6,367 research outputs found


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    In the Pharmaceutical process of different forms of medicines raw material & its quality plays an important role. During ancient time Vaidyas were themselves used to collect the raw materials herbs based on their occurrence and organoleptic characters, i.e., typical taste, texture, smell, color, and there types after selection they utilized them in preparing medicines. Based on their own observations, principles of drug processing and ideal quality of finished product, etc., have been documented by them. The principles were developed based upon the scientific parameters prevailing in those days. Materials and Method: Raw Shilajatu was subjected to Shodhana and Shodhita shilajatu was subjected to analytical study. The required materials for the process were collected from the Pharmacy of BLDEA's AVS Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya pharmacy Vijayapur, analytical lab. Raw drugs were purchased from Dorle and Sons retailer from Kolhapur Maharashtra. Shilajatu shodhana was carried out according to reference mentioned in Rasaratna samuchaya. Analytical tests concern Indian Pharmacopeia methods were followed. Result: Raw Shilajatu took 5 ½ hour to 6hour in Shodhan procedure in both batches. Three days for drying. In analytical tests physical constants like pH ash value, solubility, specific gravity, moisture content etc result values were under normal limit

    Narrow Band Interference Elimination based on Compressed Sensing in UWB Energy Detector

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    Wireless communication applications with large signal bandwidth are developed tremendously in recent times. Due to large bandwidth the wide band communication causes huge power consumption and signal deterioration after addition of narrow band interference (NBI). The ultra wide band (UWB) energy detector, which is highly robust against NBI signal is presented. Compressed sensing is implemented to reduce the power consumption at the analog to digital converter with approximated message passing reconstruction. In addition to this, digital notch is employed to eliminate the NBI affected measurements from compressed version of the received signal before applying it to the energy detector. To analyze the efficiency of the detector, the energy detection and bit error probability of the detector in the absence of NBI and after mitigating NBI is compared. The simulation results are the evidence of effectiveness of the presented energy detector.

    Mechanical property evaluation of an Al-2024 alloy subjected to HPT processing

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    An aluminum-copper alloy (Al-2024) was successfully subjected to high-pressure torsion (HPT) up to five turns at room temperature under an applied pressure of 6.0 GPa. The Al-2024 alloy is used as a fuselage structural material in the aerospace sector. Mechanical properties of the HPT-processed Al-2024 alloy were evaluated using the automated ball indentation technique. This test is based on multiple cycles of loading and unloading where a spherical indenter is used. After two and five turns of HPT, the Al-2024 alloy exhibited a UTS value of ~1014 MPa and ~1160 MPa respectively, at the edge of the samples. The microhardness was measured from edges to centers for all HPT samples. These results clearly demonstrate that processing by HPT gives a very significant increase in tensile properties and the microhardness values increase symmetrically from the centers to the edges. Following HPT, TEM examination of the five-turn HPT sample revealed the formation of high-angle grain boundaries and a large dislocation density with a reduced average grain size of ~80 nm. These results also demonstrate that high-pressure torsion is a processing tool for developing nanostructures in the Al-2024 alloy with enhanced mechanical propertie

    A comparative clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Shuntyadi Churna & Mustakadi Churna in the management of Grahani Roga w.s.r. to Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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    Grahani is the seat of Agni and it is so called because of holding up the food. The term Grahani Dosha implies the malfunctioning of Agni. Improper digestion of ingested food causes Grahani Dosha. If left untreated it finally leads to Grahani Roga. Muhurbadha and Muhurdrava Mala Pravrutti is the main Lakshana and associated with symptoms like Udarashoola, Arochaka, Sharirika Balakshaya, Asthi Parvashoola, Avipaka etc. As Agnimandya is the main cause, the first line of treatment is to correct the Dusti of Agni. Shuntyadi Churna and Mustakadi Churna have the qualities of Deepana, Pachana, Grahi, etc. and can be used in Sarvagrahani Chikitsa. This study is undertaken to clinically analyze the independent effect of Shuntyadi Churna and Mustakadi Churna in Grahani Roga. The study shows that both Shuntyadi Churna and Mustakadi Churna are effective in relieving the symptoms of Grahani Roga

    Super Resolution Imaging Needs Better Registration for Better Quality Results

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    In this paper, trade-off between effect of registration error and number of images used in the process of super resolution image reconstruction is studied. Super Resolution image reconstruction is three phase process, of which registration is of at most importance. Super resolution image reconstruction uses set of low resolution images to reconstruct high resolution image during registration. The study demonstrates the effects of registration error and benefit of more number of low resolution images on the quality of reconstructed image. Study reveals that the registration error degrades the reconstructed image and without better registration methodology, a better super resolution method is still not of any use. It is noticed that without further improvement in the registration technique, not much improvement can be achieved by increasing number of input low resolution images

    Echelon analysis of the relationship between population and land cover pattern based on remote sensing data

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    With continuing proliferation of human influences on landscapes, there is mounting incentive to undertake quantification of relationships between spatial patterns of human populations and vegetation. In considering such quantification, it is apparent that investigations must be conducted at different scales and in a comparative manner across regions. At the broader scales it becomes necessary to utilize remote sensing of vegetation for comparative studies against map referenced census data. This paper explores such an approach for the urbanized area in the Tokyo vicinity. Vegetation is represented by the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) as determined from data acquired by the thematic mapper (TM) sensor of the Landsat satellite. Sparseness of vegetation is analyzed in relation to density of human residence, first by regression analysis involving stratified distance zones and then by the recent echelon approach for characterization of surfaces. Echelons reveal structural organization of surfaces in an objective and explicit manner. The virtual surface determined by census data collected on a grid is shown to have structural correspondence with the surface representing vegetation greenness as reflected in magnitude of NDVI values computed from red and infrared bands of image data

    Effect of different mercerization techniques on tactile comfort of cotton fabric

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    The effect of different mercerization techniques on tactile comfort properties of woven cotton fabric has been studied.Desized, scoured and bleached cotton fabrics are subjected to four different mercerization treatments at two levels oftemperature (20C and 65C) under two different conditions (tension and slack). Non-mercerized fabric is served as control.Results show that mercerization treatments improve the tensile strength of cotton fabrics owing to reduced fibre crystallinityafter mercerization. Highest increase in tensile strength is observed in case of hot mercerization in slack condition. Increasein low-stress mechanical properties, such as tensile energy, bending rigidity and shear rigidity values, indicates higherstiffness/toughness of mercerized fabrics. This is further reflected in their high Koshi (stiffness/firmness), low Sofutosa(softness) and medium Fukurami (fullness) values. However, mercerization causes significant decrease in frictionalcoefficient and surface roughness, and results in improved total hand value (THV). Total hand values range from 3 to 3.61;with highest being presented by fabric mercerized under hot and slack conditions. High hand value indicates fair suitabilityof this fabric in wear comfort
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