37 research outputs found

    Geographical Indications Protection “Pulut Mandoti Rice” as an Alternative of People Economic Empowerment

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    Pulut Mandoti is one kind of sticky rice in Indonesia and only found in the villages of Kendenan and Salukanan, Enrekang regency of South Sulawesi. The advantageous among others: when cooked, the rice will release typical smell such pandan leaves until tens of meters. If this kind is grown in other land, then its smell will be different. This study aimed to identify and understand the extent of geographical factors (natural and including human factors) for Pulut Mandoti rice has potency to be registered as Intellectual Property Rights in Geographical Indications regime. This study was conducted in Enrekang of South Sulawesi. This study is a legal research using normative and empirical approaches through data collection techniques, direct-interviews and questionnaires which have been prepared, daily notes and observations. Data processing used through qualitative and descriptive techniques. The result of study is the rise of motivation, attitudes and people’s knowledge about intellectual property rights, especially geographical indication. In addition, the achievable goal is the establishment of legal protection in the registration of Geographical Indications on Pulut Mandoti rice for farmer groups Pulut Mandoti rice in Enrekang of South Sulawesi to improve the local economy. Keywords: Geographical Indication, Legal Protection, Mandoti, Pulu

    Harmonisasi Hukum Hak Cipta Program Komputer Dengan Kultur Hukum Masyarakat Indonesia

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    Indonesia, being a part of International community, cannot neglect the existence of International law . Indonesia, as a consequence, should harmonize International law within municipal law. It also should be done on the rules relating the protection of intellectual property rights. This rules is sourced from International conventions.Implementation of intellectual property right protection ,actually sources from state practice. Relating with it then, the implementation of intellectual property right protection should in-line with the values of nation

    Tinjauan Hukum Hak Pasien Terhadap informasi Dokter Terkait Krim Racikan yang diResepkan di Klinik Kecantikan

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    ABSTRACT: This study uses normative legal research by examining various related legal regulations such as Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection (UUPK), Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 29 of 2004 concerning Medical Practice, and Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 2009 concerning Health, as well as literature containing theoretical concepts which are then linked to the problems that are the object of this research. The results of the research show that this consumptive culture and beauty trend has caused many people to compete to improve the condition of their faces and bodies so that they can comply with today's beauty standards. It's just that the patient's lack of knowledge to understand their needs for health and beauty as well as knowledge regarding their rights and obligations in receiving services, the patient's own desire to get fast treatment results, causes most of the disadvantaged people to be reluctant to take legal action to get justice, both compensation and compensation. physical and psychological rehabilitation. ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan cara mengkaji berbagai aturan hukum terkait seperti Undang-Undang No.8 Tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen (UUPK), Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 29 Tahun 2004 tentang Praktik Kedokteran, dan Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan, serta literatur yang berisi konsep teoritis yang kemudian dihubungkan dengan permasalahan yang menjadi objek dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan budaya konsumtif dan tren kecantikan ini menyebabkan masyarakat banyak yang berlomba-lomba untuk memperbaiki kondisi wajah dan tubuhnya agar bisa sesuai dengan standar kecantikan masa kini. Hanya saja minimnya pengetahuan pasien untuk memahami kebutuhannya untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan serta pengetahuan terkait hak dan kewajibannya dalam menerima pelayanan, keinginan pasien sendiri untuk mendapatkan hasil perawatan yang cepat, menyebabkan sebagian besar masyarakat yang dirugikan enggan untuk melakukan upaya hukum demi mendapatkan keadilan baik ganti rugi maupun rehabilitasi fisik dan psikis

    Implementasi Perjanjian Konsesi Kepelabuhanan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia IV

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami kesesuaian perjanjian konsesi pelabuhan eksisting di PT Pelindo IV dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku di bidang kepelabuhanan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian sosio yuridis. Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perjanjian konsesi yang dibuat antara Kantor Otoritas Pelabuhan Utama Makassar dengan PT Pelindo IV untuk pelabuhan yang telah dioperasikan oleh PT Pelindo IV sebelum berlakunya UU 17/2008 (pelabuhan eksisting) jika ditinjau dari dua aspek, yaitu aspek hukum perikatan mengenai sarat sahnya suatu perjanjian dan dari aspek ketentuan hukum di bidang kepelabuhanan yaitu mekanisme pemberian hak konsesi, status fasilitas dan lahan, besaran pendapatan konsesi, dan struktur perjanjian konsesi. Sinkronisasi ketentuan Peraturan Pemerintah bidang kepelabuhanan khususnya mengenai pengalihan aset pasca berakhirnya perjanjian, maka perjanjian konsesi belum sepenuhnya memenuhi ketentuan perundang-undangan.

    Perlindungan Hukum Hak Desain Industri Batik Betawi: Sebuah Realitas Hukum dan Sosial

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah perlindungan hukum terhadap desainer Batik Betawi yang bekerja di Rumah Batik Palbatu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan hukum empiris, yaitu metode yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari masyarakat dalam menggambarkan kondisi di lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Rumah Batik Palbatu memberikan bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap desainer batik betawi dengan mengizinkan desainer menggunakan Merek RBP untuk melindungi Batik Betawi sebagai kepemilikan. Dalam upaya melindungi Desainer Batik Betawi yang bekerja di RBP, RBP mendaftarkan pada rezim Merek dengan Nomor Pendaftaran IDM000680767. Peran Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual untuk mewujudkan perlindungan hukum terhadap Batik Betawi dalam Desain Industri dengan melakukan sosialisasi dan memberikan edukasi bagaimana cara melakukan pengajuan permohonan serta membantu dalam pengaduan apabila terjadi pelanggaran Hak Kekayaan Intelektua

    Initiating the Community Economic Improvement through Intellectual Property Registration of “Robusta Pinogu Coffee”

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    Robusta Pinogu coffee was well known in both domestic and international markets, with production centers located in Pinogu subdistrict, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. It has unique flavor quality and good reputation in local, national and international markets. Its reputation tends to be counterfeited by irresponsible parties, which would harm producers and consumers of Robusta Pinogu coffee. Related to that, then “Masyarakat Indikasi Geografis Kopi Robusta Pinogu Bone Bolango” (MIG-KRPBB) be aware the need to have geographical indications for Robusta Pinogu coffee. Therefore, MIG-KRPBB submits for registration of geographical indication of Robusta Pinogu coffee to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia based on the prevailing laws and regulations. This research was conducted in Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. It is a legal research by using normative and empirical approaches. The results show that the Robusta Pinogu coffee in the market will be more secure than counterfeiting by parties who are not entitled to use the mark of Geographical Indication of Robusta Pinogu Coffee. however, it is expected to realize legal protection in the form of registration of geographical indication of Robusta Pinogu coffee for coffee farmer community so as to increase their economic level

    Consumer Protection in E-Commerce Transactions in Indonesia

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    The history of e-commerce in Indonesia has been known since 1996 with the advent of http://www.sanur.com/ sites as the first on-line bookstores. Although it was not too popular, in 1996 it started popping up various sites that perform e-commerce. Throughout the years 1997 – 1998, the existence of e-commerce in Indonesia a little bit neglected because of the economic crisis. Since 1999 until the present, e-commerce has re-become a interesting phenomenon although it remains limited to a minority of the Indonesian people are familiar with the technology. Article 1313 of the Civil Code defines "agreement is as an act pursuant to which one or more individual bind themselves to one another". It means that the parties of the agreement in real life are the same as with the parties involved in an e-commerce agreement. The requirement of the validity of treaty is also no different. The requirement is "must be conset of the individuals who are bound; must be capacity to enter into an obligation;  must be a specific subject matter; and must be a permitted cause.” Keywords: Consumer protection, e-commerce transactio

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Dokter Dalam Pembukaaan Rahasia Kedokteran Dalam Rekam Medis

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    ABSTRACT: This study aims to analyze the legal protection of doctors in disclosing medical secrets in medical records and to analyze the responsibilities of doctors in disclosing medical secrets in medical records. The type of research used by the author is a type of normative research. Primary legal materials are binding legal materials consisting of legislation, Permenkes. The results of this study are 1) Legal protection for doctors in disclosing medical secrets in medical records, is regulated in Article 9 of Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 36 of 2012, which is a situation where doctors can reveal medical secrets in medical records without the patient's consent due to certain urgent circumstances, 2) The doctor's responsibility in disclosing medical secrets in the medical record if not in an urgent situation can mean that the doctor has violated the law and also the doctor's oath, then sanctions can be imposed on the doctor for ethical violations. ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis perlindungan hukum terhadap dokter dalam pembukaan rahasia kedokteran dalam rekam medik dan menganalisis tanggung jawab dokter dalam pembukaan rahasia kedokteran dalam rekam medik. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah tipe penelitian normatif. Bahan hukum primer adalah bahan-bahan hukum yang mengikat terdiri dari perundang-undangan, Permenkes. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah 1) Perlindungan hukum terhadap dokter dalam pembukaan rahasia kedokteran dalam rekam medik, diatur dalam Pasal 9 Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 36 Tahun 2012 yaitu keadaan dimana dokter dapat membuka rahasia kedokteran dalam rekam medis tanpa persetujuan pasien sebab keadaan tertentu yang mendesak, 2) Tanggung jawab dokter dalam pembukaan rahasia kedokteran dalam rekam medik jika tidak dalam keadaan mendesak dapat diartikan dokter telah melakukan pelanggaran hukum dan juga sumpah bagi dokter, maka  sanksi dapat dijatuhkan pada dokter atas pelanggaran etikolegal

    Law Enforcement in Indonesia: A Review from Legal Apparatus Roles

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    Nowadays, the main problems of law enforcement encountered by law upholders in Indonesia seem very complex and varied. They should not be seen and resolved partially. They should be understood, scrutinized and resolved in a comprehensive manner. Enforcing the law is not just implementing the "dead" letters, sentences, or clauses in the legislation as positive laws. Positive laws have deficiencies or vacuums, because the nature of positive laws is not able to keep pace with the dynamic developments of society; even, they are left behind the problems arising in it. Legal vacuums can be filled by judges, so judges in this case turn to be legislators. Law upholders are expected by justice seekers to refrain from discriminatory actions as they will lead to the occurrence of injustice. Discriminatory behaviors occur when there are legal treatments that are more or very legal (more law) on one party and less or not legal (less law) on the other party of the same capacity or position. Keywords: Criminal Justice System, Law Enforcement, Law Upholder

    The State of Notary as a Legal Auditor

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    The existence of legal auditors as a certified profession in carrying out legal audits is essential and strategic in developing a legal compliance system in Indonesia. However, statutory regulations specifically in UUJN (regulation of notary position) does not regulate the prohibition of a dual notary position as a legal auditor. This study adopts an empirical juridical approach which was conducted in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta. The results of the study showed that there were no statutory provisions regarding the ability of a person who had served as a notary to become a legal auditor. Although, the Notary Position Law and the code of ethics bindthe notary public which do not also prohibit a notary from occupying the position of legal auditor. In the case of a notary and a legal auditor, the potential for a conflict of interest is immense. This was based on the consideration a legal auditor which has the duty to examine and/or assess legal issues related to a company, including the validity of authentic deeds made before a notary official