180 research outputs found

    Developing a System for Hidden Information Using a Transposition Cipher

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    This article discusses: an algorithm for hiding data using a permutation cipher and the main functions of the developed software product

    Neural Networks and Face Recognition of People Using Neural Networks

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    The article considers artificial neural networks and some of their architectures. The process of recognizing people by their face with their help is considered. Areas of application of this technology are determined

    Features of shear transformation texture in seamless pipes

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    Microstructure and texture in seamless 0.08C-Cr-Mo-V, 0.25C-Cr-Mo-V-Nb, 0.08-13Cr-3Ni-Mo-V-Nb, and 18Cr-9Ni steel pipes are studied in the as-rolled and heat-treated states using orientation EBSD microscopy. It has been found that all types of microstructure (ferrite, martensite, and bainite) in products, both after hot rolling and after heat treatment, have well-defined axial crystallographic texture, where the direction is predominately perpendicular to the pipe surface. It is demonstrated that texture formation in heat-treated states is inherited due to the following factors important for the rules of orientation selection during the γ→α phase transformation: 1) occurrence of stable orientation of austenite grains resulted from straining; 2) special misorientation (boundaries) of austenite grains where transformation starts; 3) orientation relationships known for phase transformation; 4) thermal stresses in a product, formed during cooling. The latter can be considered as factor determining special texture in seamless steel pipes. © 2018 Author(s)

    Молотильно-сепарирующее устройство для первичного семеноводства кукурузы

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    The development of domestic primary maize seed production requires the development of new threshing devices capable to minimize seed grains macro- and microdamage. (Research purpose) To justify the design and technological parameters of the axial-rotary threshing and separating device for varietal and hybrid maize with a device that ensures the cobs orientation in space before threshing and partial violation of their grain structure by friction during swirling by air flow. (Materials and methods) The authors used system analysis methods, ensuring the principle of flow in mechanized lines, building algorithms for the automated systems operation and designing agricultural machines. (Results and discussion) To minimize corn grain damage, the authors recommended the sequence of technological process operations of threshing with an axial-rotary threshing-separating device, into which the cobs were fed in a strictly oriented spatial position with a partially broken grain structure. They improved the orienting- dispensing loading device, presented in the form of a vortex orienting dispenser equipped with an automatic loading level control system. The authors established the design parameters of the vortex orienting batcher based on the experimental determination of the corn cobs mechanical and technological parameters. They proposed methods, equipment and devices for determining the angle of corn cobs repose. The authors calculated the dimensional parameters of the funnel window for the corn cob output and the metering vortex tube diameter. (Conclusions) The authors developed the design of a threshing-separating device with a device for orienting corn cobs in space before threshing and partial violation of their grain structure by friction during swirling by an air stream. They determined the funnel window optimal parameters at the bottom of the vortex orienting batcher: length – 0.378 meters, width – 0.122 meters, vortex tube diameter – at least 0.624 meters.Развитие отечественного первичного семеноводства кукурузы требует разработки новых обмолачивающих устройств, способных минимизировать макрои микроповреждения семенного зерна. (Цель исследования) Обосновать конструктивно-технологические параметры аксиально-роторного молотильно-сепарирующего устройства для сортовой и гибридной кукурузы с приспособлением, обеспечивающим ориентирование початков в пространстве перед обмолотом и частичное нарушение их зерновой структуры посредством трения при вихревом перемещении воздушным потоком. (Материалы и методы) Использовали методы системного анализа, обеспечения принципа поточности в механизированных линиях, построения алгоритмов работы автоматизированных систем и конструирования сельскохозяйственных машин. (Результаты и обсуждения) Для минимизации повреждений зерна кукурузы рекомендовали последовательность операций технологического процесса обмолота аксиально-роторным молотильно-сепарирующим устройством, в которое початки подаются в строго сориентированном пространственном положении с частично нарушенной зерновой структурой. Усовершенствовали ориентирующе-дозирующее загрузочное приспособление, представленное в виде вихревого ориентирующего дозатора, оснащенного автоматической системой управления уровнем загрузки. Установили конструктивные параметры вихревого ориентирующего дозатора на основе экспериментального определения механико-технологических параметров початков кукурузы. Предложили методику, оборудование и приспособления для определения угла естественного откоса початков кукурузы. Рассчитали размерные параметры окна-воронки для вывода початков и диаметра вихревой трубы дозатора. (Выводы) Разработали конструкцию молотильного-сепарирующего устройства с приспособлением для ориентирования початков в пространстве перед обмолотом и частичным нарушением их зерновой структуры посредством трения при вихревом перемещении воздушным потоком. Определили, оптимальные параметры окна-воронки в дне вихревого ориентирующего дозатора: длина – 0,378 метра, ширина – 0,122 метра, диаметр вихревой трубы – не менее 0,624 метра

    The Role of Attention in Ambiguous Reversals of Structure-From-Motion

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    Multiple dots moving independently back and forth on a flat screen induce a compelling illusion of a sphere rotating in depth (structure-from-motion). If all dots simultaneously reverse their direction of motion, two perceptual outcomes are possible: either the illusory rotation reverses as well (and the illusory depth of each dot is maintained), or the illusory rotation is maintained (but the illusory depth of each dot reverses). We investigated the role of attention in these ambiguous reversals. Greater availability of attention – as manipulated with a concurrent task or inferred from eye movement statistics – shifted the balance in favor of reversing illusory rotation (rather than depth). On the other hand, volitional control over illusory reversals was limited and did not depend on tracking individual dots during the direction reversal. Finally, display properties strongly influenced ambiguous reversals. Any asymmetries between ‘front’ and ‘back’ surfaces – created either on purpose by coloring or accidentally by random dot placement – also shifted the balance in favor of reversing illusory rotation (rather than depth). We conclude that the outcome of ambiguous reversals depends on attention, specifically on attention to the illusory sphere and its surface irregularities, but not on attentive tracking of individual surface dots

    Multi-Timescale Perceptual History Resolves Visual Ambiguity

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    When visual input is inconclusive, does previous experience aid the visual system in attaining an accurate perceptual interpretation? Prolonged viewing of a visually ambiguous stimulus causes perception to alternate between conflicting interpretations. When viewed intermittently, however, ambiguous stimuli tend to evoke the same percept on many consecutive presentations. This perceptual stabilization has been suggested to reflect persistence of the most recent percept throughout the blank that separates two presentations. Here we show that the memory trace that causes stabilization reflects not just the latest percept, but perception during a much longer period. That is, the choice between competing percepts at stimulus reappearance is determined by an elaborate history of prior perception. Specifically, we demonstrate a seconds-long influence of the latest percept, as well as a more persistent influence based on the relative proportion of dominance during a preceding period of at least one minute. In case short-term perceptual history and long-term perceptual history are opposed (because perception has recently switched after prolonged stabilization), the long-term influence recovers after the effect of the latest percept has worn off, indicating independence between time scales. We accommodate these results by adding two positive adaptation terms, one with a short time constant and one with a long time constant, to a standard model of perceptual switching

    Некоторые методы передачи QR‑кода с помощью стеганографии

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    The article presents additional options for development of the previously described method [3] of covertly transmitting a QR code using steganography, which may be required for delivery of information related to the transportation process and other tasks solved in transport. In particular, a new detailed option of application of different mathematical methods used in various scientific fields (for example, multi-grid method for difference approximation of the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the Poisson equation with a high degree of accuracy) was proposed. An effective iterative formula was constructed for cases of complex sources distribution. The method reduces the number of iterations and the likelihood of an error when restoring the original and allows to create a respective application software.Представлены дополнительные варианты развития ранее изложенного метода [3] скрытной передачи QR‑кода с помощью стеганографии, которая может быть востребована для доставки информации, связанной с перевозочным процессом и другими задачами, решаемыми на транспорте. В частности, предложен новый конкретный вариант применения математических методов, используемых в различных научных областях (например, метода многих сеток для разностной аппроксимации краевой задачи Дирихле для уравнения Пуассона с высокой степенью точности). Построена эффективная итерационная формула для случаев сложного распределения источников. Метод уменьшает число итераций и вероятность появления ошибки при восстановлении оригинала и позволяет создать соответствующую компьютерную программу-приложение