof the patients. The utility of Indian diabetic risk score (IDRS) score in predicting the risk for SID was also assessed.stResult: Steroid-induced diabetes was found to be more in females than in males. IDRS is not useful in predicting the risk factors of SID. 97% of patientshad an elevation of post-prandial sugars with or without fasting hyperglycemia, but only 3% of patients had isolated elevation of fasting blood sugar.84% of patients developed SID during the 1 week of therapy. 33% of the cases SID persisted even after 1 month of stopping steroids and on a minimaldosage of steroids.stConclusion: Unlike type 2 diabetes, there were no significant risk factors such as age, family history of diabetes to develop SID and IDRS may not be asensitive tool for predicting risk factors of SID. Monitoring of post-prandial sugars as compared to fasting sugars is essential for the screening of SID.Cumulative dose of steroid may not be important to precipitate steroid diabetes.Keywords: Glucocorticoids, Diabetes, Post-prandial glucose, Indian Diabetic Risk Score

    Analysis and Classification of Breast Cancer Disease Via Different Datasets and Classifier Models

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    Nowadays, Tumour is one of the important reasons of human death worldwide, producing about 9.6 million people in 2018. BC (breast cancer) is the common reason for cancer deaths in females. BC is a type of cancer that can be treated when detected early. The main motive of this analysis is to detect cancer early in life using ML (machine learning) techniques. The features of the people included in the WDBC (Wisconsin diagnostic breast cancer) and Coimbra BC datasets were classified by SVOF-KNN, KNN, and Naïve Bayes techniques. The pre-processing data phase was applied to the datasets before classification. After the data pre-processing steps, three classification methods were applied to the data. Specificity and Sensitivity rates were used to calculate the success of the techniques. As an outcome of the BC diagnosis classification, the SVOF-KNN technique was found with a 91 percent specificity rate and 90 percent sensitivity rate. When the outcomes attained from feature extraction and selection are calculated. It is seen that feature extraction, selection, and data pre-processing techniques improve the specificity and sensitivity rate of the detection system

    Salivary Gland Neoplasms in Indian Paediatric Population Visiting a Dental Institution

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    INTRODUCTION: With a probability of 50% malignancy, salivary gland tumors are not too commonly noticed in children and adolescents. Most of these have idiopathic etiology but a few pre-disposing factors have been reported in literature. We hereby report eighteen cases of paediatric salivary gland tumors in a study conducted from September 2013 to August 2018 at department of Oral and maxillofacial surgery at Tatyasaheb Kore Dental college and Research Centre, Kohlapur, Maharashtra, India..AIM &amp; OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to inspect the distribution, clinical and histopathological features of salivary gland tumours in children and adolescents.MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 18 cases of salivary gland tumors encountered in paediatric age group were studied and explored for age, gender, site proneness and for histopathological nature.RESULTS: Female gender had a predominance over males. Parotid tumors were more common (77.78%) as compared to tumors of submandibular glands. Six cases were diagnosed with benign tumors (pleomorphic adenoma) and rest had malignant tumors (mucoepidermoid in nature). Majority of the cases did not report undergoing any prior treatment.CONCLUSION Present study revealed that salivary gland tumors in paediatric age group are quite rare with female gender being more prone. With majority of cases being mucoepidermoid in nature, parotid gland is most commonly affected
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