545 research outputs found

    National intellectual capital in European Union countries in 2013-2017

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    Purpose: The broadening of the concept of intellectual capital from the micro level to the macro level presents a challenge for contemporary researchers. No universal definition of national intellectual capital (NIC) or its taxonomy have been developed as yet. This hampers empirical research on measuring NIC resources, thus rendering it difficult to make cross-sectional and temporal comparisons. Therefore, methods are being sought to allow for estimating the volumes of intellectual capital on a macroeconomic level. The purpose of the article is to present an original concept of measuring NIC in the European Union (EU) countries, construct a synthetic measure of NIC on the basis of TOPSIS method, and create a ranking and classification of the EU countries in terms of their NIC resources. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study uses TOPSIS, which is a multi-criteria decision-making method. Findings: The obtained results reveal strong disparities between the EU countries as regards NIC resources. They confirm, moreover, the existence of high intellectual capital resources in the countries of Northern Europe. Practical Implications: The outcomes of the conducted study and its conclusions can be used by decision-makers, both at the EU level and in particular countries. They can also serve as an instrument for bolstering the policies and practices promoting a holistic approach to socio-economic development. Originality/Value: The article contains an original author's concept of measuring NIC resources, which can be applied to cross-sectional and temporal comparisons across EU countries.peer-reviewe

    Tracking amino acid’s uptake into the protozoan Acanthamoeba castellanii by stable-isotope labelling and Raman spectral imaging

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    The capacity of pathogens to acquire nutrients from their host cells is one of the most fundamental aspects of infection biology. Hence, measuring the patterns of nutrients’ uptake by pathogens is essential for understanding the interactions of pathogens with eukaryotic host cells. In this study, we optimized a technique that allows fast and non-destructive measurement of the amino acid Phenylalanine (Phe) acquired by the trophozoite stage of the protozoan Acanthamoeba castellanii (A. castellanii) as they engage with individual human retinal pigment epithelial cells (ARPE-19). ARPE-19 host cells were pre-saturated with Deuterated Phe (L-Phe(D8)) to replace the native substrate Phe (L-Phe). The uptake of L-Phe(D8) by A. castellanii trophozoites was measured by Raman microspectroscopy. This approach allowed us to characterize the uptake patterns of this essential amino acid into A. castellanii trophozoites at a single cell level. At 24 hours post infection (PI) A. castellanii trophozoites are capable of salvaging L-Phe(D8) from host cells. The uptake pattern was time-dependent during the first 24 hours of infection and complete substitution with L-Phe(D8) in all parasites was detected at 48 hours PI. On the other hand, isolated A. castellanii trachyzoites (grown without host cells) did not show significant uptake for L-Phe(D8) from the media; only achieved an uptake ratio of 16-18% of L-Phe(D8) from the culture medium after 24 hours. These findings demonstrate the potential of combining Raman microspectroscopy and stable isotope labelling approaches to elucidate the role of metabolism in mediating A. castellanii interaction with host cells

    237. Nowe kompleksowe spojrzenie na wartość prognostyczną receptorów estrogenów (ER), progesteronu (PR) i czynnika wzrostu nabłonków (EGFR) zawartych w tkankach pierwotnego raka piersi

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    Obecność lub brak ER, PR i EGFR w pierwotnym raku piersi odzwierciedla aktualny stan receptorowy tego nowotworu. Celem naszej pracy było określenie zależności między stanem receptorowym pierwotnych raków piersi a przeżyciem chorych kobiet. Receptory w nowotworze oznaczono metodami radiokompetycyjnymi. Bezobjawowy pooperacyjny okres przeżycia chorych (DFS) i całkowite przeżycie chorych (OS) oceniono wielowariantową analizą proporcjonalnego hazardu wg Cox’a. Analizowano 8 możliwych wariantów jednoczesnej obecności lub braku ER, PR i EGFR w nowotworze oraz wybrane kliniczno-morfologiczne parametry chorych takie jak wiek, wielkość guza i stan węzłów chłonnych. Wykazano, e 4 grupy chorych o następującym stanie receptorowym: ER+PR+EGFR+; ER+PR+EGFR-; ER-PR+EGFR- i ER-PR-EGFR-miały lepsze parametry przeżycia dla DFS i OS. Względne ryzyka nawrotu choroby lub śmierci wymienionych grup chorych mieściły się w granicach 0,45–1,16. Natomiast chore ze stanami receptorowymi: ER+PR-EGFR-, ER-PR-EGFR+ i ER+PR-EGFR+ miały bardziej agresywny przebieg choroby. Względne ryzyka nawrotu choroby lub śmierci mieściły się w granicach 1,46–3,95. Wykazaliśmy, że zarówno DFS jak i OS chorych na raka piersi zależą od określonego stanu receptorowego w pierwotnym guzie. Mniej agresywny przebieg choroby wydaje się być zależny głównie od obecności PR w guzie. Obecność samego EGFR lub jego współistnienie z ER lub wyłączna obecność ER w guzie wiążą się z gorszymi parametrami przeżycia. Średnie względne ryzyka nawrotu choroby mieściły się w przedziale: 2,14–3,31. Natomiast ryzyka śmierci znajdowały się w przedziale: 2,32–3,95. Obecność EGFR w tkance raka piersi nie zawsze jest negatywnym czynnikiem prognostycznym. Łączna obecność EGFR, ER i PR wiązała się z najlepszymi parametrami przeżycia (RR = 0,45 dla DFS i RR = 0,22 dla OS). Ponadto wykazano, że wielkość guza, stan węzłów chłonnych i wiek chorych są niezależnymi wskażnikami prognostycznymi dla DFS i OS chorych

    Intellectual capital of European Union countries (EU-28) – measurement concept

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    Purpose – The aim of the present research paper is to enrich the achievements of science through a description of a theoretical-methodological approach to measuring the national intellectual capital (NIC) along with its application in the evaluation of the European Union countries (2015). Research method – The synthetic indicator, describing the intellectual capital of the EU countries was quantified by using the TOPSIS method. The year 2015 is the study period. Results – The estimation results confirm the diversity of the intellectual capital level in the 28 countries of the EU. The highest index value applies to Sweden. Romania takes the last – 28th place and belongs to the fourth typological group with a very low potential of intellectual capital. Originality /value / implications /recommendations – The new perspective on defining and taxonomy of intellectual capital (including ecological capital) is a kind of novum in this area. As a result, the elaborated ranking of the EU countries provides a new, wider perspective on the intellectual capital [email protected] of Economics and Finance, University of BialystokAlfaro J.-L., López V.-R., Nevado D., 2011, An Alternative to measure national intellectual capital adopted from business level, “African Journal of Business Management”, vol. 5(16), pp. 6707-6716, DOI: 10.5897/AJBM10.1228.Alfaro J.-L., López V.-R., Nevado D., 2014, Economic Growth and intangible capitals: Europe versus Asia, “Panoeconomicus”, vol. 61(3), pp. 261-274, DOI: 10.2298/PAN1403261N.Andriessen D., Stam C., 2009, Intellectual Capital of the European Union 2008: Measuring the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs, “Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management”, vol. 7(4), pp. 489-500.Bombiak E., 2015, Diagnoza kapitału intelektualnego w ujęciu makroekonomicznym – przegląd koncepcji teoretycznych i podejść badawczych, „Marketing i Rynek”, vol. 10, pp. 54-63.Bontis N., 2004, National Intellectual Capital Index. 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Evidence from Italy, “Journal of Cleaner Production”, vol. 153, pp. 257-286, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.03.175.Delgado-Verde M., Amores-Salvado J., Martin-de Castro G., Navas-Lòpez J.E., 2014, Green intellectual capital and environmental product innovation: the mediating role of green social capital, “Knowledge Management Research & Practice”, vol. 12(3), pp. 261-275, DOI: 10.1057/kmrp.2014.8.Edvinsson L., Lin C., 2011, What national intellectual capital indices can tell about the global economic crisis of 2007-2009?, “Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management”, vol. 8(2), pp. 253-266.Hervas-Oliver J.L., Rojas R., Martins B.M., Carvelló-Royo R., 2011, The overlapping of national IC and innovation systems, “Journal of Intellectual Capital”, vol. 12(1), pp. 111-131, DOI: 10.1108/14691931111097935.Helm D., 2015, Natural capital – Valuing the Planet, Yale University Press, New Heven and London.Hwang C.L., Yoon K., 1981, Multiple attribute decision making-methods and applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.Inkinen I., 2015, Review of empirical research on intellectual capital and firm performance, “Journal of Intellectual Capital”, vol. 16(3), pp. 518-565, DOI: 10.1108/JIC-01-2015-0002.Käpylä J., Kujansivu P., Lönnqvist A., 2012, National intellectual capital performance: a strategic approach, “Journal of Intellectual Capital”, vol. 13(3), pp. 343-362, DOI: 10.1108/14691931211248909.Labra R., Sánchez M.P., 2013, National intellectualcapital assessment models a literature review, “Journal of Intellectual Capital”, vol. 5(1), pp. 582-607, DOI: 10.1108/ JIC-11-2012-0100.López V.R., Nevado D., Alfaro J.L., Badea L., Grigorescu A., Voinea L., 2011, Measurement of national non-visible wealth through intellectual capital, “Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting”, vol. 14(3), pp. 200-212.Mačerinskienė I., Aleknavičiūtė R., 2017, National intellectual capital influence on economic growth in the European Union countries, “Equilibrium. 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    Efeito da musculação no desenvolvimento da potência muscular : uma revisão de literatura

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    Orientador : Sergio Gregório da SilvaMonografia (Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Curso de Especialização em Treinamento de Força e Hipertrofia.Resumo : Sabe-se que a maior parte dos praticantes de musculação, realizam seus treinos com o objetivo principal de aumentar sua massa magra, reduzir seu percentual de gordura e melhorar a qualidade de vida, e uma vez que a maioria desses indivíduos não realizam treinamentos específicos para potência muscular, o objetivo desse estudo foi de fazer uma revisão na literatura sobre estudos que mostram os efeitos da musculação no desenvolvimento da potência muscular. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura sem discriminação do ano de publicação dos trabalhos. Foram analisados artigos indexados às bases de dados, Lilacs, Google Acadêmico, PubMed e Scielo em inglês e português, utilizando os descritores: potência muscular, treino resistido, musculação e treino de força. Conclui-se que a musculação é uma efetiva modalidade esportiva para o desenvolvimento da potência muscular, a qual pode ser empregada objetivando resultados positivos tanto com atletas profissionais, quanto com a população em geral. São perceptivos os efeitos da musculação no aumento da potência muscular entre a oitava semana de intervenção, até a décima sexta