752 research outputs found

    MicroRNA Roles in Cell Reprogramming Mechanisms

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    Cell reprogramming is a groundbreaking technology that, in few decades, generated a new paradigm in biomedical science. To date we can use cell reprogramming to potentially generate every cell type by converting somatic cells and suitably modulating the expression of key transcription factors. This approach can be used to convert skin fibroblasts into pluripotent stem cells as well as into a variety of differentiated and medically relevant cell types, including cardiomyocytes and neural cells. The molecular mechanisms underlying such striking cell phenotypes are still largely unknown, but in the last decade it has been proven that cell reprogramming approaches are significantly influenced by non-coding RNAs. Specifically, this review will focus on the role of microRNAs in the reprogramming processes that lead to the generation of pluripotent stem cells, neurons, and cardiomyocytes. As highlighted here, non-coding RNA-forced expression can be sufficient to support some cell reprogramming processes, and, therefore, we will also discuss how these molecular determinants could be used in the future for biomedical purposes

    Phononic and photonic band gap structures: modelling and applications

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    AbstractPhotonic crystals (PhCs) are artificial materials with a permittivity which is a periodic function of the position, with a period comparable to the wavelength of light. The most interesting characteristic of such materials is the presence of photonic band gaps (PBGs). PhCs have very interesting properties of light confinement and localization together with the strong reduction of the device size, orders of magnitude less than the conventional photonic devices, allowing a potential very high scale of integration. These structures possess unique characteristics enabling to operate as optical waveguides, high Q resonators, selective filters, lens or superprism. The ability to mould and guide light leads naturally to novel applications in several fields.Band gap formation in periodic structures also pertains to elastic wave propagation. Composite materials with elastic coefficients which are periodic functions of the position are named phononic crystals. They have properties similar to those of photonic crystals and corresponding applications too. By properly choosing the parameters one may obtain phononic crystals (PhnCs) with specific frequency gaps. An elastic wave, whose frequency lies within an absolute gap of a phononic crystal, will be completely reflected by it. This property allows realizing non-absorbing mirrors of elastic waves and vibration-free cavities which might be useful in high-precision mechanical systems operating in a given frequency range. Moreover, one can use elastic waves to study phenomena such as those associated with disorder, in more or less the same manner as with electromagnetic waves.The authors present in this paper an introductory survey of the basic concepts of these new technologies with particular emphasis on their main applications, together with a description of some modelling approaches

    An active oblique-contractional belt at the transition between the Southern Apennines and Calabrian Arc: The Amendolara Ridge, Ionian Sea, Italy

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    High-resolution, single-channel seismic and multibeam bathymetry data collected at the Amendolara Ridge, a key submarine area marking the junction between the Apennine collision belt and the Calabrian subduction forearc, reveal active deformation in a supposedly stable crustal sector. New data, integrated with existing multichannel seismic profiles calibrated with oil-exploratory wells, show that middle to late Pleistocene sediments are deformed in growth folds above blind oblique-reverse faults that bound a regional pop-up. Data analysis indicates that ~10 to 20 km long banks that top the ~80 km long, NW-SE trending ridge are structural culminations above en echelon fault segments. Numeric modeling of bathymetry and stratigraphic markers suggests that three 45° dipping upper crustal (2–10 km) fault segments underlie the ridge, with slip rates up to ~0.5 mm/yr. Segments may be capable with M ~ 6.1–6.3 earthquakes, although an unknown fraction of aseismic slip undoubtedly contributes to deformation. The fault array that bounds the southern flank of the ridge (Amendolara Fault System) parallels a belt of Mw < 4.7 strike-slip and thrust earthquakes, which suggest current left-oblique reverse motion on the array. The eastern segment of the array shows apparent morphologic evidence of deformation and might be responsible for Mw ≤ 5.2 historic events. Late Pliocene-Quaternary growth of the oblique contractional belt is related to the combined effects of stalling of Adriatic slab retreat underneath the Apennines and subduction retreat of the Ionian slab underneath Calabria. Deformation localization was controlled by an inherited mechanical interface between the thick Apulian (Adriatic) platform crust and the attenuated Ionian Basin crust

    Morfologia e morfometria del settore ionico del Golfo di Taranto.

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    Il versante Ionico del Golfo di Taranto \ue8 caratterizzato dalla presenza di alti strutturali e bacini che rappresentano l\u2019espressione morfologica di sistemi di faglie pleistoceniche transpressive. La dorsale di Amendolara si estende per 45 Km in direzione N130\ub0E, ed \ue8 caratterizzato dalla presenza di tre alti batimetrici minori (denominati Amendolara, Rossano e Cariati). Verso NE, la dorsale di Capo Spulico si estende per 40 Km in direzione !N115\ub0E. Durante la Campagna Oceanografica \u201cTeatioca\u201d sono stati acquisiti 1100Km2 di dati batimetrici multibeam e profili sismici monocanale ad alta (Sparker) ed altissima risoluzione (Subbottom Chirp). L\u2019analisi integrata dei nuovi dati ha consentito di ottenere una sintesi morfostrutturale preliminare dell\u2019area sud-orientale del Golfo di Taranto [Santoro et al., 2012]. L\u2019insieme dei dati morfometrici evidenzia un ruolo chiave nell\u2019attivit\ue0 traspressiva della faglia che borda a SW la dorsale di Amendolara, in quanto la regolarit\ue0 dei pendii rivolti a S \ue8 legata alla deformazione e sollevamento dei versanti, che tende a superare l\u2019effetto dei processi erosivi (versanti a controllo morfostrutturale). Il processo di basculamento guidato dall\u2019azione della faglia sembra essere all\u2019originedei processi responsabili dell\u2019erosione gravitazionale canalizzata sui pendii esposti a nord (versanti a controllo morfosedimentario). Sette ordini di terrazzi sono stati riconosciuti sul top del Banco di Amendolara, attraverso tecniche di analisi dei picchi nel diagramma di distribuzione delle quote [Passaro et al., 2011]. Tale dato e le statistiche sui profili estratti dal DTM testimoniano la presenza di tassi differenziali di sollevamento ed un complessivo tilt (verso E) del settore frontale ionico dell\u2019Appennino Meridionale, in accordo con quanto suggerito in letteratura [Ferranti et al., 2009]. Bibliografia Ferranti, L., Santoro, E., Mazzella, M.E., Monaco, C., Morelli, D., (2009). Active transpression in the northern Calabria Apennines, southern Italy. Tectonophysics, 476 (1-2), 226-251. Passaro, S., Ferranti, L., de Alteriis, G., (2011). The use of high resolution elevation histograms for mapping submerged terraces: a test from the Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea and the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Quat. Int., 232, 1-2, 238-249. Santoro, E., Ferranti, L., Passaro, S., Burrato, P., Morelli, D., (2012). Morphometric analysis in the offshore of the southern Taranto Gulf: unveiling the structures controlling the Late Pleistocene-Holocene bathymetric evolution. Rend. On. Soc. Geol. It., 21 (2), 1132-1135

    Geometria e modellazione di un sistema di retro-scorrimenti attivosulla base di dati di geofisica marina ad alta risoluzione:la Dorsale di Amendolara (Golfo di Taranto).

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    Nuovi dati sismici ad alta (Sparker) ed altissima (Subbottm Chirp) risoluzione, acquisiti durante la Campagna Oceanografica “Teatioca_2010”, integrati da dati sismici multicanale ad alta penetrazione, pubblici disponibili sul sito www.videpi.com, calibrati con pozzi profondi, batimetrici multifascio e carotaggi, rivelano che la dorsale di Amendolara, estensione sottomarina della zona frontale del sistema a thrust dell’Appennino meridionale, è stata controllata nel Quaternario da un sistema di retro-scorrimenti e faglie transpressive (ATFS) che dislocano verso SW la catena mio-pliocenica NE-vergente. Il pacco di sequenze deposizionali attribuito, sulla base della facies sismica e della presenza di discordanze controllate dalle oscillazioni glacio-eustatiche, al Pleistocene medio-superiore risulta piegato in maniera consistente con le strutture desumibili dai profili multicanale. I dati morfometrici e sismici documentano che la dorsale, orientata NW-SE, è formata da 3 banchi lunghi ~10-20 km, cresciuti sopra rampe di sovrascorrimenti ciechi (~2 km) disposti en-echelon a formare un sistema segmentato. Sono stati individuati e modellati i segmenti di Amendolara a NW e Cariati a SE, collegati da una più piccola rampa laterale (segmento di Rossano). La modellazione numerica calibrata sui dati batimetrici e sismici indica che le rampe hanno inclinazione di ~45° e sono radicate a ~10 km di profondità a possibili scollamenti o strutture maggiori. I tassi di scorrimento negli ultimi 4-500 ka, calcolati per i segmenti sulla base degli strati di crescita nei bacini sin tettonici variano da 0.5-0-9 mm/a per il segmento di Amendolara a 0.35-0.5 mm/a per quello di Cariati. L’ATFS coincide con una fascia di moderata sismicità (Mw<4.7) con meccanismi focali inversi o transpressivi. L’orientazione degli assi di strain incrementale (sismico) e finito (geologico, come documentano i dati a terra) suggerisce per i segmenti dell’ATFS un movimento da inverso a obliquo sinistro. In base alla dimensione dei segmenti di faglia, nell’ipotesi di deformazione puramente elastica, si stima una magnitudo potenziale massima per l’ATFS di M~6.1-6.4, ma è verosimile che buona parte della deformazione sia asismica o microsismica. L’epicentro macrosismico del terremoto del 1988 (Mw=4.9) ricade su un tratto del segmento di Cariati che mostra rotture a fondo mare e possibile risalita di fluidi localizzata lungo strutture attive. La crescita dell’ATFS è stata verosimilmente controllata da un interfaccia meccanica tra la spessa crosta apula e la crosta ionica assottigliata o in parte oceanica, quando in tempi recenti la convergenza Adria-Europa ha prevalso sull’arretramento della cerniera della subduzione ionica

    Studio morfometrico e statistico degli eventi di frananel settore marino orientale del Golfo di Taranto.

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    La campagna oceanografica “Teatioca” è il frutto della collaborazione fra l’Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC) di Napoli, l’Università Federico II di Napoli, l’Università di Palermo e Trieste e l’INGV di Roma. Durante tale campagna, effettuata a bordo della N/O Urania del CNR nel 2011, sono stati acquisiti dati batimetrici multibeam ad alta risoluzione ed una fitta maglia di dati sismici ad alta (Sparker) ed altissima (Chirp) risoluzione nell’area ionica del Golfo di Taranto. L’analisi integrata del Modello Digitale del Terreno (10m, 5m e 2m) generato dai dati multibeam con i nuovi dati sismo-stratigrafici ha consentito di analizzare in dettaglio l’instabilità dei versanti. Una serie di computazioni standard sul DTM (aspect, pendenza, gradienti e curvatura del profilo) hanno fornito una prima valutazione della diversa esposizione dei versanti della dorsale di Capo Spulico e della dorsale di Amendolara, i due alti strutturali presenti nell’area di studio. Tale area è stata successivamente suddivisa in 9 diversi settori, ognuno dei quali rappresenta un areale morfologico (versante o bacino), allo scopo di caratterizzare il potenziale di franosità di ogni singola area e di evidenziare eventuali correlazioni fra le diverse aree. Oltre 400 evidenze di eventi di frana nell’area in esame sono stati cartografate, classificate e interpretate, fino ad ottenere carte tematiche utili all’interpretazione della franosità dei versanti su larga scala (carte della pendenza media per ogni evento, della pendenza massima e minima, gradiente medio, etc.). Sulla base dei dati acquisiti e delle computazioni effettuate sul DTM si è evidenziato che la pendenza non è il parametro principale in termini di meccanismo di innesco degli eventi di frana. Questa considerazione risulta anche dall’esame morfologico dei versanti meridionali della dorsale di Capo Spulico e del Banco di Cariati [Santoro et al., 2012], che sono caratterizzati dai maggiori valori di pendenza nel DTM e dalla scarsità di processi gravitazionali. I maggiori eventi di frana sono quasi totalmente localizzati sulle pendici nord-est delle dorsali ridge. Tale distribuzione è principalmente legata alla giacitura dei sedimenti (a franapoggio verso SO). Un’eccezione è rappresentata dal settore meridionale del Banco di Amendolara, dove sporadici eventi di scorrimento rotazionale sono probabilmente legati all’attività tettonica della faglia di Amendolara. L’utilizzo di un approccio statistico multivariato implementato in “R” conferma, infine, la concentrazione degli eventi sui versanti controllati da evoluzione morfologica rispetto ai versanti controllati dalla tettonica. Bibilografia Santoro, E., Ferranti, L., Passaro, S., Burrato, P., Morelli, D., (2012). Morphometric analysis in the offshore of the southern Taranto Gulf: unveiling the structures controlling the Late Pleistocene-Holocene bathymetric evolution. Rend. On. .Soc. Geol. It., 21 (2), 1132-1135

    DTM-based morphometry of the Palinuro seamount (Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea): Geomorphological and volcanological implications

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    We present a high resolution DTM of the Palinuro Seamount (PS, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) resulting from the processing of multibeam swath bathymetry records acquired during the second leg of the “Aeolian 2007” cruise. PS consists of several superimposed volcanoes aligned along a N100°E strike and measures 55×25 km. The western and the central sectors result from the coalescence of collapse structures (calderas) with younger volcanic cones. The eastern sector reveals a more complex and articulated structure. In the central sector, a volcanic crater with a well-preserved rim not obliterated by erosional events suggests a volcanological rejuvenation of this sector. The presence of flat surfaces on the top of the seamount may be due to the formation of marine terraces during the last sea-level lowering. Lateral collapses on the northern and southern flanks of the seamount are probably related to slope instability, as suggested by the presence of steep slopes (25–40°). The main fault affecting PS strikes N65°E and shows a right lateral component of movement. E–W and N10°E striking faults are also present. Assuming that theN100°E deep-seated fault,which is responsible for theemplacement of PS,movedwith sinistral slips, we interpret the N65°E and the N10°E faults as right-lateral (second order) shear and left-lateral (third order) shear, respectively. Due to the particular location of the Palinuro Seamount, the data presented here allow us to better understand the volcanism and the geodynamic processes of the Tyrrhenian Sea

    An active oblique-contractional belt at the transition between the Southern Apennines and Calabrian Arc: The Amendolara Ridge, Ionian Sea, Italy

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    High-resolution, single-channel seismic and multibeam bathymetry data collected at the Amendolara Ridge, a key submarine area marking the junction between the Apennine collision belt and the Calabrian subduction forearc, reveal active deformation in a supposedly stable crustal sector. New data, integrated with existing multichannel seismic profiles calibrated with oil-exploratory wells, show that middle to late Pleistocene sediments are deformed in growth folds above blind oblique-reverse faults that bound a regional pop-up. Data analysis indicates that ~10 to 20 km long banks that top the ~80 km long, NW-SE trending ridge are structural culminations above en echelon fault segments. Numeric modeling of bathymetry and stratigraphic markers suggests that three 45\ub0 dipping upper crustal (2\u201310km) fault segments underlie the ridge, with slip rates up to ~0.5mm/yr. Segments may be capable with M~ 6.1\u20136.3 earthquakes, although an unknown fraction of aseismic slip undoubtedly contributes to deformation. The fault array that bounds the southern flank of the ridge (Amendolara Fault System) parallels a belt of Mw<4.7 strike-slip and thrust earthquakes, which suggest current left-oblique reverse motion on the array. The eastern segment of the array shows apparent morphologic evidence of deformation and might be responsible for Mw 64 5.2 historic events. Late Pliocene-Quaternary growth of the oblique contractional belt is related to the combined effects of stalling of Adriatic slab retreat underneath the Apennines and subduction retreat of the Ionian slab underneath Calabria. Deformation localization was controlled by an inherited mechanical interface between the thick Apulian (Adriatic) platform crust and the attenuated Ionian Basin crust

    Which factors affect the Italian consumer's intention to insect-eating? An application of an integrated attitude-intention-eating model

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    This research explored the role of key socio-psychological dimensions on individuals' intention to eat insectbased foods (IEIBF). In particular, the theoretical framework included biospheric values and social norms, whose impact on pro-environmental choices has been largely evidenced, but also those factors related to animal welfare and neophobia/neophilia attitudes. An online survey was carried out in different Italian regions intercepting 1402 individuals to verify the relationships predicted by our proposed model, i.e. the Integrated Sustainable Neophilic Insect-based Eating Model (ISNIEM), for predicting IEIBF. Participants completed a survey containing measures of IEIBF, biospheric values, general pro-environmental beliefs, attitude toward sustainability, food neophilia, concern for insect welfare, and social norms (both injunctive and descriptive). Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique was used for testing the ISNIEM. The main findings show that individuals having higher concern about environmental and ethical sustainability are more open to eating insects, especially if the latter are treated ethically. Overall, these results suggest that a typical consumer of insect foods is likely to be driven to their consumption from one side by curiosity (related to the neophilia dimension), and from the other side either by the sense of responsibility towards the environment or by the concern for ethical issues (i.e., animal welfare). The integrated attitude-food-intention model used to explore intention to eat insect foods (IEIBF) with a visual scheme represents an innovative approach in the study of consumer behaviour

    Effectiveness of high-intensity interval training for weight loss in adults with obesity: A randomised controlled non-inferiority trial

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    Introduction Obesity treatment guidelines suggest moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT), but the patient's compliance to this indication remains low. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a time sparing training mode whose metabolic effects are not clear. This study aimed to determine whether a 12-week HIIT was more effective than MICT for weight loss in obese adults. Methods 44 obese subjects were randomised and trained with isoenergetic treadmill exercises for 12 weeks: MICT (60% of maximal oxygen peak, VO 2 peak) or HIIT (3-7 repetition of 3 min 100% of VO 2 peak interspersed by 1.5 min 50% of VO 2 peak). The primary outcome was a change in body weight; the secondary outcomes were changes in body composition, blood pressure, lipid profile, glycaemia, insulin and VO 2 peak. Results 32 subjects (53% male, mean age: 38.5 years, mean body mass index: 35.5 kg/m 2) completed the trial. MICT and HIIT showed comparable effect within groups in weight loss (-6.0 kg (-9.0 kg to -3.0 kg) vs -5.7 kg (-8.3 kg to -3.1 kg)), changes in fat mass (-2.9% (-4.4% to -1.4%) vs -3.6% (-5.9% to -1.2%)), fat free mass (-5.3% (-7.8% to -2.8%) vs -5.5% (-8.3% to -2.6%)), diastolic blood pressure (-5.5 mm Hg (-10.6 mm Hg to -0.3 mm Hg) vs -5.8 mm Hg (-11.3 mm Hg to -0.3 mm Hg)) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (-16.4 mg/dL (-30.8 mg/dL to -2.0 mg/dL) vs -14.7 mg/dL (-25.6 mg/dL to -3.8 mg/dL)). There was a significant change between groups in VO 2 peak (HIIT: +461.6 mL (329.3a \u20ac'593.8 mL); MICT: +170.5 mL (86.7-254.4 mL); p<0001) and duration of sessions (HIIT: 35.0 min (31.7 a \u20ac'35.6 min); MICT: 46.5 min (40.2a \u20ac'48.3 min); p<0.001). No significant changes in systolic blood pressure, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, glycaemia or plasma insulin were observed. Conclusions In healthy adults with obesity, HIIT compared with MICT induced similar weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors improvement but resulted in a larger increase in cardiorespiratory fitness over a shorter period
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