150 research outputs found

    The use of recently developed mass spectrometry-based proteomic approaches for the study of methylocella silvestris BL2

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    The study of the protein complement, termed proteomics, has advanced over the last twenty years as a consequence of developments in mass spectrometry. Currently, improvements in mass spectrometry-based approaches are targeted towards achieving information on both the identity and abundance of proteins. Increased numbers of protein identifications are obtained by simplifying the analyte of interest. This can be achieved with the use of separation techniques, including two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2D-LC). Ion mobility coupled to mass spectrometry has recently been shown to be a useful post-ionisation separation tool for proteomic studies. The utility of these technologies for obtaining both qualitative and quantitative information is not extensively addressed in the current literature. The use of a recently developed 2D-LC system, together with a method of ion mobility separation and a label-free quantitative approach for proteomic studies has been evaluated here for characterising the proteome of the bacterium Methylocella silvestris. This bacterium is the first methane-utilising bacteria also discovered to grow on substrates containing carbon-carbon bonds, and has great biotechnological potential. The metabolism of this bacterium was studied by obtaining information on its soluble proteome when grown with methane, propane, succinate, acetate, methanol, methylamine or trimethylamine. The benefits and limitations of 2D-LC and ion mobility for profiling and labelfree quantitative studies were demonstrated for simple mixtures and complex bacterial extracts. The combination of both 2D-LC and ion mobility was also achieved, resulting in wider proteome coverage when compared to the respective stand-alone approaches. A cluster of expressed genes that were greatly up-regulated under trimethylamine growth and monomethylamine growth were proposed to be involved in the indirect pathway for trimethylamine metabolism. It was further verified that one of these genes expresses the previously unidentified trimethylamine monooxygenase. A propane assimilation route was proposed, based on information obtained on the levels of primary oxidation enzymes and downstream central metabolic pathways

    Wild Halophyte Plants as Potential Fodder Resource under Extreme Saline Environment of Kachchh, Gujarat, India

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    Rann of Kachchh in North West India is a unique saline marshy desert. It is described as a desolate area of unrelieved, sun-baked saline clay desert, shimmering with the images of a perpetual mirage (Mountfort et al., 1991) and is regarded as the largest salt desert in the world. In the Indian part it stretches in 7505.22 sq. km known as Great Rann and 4,953 sq. km known as Little Rann. The Ranns turns into marshy land by inundated water from runoff during monsoonal rainfall and water driven by forces of winds and tides from Arabian Sea making the area unapproachable especially during June to September and in reminder of months the area remain as a hyper saline desert. Even at these extreme saline conditions certain halophytic plants come up from the native seed bank/ roots once the water gets evaporated as these plants possess some mechanisms to survive salinity even higher than that of sea water (Goswami et al., 2014). Some of these plants are grazed by livestock of the area. Due to uncontrolled grazing by ever increasing livestock population and increasing demand for fuel wood, in these deserts the natural diversity of these halophytes are at stake (Arndt et al., 2004). Information on the diversity of halophytes in the hyper saline desert in relation to varying degree of salinization is not available. Therefore the present study was undertaken to study the distribution of halophyte grasses and non-grasses in Great Rann of Kachchh and their usefulness as fodder resource

    Three-dimensional architecture of the human BRCA1-A histone deubiquitinase core complex

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    BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor found to be mutated in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and plays key roles in the maintenance of genomic stability by homologous recombination repair. It is recruited to damaged chromatin as a component of the BRCA1-A deubiquitinase, which cleaves K63-linked ubiquitin chains attached to histone H2A and H2AX. BRCA1-A contributes to checkpoint regulation, repair pathway choice, and HR repair efficiency through molecular mechanisms that remain largely obscure. The structure of an active core complex comprising two Abraxas/BRCC36/BRCC45/MERIT40 tetramers determined by negative-stain electron microscopy (EM) reveals a distorted V-shape architecture in which a dimer of Abraxas/BRCC36 heterodimers sits at the base, with BRCC45/Merit40 pairs occupying each arm. The location and ubiquitin-binding activity of BRCC45 suggest that it may provide accessory interactions with nucleosome-linked ubiquitin chains that contribute to their efficient processing. Our data also suggest how ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)-dependent BRCA1 dimerization may stabilize self-association of the entire BRCA1-A complex

    Mutations in NKX6-2 Cause Progressive Spastic Ataxia and Hypomyelination

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    Progressive limb spasticity and cerebellar ataxia are frequently found together in clinical practice and form a heterogeneous group of degenerative disorders that are classified either as pure spastic ataxia or as complex spastic ataxia with additional neurological signs. Inheritance is either autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive. Hypomyelinating features on MRI are sometimes seen with spastic ataxia, but this is usually mild in adults and severe and life limiting in children. We report seven individuals with an early-onset spastic-ataxia phenotype. The individuals come from three families of different ethnic backgrounds. Affected members of two families had childhood onset disease with very slow progression. They are still alive in their 30s and 40s and show predominant ataxia and cerebellar atrophy features on imaging. Affected members of the third family had a similar but earlier-onset presentation associated with brain hypomyelination. Using a combination of homozygozity mapping and exome sequencing, we mapped this phenotype to deleterious nonsense or homeobox domain missense mutations in NKX6-2. NKX6-2 encodes a transcriptional repressor with early high general and late focused CNS expression. Deficiency of its mouse ortholog results in widespread hypomyelination in the brain and optic nerve, as well as in poor motor coordination in a pattern consistent with the observed human phenotype. In-silico analysis of human brain expression and network data provides evidence that NKX6-2 is involved in oligodendrocyte maturation and might act within the same pathways of genes already associated with central hypomyelination. Our results support a non-redundant developmental role of NKX6-2 in humans and imply that NKX6-2 mutations should be considered in the differential diagnosis of spastic ataxia and hypomyelination.Fil: Chelban, Viorica. University College London; Estados Unidos. Institute of Emergency Medicine; MoldaviaFil: Patel, Nisha. King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center; Arabia SauditaFil: Vandrovcova, Jana. University College London; Estados UnidosFil: Zanetti, Maria Natalia. University College London; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Histología y Embriología de Mendoza Dr. Mario H. Burgos. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto de Histología y Embriología de Mendoza Dr. Mario H. Burgos; ArgentinaFil: Lynch, David S.. University College London; Estados UnidosFil: Ryten, Mina. University College London; Estados Unidos. King’s College London; Reino UnidoFil: Botía, Juan A.. University College London; Estados Unidos. Universidad de Murcia; EspañaFil: Bello, Oscar Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Histología y Embriología de Mendoza Dr. Mario H. Burgos. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto de Histología y Embriología de Mendoza Dr. Mario H. Burgos; Argentina. University College London; Estados UnidosFil: Tribollet, Eloise. University College London; Estados UnidosFil: Efthymiou, Stephanie. University College London; Estados UnidosFil: Davagnanam, Indran. University College London; Estados UnidosFil: Bashiri, Fahad A.. King Saud University; Arabia SauditaFil: Wood, Nicholas W.. University College London; Estados Unidos. The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery; Reino UnidoFil: Rothman, James E.. University of Yale. School of Medicine; Estados Unidos. University College London; Estados UnidosFil: Alkuraya, Fowzan S.. King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center; Arabia Saudita. Alfaisal University; Arabia Saudita. King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology; Arabia SauditaFil: Houlden, Henry. The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery; Reino Unido. University College London; Estados Unido

    British Lung Foundation/United Kingdom primary immunodeficiency network consensus statement on the definition, diagnosis, and management of granulomatous-lymphocytic interstitial lung disease in common variable immunodeficiency disorders

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    A proportion of people living with common variable immunodeficiency disorders develop granulomatous-lymphocytic interstitial lung disease (GLILD). We aimed to develop a consensus statement on the definition, diagnosis, and management of GLILD. All UK specialist centers were contacted and relevant physicians were invited to take part in a 3-round online Delphi process. Responses were graded as Strongly Agree, Tend to Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Tend to Disagree, and Strongly Disagree, scored +1, +0.5, 0, −0.5, and −1, respectively. Agreement was defined as greater than or equal to 80% consensus. Scores are reported as mean ± SD. There was 100% agreement (score, 0.92 ± 0.19) for the following definition: “GLILD is a distinct clinico-radio-pathological ILD occurring in patients with [common variable immunodeficiency disorders], associated with a lymphocytic infiltrate and/or granuloma in the lung, and in whom other conditions have been considered and where possible excluded.” There was consensus that the workup of suspected GLILD requires chest computed tomography (CT) (0.98 ± 0.01), lung function tests (eg, gas transfer, 0.94 ± 0.17), bronchoscopy to exclude infection (0.63 ± 0.50), and lung biopsy (0.58 ± 0.40). There was no consensus on whether expectant management following optimization of immunoglobulin therapy was acceptable: 67% agreed, 25% disagreed, score 0.38 ± 0.59; 90% agreed that when treatment was required, first-line treatment should be with corticosteroids alone (score, 0.55 ± 0.51)

    Non-Toxin-Producing Bacillus cereus Strains Belonging to the B. anthracis Clade Isolated from the International Space Station

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    ABSTRACT: In an ongoing Microbial Observatory investigation of the International Space Station (ISS), 11 Bacillus strains (2 from the Kibo Japanese experimental module, 4 from the U.S. segment, and 5 from the Russian module) were isolated and their whole genomes were sequenced. A comparative analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences of these isolates showed the highest similarity (>99%) to the Bacillus anthracis-B. cereus-B. thuringiensis group. The fatty acid composition, polar lipid profile, peptidoglycan type, and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight profiles were consistent with the B. cereus sensu lato group. The phenotypic traits such as motile rods, enterotoxin production, lack of capsule, and resistance to gamma phage/penicillin observed in ISS isolates were not characteristics of B. anthracis. Whole-genome sequence characterizations showed that ISS strains had the plcR non-B. anthracis ancestral "C" allele and lacked anthrax toxin-encoding plasmids pXO1 and pXO2, excluding their identification as B. anthracis. The genetic identities of all 11 ISS isolates characterized via gyrB analyses arbitrarily identified them as members of the B. cereus group, but traditional DNA-DNA hybridization (DDH) showed that the ISS isolates are similar to B. anthracis (88% to 90%) but distant from the B. cereus (42%) and B. thuringiensis (48%) type strains. The DDH results were supported by average nucleotide identity (>98.5%) and digital DDH (>86%) analyses. However, the collective phenotypic traits and genomic evidence were the reasons to exclude the ISS isolates from B. anthracis. Nevertheless, multilocus sequence typing and whole-genome single nucleotide polymorphism analyses placed these isolates in a clade that is distinct from previously described members of the B. cereus sensu lato group but closely related to B. anthracis. IMPORTANCE: The International Space Station Microbial Observatory (Microbial Tracking-1) study is generating a microbial census of the space station's surfaces and atmosphere by using advanced molecular microbial community analysis techniques supported by traditional culture-based methods and modern bioinformatic computational modeling. This approach will lead to long-term, multigenerational studies of microbial population dynamics in a closed environment and address key questions, including whether microgravity influences the evolution and genetic modification pathogenic (B. anthracis), food poisoning (B. cereus), and biotechnologically useful (B. thuringiensis) microorganisms; their presence in a closed system such as the ISS might be a concern for the health of crew members. A detailed characterization of these potential pathogens would lead to the development of suitable countermeasures that are needed for long-term future missions and a better understanding of microorganisms associated with space missions

    Potential role of differential medication use in explaining excess risk of cardiovascular events and death associated with chronic kidney disease: A cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are less likely to receive cardiovascular medications. It is unclear whether differential cardiovascular drug use explains, in part, the excess risk of cardiovascular events and death in patients with CKD and coronary heart disease (CHD).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The ADVANCE Study enrolled patients with new onset CHD (2001-2003) who did (N = 159) or did not have (N = 1088) CKD at entry. The MDRD equation was used to estimate glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) using calibrated serum creatinine measurements. Patient characteristics, medication use, cardiovascular events and death were ascertained from self-report and health plan electronic databases through December 2008.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Post-CHD event ACE inhibitor use was lower (medication possession ratio 0.50 vs. 0.58, P = 0.03) and calcium channel blocker use higher (0.47 vs. 0.38, P = 0.06) in CKD vs. non-CKD patients, respectively. Incidence of cardiovascular events and death was higher in CKD vs. non-CKD patients (13.9 vs. 11.5 per 100 person-years, P < 0.001, respectively). After adjustment for patient characteristics, the rate of cardiovascular events and death was increased for eGFR 45-59 ml/min/1.73 m<sup>2 </sup>(hazard ratio [HR] 1.47, 95% CI: 1.10 to 2.02) and eGFR < 45 ml/min/1.73 m<sup>2 </sup>(HR 1.58, 95% CI: 1.00 to 2.50). After further adjustment for statins, β-blocker, calcium channel blocker, ACE inhibitor/ARB use, the association was no longer significant for eGFR 45-59 ml/min/1.73 m<sup>2 </sup>(HR 0.82, 95% CI: 0.25 to 2.66) or for eGFR < 45 ml/min/1.73 m<sup>2 </sup>(HR 1.19, 95% CI: 0.25 to 5.58).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In adults with CHD, differential use of cardiovascular medications may contribute to the higher risk of cardiovascular events and death in patients with CKD.</p

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy