438 research outputs found

    Efficient adaptive integration of functions with sharp gradients and cusps in n-dimensional parallelepipeds

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    In this paper, we study the efficient numerical integration of functions with sharp gradients and cusps. An adaptive integration algorithm is presented that systematically improves the accuracy of the integration of a set of functions. The algorithm is based on a divide and conquer strategy and is independent of the location of the sharp gradient or cusp. The error analysis reveals that for a C0C^0 function (derivative-discontinuity at a point), a rate of convergence of n+1n+1 is obtained in RnR^n. Two applications of the adaptive integration scheme are studied. First, we use the adaptive quadratures for the integration of the regularized Heaviside function---a strongly localized function that is used for modeling sharp gradients. Then, the adaptive quadratures are employed in the enriched finite element solution of the all-electron Coulomb problem in crystalline diamond. The source term and enrichment functions of this problem have sharp gradients and cusps at the nuclei. We show that the optimal rate of convergence is obtained with only a marginal increase in the number of integration points with respect to the pure finite element solution with the same number of elements. The adaptive integration scheme is simple, robust, and directly applicable to any generalized finite element method employing enrichments with sharp local variations or cusps in nn-dimensional parallelepiped elements.Comment: 22 page

    Half metallic digital ferromagnetic heterostructure composed of a δ\delta-doped layer of Mn in Si

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    We propose and investigate the properties of a digital ferromagnetic heterostructure (DFH) consisting of a δ\delta-doped layer of Mn in Si, using \textit{ab initio} electronic-structure methods. We find that (i) ferromagnetic order of the Mn layer is energetically favorable relative to antiferromagnetic, and (ii) the heterostructure is a two-dimensional half metallic system. The metallic behavior is contributed by three majority-spin bands originating from hybridized Mn-dd and nearest-neighbor Si-pp states, and the corresponding carriers are responsible for the ferromagnetic order in the Mn layer. The minority-spin channel has a calculated semiconducting gap of 0.25 eV. Analysis of the total and partial densities of states, band structure, Fermi surfaces and associated charge density reveals the marked two-dimensional nature of the half metallicity. The band lineup is found to be favorable for retaining the half metal character to near the Curie temperature (TCT_{C}). Being Si based and possibly having a high TCT_{C} as suggested by an experiment on dilutely doped Mn in Si, the heterostructure may be of special interest for integration into mature Si technologies for spintronic applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Soft and transferable pseudopotentials from multi-objective optimization

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    Ab initio pseudopotentials are a linchpin of modern molecular and condensed matter electronic structure calculations. In this work, we employ multi-objective optimization to maximize pseudopotential softness while maintaining high accuracy and transferability. To accomplish this, we develop a formulation in which softness and accuracy are simultaneously maximized, with accuracy determined by the ability to reproduce all-electron energy differences between Bravais lattice structures, whereupon the resulting Pareto frontier is scanned for the softest pseudopotential that provides the desired accuracy in established transferability tests. We employ an evolutionary algorithm to solve the multi-objective optimization problem and apply it to generate a comprehensive table of optimized norm-conserving Vanderbilt (ONCV) pseudopotentials (https://github.com/SPARC-X/SPMS-psps). We show that the resulting table is softer than existing tables of comparable accuracy, while more accurate than tables of comparable softness. The potentials thus afford the possibility to speed up calculations in a broad range of applications areas while maintaining high accuracy.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Kohn-Sham accuracy from orbital-free density functional theory via Δ\Delta-machine learning

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    We present a Δ\Delta-machine learning model for obtaining Kohn-Sham accuracy from orbital-free density functional theory (DFT) calculations. In particular, we employ a machine learned force field (MLFF) scheme based on the kernel method to capture the difference between Kohn-Sham and orbital-free DFT energies/forces. We implement this model in the context of on-the-fly molecular dynamics simulations, and study its accuracy, performance, and sensitivity to parameters for representative systems. We find that the formalism not only improves the accuracy of Thomas-Fermi-von Weizs{\"a}cker (TFW) orbital-free energies and forces by more than two orders of magnitude, but is also more accurate than MLFFs based solely on Kohn-Sham DFT, while being more efficient and less sensitive to model parameters. We apply the framework to study the structure of molten Al0.88_{0.88}Si0.12_{0.12}, the results suggesting no aggregation of Si atoms, in agreement with a previous Kohn-Sham study performed at an order of magnitude smaller length and time scales.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Chebyshev polynomial filtered subspace iteration in the Discontinuous Galerkin method for large-scale electronic structure calculations

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    The Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) electronic structure method employs an adaptive local basis (ALB) set to solve the Kohn-Sham equations of density functional theory (DFT) in a discontinuous Galerkin framework. The adaptive local basis is generated on-the-fly to capture the local material physics, and can systematically attain chemical accuracy with only a few tens of degrees of freedom per atom. A central issue for large-scale calculations, however, is the computation of the electron density (and subsequently, ground state properties) from the discretized Hamiltonian in an efficient and scalable manner. We show in this work how Chebyshev polynomial filtered subspace iteration (CheFSI) can be used to address this issue and push the envelope in large-scale materials simulations in a discontinuous Galerkin framework. We describe how the subspace filtering steps can be performed in an efficient and scalable manner using a two-dimensional parallelization scheme, thanks to the orthogonality of the DG basis set and block-sparse structure of the DG Hamiltonian matrix. The on-the-fly nature of the ALBs requires additional care in carrying out the subspace iterations. We demonstrate the parallel scalability of the DG-CheFSI approach in calculations of large-scale two-dimensional graphene sheets and bulk three-dimensional lithium-ion electrolyte systems. Employing 55,296 computational cores, the time per self-consistent field iteration for a sample of the bulk 3D electrolyte containing 8,586 atoms is 90 seconds, and the time for a graphene sheet containing 11,520 atoms is 75 seconds.Comment: Submitted to The Journal of Chemical Physic

    First observation of two hyperfine transitions in antiprotonic He-3

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    We report on the first experimental results for microwave spectroscopy of the hyperfine structure of antiprotonic He-3. Due to the helium nuclear spin, antiprotonic He-3 has a more complex hyperfine structure than antiprotonic He-4 which has already been studied before. Thus a comparison between theoretical calculations and the experimental results will provide a more stringent test of the three-body quantum electrodynamics (QED) theory. Two out of four super-super-hyperfine (SSHF) transition lines of the (n,L)=(36,34) state were observed. The measured frequencies of the individual transitions are 11.12559(14) GHz and 11.15839(18) GHz, less than 1 MHz higher than the current theoretical values, but still within their estimated errors. Although the experimental uncertainty for the difference of these frequencies is still very large as compared to that of theory, its measured value agrees with theoretical calculations. This difference is crucial to be determined because it is proportional to the magnetic moment of the antiproton.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, just published (online so far) in Physics Letters

    Twisted k-graph algebras associated to Bratteli diagrams

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    Given a system of coverings of k-graphs, we show that the cohomology of the resulting (k+1)-graph is isomorphic to that of any one of the k-graphs in the system. We then consider Bratteli diagrams of 2-graphs whose twisted C*-algebras are matrix algebras over noncommutative tori. For such systems we calculate the ordered K-theory and the gauge-invariant semifinite traces of the resulting 3-graph C*-algebras. We deduce that every simple C*-algebra of this form is Morita equivalent to the C*-algebra of a rank-2 Bratteli diagram in the sense of Pask-Raeburn-R{\o}rdam-Sims.Comment: 28 pages, pictures prepared using tik

    Preliminary Results from Recent Measurements of the Antiprotonic Helium Hyperfine Structure

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    We report on preliminary results from a systematic study of the hyperfine (HF) structure of antiprotonic helium. This precise measurement which was commenced in 2006, has now been completed. Our initial analysis shows no apparent density or power dependence and therefore the results can be averaged. The statistical error of the observable M1 transitions is a factor of 60 smaller than that of three body quantum electrodynamic (QED) calculations, while their difference has been resolved to a precision comparable to theory (a factor of 10 better than our first measurement). This difference is sensitive to the antiproton magnetic moment and agreement between theory and experiment would lead to an increased precision of this parameter, thus providing a test of CPT invariance.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
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