63 research outputs found

    Carcinoma Espinocelular: Prevención y Diagnóstico Precoz en Odontología

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    Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the most prevalent malignancy in the oral cavity. Because most of the SCC cases are diagnosed late, treatment has been linked to radical and disfiguring surgery, as well as high rates of recurrence and unfavorable forecasts. Currently, technological advances allow more conservative surgical treatments. In addition, new models of chemotherapy and radiotherapy significantly affect treatment and outcome of patients. However, some researchers have reported only a small improvement in the survival rate in advanced SCC, the same that continues presenting an extremely poor prognosis. SCC initial cases have a better prognosis when compared to advanced cases. Therefore, the prevention, early diagnosis and prompt treatment setting are essential to prevent premature deaths, aesthetic disfigurement and functional sequels caused by this disease.El carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) es la neoplasia de mayor prevalencia en la cavidad oral. Debido a que la mayoría de estos casos son diagnosticados tardíamente, el tratamiento ha sido relacionado a cirugías radicales y deformantes, así como a altas tasas de recidiva y pronósticos poco promisores. Actualmente, gracias a los avances tecnológicos, son realizados tratamientos quirúrgicos más conservadores. Además, nuevos esquemas de quimio y radioterapia afectan significativamente el tratamiento y la evolución de los pacientes. No obstante, algunos investigadores han relatado apenas una mejora modesta en la tasa de sobrevida del CEC en estado avanzado, el mismo que continua presentando un pronóstico extremadamente pobre. Casos iniciales de CEC tienen mejor pronóstico cuando comparados a casos avanzados de la enfermedad. Por tanto, la prevención, un diagnóstico precoz y el establecimiento de un tratamiento oportuno siguen siendo esenciales para prevenir muertes prematuras, desfiguramiento estético y sequelas funcionales en nuestros pacientes

    Maxillofacial injuries in a group of Brazilian subjects under 18 years of age

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to perform a clinical retrospective analysis of the etiology, incidence and treatment of selected oral and maxillofacial injuries in Brazilian children and adolescents. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study was conducted during a 14-year period between 1986 and 2000. All patients were admitted to Hospital XV in the city of Curitiba, State of Paraná. Age, gender, monthly distribution, etiology, soft injuries, associated injuries, site of fractures and methods of treatment were reviewed. RESULTS: Of the total of 350 patients of all ages treated for facial injuries, 29.42% were within the age range of the study (0 to 18 years). Mean age was 10.61. Of the patients, 63.1% were male. The most common cause of injury was accidental falls (37.87%), followed by bicycle and motorcycle accidents (21.36%). Of the 103 patients, 88.34% had single injuries. Mandibular fractures were the most common and the condylar region was particularly affected. CONCLUSIONS: Facial trauma is a relatively common occurrence in children. The study indicates that fractures in children and adolescents differ quite considerably from an adult population

    Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws

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    Bisphosphonates are potent inhibitors of bone resorption, and are used in the treatment of osteoporosis and other diseases that cause bone mass loss, such as Paget's disease, bone metastases, and multiple myeloma, to prevent pathological fractures. Since 2003, avascular osteonecrosis of the jaw has been associated with the use of bisphosphonates, mainly intravenous. According to the literature, the occurrence of osteonecrosis of the jaw has ranged from 0.8% to 12% of the patients on bisphosphonates, most of them on prolonged use. Physicians and odontologists should be aware of that potential complication in dental treatment.Os bisfosfonatos são potentes inibidores da reabsorção óssea e são utilizados no tratamento da osteoporose e de outras doenças que causam a perda de massa óssea, como doença de Paget, metástases ósseas e mieloma múltiplo, prevenindo fraturas patológicas. Desde 2003, estudos associam osteonecrose avascular dos ossos maxilares a seu uso, principalmente intravenoso. Na literatura, há relatos de ocorrência variando de 0,8% a 12%, dos pacientes, na sua maioria em uso prolongado. Médicos e dentistas devem estar cientes dessa potencial complicação no tratamento odontológico.40440

    Chemical, macroscopical and bending resistance study of titanium plates and screws used in internal rigid fixation

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    The aim of this study was to compare four systems of titanium plates and screws (diameter of 2.0 mm) used for internal rigid fixation. From them, two were made in Brazil (Engimplan and Bucomax), one in Switzerland (Synthes), and the other, in Germany (W. Lorenz). The following analyses were done: chemical analysis using Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (AES), measurement of dimensions and bending resistance test. The obtained results allow to conclude that both Brazilian systems showed inferior behavior regarding dimensional standards. The bending assay showed that the Brazilian systems are similar to each other. However, the W. Lorenz screws are made of titanium-6aluminum-4vanadium alloy, which can be the reason for their better performance in the bending assay, when compared with that of the other three systems. The remaining plates and screws are made of commercially pure titanium as confirmed by EDS and AES.O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar quatro sistemas de placas e parafusos de titânio de 2,0 mm de diâmetro utilizados em fixação interna rígida, sendo duas marcas nacionais (Engimplan e Bucomax) e duas importadas (Synthes e W. Lorenz). Foram realizadas as seguintes análises: composição química, através de espectrometria por dispersão de energia (EDS) e espectrometria de emissão atômica (AES), macroscópica, por meio de medidas padronizadas e de resistência à flexão. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que as marcas nacionais apresentaram um comportamento inferior, em relação a padronização das dimensões das placas e parafusos avaliados, influenciando nos resultados dos testes de flexão, para os quais estas se comportaram da mesma maneira. Entretanto, a marca comercial W. Lorenz utiliza liga de titânio-6alumínio-4vanádio para a confecção dos parafusos, fato responsável pelo melhor resultado no teste de flexão que qualquer outra marca. Os demais parafusos e placas apresentaram-se constituídos de titânio comercialmente puro, de acordo com a EDS e posteriormente confirmados pela AES

    Biomaterials for orbital reconstruction: literature review

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    The treatment of traumatic lesions of the orbit remains a challenge for the maxillofacial surgeon. When surgical correction is not performed or is performed incorrectly, may occur enophthalmos, diplopia, ocular dystopia, restriction of ocular movements and dysfunction of the infraorbital nerve. The importance of surgery is to release the herniated orbital tissue at the fracture site, restoring the normal architecture of the orbit, aiming at an adequate functional and aesthetic results. In recent decades, many advances have occurred in the surgical treatment of these fractures, as well as in diagnostic methods. With the development of multislice CT, it became possible to analyze three-dimensional orbit, as well as its volumetric evaluation, which revolutionized the surgical management of these fractures. Another factor with direct impact on the reconstruction of the orbits, is the availability of various biomaterials for the restoration of the orbital walls. The objective of this paper is to review the materials available for reconstruction in cases of fractures of the orbital floor, its applicability to compare practices and highlight those most used in the Plastic Surgery Service, Hospital de Clinicas, Unicamp, in recent years. Among the materials of choice in our service, we highlight the autogenous skull bone, cartilage of ear shell, the titanium mesh and porous high density polyethylene. Each biomaterial has specific indications, according to the characteristics of orbital fracture, being considered for choosing the material, the long-term results and experience of surgeon.O tratamento de lesões traumáticas da órbita permanece um desafio para o cirurgião maxilofacial. Quando a correção cirúrgica não é realizada ou é feita de maneira inadequada, pode ocorrer enoftalmia, diplopia, distopia ocular, restrição da movimentação ocular e disfunção do nervo infraorbital. A importância da cirurgia consiste em liberar o tecido orbitário herniado pelo foco de fratura, restaurar a arquitetura normal da órbita, objetivando um resultado estético e funcional adequado. Nas últimas décadas, vários avanços ocorreram no tratamento cirúrgico destas fraturas, bem como nos métodos diagnósticos. Com o desenvolvimento de tomografias computadorizadas de múltiplos detectores, tornou-se possível a análise tridimensional da órbita, assim como sua avaliação volumétrica, o que revolucionou o manejo cirúrgico destas fraturas. Outro fator com impacto direto nas reconstruções das órbitas é a disponibilidade de diversos biomateriais, para restauração das paredes orbitárias. Assim, o objetivo desse artigo é revisar os materiais disponíveis para reconstrução nos casos de fraturas do assoalho da órbita, comparar suas aplicabilidades práticas e destacar aqueles mais utilizados no Serviço de Cirurgia Plástica do Hospital de Clínicas da Unicamp, nos últimos anos. Dentre os materiais de escolha, em nosso Serviço, destacamos o osso autógeno de calota craniana, a cartilagem de concha auricular, a tela de titânio e o polietileno poroso de alta densidade. Cada biomaterial apresenta indicações específicas, de acordo com as características da fratura orbitária, sendo considerados, para a escolha do material, os resultados a longo prazo e a experiência do cirurgião.33734

    Custo-efetividade da prótese implanto-suportada comparada à prótese total convenciona

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    OBJETIVO: Conduzir uma análise de custo-efetividade das alternativas para tratamento reabilitador do edentulismo mandibular no contexto do Sistema Único de Saúde (prótese total implanto-suportada e prótese total convencional). MÉTODOS: Foi desenvolvido um modelo de Markov para captar os resultados clínicos e econômicos de longo prazo. A população do modelo consistiu em uma coorte hipotética de 1.000.000 pacientes, com 55 anos, desdentados totais mandibulares e sem contraindicações médicas para a realização de procedimentos cirúrgicos. A perspectiva de análise adotada foi a do Sistema Único de Saúde. Com base no modelo proposto, calculamos o custo (em reais) e a efetividade, medida pelo ano de prótese ajustado à qualidade (QAPY). O horizonte temporal da análise foi de 20 anos. RESULTADOS: Considerando o desconto de 5% nos custos e efeitos, a razão de custo-efetividade incremental da prótese total implanto-suportada em relação à prótese total convencional (R464,22/QAPY)foimenorqueolimiardedisposic\ca~oapagaradotadonomodelo(R 464,22/QAPY) foi menor que o limiar de disposição a pagar adotado no modelo (R 3.050,00/QAPY). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados desta análise econômica mostraram que a reabilitação de edêntulos mandibulares por meio da prótese total implanto-suportada é muito custo-efetiva em comparação à prótese total convencional, de acordo com os limites de custo-efetividade empregados.OBJECTIVE: To conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis of alternatives for rehabilitation treatment of mandibular edentulism in the context of the Brazilian Unified Health System (implantsupported total dental prosthesis versus conventional total dental prosthesis). METHODS: A Markov model was developed to capture long-term clinical and economic outcomes. The model’s population was comprised of a hypothetical cohort of 1,000,000 patients, aged 55 years, with total mandibular edentulism and without medical contraindications for performing surgical procedures. The adopted analysis perspective was that of the Brazilian Unified Health System. Based on the proposed model, we calculated cost – in BRL, and effectiveness – measured by quality-adjusted prosthesis year (QAPY). The time horizon of the analysis was 20 years. RESULTS: Considering a 5% discount in costs and effects, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of implant-supported total dental prostheses compared to conventional total dental prosthesis (BRL 464.22/QAPY) was lower than the willingness to pay threshold adopted in the model (BRL 3,050.00/QAPY). CONCLUSIONS: The results of this economic analysis showed that the rehabilitation of mandibular edentulous patients by implant-supported total prosthesis is very cost-effective when compared to conventional complete prosthesis, considering the cost-effectiveness limits employed

    Cost-effectiveness of implant-supported dental prosthesis compared to conventional dental prosthesis

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    To conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis of alternatives for rehabilitation treatment of mandibular edentulism in the context of the Brazilian Unified Health System (implant-supported total dental prosthesis versus conventional total dental prosthesis). METHODS: A Markov model was developed to capture long-term clinical and economic outcomes. The model's population was comprised of a hypothetical cohort of 1,000,000 patients, aged 55 years, with total mandibular edentulism and without medical contraindications for performing surgical procedures. The adopted analysis perspective was that of the Brazilian Unified Health System. Based on the proposed model, we calculated cost - in BRL, and effectiveness - measured by quality-adjusted prosthesis year (QAPY). The time horizon of the analysis was 20 years. RESULTS: Considering a 5% discount in costs and effects, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of implant-supported total dental prostheses compared to conventional total dental prosthesis (BRL 464.22/QAPY) was lower than the willingness to pay threshold adopted in the model (BRL 3,050.00/QAPY). CONCLUSIONS: The results of this economic analysis showed that the rehabilitation of mandibular edentulous patients by implant-supported total prosthesis is very cost-effective when compared to conventional complete prosthesis, considering the cost-effectiveness limits employed53COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESSem informaçã


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    Endoscópios flexíveis são fundamentais em diversas especialidades médicas; em geral são termossensíveis, semicríticos e submetidos à desinfecção de alto nível. O glutaraldeído é largamente utilizado para este fim, devido à alta compatibilidade e baixo custo, porém, a tolerância de micobactérias e a toxicidade ocupacional pressionam por adoção de germicidas alternativos. Foi realizada revisão sistemática com objetivo de buscar evidências sobre a efetividade, toxicidade e potenciais danos causados aos endoscópios pelos germicidas, alternativos ao glutaraldeído, disponíveis no mercado brasileiro. Foram identificadas, em 13 bases eletrônicas, 822 publicações, entre 2008 e 2013. Destas, foram selecionados 23 estudos, considerando a melhor qualidade de evidência disponível. As publicações apontaram para a superioridade do ácido peracético e do ortoftalaldeído quanto à eficácia na desinfecção de alto nível. Somente o ortoftalaldeído apresentou evento adverso claramente relacionado à sua utilização. Não há evidências suficientes para afirmar que algum destes germicidas possui maior potencial de danos aos equipamentos.Desinfecção; Endoscópios; Glutaraldeído; Toxicidade.Flexible endoscopes are fundamental in various medical specialities; in general they are heat-sensitive, semicritical, and subject to high level disinfection. Glutaraldehyde is largely used for this purpose, due to its high compatibility and low-cost. However, its tolerance of mycobacteria and occupational toxicity lead to pressure being applied for the adoption of alternative germicides. A systematic review was undertaken aiming to seek evidence regarding the effectiveness, toxicity and potential harm caused to the endoscopes by those germicides which are alternative to glutaraldehyde and which are available on the market in Brazil. A total of 822 publications was identified in 13 electronic databases, between 2008 and 2013. Of these, 23 studies were selected, considering the best quality of evidence available. The publications point to the superiority of peracetic acid and of orthophthaldehyde regarding efficacy in high level disinfection. Only orthophthaldehyde presented an adverse event clearly related to its use. There is insufficient evidence to assert that any of these germicides has greater potential for harm to the equipment.Fundamentales en diversas especialidades médicas, los endoscopios flexibles son, normalmente, termosensibles, semicríticos y sometidos a la desinfección de alto nivel. El glutaraldehído es muy utilizado para esa finalidad, en razón de la gran compatibilidad y bajo custo, pero la tolerancia de microbacterias y el hecho de ser o no tóxico de modo ocupacional presionan por la adopción de germicidas alternativos. Fue realizada revisión sistemática con el objetivo de buscar evidencias sobre la efectividad, toxicidad y potenciales daños causados a los endoscopios por los germicidas alternativos al glutaraldehído, disponibles en el mercado brasileño. Fueron identificadas, en 13 bases electrónicas, 822 publicaciones, entre 2008 y 2013. De estas, fueron seleccionados 23 estudios, considerando la mejor cualidad de evidencia disponible. Las publicaciones apuntaron para la superioridad del ácido peracético y del ortoftalaldehído cuanto a la eficacia en la desinfección de alto nivel. Solamente el or toftalaldehído presentó evento adverso claramente relacionado a su utilización. No hay evidencias suficientes para afirmar que algun de estes germicidas presenta mayor potencial de daños a los equipos