235 research outputs found

    A formulação da política externa brasileira e as novas lideranças políticas regionais

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    This article discusses the rising of demands to change the traditional conditions of making decisions in the Brazilian foreign policy. The analysis allows understanding the increase of the tension on the conditions that guarantee continuity and previsibility of the Brazilian external performance. Finally, it examines that Lula’s government isn’t the reason of this pressure, but how its governmental logical contributes to rise and speed up these tensions.Este artigo demarca a intensificação das pressões sobre as condições tradicionais de formulação e implementação das decisões no campo da política externa. A análise permite compreender melhor o aumento da tensão sobre as condições que garantem uma situação de continuidade e previsibilidade da atuação externa brasileira. Nesse sentido, o governo Lula não é a causa dessa pressão por mudança, mas sua lógica governamental contribui para intensificar e acelerar essas pressões

    Global approaches and local strategies for phase unwrapping

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    Phase unwrapping, i.e. the retrieval of absolute phases from wrapped, noisy measures, is a tough problem because of the presence of rotational inconsistencies (residues), randomly generated by noise and undersampling on the principal phase gradient field. These inconsistencies prevent the recovery of the absolute phase field by direct integration of the wrapped gradients. In this paper we examine the relative merit of known global approaches and then we present evidence that our approach based on “stochastic annealing” can recover the true phase field also in noisy areas with severe undersampling, where other methods fail. Then, some experiments with local approaches are presented. A fast neural filter has been trained to eliminate close residue couples by joining them in a way which takes into account the local phase information. Performances are about 60–70% of the residues. Finally, other experiments have been aimed at designing an automated method for the determination of weight matrices to use in conjunction with local phase unwrapping algorithms. The method, tested with the minimum cost flow algorithm, gives good performances over both simulated and real data

    Proteinuria in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: role of circulating factors and therapeutic approach.

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    The clinical course of primary Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is frequently complicated by nephrotic range proteinuria and progression to renal failure. The high recurrence rate of the disease in transplanted kidney suggests the hypothesis that such patients have a circulating factor that alters glomerular capillary permeability. In recent years some authors found that serum from patients with FSGS increases glomerular permeability to albumin and partially identified the permeability factor (PF) as a protein of 30-50 Kd m.w. The removal of this protein by means of Plasma Exchange (PE) or plasma Immunoadsorption by Protein A (IA) decreased proteinuria. In this report we provide preliminary data about the prevalence of PF and the therapeutic effect of its removal by IA, in 3 pts with recurrence in the transplanted kidney, and 4 with FSGS of the native kidneys. They were resistant to corticosteroids (CS) and immunosuppressive (IS) therapy. 10 IA sessions were performed in 4 weeks: if a remission was achieved IA was gradually tapered. The level of PF in the serum was measured by an in vitro assay to determine the glomerular permeability to albumin. The FSGS was histologically proven in all cases and the degree of evolution was evaluated. PF levels, serum creatinine, daily proteinuria and serum albumin were monitored. The 3 patients with recurrent FSGS had a normalization of the PF levels; 2 had a clinical remission. In FSGS of native kidneys PF was elevated in 3/4 cases; 1 had a clinical remission; 2 with extensive sclerohyalinosis and 1 without PF levels did not improve. Our results confirm that most patients with FSGS have high PF serum levels and suggest that its removal can be beneficial

    in search of the transcriptional blueprints of a competent oocyte

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    The oocyte undergoes a remarkably long and elaborated journey within the follicle before becoming fully equipped to sustain embryonic development. Its ability to support early embryonic development relies largely on the maternal transcripts accumulated during its growth and maturation. However, it is still not clear what transcriptome blueprint composes a competent oocyte. A number of extensive studies provided a detailed characterization of the mRNA molecules that are gradually accumulated in the oocyte cytoplasm. The detail of our knowledge has gradually increased through the years also thanks to the development and improvement of the analytical techniques. From realtime PCR analysis of single transcripts, to the whole transcriptome approach of gene arrays and new genereation sequencing, scientists accumulated an exponentially growing amount of new information. More recently, the discovery of non-coding RNAs revealed a new layer of complexity in the mechanisms that modulate gene expression at the mRNA level, in folliculogenesis and oogenesis. In particular, data are emerging on the potential role of microRNAs in controlling ovarian function, oocyte maturation and the oocyte-somatic cell cross talk. This review will try to summarize the vast amount of data currently available on the mRNAs and microRNAs associated with the ovarian function and to find their biological significance

    Subjective resource value affects aggressive behavior independently of resource-holding-potential and color morphs in male common wall lizard

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    AbstractGame theory models predict the outcome of a dyadic contest to depend on opponents' asymmetries in three main traits: resource-holding potential (RHP), resource value (RV) and aggressiveness. Using male common wall lizards Podarcis muralis, a polymorphic species showing three discrete morphs (white, yellow, and red), we investigated how the aggressive behavior varies according to a change in subjective RV and color morphs, while controlling for the asymmetry in RHP (using mirrors). By comparing the aggression of the same individual towards its mirror image in two different arenas (familiar = high subjective RV; novel = low subjective RV), we showed that lizard aggressive behavior was more intense and prolonged in the familiar arena than in the new one, thus supporting the occurrence of a direct relationship between motivation and aggression in this species. We also found the overall aggressiveness to differ from individual to individual, supporting the general hypothesis that aggressiveness is a trait associated with personality. By contrast, no effect of morphs was detected, ruling out the occurrence of morph specific variation in the aggressiveness. Our results highlight that an individual's motivation and personality might be as important as RHP and RV in the resolution of animal contests

    Clinical, molecular and glycophenotype insights in SLC39A8-CDG

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    Background: SLC39A8, a gene located on chromosome 4q24, encodes for the manganese (Mn) transporter ZIP8 and its detrimental variants cause a type 2 congenital disorder of glycosylation (CDG). The common SLC39A8 missense variant A391T is associated with increased risk for multiple neurological and systemic disorders and with decreased serum Mn. Patients with SLC39A8-CDG present with different clinical and neuroradiological features linked to variable transferrin glycosylation profile. Galactose and Mn supplementation therapy results in the biochemical and clinical amelioration of treated patients. Results: Here, we report clinical manifestations, neuroradiological features and glycophenotypes associated with novel SLC39A8 variants (c.1048G > A; p.Gly350Arg and c.131C > G; p.Ser44Trp) in two siblings of the same Italian family. Furthermore, we describe a third patient with overlapping clinical features harbouring the homozygous missense variant A391T. The clinical phenotype of the three patients was characterized by severe developmental disability, dystonic postural pattern and dyskinesia with a more severe progression of the disease in the two affected siblings. Neuroimaging showed a Leigh syndrome-like pattern involving the basal ganglia, thalami and white matter. In the two siblings, atrophic cerebral and cerebellum changes consistent with SLC39A8-CDG were detected as well. Serum transferrin isoelectric focusing (IEF) yielded variable results with slight increase of trisialotransferrin isoforms or even normal pattern. MALDI-MS showed the presence of hypogalactosylated transferrin N-glycans, spontaneously decreasing during the disease course, only in one affected sibling. Total serum N-glycome depicted a distinct pattern for the three patients, with increased levels of undergalactosylated and undersialylated precursors of fully sialylated biantennary glycans, including the monosialo-monogalacto-biantennary species A2G1S1. Conclusions: Clinical, MRI and glycosylation features of patients are consistent with SLC39A8-CDG. We document two novel variants associated with Leigh syndrome-like disease presentation of SLC39A8-CDG. We show, for the first time, a severe neurological phenotype overlapping with that described for SLC39A8-CDG in association with the homozygous A391T missense variant. We observed a spontaneous amelioration of transferrin N-glycome, highlighting the efficacy of MS-based serum glycomics as auxiliary tool for the diagnosis and clinical management of therapy response in patients with SLC39A8-CDG. Further studies are needed to analyse more in depth the influence of SLC39A8 variants, including the common missense variant, on the expression and function of ZIP8 protein, and their impact on clinical, biochemical and neuroradiological features

    Age is not the only risk factor in COVID-19: the role of comorbidities and of long staying in residential care homes

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    Background: The actual SARS-CoV-2 outbreak caused a highly transmissible disease with a tremendous impact on elderly people. So far, few studies focused on very elderly patients (over 80 years old). In this study we examined the clinical presentation and the outcome of the disease in this group of patients, admitted to our Hospital in Rome. Methods: This is a single-center, retrospective study performed in the Sant’Andrea University Hospital of Rome. We included patients older than 65 years of age with a diagnosis of COVID-19, from March 2020 to May 2020, divided in two groups according to their age (Elderly: 65–80 years old; Very Elderly > 80 years old). Data extracted from the each patient record included age, sex, comorbidities, symptoms at onset, the Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI), the ratio of the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2) to the inspired oxygen fraction (FiO2) (P/F) on admission, laboratory tests, radiological findings on computer tomography (CT), length of hospital stay (LOS), mortality rate and the viral shedding. The differences between the two groups were analyzed by the Fisher’s exact test or the Wilcoxon signed-rank test for categorical variables and the Mann-Whitney U test for continuous variables. To assess significance among multiple groups of factors, we used the Bonferroni correction. The survival time was estimated by Kaplan-Meier method and Log Rank Test. Univariate and Multivariate logistic regression were performed to estimate associations between age, comorbidities, provenance from long-stay residential care homes (LSRCH) s and clinical outcomes. Results: We found that Very Elderly patients had an increased mortality rate, also due to the frequent occurrence of multiple comorbidities. Moreover, we found that patients coming from LSRCHs appeared to be highly susceptible and vulnerable to develop severe manifestations of the disease. Conclusion: We demonstrate that there were considerable differences between Elderly and Very Elderly patients in terms of inflammatory activity, severity of disease, adverse clinical outcomes. To establish a correct risk stratification, comorbidities and information about provenience from LSRCHs should be considered

    Apelin system in mammary gland of sheep reared in semi-natural pastures of the central apennines

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    Sheep are the most bred species in the Central Italy Apennine using the natural pastures as a trophic resource and grazing activity is fundamental to maintain the grassland biodiversity: this goal can be reached only ensuring an economical sustainability to the farmers. This study aimed to investigate the apelin/apelin receptor system in ovine mammary gland and to evaluate the differences induced by food supplementation, in order to shed light on this system function. A flock of 15 Comisana x Appenninica adult dry ewes were free to graze from June until pasture maximum flowering (MxF). From this period to pasture maximum dryness (MxD), in addition to grazing, the experimental group (Exp) was supplemented with 600 g/day/head of cereals. Apelin and apelin receptor were assessed by Real-Time PCR and immunohistochemistry on the mammary glands of subjects pertaining to MxF, MxD and Exp groups. They were detected in alveolar and ductal epithelial cells. The pasture maximum flowering group showed significant differences in apelin expression compared with experimental and MxD groups. Apelin receptor expression significantly differed among the three groups. The reduced apelin receptor expression and immunoreactivity levels during parenchyma involution enables us to hypothesize that apelin receptor plays a modulating role in the system control
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