39 research outputs found


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    The basic principle of stitching is joining or merging any two materials or objects. 3D point cloud stitching is basically stitching two 3D point cloud together. 3D point cloud stitching is an emerging topic and there are multiple ways to achieve it. There are various methods for stitching which all have changes throughout the time. The existing methods do have shortcomings and have ignored the multiangle stitching of a same model or an object. This shortfall leads to many deficiencies in the ability of a stitching algorithm to maintain accuracy over the period. In this work I have introduced a new approach for an iterative based approach for 3d multi-angle point cloud stitching using ICP (Iterative closest point algorithm) and KNN (K-nearest neighbor). The design follows an incremental approach to achieve the results. This is a novel approach of stitching multiple 3D point clouds taken from multiple angles of a single bust. The framework is evaluated based on the stitching results provided by the algorithm capability of stitching multiple point cloud into a solid model

    A study on renal stone about factors influencing its formation clinical scenario and urinary findings among adults aged 21-60 years in Saurashtra region

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    Background: Saurashtra is claimed to be ‘stone belt’, even though there is paucity of epidemiological work on this issue; keeping in mind about this problem that ails most parts of the Saurashtra region, which is correctable and preventable, this study was undertaken.Methods: Radiologically diagnosed 100 patients with renal stone were enrolled and interviewed through a proforma approved by institutional ethical committee to study risk factors, clinical scenario, and urinary findings. Urine samples were collected from all the participants of the study and analyzed for the presence of crystals, red blood cells, pus cells as well as urine pH. Data was analyzed with help of EpiInfo™ 7 (CDC Atlanta).Results: Prevalence of renal stone was higher in males (72%); common in age group of 21-35 years. Common findings were recurrent flank pain (81%), gross hematuria (59 %) and renal colic (51%). Familial history (p<0.004), improper water drinking habit (p<0.002), lack of diet modification (p<0.001) according to stone type and stone analysis were found probable causes for the recurrence of stone. Calcium oxalate (75%) stone being the commonest followed by calcium phosphate (15%) and uric acid (7%).Conclusions: Results from this study can be applied in the clinical setting with the goal of reducing the likelihood of stone formation. Preventive measures such as change in diet, drinking behavior when properly addressed can ameliorate the situation in many patients with kidney stone. There is a great scope and role in finding crystals in urine with patients of kidney stone such as checking their compliance, guiding dietary therapy when stone analysis in not available, setting up an screening criteria and diagnosis of renal stone in remote settings where radio-logical investigations are not available

    Income as a Predictor of Employe Job Satisfaction and Motivation

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    Employee job satisfaction and motivation are linked to their income level. Employee job satisfaction refers to an individual\u27s contentment with his or her job. Employee motivation has two components; extrinsic motivation refers to external benefits an individual gain (i.e. pay), whereas intrinsic motivation refers to an individual\u27s inherent satisfaction with one’s job (i.e. pride in the work they do). Higher or lower income levels impact employee satisfaction and motivation. It is hypothesized that individuals with medium-income (45,000−45,000-139,999) will have higher job satisfaction and motivation than individual with low-income (0−0-44,999). An independent samples t-test will be conducted between the two groups and the researchers will use two surveys to determine employee satisfaction and motivation. A 36-item Job Satisfaction Survey and 18-item Work Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Scale will be emailed to managers in food and service industry within 15 miles of Chattanooga City Hall. They will be incentivized to forward the survey to their employees, who will also be incentivized to complete the survey. We expect results to verify our hypothesis. Future research should examine how to potentially increase employee motivation by introducing and balancing more extrinsic and intrinsic factors in retail and food service positions

    Evaluation of bacteriological profile and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of patients with otorrhea in a tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: Otitis media is very common disease in developing country and if not treated properly can lead to hearing loss and serious neurological complications. Its bacteriology and antibiotic sensitivity varies in different population. Thus knowledge of the microbiological pattern with antibiotic susceptibility is important to deliver efficacious treatment of this disease. So, purpose of the present study was to determine the microbiological profile and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of isolates from ear discharge in patients of otitis media.Methods: This study was conducted in Department of Microbiology of our institute for duration of one year. A total of 100 patients’ samples visiting ENT OPD were taken who complaining of ear discharge. Identification of organism was done by using standard biochemical reactions and antibiotic susceptibility testing done by using modified Kirby Bauer method as per CLSI guidelines.Results: Majority of the patients were between 21-30 years of age group (28%). The most common organism isolated was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (25.88%), highly sensitive to aminoglycosides and β-lactam + β-lactamase inhibitor (100%) followed by Staphylococcus aureus (21.17%), highly sensitive to aminoglycosides (100%) and fluoroquinolones (72.22%).Conclusions: Knowledge of the pathogenic agents responsible for otitis media and choice of effective antibiotics according to susceptibility pattern will guide the treatment. It also helps in reducing complications of the disease and decreasing emergence of resistance to antibiotics.

    Comparison of the safety and efficacy of intracervical Foleys catheter versus PGE2 gel for induction of labour at term

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    Background: Before the induction of labour cervical ripening is needed for the success of induction to reduce the complication and diminish the rate of cesarean section and duration of labour. Various mechanical methods like Foleys catheter are effective but not much popular because of infection and pharmacological preparations which have more side effects, are used for cervical ripening. Therefore study has been conducted to compare the efficacy and safety of intra cervical Foleys catheter versus PGE2 gel for induction of labour at term. The aims and objectives of this study was to success of induction of labour depends on the cervical status at the time of induction.Methods: A prospective comparative study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, L.G. hospital (AMCMET Medical college), Ahmedabad, during period of July 2019 to December 2019. 100 patients at term with a Bishop’s score with various indications for induction were randomly allocated to receive (50 patients) intra cervical Foleys catheter or PGE2 gel (50 patients). Post induction Bishop’s score was noted after 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours. Statistical methods used were Student t test and Chi square test to statistically compare the two groups. Differences with a p value of <0.005 was considered statistically significant with confidence limit of 95%.Results: The groups were comparable with respect to maternal age, gestational age, parity, indication of induction and initial bishops score. Both groups showed significant change in the Bishops score, 5.10±1.55 and 5.14±1.60 for Foleys catheter and PGE2 gel, respectively, p<0.001. Fetal outcome was noted in NICU admission and fetal death. No significant difference between two groups.Conclusions: This study shows that both Foleys catheter and PGE2 gel were equally effective in pre induction cervical ripening

    Overcoming Barriers: The Educational Experiences of Undocumented Students

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    Undocumented pupils, brought to a country as children without legal status, face various barriers to accessing education, financial aid, and employment. To better understand and address these challenges, it’s essential to examine their first-hand experiences and the roles of institutions and organizations in providing support and resources. Undocumented students face various factors that influence their educational prospects, including legal and policy barriers, financial resources, education pathways, support services, and social and cultural barriers. Addressing these challenges would help institutions and peers create a more equitable and inclusive society that supports the aspirations of all individuals, regardless of their legal status. Faculty Sponsor: Professor Alejandra Orteg

    Tephrosia purpurea Linn (Sharpunkha, Wild Indigo): A Review on Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Studies

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    Tephrosia purpurea (fabaceae) commonly known in sanskrit as ‘sharapunkha’ is highly branched ,herbaceous, suberect, perennial herb.widely grown in india. Whole plant and various parts of the plant are useful as ayurvedic medicines. Medicinal uses of drugs are tonic, laxative, diuretic, bronchitis, bilious febrile attack, boils, pimples, diarrhea, gonorrhea, rheumatism and cures disease of heart, spleen and blood. The pharmacological studies have shown that Tephrosia purpurea posses following biological activity such as antiulcer, antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti viral, anti asthmatic ,hepatoprotective, antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemia, immunomodulatory activity, antioxidant, wound healing property, antiallergic activity. A wide variety of phytochemicals are isolated from the plant Tephrosia purpurea which has concerned with their medicinal uses. The present review high lights the mainly phytochemistry and pharmacological activity of the plant


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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Background: &lt;/strong&gt;The determination of vertical dimension, aesthetics, phonetics and incisal guidance, depends on the placement of anterior teeth. Fewer studies are present for mandibular anterior teeth setting. Therefore this study aims at determining the correlation of distance between lingual frenal attachment and mandibular incisal edge position in dentulous subjects as an aid in establishing mandibular occlusal plane in edentulous patients.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Methodology&lt;/strong&gt;: 318 subjects (161 males and 157 females) under the age group of 18 to 30 years, who met the requisite criteria were seleceted. A mandibular cast was obtained from irreversible hydrocolloid impression in stock trays for each subject. The distance between the incisal edge of lower central incisor and anterior attachment of the lingual frenum was measured using digital vernier caliper.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Result:&lt;/strong&gt;It was observed that the distance between anterosuperior attachment of lingual frenumand&nbsp;mesioincisal edge of mandibular central incisor (CI) in female subjects was 12.19, with mean standard deviation (±SD) of 1.34. and 15.91 with mean standard deviation (±SD) 1.32 in male subjects respectively.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Conclusion:&lt;/strong&gt;Thus, the anterior attachment of lingual frenum is a reliable anatomic landmark and shall aid in setting the mandibular central incisors in a more natural position.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&nbsp;&lt;/p&gt