145 research outputs found

    Discordance of Drug Susceptibility Test Data between the CDC Mycobacteriology Laboratory and Local Public Health Laboratories Participating in Tuberculosis Clinical Trials, TBTC, CDC

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    BACKGROUND: Multi drug resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a serious public health concern in many parts of the world. As per the WHO- 2010 global report on Surveillance and response 3.6% of all incident TB cases globally are multidrug resistant. In this regard, there is an increasing demand for timely, reliable and comprehensive drug susceptibility testing (DST) as MDR-TB surveillance is being geared up. The intent of this analysis is to determine whether there is a need to continue routine confirmatory DST testing at CDC in addition to just sending the isolates for genotyping. Analysis is done by measuring the discordance between the results of laboratory DST at CDC and the local labs drug type, drug testing concentrations, and study sites. METHODS: The data for this analysis was provided by the Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (TBTC), CDC. Data for this analysis was collected over nearly two decades (1993-2011), gathered from 7 clinical trials. Discordance between the local and CDC lab DST results was measured using Kappa statistic. Sensitivity and specificity analysis was done by taking the CDC DST lab results as the gold standard. Discordance levels were calculated by local sites and baseline drug resistance for each antibiotic in each study was measured. RESULTS: Average Kappa values for inter rater agreement for all the studies was 0.6444 whereas the overall level of discordance across all studies is 7.786%. Drug resistance at baseline was highest for Isoniazid and Streptomycin (except Study 23 and 22). CONCLUSION: Though the current results show few DST result discordances between local and CDC labs, it is better to continue to send isolates to the centralized lab (CDC) in view of the worldwide threat of drug resistant TB epidemic, the recommendations of the current literature and the benefits of reliable confirmatory testing services and availability of other molecular diagnostic methods

    Telecommunication Investment In Economically Developing Countries

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    This study looked at two research questions: Are economically developing countries spending comparable percentage of their budget, compared to industrialized nations, on telecommunication investment? What telecommunication investment framework should economically developing countries use to spur economic activities? We used annual telecommunication investment as percent of Gross Domestic Product as a surrogate for investment budget allocation. Ten year data from the 2005 World Telecommunication Indicator Database by ITU were used for analysis. Our finding indicates that the percentage of GDP allocation by economically developing countries is comparable, in many cases higher, than industrialized nations. This paper argues that even after spending a higher proportion of their GDP economically developing countries are not investing enough money to realize economic benefits that derive from telecommunication investment. We propose a new framework, community focused network investment instead of individual focused network investment, to spur economic activities in economically developing countries


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    Paracetamol is a substance that can reduce the fever (antipyretic) and relieve the pain (analgesic). Analysis of the levels of generic and branded paracetamol tablets was carried out to determine whether the levels of the active substance in the preparations met the requirements or not by using the High Performance Liquid Chromatography method. The paracetamol quantitative test obtained the results of the levels in sample A = 94.306%, sample B = 99.986%, sample C = 95.296% and sample D = 94.904%. These results indicate that the level of the active substance paracetamol in each sample still meets the requirements of the Indonesian Pharmacopoeia Edition IV, namely not less than 90% and not more than 110%. Statistical analysis using the t-student test, the results of t-count < t-table (0.026 < 2.35) at a significant level of 5%, with the conclusion that there is no significant difference between generic paracetamol and branded paracetamol were analyzed using High Performance Liquid ChromatographyIV, namely not less than 90% and not more than 110%. Statistical analysis using the t-student test, the results of t-count < t-table (0.026 < 2.35) at a significant level of 5%, with the conclusion that there is no significant difference between generic paracetamol and branded paracetamol were analyzed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography

    Basis functions on the grain boundary space: Theory

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    With the increasing availability of experimental and computational data concerning the properties and distribution of grain boundaries in polycrystalline materials, there is a corresponding need to efficiently and systematically express functions on the grain boundary space. A grain boundary can be described by the rotations applied to two grains on either side of a fixed boundary plane, suggesting that the grain boundary space is related to the space of rotations. This observation is used to construct an orthornormal function basis, allowing effectively arbitrary functions on the grain boundary space to be written as linear combinations of the basis functions. Moreover, a procedure is developed to construct a smaller set of basis functions consistent with the crystallographic point group symmetries, grain exchange symmetry, and the null boundary singularity. Functions with the corresponding symmetries can be efficiently expressed as linear combinations of the symmetrized basis functions. An example is provided that shows the efficacy of the symmetrization procedure

    Penyuluhan Pemilihan dan Penggunaan Kosmetik yang Aman Tanpa Bahan Kimia Berbahaya Terhadap Remaja

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    Kosmetik digunakan dengan tujuan memperbaiki maupun merawat kecantikan untuk menunjang penampilan  menjadi suatu kebutuhan primer untuk saat ini khususnya di kalangan remaja. Perkembangan trend kosmetik saat ini menjadi beberapa ancaman dikarenakan ada beberapa produsen yang menambahkan zat yang dilarang dalam penambahan kosmetik demi memperoleh hasil yang instan tanpa memikirkan efeknya, sehingga dilakukan pendampingan agar masyarakat memahai tentang cara pemilihan dan  penggunaan kosmetik yang aman serta dampak akibat penggunaan kosmetik dengan bahan kimia berbahaya. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode penyuluhan dan  media leaflet, hkegiatan ini menghasilkan pemahaman masyarakat menjadi meningkat mengenai kosmetik. Diharapkan masyarakat remaja Desa Lampo Kabupaten Donggala memiliki pengetahuan dan bijak dalam memilih dan menggunakan kosmetik.

    Comparison of Luminous Flux radiated to the Upper Hemisphere from ČEPS Outdoor Electrical Substations with other Light Sources

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou vzniku rušivého světla z osvětlovacích soustav elektrické stanice Prosenice a oslněním blízkého železničního koridoru. Teoretická část popisuje vznik a omezení rušivého světla a jednotlivé osvětlovací soustavy použité v el. stanici. V programu Building Design jsou vytvořeny modely osvětlovacích soustav el. stanice před a po modernizaci. Pomocí hodnocených bodů kulové soustavy je zjištěn světelný tok jdoucí do horního poloprostoru v obou situacích. Jsou provedená měření pro nejdůležitější osvětlované plochy stanice dle normy TN_59_2020 a hodnoty oslnění blízkého železničního koridoru.This diploma thesis deals with the issue of the formation of interfering light from the lighting system of the electrical substation Prosenice and the glare of the nearby railway corridor. The theoretical part describes the origin and limitation of interfering light and individual lighting system used in the electrical substation. Models of the power plants’ lighting system before and after modernization were created in software Building Design. Based on the evaluated points of the spherical system, the luminous flux going to the upper hemisphere was determined in both situations. Measurements were performed for the most important illuminated areas of the station according to the TN_59_2020 standard and the glare value of the nearby railway corridor.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvýborn