40 research outputs found

    The impact of economic crisis on civic attitudes: the moderating role of expected social mobility. Evidence from some European countries

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    In times of crisis, the deterioration of living standards may also have direct consequences on civic culture of people and become dangerous for the health of democracy. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent to which the recent economic crisis directly influences the civic attitudes in some European democracies focusing on two questions: how much does crisis exposure affect democratic legitimacy attitudes? And what is the role played by expected social mobility on this effect? Hypotheses are tested using data collected in the Western European countries included in the Life in Transition Survey II (France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and UK). The findings show that economic crisis exposure significantly affects civic attitudes. The results confirm that higher crisis exposure is associated with lower civic attitudes. Additionally, the present research rules out the possibility that crisis exposure affects attitudes in a specific way, depending on the expected mobility valence. This paper sheds light on the importance of analysing the negative civic effect of economic crisis and on the critical role that the fear of social downgrading plays in determining this effect

    Political participation of unemployed youth: the moderator effect of associational membership

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    <span class="abs_content">This article discusses how associational membership can compensate for that lack of opportunities and motivation necessary for political participation that unemployment usually provokes. We investigate such a moderator effect of associational membership by means of a CATI survey of young people realized in two different cities: Turin in Italy and Kielce in Poland. The survey was part of a larger research on youth unemployment funded by the EU FP7 program (Younex). We propose an exploratory analysis allowing us to assess at a low level of abstraction and through a local level comparison, how far associational membership performs even across different contexts as a promoter of political engagement of a specific group of young, deprived, individuals.</span><br /

    Political Participation of Unemployed Youth: The Moderator Effect of Associational Membership

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    This article discusses how associational membership can compensate for that lack of opportunities and motivation necessary for political participation that unemployment usually provokes. We investigate such a moderator effect of associational membership by means of a CATI survey of young people realized in two different cities: Turin in Italy and Kielce in Poland. The survey was part of a larger research on youth unemployment funded by the EU FP7 program (Younex). We propose an exploratory analysis allowing us to assess at a low level of abstraction and through a local level comparison, how far associational membership performs even across different contexts as a promoter of political engagement of a specific group of young, deprived, individuals

    Towards more selective Mediterranean trawl fisheries: are juveniles and trash excluder devices effective tools for reducing undersized catches?

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    Mediterranean trawl fisheries are characterized by a critical combination of high fishing effort and low size at first capture for most commercial species. In this study we tested the use of sorting grids installed on bottom trawl nets to minimize the catch of undersized deep-water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris, DPS) and European hake (Merluccius merluccius, HKE). The catch of a traditional trawl net was compared with that obtained with the same net equipped with ad hoc designed juveniles and trash excluder devices (JTEDs) during an experimental survey. Three different JTEDs were tested: the first (G1-SM40) was built with a net of 40-mm square mesh; the second (G2-ST20) and third (G3-ST25) with vertical steel bars spaced 20 and 25 mm, respectively. The probability of retaining DPS and HKE by length class in trawl nets with and without JTED was analysed using generalized additive mixed models. With G1-SM40, the reduction of undersized individuals in the cod-end was about 60% and 44% for DPS and HKE, respectively. With G2-ST20, a 34% catch decrease of HKE individuals smaller than 20 cm total length was observed. A loss of marketable fractions of DPS was recorded with G1-SM40 (–25%) and G2-ST20 (30%). Finally, JTD G3-ST25 was efficient at reducing the catch of undersized specimens of DPS and HKE, but showed a higher loss of marketable fractions than the other JTEDs. Although further fishing trials would be required to maximize the sorting efficiency of the grids, the results obtained clearly indicated that grids can substantially reduce unwanted catches of undersized DPS and HKE in Mediterranean bottom trawl fisheries

    The Effects of Social Support on Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients with Metastatic Prostate Cancer

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    Patients with metastatic prostate cancer (PC) live longer than patients with metastatic tumours of other sites. Consequently, their social network can influence their quality of life (QoL) during a remarkable life span. The aim of this article is to present the findings of a systematic review of the studies that focused on social network supporting the quality of life of these patients. A systematic review for studies meeting specific criteria was undertaken on three databases. Some level of unmet psychological needs was present in 54\ua0% of the patients. Depression and fatigue are highly prevalent, and the dyads, patient and partner, are at higher risk for distress symptoms. The efforts of individuals to cope with metastatic PC appear influenced by adaptative skills and specific types of family support. Psychological and relational problems predominate in the hormone-sensitive stage and are increasingly replaced by physical symptoms, social and spiritual needs in the later stages. In the early castration-resistant stage, patients will discuss with their doctors information about drugs, control of side effects and treatment strategies. In metastatic PC patients, needs change during the course of the disease. Social support plays a major role in maintaining or disrupting QoL and in\ua0the efficacy of psychosocial treatments. The trajectory of disease and its effect on the reduced QoL over the entire life expectancy should be kept in mind by health system providers and social workers.Patients with metastatic prostate cancer (PC) live longer than patients with metastatic tumours of other sites. Consequently, their social network can influence their quality of life (QoL) during a remarkable life span. The aim of this article is to present the findings of a systematic review of the studies that focused on social network supporting the quality of life of these patients. A systematic review for studies meeting specific criteria was undertaken on three databases. Some level of unmet psychological needs was present in 54 % of the patients. Depression and fatigue are highly prevalent, and the dyads, patient and partner, are at higher risk for distress symptoms. The efforts of individuals to cope with metastatic PC appear influenced by adaptative skills and specific types of family support. Psychological and relational problems predominate in the hormone-sensitive stage and are increasingly replaced by physical symptoms, social and spiritual needs in the later stages. In the early castration-resistant stage, patients will discuss with their doctors information about drugs, control of side effects and treatment strategies. In metastatic PC patients, needs change during the course of the disease. Social support plays a major role in maintaining or disrupting QoL and in the efficacy of psychosocial treatments. The trajectory of disease and its effect on the reduced QoL over the entire life expectancy should be kept in mind by health system providers and social workers

    Health-related quality of life assessment in prospective trials of systemic cytotoxic chemotherapy for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: which instrument we need?

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    Knowledge about psychological health of men with prostate cancer is still limited. HRQoL assessment adds value in symptom management by allowing a broader understanding of the impact of symptom management beyond the targeted symptom, on functioning, and on overall QoL. In this paper, the results of the commonly used HRQoL questionnaires in phase III randomized clinical trials of chemotherapy in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer has been discussed. An overview about symptom burden, treatments and HRQoL domains, a description of available HRQoL instruments used for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer were reported. Finally, the characteristics of most commonly used HRQoL instruments were identified and compared. To provide better empirical justification for the selection of HRQoL instruments, head-to-head comparisons of them within the same studies are needed. Estimating a minimal important difference could be significant when interpreting trial results. The impact of HRQoL scores in clinical practice remains unclear; poor communication of clinical significance of the results and limited training of clinicians are the most important barriers to a widespread use of HRQoL questionnaires

    Carlo Ruzza e Stefano Fella, Re-inventing the Italian Right. Territorial politics, populism and “post-fascism”, London, Routledge, 2009, xxi+272 pp

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    Gli autori si pongono l’obiettivo di spiegare il perchè del successo elettorale dei partiti di destra in Italia dopo tangentopoli e l’uscita dal panorama politico della Democrazia Cristiana, il partito in grado di rappresentare fino a quel momento una larga parte di elettorato italiano per molti decenni. Come gli stessi autori sottolineano nel capitolo introduttivo, la loro ricerca mira a comprendere la natura delle nuove forze politiche della destra italiana e la loro capacità di “reinventarsi”, nonchè ad esplorare in che modo le peculiarità del caso italiano hanno favorito il loro successo elettorale. La tesi di fondo è che i partiti di destra sono stati maggiormente in grado di interpretare, nello specifico momento storico di transizione dalla prima alla seconda repubblica, l’insicurezza e la crescente insoddisfazione dell’elettorato, adattandosi ai cambiamenti, innovandosi e reinventando i propri schemi ideologici in chiave populista

    The Hopeless Forecast Under the Gloomy Sky. Crisis of Political Legitimacy and Role of Future Perspective in Hard Times

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    This study analyses the extent to which the recent economic crisis influences the political attitudes that are fundamental to legitimacy of a democratic system of government. The article focuses on two questions: how much does crisis exposure affect democratic legitimacy attitudes? And what is the role played by social mobility perspective on this effect? The findings, based on a sample of the Life in Transition Survey II, show that economic crisis exposure significantly affects political legitimacy attitudes. The results confirm that higher crisis exposure is associated with lower legitimacy. Additionally, the present research rules out the possibility that crisis exposure affects attitudes in a specific way, depending on the expected mobility valence. While replicating previous evidence supporting the negative democratic effect of adverse economic changes, the current research sheds light on the critical role that the future perspective plays in determining this effect

    The Hopeless Forecast Under the Gloomy Sky. Crisis of Political Legitimacy and Role of Future Perspective in Hard Times

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    This study analyses the extent to which the recent economic crisis influences the political attitudes that are fundamental to legitimacy of a democratic system of government. The article focuses on two questions: how much does crisis exposure affect democratic legitimacy attitudes? And what is the role played by social mobility perspective on this effect? The findings, based on a sample of the Life in Transition Survey II, show that economic crisis exposure significantly affects political legitimacy attitudes. The results confirm that higher crisis exposure is associated with lower legitimacy. Additionally, the present research rules out the possibility that crisis exposure affects attitudes in a specific way, depending on the expected mobility valence. While replicating previous evidence supporting the negative democratic effect of adverse economic changes, the current research sheds light on the critical role that the future perspective plays in determining this effect.<br /

    La "recessione" civica. Crisi economica e deterioramento sociale.

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    Al di là degli effetti prettamente economici e materiali, qual è l'impatto della crisi sugli atteggiamenti? I cittadini hanno cambiato il loro modo di vedere la società e di rapportarsi con gli altri? Sviluppando un'ampia e articolata analisi empirica, il volume indaga le conseguenze della recente crisi economica su differenti atteggiamenti civici e politici: la fiducia negli altri, la tolleranza, il senso civico, l'atteggiamento verso la democrazia, l'interesse politico, la fiducia nelle istituzioni. Il quadro che emerge mostra una relazione diretta tra esposizione alla crisi e deterioramento sociale: una sorta di "recessione" civica, che inasprisce vecchie fratture sociali e ne apre di nuove