50 research outputs found

    Analysis and design of innovative magnetic wedges for high efficiency permanent magnet synchronous machines

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    The global decarbonization targets require increasingly higher levels of efficiency from the designers of electrical machines. In this context, the opportunity to employ magnetic or semi-magnetic wedges in surface-mounted permanent magnet machines with fractional-slot concentrated winding has been evaluated in this paper, with the aim to reduce the power losses, especially in the magnets. Since an analytical calculation is not sufficient for this evaluation, finite element methods with two different software have been employed, by using a model experimentally validated on a real motor. The effects of wedges with different values of permeability and different magnetization characteristics have been evaluated on flux density, back electromotive force, and inductances, in order to choose the more suitable wedge for the considered motor. Furthermore, a new wedge consisting of different portions of materials with different magnetic permeability values is proposed. The effects of both conventional and unconventional magnetic wedges were assessed to optimize the motor performance in all working conditions

    AC losses reduction in Hairpin Windings produced via Additive Manufacturing

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    One of the key challenges of hairpin windings is the reduction of their high losses at high-frequency operations. Hairpin layouts comprising conductors with variable cross sections have proven good loss performance in previous studies. However, they come at the cost of significant manufacturing complications. The aim of this work is to design hairpin layouts featuring reduced losses compared to classical configurations, exploiting the flexibility enabled by additive manufacturing. In this context, the choice of a proper material with relatively high conductivity and low ecological impact plays an important role. Hence, this article first presents an overview of materials that can be used for the winding additive manufacturing, aiming to select the most suitable one for the application at hand. Then, the loss performance is evaluated and compared against classical copper hairpins. The results demonstrate that opportunely selected alloys featuring asymmetric configurations can compete against classical hairpin windings. © 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThis paper reflects only the author's view. JU is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains

    Private hospital energy performance benchmarking using energy audit data: an Italian case study

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    The increased focus on energy efficiency, both at the national and international levels, has fostered the diffusion and development of specific energy consumption benchmarks for most relevant economic sectors. In this context, energy-intensive facilities, such as hospitals and health structures, represent a unique case. Indeed, despite the high energy consumption of these structures, scientific literature lacks the presence of adequate energy performance benchmarks, especially in regard to the European context. Thus, this study aimed at defining energy benchmark indicators for the Italian private healthcare sector using data collected from the Italian mandatory energy audits according to Art.8 EU Directive 27/2012. The benchmark indicators’ definition was made using a methodology proposed by the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA). This methodology provided the calculation of specific energy performance indicators (EnPIs) by considering the global energy consumption of the different sites and the sector’s relevant variables. The results obtained were compared with those obtained from a consolidated but more complex methodology: the one envisaged by the Environmental Protection Agency. The results obtained allowed us to validate the reliability of the proposed methodology, as well as the validity and future usability of the calculated indicators. Relying on a significant database containing actual data from recent energy audits, this study was thus able to provide an up-to-date and reliable benchmark for the private healthcare sector

    Phage-derived protein induces increased platelet activation and is associated with mortality in patients with invasive pneumococcal disease

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    To improve our understanding about the severity of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD), we investigated the association between the genotype of Streptococcus pneumoniae and disease outcomes for 349 bacteremic patients. A pneumococcal genome-wide association study (GWAS) demonstrated a strong correlation between 30-day mortality and the presence of the phage-derived gene pblB, encoding a platelet-binding protein whose effects on platelet activation were previously unknown. Platelets are increasingly recognized as key players of the innate immune system, and in sepsis, excessive platelet activation contributes to microvascular obstruction, tissue hypoperfusion, and finally multiorgan failure, leading to mortality. Our in vitro studies revealed that pblB expression was induced by fluoroquinolones but not by the beta-lactam antibiotic penicillin G. Subsequently, we determined pblB induction and platelet activation by incubating whole blood with the wild type or a pblB knockout mutant in the presence or absence of antibiotics commonly administered to our patient cohort. pblB-dependent enhancement of platelet activation, as measured by increased expression of the ɑ-granule protein P-selectin, the binding of fibrinogen to the activated ɑ IIbβ3 receptor, and the formation of platelet-monocyte complex occurred irrespective of antibiotic exposure. In conclusion, the presence of pblB on the pneumococcal chromosome potentially leads to increased mortality in patients with an invasive S. pneumoniae infection, which may be explained by enhanced platelet activation. This study highlights the clinical utility of a bacterial GWAS, followed by functional characterization, to identify bacterial factors involved in disease severity. IMPORTANCE The exact mechanisms causing mortality in invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) patients are not completely understood. We examined 349 patients with IPD and found in a bacterial genome-wide association study (GWAS) that the presence of the phage-derived gene pblB was associated with mortality in the first 30 days after hospitalization. Although pblB has been extensively studied in Streptococcus mitis, its consequence for the interaction between platelets and Streptococcus pneumoniae is largely unknown. Platelets are important in immunity and inflammation, and excessive platelet activation contributes to microvascular obstruction and multiorgan failure, leading to mortality. We therefore developed this study to assess whether the expression of pblB might increase the risk of death for IPD patients through its effect on enhanced platelet activation. This study also shows the value of integrating extensive bacterial genomics and clinical data in predicting and understanding pathogen virulence, which in turn will help to improve prognosis and therapy