297 research outputs found

    Estimasi Attitude Quadcopter Menggunakan Algoritma Complementary Filter

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    Flight Controller merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam mengatur pergerakan quadcopter yang menjadi otak dari wahana. Perangkat ini memiliki mikrokontroler Atmega328P dan beberapa sensor yang sudah terpasang pada board ini (onboard) seperti accelerometer , gyroscope, dan magnetometer yang bisa digunakan dan diprogram secara langsung. Pada penelitian ini, algoritma complementary filter digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai Perubahan sudut yang stabil karena sensor accelerometer, gyroscope ,dan magnetometer masing-masing memiliki kelemahan dalam hal keakuratan. Nilai koefisien filter (α) pada Complemetary Filter diperoleh dengan melakukan pengolahan data statistik yaitu menggunakan Metode Regresi. Pengukuran sudut dengan menggunakan complementary filter memiliki tingkat kesalahan yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan hasil pengukuran sudut tanpa menggunakan algoritma complementary filter. Nilai error pada sudut roll, pitch, dan yaw dengan mnggunakan complementary filter yaitu 0.1098050, 0.0644760 dan 0.1038480 lebih kecil dibandingkan sudut roll, pitch, dan yaw tanpa mengunakan complementary filter yaitu 0.2785930, 0.1625690 dan 0.136420

    Youth Charged as Adults: The Use and Outcomes of Transfer in Baltimore City

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    Molecular Docking on Azepine Derivatives as Potential Inhibitors for H1N1-A Computational Approach

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    Azepine are an important class of organic compounds. They are effective in a wide range of biological activity such as antifeedants, antidepressants, CNS stimulants, calcium channel blocker, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. In our continue efforts to search for a potent inhibitor for H1N1 virus using molecular docking. In this study, 15 azepine (ligands) derivatives were docked to the neuraminidase of A/Breving Mission/1/1918 H1N1 strain in complex with zanamivir (protein). The Cdocker energy was then calculated for these complexes (protein-ligand). Based on the calculation, the lowest Cdocker interaction energy was selected and potential inhibitors can be identified. Compounds MA4, MA7, MA8, MA10, MA11 and MA12 with promising Cdocker energy was expected to be very effective against the neuraminidase H1N1

    Segmentasi Citra Digital Menggunakan Thresholding Otsu untuk Analisa Perbandingan Deteksi Tepi

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    Pendeteksian tepi menjadi salah satu tahapan penting pengolahan citra dalam proses segmentasi karena dapat mempertegas batas-batas antara objek dan latar belakang. Banyaknya metode deteksi tepi saat ini menimbulkan keraguan dalam memilih metode deteksi tepi yang tepat dan sesuai dengan kondisi citra. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis kinerja metode deteksi tepi Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts dan Canny menggunakan thresholding Otsu berdasarkan nilai threshold, waktu proses dan pengamatan visual. Program dibuat menggunakan perangkat lunak Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express. Hasil penelitian terhadap tiga citra uji bahwa metode Canny menghasilkan tepian yang tipis dan halus serta tidak menghilangkan informasi penting pada gambar meskipun membutuhkan waktu komputasi yang tidak sedikit. Nilai threshold yang diperoleh dari Otsu merupakan nilai ambang terbaik dan optimal untuk setiap metod

    Hand Gesture Recognition as Password to Open the Door with Camera and Convexity Defect Method

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    Computer Vision is one of reasearch that gets a lot of attention with many applications. One of the application is the hand gesture recognition system. By using EmguCV, will be obtained camera images from webcam camera. The Pictures will be disegmented by using skin detection method for decrease noises in order to obtain the information needed. The final project of this system is to implement the convexity defect method for extracting images and recognize patterns of hand gesture that represent the characters A, B, C, D, and E. The parameters used in pattern recognition of hand gesture is the number and length of the line connecting the hull and defects derived from the pattern of hand gesture

    Desain Dan Pembuatan Alat Pendeteksi Golongan Darah Menggunakan Mikrokontroler

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    Sebuah mikrokontroler ATMEGA 8535 dirancang untuk tujuan pendeteksi golongan darah otomatis yang portable sehingga mudah dibawa serta digunakan, dalam pengujiannya metode yang digunakan adalah metode ABO. Untuk mendesain alat, desain framework menjadi landasan dalam pemikiran konsep, selanjutnya diterjemahkan dalam bentuk sket desain dan CAD desain. Langkah selanjutnya adalah perakitan komponen dari segi perangkat keras dan pembuatan program (software). Untuk perangkat keras yang menjadi inti sistem adalah sensor yang memanfaatkan sistem LED dan LDR sedangkan bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa C. Pada proses pengujian alat dilakukan menggunakan cara statistik, yaitu dengan mengukur waktu pengujian untuk mendapatkan nilai rata-rata. Nilai rata-rata waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mendeteksi golongan darah adalah 2 menit 30 detik dengan jumlah sampel yang diambil adalah 12 orang, dengan rincian 3 orang golongan darah A, 3 orang darah B, 3 orang darah AB serta 3 orang O. adapun tingkat akurasi dari alat ini adalah 100

    5G-Based Multi-Sensor Platform for Monitoring of Workpieces and Machines: Prototype Hardware Design and Firmware

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    In this paper, we introduce a 5G-based multi-sensor platform for monitoring workpieces and machines. The prototype is realized within the EU-funded 5G-SMART project, which aims to enable smart manufacturing through 5G, demonstrating and validating new generation network technology in industrial processes. There are already state-of-the-art solutions, but with drawbacks such as limited flexibility, brief real-time capability, and sensors aimed at single applications. The 5G-SMART multi-sensor platform is designed to overcome these points and meet the requirements of Industry 4.0. The device is equipped with different sensors to acquire multiple data from workpieces and machines of the shop floor, wirelessly connected by 5G to the factory cloud. A hardware design description of the prototype is provided, focusing on the electronic components and their interaction with the microcontroller. Verification of the correct functioning of the board is given, with a basic library for the main peripherals used as a basis for the final firmware

    Introduction: the Theoretical Legacy of Augusto Graziani

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    Augusto Graziani (1933–2014) was one of the most eminent Italian economists of the twentieth century. He is internationally known as the founding father of the Theory of Monetary Circuit. His contributions to economic theory went beyond the circuit, especially in the early part of his career. They included both other theoretical areas (for example, a critical review of Walras’s general equilibrium model) and the analysis of the ‘uneven development’ of the Italian economy. Even his approach to ‘circuitism’ was quite original and cannot be reduced to a special branch of post-Keynesianism. This introduction to the special section of ROKE on Graziani highlights some key points of his heretical thinking, and gives a quick summary of the papers that follow

    Monetary economics after the global financial crisis: what has happened to the endogenous money theory?

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    The 2010s have witnessed a new shift in central banking and, partially at least, in monetary economics and macroeconomic modelling. It is a fact that the endogenous money theory has been gradually clawing back popularity at the expense of the classical theory of interest rates, the financial intermediation view of banks, the money-multiplier story and the quantity theory of money. However, the loanable funds theory and the view of banks as pure financial intermediaries (sometimes coupled with the money-multiplier story) are still sometimes invoked. In addition, the dynamic process of creation, circulation and destruction of money is usually neglected. The point is that money endogeneity is still regarded by many mainstream economists as a mere empirical fact, not a key feature of capitalist market-based economies to be properly explained by a logically consistent theory. By contrast, dissenting economists have further advanced the endogenous money view through: (a) a generalised theory of the endogenous process of money creation; (b) the increasing popularity of modern monetary theory in the public debate; and (c) the development of aggregative stock–flow consistent models and agent-based stock–flow consistent models as an alternative to dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models
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