176 research outputs found
Southern historiography in modern history : Figural and philosophical aspects of historical discourse in Virginia and South Carolina, 1800-1844
This thesis examines the natureâorigin, character, and temporal changeâof the difference that educated and mostly male white southerners had about history at the level of historiography and other texts among themselves and in relation to âmodern historyâ mostly in the states of Virginia and South Carolina in the earlyâ1800s. The study compares and contrasts the postulate with two other areas of cultural discussion: New England, with some support from the MidâAtlantic States New York and Pennsylvania, and Europe with its dominant change about culture roughly after the 1750s the thesis refers to as âmodern history.â History was transformed into a major area of interest and cultural component.
The method is mainly a scanning of digitalized online contemporary printed sourcesâleading books about history, leading contemporary journals, letter collections, and historical novels mostly produced in the U.S.âfor word âhistoryâ and a variant âhistorâ that yields for example âhistoricalâ and âhistories.â The findings have then been subjected to the studyâs theoretical and methodological framework.
Instead of a scientific undertaking, linguistically neutral, or grounded in material reality as usually treated in the U.S., written history overlaps with other text production and communication such as literary writing, poetics, and cultural discourse. The philosophy of modernity and scientific truth history became associated with in its modern guise can be read as a metaphysical problem and crisis of especial severity in the southern areas: modern history entailed an experiential and communicative renovation that extended to individuals and their relationship to society. Through partly deductive, partly poetic readings, the study charts the course of this change that spans from syntax to discourse, philosophy, semiotics and poetics. The concerns help reveal the tensions in modern association of reality with history that has obscured competing claims and experiences.
The New Englandâled âblocâ departed from European skepticism. Virginia and South Carolina seldom rejected it. Modern history increased only in the 1840s, comparatively more in South Carolina. Previously, it was rare to see history as romantic, evangelical or scientific like in New England. Especially until the lateâ1830s, history was met with skeptical and ironic views about the historyâreality relationship. Unlike often portrayed, these learned white southerners were rarely sentimentalists. Equally rare was to conflate reality and science with history for nationalist and utilitarian ends. Forgotten perspectives and agencies can be reâexamined by taking into account more recent theories about history and language.Yhdysvalloissa historia kĂ€sitetÀÀn hyvin usein tieteelliseksi, kielellisesti neutraaliksi, materiaaliseen todellisuuteen pohjautuvaksi ilmiöksi. Tutkimus on eri mieltĂ€: historialla on yhtymĂ€kohtia muun kielen tuottamisen ja kommunikaationâkirjallisuuden, runouden, kulttuurikeskustelunâkanssa. Tutkimus on myös ensimmĂ€inen, joka soveltaa tĂ€tĂ€ nĂ€kemystĂ€ USA:n etelĂ€valtioiden historiankirjoitukseen. Unohdettuja nĂ€kökulmia ja kulttuuritoimijoita voidaan tutkia sisĂ€llyttĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ uudempaa teoriaa historian ja kielen suhteesta.
Uusi Englanti hylkĂ€si eurooppalaisen epĂ€ilyn historiasta. Virginiassa ja EtelĂ€-Carolinassa perintö harvoin hylĂ€ttiin. Vasta 1840-luvulta alkaen lĂ€hinnĂ€ EtelĂ€-Carolinassa ilmeni enemmĂ€n modernia historiaa. Romanttiset, evankeliset ja tieteelliset ainekset historiasta olivat aiemmin harvinaisia, toisin kuin Uudessa Englannissa. Historian ja todellisuuden suhde oli vĂ€hintÀÀn 1830-luvun jĂ€lkipuoliskolle hyvin epĂ€ilevĂ€ ja ironinen. Perinteinen EtelĂ€n historiatietoisuuden âTuulen viemÀÀâ -luonnehdinta sentimentaalisena nostalgiana oli lĂ€hes tuntematon, samoin historian nĂ€keminen tieteenĂ€, jonka tehtĂ€vĂ€ on nationalistinen tai hyötyyn perustuva. Moderniin historiaan sisĂ€ltyi kommunikatiivinen ja kokemuksellinen muutos, joka ulottui yksilöön ja hĂ€nen suhteeseensa yhteiskuntaan. Tutkimus yrittÀÀ kartoittaa tĂ€tĂ€ lukemalla tekstejĂ€ osin yleisiĂ€ suuntauksia heijastellen, osin runollisesti.
Tutkimus selvittÀÀ, miten enimmĂ€kseen miespuoliset koulutetut tai oppineet henkilöt lĂ€hinnĂ€ Yhdysvaltain Virginian ja EtelĂ€-Carolinan osavaltioissa erosivat historiakĂ€sityksiltÀÀn sekĂ€ âmodernista historiastaâ ettĂ€ keskinĂ€isesti historiankirjoituksen ja muiden tekstien tasolla 1800-luvun alun USA:ssa. Tutkimus vertailee oletusta kahteen vaikutusvaltaisempaan kulttuurikeskustelualueeseen. NĂ€itĂ€ ovat Yhdysvalloissa Uuden Englannin alue ja sitĂ€ kulttuurisesti myötĂ€illeet New Yorkin ja Pennsylvanian osavaltiot sekĂ€ Euroopan 1750-luvun jĂ€lkeinen kulttuurikeskustelun muutos. âModerni historiaâ ymmĂ€rretÀÀn tutkimuksessa monitahoisena muutoksena, jossa kiinnostus historiaan virisi toden teolla lĂ€nsimaissa tĂ€rkeĂ€nĂ€ osana yhteiskuntaa ja kulttuuria.
Aineisto koostuu internetiin digitoiduista aineistoista: tunnetuimmat historiantutkimukset ja akateemiset lehdet, jotkut tunnetuimmat kirjekokoelmat ja historiaromaanit. Tutkimus tutkii aineistoja lĂ€hinnĂ€ hakusanoilla âhistoryâ ja âhistorâ
"LyötÀis hynttyyt yhteen" : Maahanmuuttajien mielenterveyspalveluiden saatavuus ja vastaavuus Espoossa
Maahanmuuttajien mÀÀrĂ€ on Espoossa kasvussa. Tutkimusten mukaan maahanmuuttajilla ilmenee âvaltavĂ€estöÀ enemmĂ€n mielenterveyden ongelmia. Terveydenhuollon on vastattava uudenlaisiin âhaasteisiin suunnitelmallisesti ja tehokkaasti. Espoossa ei ole erikseen maahanmuuttajille âsuunnattuja mielenterveyspalveluita, vaan maahanmuuttajat kĂ€yttĂ€vĂ€t samoja palveluita kuin âvaltavĂ€estökin. Mielenterveyspalveluiden piiriin pÀÀsy on kuitenkin hankalaa koko Espoon vĂ€estölle âterveydenhuollon resurssipulasta vuoksi.â
OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoitus on kartoittaa, minkĂ€laisia mielenterveyspalveluita maahanmuuttajille on âtarjolla Espoossa, palvelujen piiriin pÀÀsyĂ€ ja sitĂ€, vastaavatko palvelut tarpeeseen. âLĂ€hdemateriaalin avulla tutkimme lisĂ€ksi, miten yleisiĂ€ ja millaisia mielenterveyden ongelmia âmaahanmuuttajilla ilmenee. Esittelemme myös mielenterveystyön taustaa, historiaa ja nyky-âtilannetta Suomessa ja Espoossa. â
KĂ€ytimme opinnĂ€ytetyössĂ€ empiiristĂ€ tutkimusotetta ja tutkimusmenetelmĂ€nĂ€ laadullista âtutkimusmenetelmÀÀ. KerĂ€simme aineiston yksilöhaastatteluina, joihin sovelsimme ohjatun âteemahaastattelun periaatteita. Saadun aineiston analysointiin kĂ€ytimme induktiivista sisĂ€l-âlönanalyysia. â
Maahanmuuttajien mielenterveyspalveluiden piiriin pÀÀsyĂ€ vaikeuttavat sekĂ€ henkilökunnan ettĂ€ âpotilaiden kieli- ja vuorovaikutustaitojen heikkous, yhteistyön puute, palveluiden hajanaisuus, sekĂ€ âmolemminpuoliset ennakkoasenteet ja tiedon puute. Espoon mielenterveyspalvelut vastaisivat âparemmin maahanmuuttajien tarpeita, mikĂ€li moniammatillista yhteistyötĂ€ hyödynnettĂ€isiin âenemmĂ€n. Koulutusta, tulkin kĂ€yttöÀ, ennaltaehkĂ€isevÀÀ mielenterveystyötĂ€, kotikĂ€yntejĂ€ ja âtyötoimintaa tulisi lisĂ€tĂ€.âThe number of immigrants is increasing in Espoo. According to research immigrants suffer more âfrom mental disorders than the majority of the population. Health services have to meet new kinds âof challenges systematically and effectively. There are not specific mental health services for âimmigrants in Espoo, and they use the same services as the majority. Because of the lack of re-âsources access to mental health services is difficult for the entire Espoo population.â
The accessability of mental health services for immigrants is complicated because of the poor âlanguage and interaction skills both of the patients and the professionals, the lack of cooperation, âthe disconnectedness of the services, prejudices on both sides and the lack of information. To ârespond better to immigrants needs, Espoo mental health services need to improve âmultiprofessional cooperation. Education, the use of interpreters, preventive mental health work, âhouse calls and supportive work activity should be increased.â
We used an empirical approach and qualitative research method in our thesis. As a method of âcollecting material we used individual thematic interviews. We analyzed the material using âinductive content analysis.â
The purpose of our thesis is to find out what mental health services for immigrants are available in âEspoo, what is their accessability like and how these services correspond to the needs. In addition, âthrough source material we examined what kind of mental health problems immigrants may âsuffer from. We also discuss the background, the history and the present state of mental health âwork in Finland and in Espoo.
In-situ micromechanical testing of Su-8 polymer at high strain rates using indentation and micropillar compression
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Transportable system enabling multiple irradiation studies under simultaneous hypoxia in vitro
BackgroundCells in solid tumours are variably hypoxic and hence resistant to radiotherapy - the essential role of oxygen in the efficiency of irradiation has been acknowledged for decades. However, the currently available methods for performing hypoxic experiments in vitro have several limitations, such as a limited amount of parallel experiments, incapability of keeping stable growth conditions and dependence on CO2 incubator or a hypoxia workstation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability of a novel portable system (Minihypoxy) in performing in vitro irradiation studies under hypoxia, and present supporting biological data.Materials and methodsThis study was conducted on cancer cell cultures in vitro. The cells were cultured in normoxic (similar to 21% O-2) or in hypoxic (1% O-2) conditions either in conventional hypoxia workstation or in the Minihypoxy system and irradiated at dose rate 1.28Gy/min2.9%. The control samples were sham irradiated. To study the effects of hypoxia and irradiation on cell viability and DNA damage, western blotting, immunostainings and clonogenic assay were used. The oxygen level, pH, evaporation rate and osmolarity of the culturing media on cell cultures in different conditions were followed.ResultsThe oxygen concentration in interest (5, 1 or 0% O-2) was maintained inside the individual culturing chambers of the Minihypoxy system also during the irradiation. The radiosensitivity of the cells cultured in Minihypoxy chambers was declined measured as lower phosphorylation rate of H2A.X and increased clonogenic capacity compared to controls (OER similar to 3).Conclusions The Minihypoxy system allows continuous control of hypoxic environment in multiple wells and is transportable. Furthermore, the system maintains the low oxygen environment inside the individual culturing chambers during the transportation and irradiation in experiments which are typically conducted in separate facilities.Peer reviewe
Transparent Microelectrode Arrays Fabricated by Ion Beam Assisted Deposition for Neuronal Cell In Vitro Recordings
Microelectrode array (MEA) is a tool used for recording bioelectric signals from electrically active cells in vitro. In this paper, ion beam assisted electron beam deposition (IBAD) has been used for depositing indium tin oxide (ITO) and titanium nitride (TiN) thin films which are applied as transparent track and electrode materials in MEAs. In the first version, both tracks and electrodes were made of ITO to guarantee full transparency and thus optimal imaging capability. In the second version, very thin (20 nm) ITO electrodes were coated with a thin (40 nm) TiN layer to decrease the impedance of Ă30 ”m electrodes to one third (1200 k⊠â 320 kâŠ) while maintaining (partial) transparency. The third version was also composed of transparent ITO tracks, but the measurement properties were optimized by using thick (200 nm) opaque TiN electrodes. In addition to the impedance, the optical transmission and electric noise levels of all three versions were characterized and the functionality of the MEAs was successfully demonstrated using human pluripotent stem cell-derived neuronal cells. To understand more thoroughly the factors contributing to the impedance, MEAs with higher IBAD ITO thickness as well as commercial sputter-deposited and highly conductive ITO were fabricated for comparison. Even if the sheet-resistance of our IBAD ITO thin films is very high compared to the sputtered one, the impedances of the MEAs of each ITO grade were found to be practically equal (e.g., 300â370 k⊠for Ă30 ”m electrodes with 40 nm TiN coating). This implies that the increased resistance of the tracks, either caused by lower thickness or lower conductivity, has hardly any contribution to the impedance of the MEA electrodes. The impedance is almost completely defined by the double-layer interface between the electrode top layer and the medium including cells
CytoSpectre: a tool for spectral analysis of oriented structures on cellular and subcellular levels
CytoSpectre user guide. This file contains the user guide of the software. (PDF 464 kb
A Plasmid-Based Fluorescence Reporter System for Monitoring Oxidative Damage in E. coli
Quantitating intracellular oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) is of interest in many fields of biological research. The current systems primarily rely on supplemented oxygen-sensitive substrates that penetrate the target cells, and react with ROS to produce signals that can be monitored with spectroscopic or imaging techniques. The objective here was to design a new non-invasive analytical strategy for measuring ROS-induced damage inside living cells by taking advantage of the native redox sensor system of E. coli. The developed plasmid-based sensor relies on an oxygen-sensitive transcriptional repressor IscR that controls the expression of a fluorescent marker in vivo. The system was shown to quantitatively respond to oxidative stress induced by supplemented H2O2 and lowered cultivation temperatures. Comparative analysis with fluorescence microscopy further demonstrated that the specificity of the reporter system was equivalent to the commercial chemical probe (CellROX). The strategy introduced here is not dependent on chemical probes, but instead uses a fluorescent expression system to detect enzyme-level oxidative damage in microbial cells. This provides a cheap and simple means for analysing enzyme-level oxidative damage in a biological context in E. coli
Simulation-Based Study of Control Strategies for Beating of Human Cardiomyocyte Cultures
Peer reviewe
Classification of Volatile Organic Compounds by Differential Mobility Spectrometry Based on Continuity of Alpha Curves
Background: Classification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is of
interest in many fields. Examples include but are not limited to medicine,
detection of explosives, and food quality control. Measurements collected with
electronic noses can be used for classification and analysis of VOCs. One type
of electronic noses that has seen considerable development in recent years is
Differential Mobility Spectrometry (DMS). DMS yields measurements that are
visualized as dispersion plots that contain traces, also known as alpha curves.
Current methods used for analyzing DMS dispersion plots do not usually utilize
the information stored in the continuity of these traces, which suggests that
alternative approaches should be investigated.
Results: In this work, for the first time, dispersion plots were interpreted
as a series of measurements evolving sequentially. Thus, it was hypothesized
that time-series classification algorithms can be effective for classification
and analysis of dispersion plots. An extensive dataset of 900 dispersion plots
for five chemicals measured at five flow rates and two concentrations was
collected. The data was used to analyze the classification performance of six
algorithms. According to our hypothesis, the highest classification accuracy of
88\% was achieved by a Long-Short Term Memory neural network, which supports
our hypothesis.
Significance: A new concept for approaching classification tasks of
dispersion plots is presented and compared with other well-known classification
algorithms. This creates a new angle of view for analysis and classification of
the dispersion plots. In addition, a new dataset of dispersion plots is openly
shared to public
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