33 research outputs found


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    U radu se opisuje koncept cjeloživotnog učenja i njegov razvoj tijekom druge polovine dvadesetog stoljeća. Navode se značenja drugih srodnih koncepata kao što su kontinuirano obrazovanje, permanentno obrazovanje i povratno obrazovanje. Posebno se prikazuju pojedini oblici cjeloživotnog učenja – formalno obrazovanje, neformalno obrazovanje, informalno obrazovanje i iskustveno učenje – s pomoću kojih se ostvaruje koncept cjeloživotnog učenja. Prikazuju se glavne konceptualne implikacije cjeloživotnog učenja na promjenu razumijevanja obrazovanja kao školovanja i tradicionalnog shvaćanja da je obrazovanje namijenjeno samo djeci i mladima. Navode se i obrazlažu kvantitativne i kvalitativne promjene u osnovnom i srednjem školstvu koje su u funkciji realizacije koncepcije cjeloživotnog učenja.This paper describes the concept of lifelong learning and its development through the second half of the twentieth century. The meanings are given of other related concepts, such as continuing education, permanent education and recurrent education. Specifi c forms of lifelong learning, through which the concept of lifelong learning is realised, are presented separately. These are: formal education, non-formal education, informal education and experiential learning. The paper shows the main conceptual implications of lifelong learning on the change in understanding of education as schooling and the traditional understanding of education as something intended only for children and young people. Finally, the paper indicates the quantitative and qualitative changes in primary and secondary schooling that have the function of realising the concept of lifelong learning

    Familiäre Wandel im Leben minderjähriger Delinquenten und ihre Auswirkung auf die objektiven Lebensverhältnisse

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    Cilj rada bio je provjeriti razlikuju li se maloljetni delinkventi koji su migrirali po objektivnim uvjetima života od onih koji nisu migrirali. Neka istraživanja pokazuju da su objektivni uvjeti života u obiteljima maloljetnih delinkvenata lošiji od uvjeta u obiteljima nedelinkvenata te mogu biti rizični za pojavu delinkventnoga ponašanja. Podaci dobiveni ovim istraživanjem pokazuju da postoje statistički značajne razlike između maloljetnih počinitelja kaznenih djela koji su migrirali i onih koji to nisu u većini varijabli koje govore o objektivnim uvjetima života u obitelji. Taj rezultat upućuje na to da se migracije mogu promatrati kao rizični utjecaji na objektivne uvjete života u obitelji te na taj način posredno utječu na poremećaje u ponašanju, na asocijalno, devijantno i delinkventno ponašanje. Maloljetnicima koji dolaze iz migrantskih obitelji i njihovim obiteljima potrebna je ciljana pomoć u društvu primitka, kako bi im se što više olakšala prilagodba na novu sredinu te zdravo funkcioniranje i razvoj.The aim of the paper was to examine whether there is a difference in juvenile delinquents who migrated under objective living conditions as opposed to those who did not participate in migration. Some researches show that objective living conditions in families of juvenile delinquents such as education of parents, employment, economic status of family etc. are worse than the conditions in families of non-delinquents, and can thus present a risk to the occurrence of delinquent behaviour. Data obtained in this research on a sample of 458 juvenile perpetrators of criminal acts indicate that there are statistically significant differences between juvenile delinquents who migrated and those who did not in most variables dealing with the objective living conditions in the family. This result indicates that migrations can be observed as risk-causing influences on objective living conditions in the family and thus have an indirect impact on the occurrence of behaviour disorders, antisocial, deviant and delinquent behaviour. Minors coming from migrant families as well as their families need specific assistance in the receiving society in order to help them adapt to the new environment and healthy living and development.Mit dieser Arbeit sollte geprüft werden, ob es Unterschiede gibt zwischen minderjährigen Delinquenten, deren objektive Lebensverhältnisse Migrationen unterworfen waren, und solchen, deren Leben in gewohnten Bahnen verlief. Einige Untersuchungen zeigen, dass objetkive Lebensverhältnisse wie Bildungsgrad der Eltern, finanzieller Status der Familie u.ä. bei Nichtdelinquenten schlechter sein können als bei Delinquenten und dass sie ein Risiko darstellen, das zum Auftreten delinquenten Verhaltens beitragen kann. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Untersuchung, die unter 458 minderjährigen Delinquenten durchgeführt wurde, zeigen, dass es statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede gibt zwischen minderjährigen Straftätern, die in ihrem Leben Wandel durchlaufen haben, und solchen mit stabilen Lebensverhältnissen, und zwar bei den meisten Variablen, die die objektiven familiären Lebensverhältnisse betreffen. Dieses Resultat verweist darauf, dass familiäre Wandel als Risikofaktor betrachtet werden können, die die objektiven Lebensverhältnisse innerhalb der Familie beeinflussen und insofern indirekt Verhaltensstörungen sowie asoziales, abwegiges und delinquentes Verhalten hervorrufen können. Jugendliche, deren Familienleben ständigen Wandeln unterworfen ist, sowie ihre Familien benötigen innerhalb der sie aufnehmenden Gesellschaft gezielte Hilfe, damit ihnen die Anpassung an die Umwelt weitesgehend erleichtert wird und sie in diesem Rahmen gesund funktionieren und sich weiterentwickeln können

    Density functional theory calculation of the properties of carbon vacancy defects in silicon carbide

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    As a promisingmaterial for quantumtechnology, silicon carbide (SiC) has attracted great interest inmaterials science. Carbon vacancy is a dominant defect in 4H-SiC. Thus, understanding the properties of this defect is critical to its application, and the atomic and electronic structures of the defects needs to be identified. In this study, density functional theorywas used to characterize the carbon vacancy defects in hexagonal (h) and cubic (k) lattice sites. The zero-phonon line energies, hyperfine tensors, and formation energies of carbon vacancies with different charge states (2-, -, 0,+ and 2+) in different supercells (72, 128, 400 and 576 atoms)were calculated using standard Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof and Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof methods. Results show that the zero-phonon line energies of carbon vacancy defects are much lower than those of divacancy defects, indicating that the former is more likely to reach the excited state than the latter. The hyperfine tensors of VC+(h) and VC+(k) were calculated. Comparison of the calculated hyperfine tensor with the experimental results indicates the existence of carbon vacancies in SiC lattice. The calculation of formation energy shows that the most stable carbon vacancy defects in the material are VC2+(k), VC+(k), VC(k), VC-(k) and VC2-(k) as the electronic chemical potential increases.Peer reviewe

    Ohne einen motivierten Religionslehrer gibt es keinen Qualitätsreligionsunterricht

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    U svojim razmišljanjima o temeljnoj ulozi vjeroučitelja u vjeronaučnoj nastavi autorica polazi od ciljeva katoličkog vjeronauka u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu. U ovom članku pokušava odgovoriti na pitanje: zašto neki vjeroučitelji postižu izvanredne rezultate, a drugi veoma slabe ili nikakve? Problem je, prije svega, u motivaciji vjeroučitelja. Autorica o motivaciji kao temeljnom opredjeljenju (optio fundamentalis) vjeroučitelja razmišlja na temelju podataka dobivenih iz nekih socioloških istraživanja. Pomoću statističkih pokazatelja ona pokušava utvrditi u kojoj mjeri motivacija kod vjeroučitelja postoji ili pak nedostaje. Na kraju navodi nekoliko pokazatelja o (ne)motiviranosti i nekoliko važnih čimbenika koji mogu doprinijeti jačanju motivacije kod vjeroučitelja.In ihren Erwägungen über die Grundrolle des Religionlehrers im Religionunterricht geht die Autorin von den Zielen des katholischen Religionsunterrichts im Erziehungs- und Bildungssystem aus. In diesem Artikel versucht sie die Frage: Warum erzielen manche Religionslehrer hervorragende Ergebnisse, während andere sehr niedrige oder sogar keine?, zu beantworten. Das Problem liegt vor allem in der Motivation bei den Religionslehrern. Aufgrund erhaltener Angaben aus einigen soziologischen Untersuchungen denkt die Autorin über die Motivation als fundamentale Einstellung (optio fundamentalis) bei den Religionslehrern nach. Anhand statistischer Indikatoren versucht sie festzulegen, in was für einem Masse die Motivation bei den Religionslehrern anwesend oder nicht anwesend ist. Zum Schluss nennt sie ein paar Indikatoren der (Un-)Motivation und erwähnt ein paar wichtige Faktoren, die zur Motivationsstärkung bei den Religionslehrern beitragen können