15 research outputs found

    Growth Model of Pine (Pinus merkusii Jungh. Et de Vriese) Stand on Community Forest in Tana Toraja Regency

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    Growth modeling and yield simulation of forest is a very important aspect in forest management including community forests. Stand growth model is an abstraction of the dynamic nature of a forest stand, including growth, ingrowths, mortality, and other changes in the structure and composition of the stand. In forest management, growth estimation plays an important role in supporting the sustainability of the benefits value of the community forests. The objectives of the research were to find out the stand growth model and the potential of community's pine forest. The study was conducted at the location of the community pine forests in District Mengkendek Tana Toraja Regency. Sample location, as representative of stand age classes that distribute on some villages in Mengkendek District, were selected by purposive sampling.The study results indicate that the most suitable model for upper trees mean height (H) is Weibull Model, for growth diameter and growth volume is Logistic Model  . The stand mean height (h) can be presented as a function of H and Relative Spacing Ratio (Sr) on the basis of function log Sr = 0,197 – 0,653 log H, then the tree volume, can be estimated on the basis of function log V = -1,70 + 0,94logD + 1,50logh, and then the growth function of volume on the basis of function V = 1.008 / 1 + 251.322 exp(-0.373t. Further, the maximum value of stand Annual Increment was 18 m3ha-1year-1, attained at the age of 20 years

    Application of the Brandis Method for Yield Regulation of Pine Private Forest in Tana Toraja

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    The utilization of private forests in Indonesia that is not managed properly based on the principle of sustainable yield will result in the depletion of private forests in the not too distant future. Therefore the sustainability of private forest is a necessity that cannot be delayed anymore. The general objective of this research is to find out whether the yield regulation method (Brandis Method) can be applied in private forests. The specific objectives of this study are: (a) to analyze the characteristics of pine private forests and their suitability for the Brandis Method practice, and (b) to know the sustainability of pine forest products in Tana Toraja using the Brandis Method and its institutions. The data collected in this study consist of primary and secondary data. The analytical method used was descriptive analysis and yield regulation method was analyzed based on Brandis Method. The result of this study shows that the yield regulation of the private pine forests in Tana Toraja can be done based on the number of trees using the Brandis Method. The regulation of private forest products based on the number of trees can be carried out if there is support from private forest institutions

    Strategi Pembangunan Hutan Rakyat Pinus di Tana Toraja

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    The exploitation of pine people forest in Tana Toraja has just begun since pine wood manufacturing industry opened in 2002. In 2004, the activity of this manufacture was stopped as some local people protested the activity. They assumed that the exploitation and manufacturing would cause negative effect, as the stand value could be much higher than benefits of the industry. In 2006, Tana Toraja Regency Government allowed the exploitation of the pine tree and offered the investors who were interested to invest their capital in the exploitation. The exploitation certainly needed a strategy based on accurate and comprehensive data.  The aim of this research was to arrange a strategy of pine people forest exploitation which could give both economy and ecology benefits. This research used financial analysis, SWOT analysis, and Analytical Hierarchy Process.  The result of the analyses indicated that the strategy could be best applied was strength-threat (ST) by increasing the role of farmer organization, conducting agroforestry pattern development in order to increase land productivity, applying proper regulating area for planting and harvesting, and assuring the exploitation of tongkonan area

    Stem Biomass Equation of Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake

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    Eucalyptus urophylla is one of the typical plants of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara,  Indonesia whose distribution includes the islands of Timor, Alor, Wetor, Flores, Adonara, Lomblen, and Pantar. The best land for the growth of E. urophylla is an area with rainfall above 1000 mm every year. E. urophylla dominate the island of Timor hence the potential to absorb carbon and store it in biomass as part of climate change mitigation. This study aims to determine the allometric equation model to predict the potential of E. urophylla stem biomass. Calculation of the amount of stem biomass based on allometric equations is an analytical method used in this study. The sample trees used in equation modeling is 100 trees as a result of the inventory. The equations that can be used to estimate the biomass potential of the stem of  E. urophylla in Timor Island were ln  = -2.12 + 2.472 ln ( ) and (R2= 0.98); ln  = -3.617 + 1.046 ln  and (R2= 0.99); and ln  = -3.510 + 2.157 ln ( ) + 0.983 ln  and (R2= 0.99). The stem biomass potential with the model I amounting to 276.877 tons ha-1, model II of 279.671 tons ha-1, and model III of 280.209 tons ha-1

    Growth Model of Pine (Pinus merkusii Jungh. Et de Vriese) Stand on Community Forest in Tana Toraja Regency

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    Growth modeling and yield simulation of forest is a very important aspect in forest management including community forests. Stand growth model is an abstraction of the dynamic nature of a forest stand, including growth, ingrowths, mortality, and other changes in the structure and composition of the stand. In forest management, growth estimation plays an important role in supporting the sustainability of the benefits value of the community forests. The objectives of the research were to find out the stand growth model and the potential of community's pine forest. The study was conducted at the location of the community pine forests in District Mengkendek Tana Toraja Regency. Sample location, as representative of stand age classes that distribute on some villages in Mengkendek District, were selected by purposive sampling.The study results indicate that the most suitable model for upper trees mean height (H) is Weibull Model, for growth diameter and growth volume is Logistic Model  . The stand mean height (h) can be presented as a function of H and Relative Spacing Ratio (Sr) on the basis of function log Sr = 0,197 – 0,653 log H, then the tree volume, can be estimated on the basis of function log V = -1,70 + 0,94logD + 1,50logh, and then the growth function of volume on the basis of function V = 1.008 / 1 + 251.322 exp(-0.373t. Further, the maximum value of stand Annual Increment was 18 m3ha-1year-1, attained at the age of 20 years

    Strategi Pembangunan Hutan Rakyat Pinus di Tana Toraja

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    The exploitation of pine people forest in Tana Toraja has just begun since pine wood manufacturing industry opened in 2002. In 2004, the activity of this manufacture was stopped as some local people protested the activity. They assumed that the exploitation and manufacturing would cause negative effect, as the stand value could be much higher than benefits of the industry. In 2006, Tana Toraja Regency Government allowed the exploitation of the pine tree and offered the investors who were interested to invest their capital in the exploitation. The exploitation certainly needed a strategy based on accurate and comprehensive data.  The aim of this research was to arrange a strategy of pine people forest exploitation which could give both economy and ecology benefits. This research used financial analysis, SWOT analysis, and Analytical Hierarchy Process.  The result of the analyses indicated that the strategy could be best applied was strength-threat (ST) by increasing the role of farmer organization, conducting agroforestry pattern development in order to increase land productivity, applying proper regulating area for planting and harvesting, and assuring the exploitation of tongkonan area

    Motivasi Pengunjung Terhadap Pengembangan Wisata Budaya Di Kota Tangerang Selatan Provinsi Banten: Motivations for the Development of Cultural Tourism in South Tangerang City, Banten Province

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    South Tangerang City is a buffer city for Jakarta which is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. It has the potential to become a tourist destination for Jakarta residents. One of the tourism potentials owned by South Tangerang City is cultural tourism, but now it is rarely in demand by tourists. This tourist destination needs to be revived and one of the basics that can be used as a reference is tourists' motivation toward cultural tourism. This study aims to determine the artistic tourism potential of South Tangerang City, tourist motivation, and its relationship with the motivation and ages of tourists, which can be used as a reference in the development of cultural tourism. The data analysis used in this study is a descriptive and inductive analysis using a Likert scale, standard deviation, Pearson Chi-Square, and regression analysis. The results of the study show that there are currently 10 destinations that can be developed for cultural tourism resources in the study area. The results also show that the motivation that most influence tourists to visit is physical. The factors of motivation are significantly correlated with age, are: trekking, shopping for local products, and gaining recognition from others. ABSTRAK Kota Tangerang Selatan adalah merupakan kota penyangga Jakarta yang merupakan ibukota negara Republik Indonesia. Sebagai kota penyangga Kota Tangerang Selatan sangat potensil untuk menjadi destinasi wisata bagi warga Jakarta. Salah satu potensi wisata yang dimiliki Kota Tangerang selatan adalah wisata budaya, namun sekarang sudah jarang diminati oleh wisatawan. Destinasi wisata ini perlu dibangkitkan kembali dan salah satu dasar yang dapat dijadikan acuan adalah motivasi wisatawan terhadap wisata budaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui potensi wisata budaya, motivasi pengunjung dan hubungannya dengan minat serta umur wisatawan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu acuan dalam pengembangan wisata budaya. Analisis Data Analisis data yang digunakan dpenelitian ini yaitu analisis data deskriptif dan induktif yang menggunakan skala likert, standar deviasi, Pearson Chi-Square dan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi sumberdaya wisata budaya di kota Tangerang Selatan yang dapat dikembangkan saat ini sebanyak 10 destinasi. Hasil analisis penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa motivasi yang paling mempengaruhi wisatawan untuk berkunjung adalah motivasi fisik. Faktor dari motivasi yang berkorelasi nyata dengan umur yaitu: trekking, berbelanja produk lokal dan untuk memperoleh pengakuan orang lain


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    -This study aims to know a function or functions that can be applied to predict the height increment of Pinus mercusii in the community forest in Tana Toraja. The analysis result showed that the best function to height increment estimation of this species, is Y = 33,766 ??? ???28,215 exp(-0,001t2,308)???; and the maximum height increment estimation function of this species is: Ymax = 34,579 ??? ???28,041 exp(-0,001t2,647)???; where Y and t are height and yea

    Stem volume equation for constructing local volume table of Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese in Tana Toraja community forest

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    Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese is a plant with high market and economic values due to providing a variety of products, including wood. Good management is needed to preserve pine forest products. The first step toward effective forest management is developing a management plan based on estimated stock data. The volume table used has a significant impact on the accuracy of the stock potential estimate. This study aims to determine the best equation model for compiling a local volume table for P. merkusii Jungh et de Vriese in Tana Toraja Regency. The research was conducted at the community pine forest in Gandang Batu Sillanan and Mengkendek districts, Toraja Regency. The number of sample measured was 100 trees. An analytical method was used to calculate the amount of tree volume on allometric equations. The equation for the stem volume was made using the allometric equation. The research results showed that diameters' mean, standard deviation, and sampling error values were 28.34 cm, 7.39 cm, and 1.45, respectively, heights were 23.77 m, 7.37 m, and 1.44; volume was 1.44 m3, 0.96 m3, and 0.19. The regression equation modelling showed that the best equation model for estimating volume P. merkusii Jungh et de Vriese based on height and diameter was =2

    Growth Model of Pine (Pinus merkusii Jungh. Et de Vriese) Stand on Community Forest in Tana Toraja Regency

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    Growth modeling and yield simulation of forest is a very important aspect in forest management including community forests. Stand growth model is an abstraction of the dynamic nature of a forest stand, including growth, ingrowths, mortality, and other changes in the structure and composition of the stand. In forest management, growth estimation plays an important role in supporting the sustainability of the benefits value of the community forests. The objectives of the research were to find out the stand growth model and the potential of community's pine forest. The study was conducted at the location of the community pine forests in District Mengkendek Tana Toraja Regency. Sample location, as representative of stand age classes that distribute on some villages in Mengkendek District, were selected by purposive sampling.The study results indicate that the most suitable model for upper trees mean height (H) is Weibull Model, for growth diameter and growth volume is Logistic Model . The stand mean height (h) can be presented as a function of H and Relative Spacing Ratio (Sr) on the basis of function log Sr = 0,197 – 0,653 log H, then the tree volume, can be estimated on the basis of function log V = -1,70 + 0,94logD + 1,50logh, and then the growth function of volume on the basis of function V = 1.008 / 1 + 251.322 exp(-0.373t. Further, the maximum value of stand Annual Increment was 18 m3ha-1year-1, attained at the age of 20 years