4 research outputs found

    Quality of information about oral cancer in Brazilian Portuguese available on Google, Youtube, and Instagram

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    To evaluate the quality of oral cancer information in Brazilian Portuguese on Google, YouTube, and Instagram. The first 100 links of each platform characterized the initial sample. The websites and Instagram were evaluated using the JAMA benchmarks, the Discern instrument, and the Flesch readability index (Flesch Reading Ease). The existence of Health on the Net (HON) code was also registered on websites. The usefulness of each video on YouTube was classified as not useful, slightly useful, moderately useful, or very useful. Thirty-four websites, 39 Instagram posts, and 57 videos were evaluated, of which 18 (33.3%) websites and 19 (48.7%) Instagram posts covered only 2 of the 4 JAMA benchmarks. For the Discern instrument, 20 (37%) and 18 (33.3%) websites exhibited low and moderate reliability, respectively, while 26 (66.7%) Instagram posts were of low confidence. The level of intelligibility of both websites and Instagram was difficult. Only three websites exhibited the HONcode. Forty-one (71.9%) videos on YouTube were moderately useful. Information on oral cancer on the Internet in Brazilian Portuguese is of low quality. Thus, educational and governmental institutions have a responsibility to produce and indicate reliable sources of information for the population

    Self-regulated learning perception of undergraduate dental students during the COVID-19 pandemic : a nationwide survey in Brazil

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    This study aimed to evaluate the perception of self-regulated learning of Brazilian undergraduate dental students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and Methods: A nationwide cross-sectional survey was conducted. Data were collected in

    Continuing education in oral cancer during coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) outbreak

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    Representações ideativas sobre edentulismo e reabilitação protética na percepção de idosos

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    Objective: To identify the ideational representations of upper and/or lower edentulous elders regarding tooth loss and oral prosthetic rehabilitation. Methods: Qualitative study conducted between January and March 2011 with seven elders living in a Public Longterm Care Institution in Recife, PE, and 14 elders attending the Dental Prosthesis Clinic of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE (Federal University of Pernambuco). Data were collected through semi-structured interview and underwent content analysis. Results: The results enabled to identify that, for the elders, the teeth contribute to health and facilitate the social interactions, while edentulism has been associated with a plurality of negative feelings. Regarding prosthetic rehabilitation, they emphasized the harms to health due to poorly fitted dental prosthesis. Conclusion: The elderly believe that edentulism and prosthetic rehabilitation are mainly associated with a mechanistic concept of the profession that is widely spread among the professionals who focus more on curative Dentistry at the expense of prevention. In this context, so that aging can be considered a stage of life with the same qualities and difficulties of any other stage, we suggest that managers and health professionals themselves should undertake a humanizing and preventive dental practice in order to provide the minimum requirements for an aging with dignity.Objetivo: Identificar las representaciones de ideas de mayores edentulos uni o bimaxilares sobre las pérdidas dentarias y de la rehabilitación protética oral. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo realizado entre enero y marzo de 2011 con siete mayores residentes de una Institución Pública de Larga Permanencia de Recife-PE con 14 mayores asistidos en la Clínica de Prótesis Dentaria de la Universidad Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). Se recogieron los datos a través de una entrevista semi-estructurada que pasó por el análisis de contenido. Resultados: Los hallazgos posibilitaron identificar que para los mayores los dientes contribuyen para la salud y para facilitar las interacciones sociales mientras el edentulismo se asoció a una pluralidad de sentimientos negativos. Respecto la rehabilitación protética los mismos enfatizaron los perjuicios para la salud debido las prótesis mal adaptadas. Conclusión: Los mayores creen que el edentulismo y la rehabilitación protética se asocian principalmente al concepto mecanicista de la profesión muy difundido entre los profesionales que privilegian más a la odontología curativa que la prevención. En ese contexto, para que el envejecimiento pueda ser considerado una etapa de la vida con las mismas calidades y dificultades de cualquiera, sugiérase que los gestores y los propios profesionales de salud se involucren más con una práctica odontológica humana y preventiva para proveer los requisitos mínimos para El envejecimiento con dignidad.Objetivo: Identificar as representações ideativas de idosos edêntulos uni ou bimaxilares acerca das perdas dentárias e da reabilitação protética oral. Métodos: Estudo qualitativo, realizado entre janeiro e março de 2011 com sete idosos residentes em uma Instituição Pública de Longa Permanência do Recife-PE, com 14 idosos em atendimento na Clínica de Prótese Dentária da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). Coletaram-se os dados através de uma entrevista semiestruturada que passou por análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Os achados possibilitaram identificar que, para os idosos, os dentes contribuíam tanto para a saúde quanto como para facilitar interações sociais, enquanto o edentulismo foi associado a uma pluralidade de sentimentos negativos. Quanto à reabilitação protética, eles enfatizaram os prejuízos para a saúde devido a próteses mal adaptadas. Conclusão: Os idosos acreditam que o edentulismo e a reabilitação protética estão associados, principalmente, a um conceito mecanicista da profissão, amplamente difundido entre os profissionais que privilegiam mais a odontologia curativa em detrimento da prevenção. Nesse contexto, para que o envelhecimento possa ser considerado uma etapa da vida com as mesmas qualidades e dificuldades de qualquer outra, sugere-se aos gestores e aos próprios profissionais em saúde que se comprometam mais com uma prática odontológica humanizadora e preventiva, a fim de proverem os requisitos mínimos para um envelhecimento com dignidade