59 research outputs found

    Le tuf calcaire de La Celle-sur-Seine (Seine et Marne) : nouvelles données sur un site clé du stade 11 dans le Nord de la France

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    De nouvelles études morphostratigraphiques et biostratigraphiques ainsi que des datations ont été entreprises sur le célèbre dépôt de tuf calcaire de La Celle-sur-Seine afin d'obtenir une reconstruction détaillée des successions paléoenvironnementales et climatiques enregistrées dans cette formation interglaciaire du Pléistocène moyen. L'approche développée a privilégié l'aspect pluridisciplinaire afin d'exploiter la richesse paléontologique du gisement, de mieux appréhender ses caractères morphostratigraphiques et de préciser sa position chronologique. Les premiers résultats obtenus à partir des études malacologiques montrent que le dépôt, composé de tufs et de niveaux limono-argileux, s'est construit en progradant le long du versant. Ainsi l'épaisseur totale de la formation atteint près de 9 mètres. Les malacofaunes permettent de reconstituer une évolution paléoenvironnementale correspondant au début puis à l'optimum d'une phase climatique interglaciaire. Les niveaux sommitaux sont, eux, caractérisés par un net recul de la couverture forestière.La création de nouveaux profils stratigraphiques a permis la découverte dans un niveau de limon gris tufacé d'une abondante faune de mammifères accompagnée par quelques silex taillés. Cet horizon appartient à la malacozone la plus riche en taxons thermophiles qui est interprétée comme la phase optimum de l'Interglaciaire. La signification environnementale et climatique du cortège mammalogique, qui comprend en particulier de l'hippopotame et du macaque, corrobore les résultats malacologiques. L'industrie lithique est de type bifaciale en cohérence avec les récoltes de bifaces acheuléens effectuées à la fin du 19ème siècle. La composition du cortège de mollusques permet de rapprocher la faune de La Celle de "l'assemblage à Lyrodiscus", caractéristique des tufs du stade 11 dans le nord-ouest de l'Europe. Cette attribution chronologique est confirmée par les premières mesures radiométriques obtenus par U-Th sur des échantillons de tuf induré et par RPE/U-Th sur une dent de cheval. Enfin la révision des collections paléontologiques d'empreintes foliaires permet, en conjonction avec les données malacologiques, d'initier la discussion sur l'interprétation paléoclimatique du biome à Lyrodiscus. L'association floristique et faunique de La Celle qui comprend quelques taxons arboréens méditerranéens et nombre de gastéropodes éteints ou de répartition actuelle centre-européenne et océanique rend compte d'un environnement tempéré de forêt humide. La présence de ces espèces allochtones dans le nord de la France est mise en parallèle avec la durée exceptionnellement longue du Stade Isotopique Marin (SIM) 11 et de faibles amplitudes de températures saisonnières, qui auraient permis à plusieurs taxons méridionaux de coloniser cette zone septentrionale, plutôt qu'avec un climat plus tempéré que l'actuel.New morpho and biostratigraphical studies have been undertaken at the famous calcareous tufa deposit of La Celle-sur-Seine in order to obtain a detailed paleoenvironmental and climatic reconstruction from this Middle Pleistocene Interglacial formation. Multiproxy approach allows to study palaeontological contain of the tufa as well as its morphostratigraphical aspects and chronological allocation. First results from malacological study show that the tufa edificated downwards the slope reaching a total thickness of 9 metres high. Moreover molluscs show palaeoenvironmental succession corresponding to the early part of an Interglacial period followed by an optimum phase. Finally, at the top of the deposit faunas clearly indicate decrease of forest biotopes.Excavation of new profiles have allowed to discover a grey silty tufa horizon (lgt) yielding abundant mammal remains and a few lithic artefacts. This level is part of the molluscs zone 3 corresponding to the climatic optimum. Palaeoenvironmental and climatic conditions inferred from mammal assemblage (including Hippopotamus and Macaca) strengthened the malacological interpretation. The lithic industry is identified as Acheulean and appears in agreement with earliest handaxes discoveries during the late 19th century.La Celle malacological fauna belongs to the well-known MIS 11 "Lyrodiscus assemblage" in north-west Europe. This chronological allocation is confirmed by first U-series radiometric measures. Finally reappraisal of leaf print collections allows together with malacological data to discuss palaeoclimatic interpretation of the "Lyrodiscus biome". Flora and fauna from La Celle include a few mediterranean trees and several extinct gastropods together with few molluscs of central Europe modern range, allowing to describe a forest and humid lanscape. Presence of these peculiar species in northern France is thought to be related with the long length of MIS 11 and lower seasonal temperature contrast, that have allowed northern colonisation by southern species, rather than with occurrence of temperature higher than today

    Automatisation du raisonnement et de la rédaction de preuves en géométrie de l'enseignement secondaire

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    PARIS5-BU Saints-Pères (751062109) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Schéma spectral ODT d'évolution microphysique d'un nuage en phase mixte

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    International audienc

    Fluvial Archives Group (FLAG) Meeting, Clermont-Ferrand, September 2002. Préface

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    Pastre Jean François, Antoine Pierre, Bridgland David, Maddy Darrel. Fluvial Archives Group (FLAG) Meeting, Clermont-Ferrand, September 2002. Préface. In: Quaternaire, vol. 15, n°1-2, 2004. Fluvial Archives Group. Clermond-Ferrant 2002. pp. 3-4

    Fluvial Archives Group (FLAG) Meeting, Clermont-Ferrand, September 2002. Préface

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    Pastre Jean François, Antoine Pierre, Bridgland David, Maddy Darrel. Fluvial Archives Group (FLAG) Meeting, Clermont-Ferrand, September 2002. Préface. In: Quaternaire, vol. 15, n°1-2, 2004. Fluvial Archives Group. Clermond-Ferrant 2002. pp. 3-4

    Pyroclastic chronology of the Sancy stratovolcano (Mont-Dore, French Massif Central): New high-precision Ar-40/Ar-39 constraints

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    International audienceThe Sancy (16 km(2)) is the youngest of the two stratovolcanoes that constitute the Mont-Dore Massif (Massif Central, France). The restricted number of high precision radio-isotopic ages currently limits our knowledge of the pyroclastic chronology of this edifice which is the source of many tephra layers detected in middle Pleistocene sequences in southeast Europe. To improve our knowledge of the building phases of this stratovolcano, we collected thirteen pyroclastic units covering the entire proximal record. We present Ar-40/Ar-39 single grain laser dating performed in the facility hosted at the LSCE (Gif-sur-Yvette, France). The Ar-40/Ar-39 ages range from 1101 +/- 11 ka to 392 +/- 7 ka (his external). Four pyroclastic cycles lasting on average 100 ka were identified (C. I to C. IV). C. I corresponds to the earlier explosive phase between 1101 ka and 1000 ka and starts about 100 ka earlier than previously thought. The second pyroclastic cycle (C. II) is the main pyroclastic episode spanning from 818 to 685 ka. This cycle is constituted of a minimum of 8 major pyroclastic eruptions and includes a major event that corresponds to a large plinian eruption at 719 +/- 10 ka (1 sigma external) and recorded as a 1.4 m thick layer 60 km south-east of the Sancy volcano. The link between this large eruption and formation of a caldera stays however, hypothetical. The third pyroclastic cycle (C. III) found in the northeastern part of the Sancy (Mont-Dore valley) spanned from 642 to 537 ka. Finally, the youngest pyroclastic cycle (C. IV) starts at 392 ka and probably ends around 280 ka. The age versus geographic location of each pyroclastic cycle indicates three preferential directions of channeling of the pyroclastic events and/or collapse of the volcanic edifice: northwest to west (C. l), southeast (C. II) and finally north to northeast (C. III and IV). The new high precision Ar-40/Ar-39 age for the Queureuilh bas pyroclastic unit (642 +/- 9 ka) is identical within error with the U/Pb age obtained by Cocherie et al. (2009) [Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 1095-1108] and suggests a short residence time of the magma in a shallow, short-lived, small magmatic chamber. Finally, the source of the t21d tephra layer found in the Pianico Sellere varved sequence (Northern Italy) is not the Rivaux pumice flow as proposed by Brauer et al. (2007) [Journal of Quaternary Science 22, 85-96] and neither one of the C. II pyroclastic units as suggested by Roulleau et al. (2009) [Quaternary International 204,31-43]. Accordingly, the source for the t21d layer has yet to be found at Sancy or elsewhere

    Two different methods to analyze the strategies of problem solving in a natural situation using a simulator: A case study

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    International audienceThe PLASTUR project attempted to address a cognitive diagnosis problematic i.e. to understand the problem solving strategies used by operators on a simulator. Carried out by a multidisciplinary team, this research, in its fundamental aspect, aims to confront analyses made almost exclusively from real situations in an ecological context with data obtained by a model in an artificial context. As regards the cognitive modelling of problem solving in natural situations, PLASTUR uses models from different fields of research (cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence) applied to the same set of data. This comparison between the two models highlights the specificities and the complementarities of the two approaches. From a more applied point of view, the objective is to define, with our industrial partner, an interactive learning environment based on the simulator and integrating an intelligible diagnosis module used both by tutors and learners

    Chronostratigraphy of the key Upper Miocene (Lower Turolian) sequence of la Montagne d’Andance (Ardèche, France). Implications of new 40Ar/39Ar laser fusion and unspiked K-Ar dating of trachytic tephra and basalts

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    International audienceAbstract A trachytic tephra layer deposited in the lower part of the Upper Miocene (Turolian) diatomite sequence at la Montagne d’Andance (Coiron basaltic province, France) contains glass shards (73 % SiO2), plus crystals of sanidine, ilmenite, biotite, amphibole, clinopyroxene, zircon, sphene and apatite. This composition and other volcanological data suggest a correlation to the Cantal stratovolcano, 150 km distant, better than to the nearer (50 km) Mézenc area. The 7.54 ± 0.06 Ma (± 2 σ) isochron defined by eight 40Ar/39Ar laser fusion analyses of sanidine gives a precise age for the beginning of the fossiliferous sequence, known for its rich flora and fauna. Moreover, unspiked K-Ar ages determined from three basaltic lava flows that pre- and post-date the lacustrine sedimentation are 7.37 ± 0.06, 7.17 ± 0.06 and 7.13 ± 0.06 Ma (± 2σ), thereby bracketing the sequence to a 400 kyr period between ca. 7.5 and 7.1 Ma. These are the first radioisotopic constraints for the lower part of the Turolian continental stage. They imply an age about 20 % younger for the fauna than proposed by previous biostratigraphic correlation. This new chronology is consistent with correlation of the lower limit of the Turolian to the Tortonian-Messinian boundary (7.30 ± 0.15 Ma) of the global marine stages