161 research outputs found

    A Study on Information Seeking Behavior of Professors of Arts Colleges Affiliated to Gujarat University

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    A study was conducted on 100 teaching professors in art colleges affiliated with Gujarat University to find out the information retrieval behavior problems of art college professors. A self-constructed questionnaire was used to find out the problems of the professors. The questionnaire was filled out and analyzed with expert advice. A statistical application for data analysis found the percentage of professors\u27 departmental problems and also used graphs for its clear societ

    A comparative study on feto-maternal outcome in patients with meconium stained liquor versus clear liquor

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    Background: Meconium is sterile, thick, black-green, odourless material, formed by accumulation of debris in the fetal intestine. This meconium, when leaks out intra-natally, due to hypoxia, can change the whole scenario, increasing intra-natal foetal risk, morbidity, and possibly causing mortality, depending upon the operative factors. Aims and objectives were to know the perinatal outcome in patients with meconium stained amniotic fluid. To study the complications of meconium stained amniotic fluid in the neonates.Methods: Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) negative women, gestational age >37 weeks with cephalic presentation and singleton pregnancy with meconium stained liquor (grade I, II, and III) after spontaneous or artificial rupture of membranes during labour. Delivery was expedited, when fetal heart rate abnormalities were detected, by safest mode of delivery. The Apgar score of neonates, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission, number of days of hospitalization and birth asphyxia were recorded.Results: A Total 11 patients with pre-eclampsia which presented with meconium stained liquor (MSL). 6 patients with prolonged labour presented with MSL. 8 had thin, 15 had thick MSL and 3 patients of clear liquor. 2 children developed persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) in case of MSL group. 25 children required oxygen support and antibiotics after delivery. Mean hospital stay was 2.81 days in MSL and 1.33 days in clear liquor group.Conclusions: Chronic hypoxia is more damaging and dangerous than acute hypoxia, due to longer time it has continued the damage. This can be very effectively achieved by improving the Antenatal care, and intra natal vigilance. Proper monitoring of patients in intrapartum period of following parameters like fetal heart sound, uterine contractions, fetal movements


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    Objective: The objective of present study was to evaluate incidence and risk factors for the development of new-onset diabetes after transplantation (NODAT) after kidney transplantation at our center.Methods: A total 79 nondiabetic patients who underwent living donor kidney transplantation from January 2014 to August 2014 were prospectively enrolled. All the patients were followed for one year. All the patients received the same protocol of immunosuppressive therapy. NODAT was defined as if a patient had HbA1c ≥ 6.5%, fasting venous plasma glucose ≥126 mg/dl, or was receiving diet or medical therapy for diabetes.Results: The incidence of NODAT was 29.9% after one year. Risk factors associated with the development of NODAT included older age (OR: 1.07; p<0.05), family history (OR: 3.58; P<0.05), hepatitis C virus (HCV) positivity (OR: 11.15; p<0.05), obesity (OR: 4.28; p<0.05), pre-transplant triglycerides (OR: 1.01; p<0.005) and cholesterol level (OR: 1.01; p<0.005).Conclusion: The prevalence of potentially modifiable risk factors in our study cohort was overweight recipients and pretransplant HCV infection, serum triglycerides, and cholesterol levels.Keywords: New-onset Diabetes after transplantation, Kidney transplantation, Tacrolimus, Hepatitis C virus

    Antidepressant drugs: evaluation of price variation

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    Background: Drugs are available in many different brands and costs of all brands are different. Patients of depression have to take the antidepressant drug for a long duration. If the cost of a drug is high patient has to pay more money for complete treatment. It can result in noncompliance and treatment failure. This study was aimed to evaluate the cost of antidepressant drugs of different classes and to analyze price variation in various antidepressant drugs available in India. Hence, we decided to do the study of price variations of antidepressant drugs.Methods: We had evaluated the cost of a different class of antidepressant drugs. Current Index of Medical Specialties October-December 2014 and Indian Drug Review 2015 issue 1 drug manuals were used to derive the cost of antidepressant drugs. Data about the cost of antidepressant drugs were collected for all the strength and dosage forms. The maximum price and minimum price for the different antidepressant drugs were identified, and calculation for the percentage of price variation was done.Results: Maximum percentage of price variation in different groups were 900% in reboxetine 2 mg (tricyclic antidepressants group), 495.23% in escitalopram 10 mg (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors group), 318.66% in duloxetine 20 mg capsules (serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors group), 243.58% in moclobemide 150 mg tablet (reversible monoamine oxidase-A inhibitor), 84.93% in bupropion 150 mg sustained-release tablet (atypical antidepressants group). In combination escitalopram 10 mg + clonazepam 0.5 mg shows maximum price variation of 1101.92%.Conclusion: Price variation was wide for antidepressant drugs. Generic drug prescribing can decrease the expenditure of patient on the drug. Prescribers should be provided updated knowledge of the cost of different drugs. Modifications in pharmaceutical policy are required, and prices of the drug should be controlled in effective way for all the drugs

    Comparison of Induction Therapy Using Antithymocyte Globulin and Using Basiliximab for Live Donor Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Single Centre Prospective Cohort Study

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    Objective: Acute rejections (AR) have a negative impact on long-term graft survival and are the major predictor of chronic rejection. Induction therapy is used to reduce AR and prevent delayed graft function (DGF). Antithymocyte globulin (ATG) and basiliximab are mainly used for this purpose. In this prospective, cohort study, we analysed and compared the safety and efficacy of ATG and basiliximab in induction therapy for live donor kidney transplant recipients.Methods: Graft survival, AR-free survival, renal function, DGF and tolerability were compared in patients who underwent live-donor transplantation between January 2014 and August 2014 at Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital, Nadiad, Gujarat, India.Results and Discussion: A total of 85 live-donor kidney transplant recipients who enrolled were followed up for 12 mo. The incidence of AR was greater in the basiliximab group, as compared with the ATG group (25.6% versus 7.1%, p <0.05). The incidence of antibody treated AR was also greater (18.6% versus 2.4 %, p < 0.05). Patient survival rate and graft survival rate were 95.2% and 92.9% in the ATG group, respectively, compared with 90.4%and 90.7% in the basiliximab group, respectively. The incidence of adverse events was higher in the ATG group compared with the basiliximab group (71.4% versus 48.3%, p<0.05).Conclusion: The incidence of AR and antibody-treated AR was significantly higher in the basiliximab group than in the ATG cohort. However, ATG was associated with significantly higher incidence of adverse events and leucopenia than basiliximab. Both the strategies were achieved similar patient and graft survival

    Role of neuropeptides, hormones, and growth factors in regulating thymopoiesis in middle to old age

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    The deterioration in adaptive immunity and T-lymphocyte output and the narrowing of the T cell receptor repertoire with age are largely attributable to thymic involution. The loss of thymic function with age may be due to diminished numbers of early thymic progenitors and epithelial cells, and the loss of critical tropic factors within the thymic microenvironment. Here we review some of the recent literature demonstrating a role for neuropeptides, hormones, and growth factors that can influence thymopoiesis associated with stress and aging

    A comparative quantitative & qualitative assessment in orthodontic treatment of white spot lesion treated with 3 different commercially available materials - In vitro study

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    To comparatively evaluate the esthetic improvement of white-spot lesions (WSLs) treated by: BiominF, CPP-ACP paste with fluoride & ICON resin infiltration, using Spectrophotometer & Diagnodent. The study was done using 72 sound permanent extracted premolars, divided into four groups (18 teeth per group). After taking the ethical approval the study was commenced. WSLs were created on human premolars and randomly assigned to four groups: Group A: Artificial Saliva, Group B: CPP-ACP with fluoride, Group C: BiominF, Group D: Resin infiltration (Icon). The color change (?E) of each specimen was measured with a Spectrophotometer (VITA Easy Shade Compact), and fluorescence loss (?Q) was measured by a laser fluorescence device (DIAGNOdent, Kavo, Biberach, Germany), at different time points after treatment: baseline (0 weeks), 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks. The ?E and ?Q baseline values for the four groups before the treatments did not differ significantly. Icon treatment improved the WSL color significantly and gave the lowest ?E (5.12± 3.92) & ?Q (1.64 ±0.72) compared with other treatments at end of 6 weeks (P< .01). In the BiominF and CPP-ACP with fluoride treatment groups, ?Q & ?E showed significant recovery compared with the baseline values (P< .05). Within the limitations of the study, it can be concluded that all the three remineralizing agents used in the study could effectively remineralize artificial enamel caries and showed improvement in color change and fluoresence as compared to the baseline. Therefore they can be effectively used for the treatment of the white spot lesions


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    Ondansetron HCl is a potent, highly selective 5-HT3receptor-antagonist used to prevent nausea andvomiting, mainly in patients undergoing chemotherapyand radiation treatments. The aim of present work wasto formulate, evaluate and optimize gastro-retentivetablet of Ondansetron HCl which would beadvantageous, that can provide prolong gastricretention and increase efficacy of the dosage form. Informulation optimization, different formulation ofHPMC polymer, NaCMC and NaHCO3 were studiedwith help of 32 full factorial designs. It was found thatHPMC K4M with concentration 40%, NaCMC 5%and NaHCO3 with 17% concentrations showed goodsustained and floating ability and it releases 94.51%drug within 24 hrs. During study of effect of processparameters, it was concluded that release of drugdecreases with decreasing granular size. The dryingtime (10 and 20 min) and drying temperature (40° and50°C), does not have any significant effect on therelease profile of drug

    Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome in a spontaneous singleton pregnancy: a case report

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    Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS) is extremely rare in spontaneous pregnancies. Spontaneous OHSS can result from glycoprotein hormones stimulating follicle-stimulating hormone receptors (FSHR). Our case reinforces the importance of a prompt diagnosis and management in all pregnant patients presenting with acute abdomen and ovarian masses. We report a case of spontaneous singleton pregnancy at 12-week POG presented with abdominal distension and enlarged ovaries. Patient was successfully managed with supportive treatment comprise of intravenous (IV) Albumin, thromboprophylaxis, dopamine agonist and insulin sensitizer. Spontaneous OHSS should be included in the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen in pregnant women. Since spontaneous OHSS can be associated with life-threatening complications, it requires early diagnosis for successful management. The etiology should be determined in order to focus the treatment and avoid future complications.

    Cartridge based nucleic acid amplification test negative in highly suspected case of tuberculosis: a case report

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    Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis is challenging till today. Smear microscopy is the easiest, commonest and widely employed tool for confirmatory diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, but it has low sensitivity and specificity. Sputum culture can increase the diagnostic yield by 20-40%, but it takes long duration of 2-8 weeks to give result. The role of newly introduced cartridge based nucleic acid amplification test (CBNAAT) in the revised national TB control program (RNTCP) is highly promising with a higher yield of bacteriological diagnosis in sputum negative pulmonary tuberculosis patients with detection of rifampicin resistance rapidly. However, it also has some limitations which may result in false negative results. Case of a 50- year-old-male was reported who was initially managed for community-acquired pneumonia in view of negative sputum and CBNAAT but was later confirmed to have TB but by then he had developed cavities in lung and had transmitted the infection to his son
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