2,449 research outputs found

    Single-particle dispersion, Lagrangian structure function and Lagrangian energy spectrum in two-dimensional incompressible turbulence

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    The single-particle dispersion, Lagrangian structure functions and Lagrangian energy spectra characteristic of two-dimensional incompressible turbulent flows are investigated theoretically and numerically. The domain of validity of the classical asymptotic estimates is extended; it is shown in particular that the asymptotic behavior of the single-particle dispersion at small times remains valid throughout the whole self-similar range when the Lagrangian energy spectrum is steeper than ω−1. Straightforward estimates of the Lagrangian integral time scale TL and the diffusion coefficient at large times K, based on energy and enstrophy, are proposed; to some extent, they remain valid locally, which allows an analysis of the spatial variability of TL and K within a single turbulent field. Finally, the detrimental effect of artificial numerical diffusion on the numerical simulation of Lagrangian statistics is highlighted and discussed

    Long term evolution and internal architecture of a high-energy banner ridge from seismic survey of Banc du Four (Western Brittany, France)

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    International audienceThe recent completion of a coupled seismic and swath bathymetric survey, conducted across the sand ridge system of the Banc du Four located on the Atlantic continental shelf of Brittany (Mer d’Iroise, France), provided new data for the study of the long term evolution of deep tidal sand ridges. Five seismic units are distinguished within the ridge, separated by pronounced major bounding surfaces. The basal unit is interpreted to be shoreface deposits forming the core of the ridge. It is overlaid by a succession of marine sand dunes fields forming the upper units. Sandwave climbing, which combines progradation and accretion, is the major process controlling the growth of the ridge. The elevation of the preserved dune foresets reaches values of about 20–30 m within the ridge. The foresets indicate a combination of giant dunes characterized by numerous steep (up to 20°) clinoforms corresponding to a high-energy depositional environment. Moreover, the presence of scour pits linked to the 3D geometries of giant dunes allow the growth of bedforms migrating oblique to the orientation of giant dune crest lines. All of the radiocarbon ages of the biogenic surficial deposits of the Banc du Four range from 10,036 to 2748 cal years B.P. and suggest the Banc du Four has grown during the last sea-level rise. The apparent absence of recent surface deposits could be caused by a change in benthic biogenic productivity or the non-conservation of recent deposits. In contrast, the presence of relatively old sands at the top of the ridge could be explained by the reworking and leakage of the lower units that outcrop locally at the seabed across the ridge. Moreover, the long-term evolution of the ridge appears strongly controlled by the morphology of the igneous basement. The multiphase accretion of the ridge is closely linked to the presence of a residual tidal current eddy, consecutive with the progressive flooding of the coastal promontories and straits that structured the igneous basement.Therefore, the Banc du Four should be thought of as a representative example of a large-scale high-energy banner bank

    Searching for the Africa-eurasia Miocene Boundary offshore western algeria (Maradja'03 cruise)

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    International audienceWe present new results from the MARADJA'03 cruise depicting the geological structures offshore central and western Algeria. Using swath bathymetry and seismic reflection data, we map and discuss the offshore limits of the Internal Zones corresponding to relics of the AlKaPeCa domain that drifted and collided the African plate during the Miocene. We identify large reverse faults and folds that reactivate part of these limits and are still active today. The morphology of the westernmost NE–SW margin suggests a former strike-slip activity accommodating a westward block translation responsible for the shift of the Internal Zones towards the Moroccan Rif. To cite this article: A. Domzig et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006). Nous prĂ©sentons les rĂ©sultats rĂ©cents de la campagne MARADJA'03, qui visent Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence les structures gĂ©ologiques dans le domaine marin au nord-ouest de l'AlgĂ©rie. GrĂące aux donnĂ©es de bathymĂ©trie multifaisceau et de sismique rĂ©flexion, nous cartographions et discutons les limites en mer des Zones internes correspondant aux reliques du domaine AlKaPeCa qui a dĂ©rivĂ©, puis est entrĂ© en collision avec la plaque africaine au MiocĂšne. De grandes failles inverses et plis, actifs dans le champ de contrainte actuel, rĂ©activent certaines de ces limites. La marge ouest-algĂ©rienne, orientĂ©e NE–SW, indique la prĂ©sence d'une ancienne activitĂ© en dĂ©crochement ayant accommodĂ© la translation des Zones internes vers l'ouest

    Morphological analysis of the upper reaches of the Kukuy Canyon derived from shallow bathymetry

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    We present preliminary results on the morphology of the upper reaches of the Kukuy Canyon and Selenga shelf in front of Proval Bay (Lake Baikal), derived from newly acquired, high-resolution bathymetry. Numerous and varied erosional and transport features provide an interpretation framework for source to sink transfer and gravity flow processes in this shallow and active tectonic environment, suggesting on-going gravity instabilities and sediment-laden flows. Scarps in the canyon head are likely signatures of retrogressive incision of the western tributary and eastward lateral migration of the western tributary, the latter coming within about 1 km of the shoreline. Immature gullies incising the upper-slope feedings of the Kukuy Canyon indicate gravity flows with low erosional power. Large arcuate scarps on the break of the narrow shelf east of Proval Bay reveal gravity instabilities. The morphological connection between the Selenga Delta and the Kukuy Canyon suggests a direct pathway for fluvial sediment focused through breaches in the Sakhalin sand shoal, with likely occurrence of hyperpycnal flows into canyons heads during high sediment discharges. The neotectonic activity affects both the accommodation space around the prograding delta via earthquake-induced subsidence of coastal areas, and the location of incisions through slope instability triggering. Subsequent surveys allowing diachronic analysis would help determining the influence of tectonic and climatic factors controlling sediment transfer across the land-lake continuum and interpreting the morphological signature of the associated gravity processes shaping the delta and surrounding shelf and canyons

    Cenozoic tectonics of the Western Approaches Channel basins and its control of local drainage systems

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    International audienceLe domaine des Approches occidentales de la Manche constitue une zone clĂ© pour caractĂ©riser l'Ă©volution post-rift des marges continentales NW europĂ©ennes associĂ©es Ă  la collision Afrique/Europe. MalgrĂ© les divers tĂ©moins des inversions cĂ©nozoĂŻques jalonnant le pourtour de la Manche, la structuration et l'amplitude des mouvements demeurent nĂ©anmoins incertaines au sein de la partie mĂ©ridionale française des Approches occidentales. Il en est de mĂȘme sur le rĂŽle de l'inversion de la mer du Nord dans la mise en place du Fleuve Manche qui drainait un bassin versant bien supĂ©rieur Ă  la Manche actuelle durant les grandes rĂ©gressions plio-quaternaires et alimentait les Ă©ventails sous-marins Celtique et Armoricain en bas de pente. La rĂ©alisation des campagnes de sismique-rĂ©flexion haute rĂ©solution GEOMOC et GEOBREST03 dont les rĂ©sultats font l'objet de cet article permettent de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions en complĂ©tant la connaissance gĂ©ologique de la Manche. Les nouvelles observations soulignent le diachronisme et le contraste de l'amplitude des mouvements du systĂšme de failles associĂ©es Ă  l'inversion du bassin d'Iroise. Celle-ci se fait en deux Ă©pisodes: un Ă©pisode paroxysmal palĂ©ogĂšne dĂ©composĂ© en deux phases, Ă©ocĂšne (YprĂ©sien probable) et oligocĂšne, et un Ă©pisode nĂ©ogĂšne plus modĂ©rĂ© rĂ©activant partiellement les structures impliquĂ©es antĂ©rieurement. Les dĂ©formations se concentrent le long de l'accident nord Iroise (NIF) situĂ© dans le prolongement de la faille MĂ©dio-Manche et entraĂźne localement des plissements de la couverture sĂ©dimentaire Ă  l'aplomb des accidents profonds. L'inversion induit ainsi un soulĂšvement de prĂšs de 700 m du plateau mĂ©dian situĂ© au sud de l'accident nord Iroise. La cartographie isochrone des sĂ©quences sismiques identifiĂ©es dĂ©montre Ă©galement le contrĂŽle majeur des structures tectoniques sur la mise en place des dĂ©pĂŽts nĂ©ogĂšnes. Le soulĂšvement de la partie orientale du bassin favorise ainsi la mise en place de vastes prismes progradants d'Ăąge miocĂšne supĂ©rieur, et contrĂŽle le dĂ©veloppement postĂ©rieur du rĂ©seau des palĂ©o-vallĂ©es constituant l'extrĂ©mitĂ© occidentale du fleuve Manche. Ce rĂ©seau prĂ©sente une gĂ©omĂ©trie en baĂŻonnette marquĂ©e par de brutaux changements de directions variant de N040 Ă  N070, cette derniĂšre direction caractĂ©risant la plus grande partie des failles nĂ©ogĂšnes associĂ©es au bassin d'Iroise. Les palĂ©o-vallĂ©es se seraient dĂ©veloppĂ©es lors d'une chute du niveau marin au-delĂ  du rebord de plate-forme et la stratigraphie Ă©tablie Ă  travers cette Ă©tude amĂšne Ă  placer le dĂ©but des incisions au PliocĂšne (ReurĂ©vien ou prĂ©-Tiglien). La chute amplifiĂ©e par l'inversion du bassin d'Iroise serait suivie d'un basculement tardif de la plate-forme externe Ă  l'instar des observations rĂ©alisĂ©es sur de nombreuses marges du pourtour nord atlantique

    A multidisciplinary approach to the spatial dimension in ecosystem-based fisheries management

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    This study considers how to reconcile different spatial scales to find the best common denominator to be used as an ecosystem-based management unit. For this, two fishery production zones differing ecologically, economically, legally and institutionally were investigated. The first case study is located within French territorial waters, in a MPA created in 2007- the Parc Naturel Marin d'Iroise (PNMI). The second case study, the Bay of Biscay, covers both territorial waters and the French exclusive economic zone. The paper adopts a multidisciplinary approach. Relevant questions concern how marine space is shared between exploited species and fishing fleets, especially the spatial mobility strategies they employ. An assessment of the institutional system established for the PNMI contributes to the discussion of changes in coastal space use. It is obvious that the area in need of protection, defined on the basis of essential fish habitats, does not solely concern the fisheries located within the coastal zone. Experiments conducted by scientists and professionals in the Bay of Biscay provide other key points for the discussion in terms of what institutional frameworks to promote

    Neogene and Pleistocene geodynamics: the paleoseismic evolution of Armorica (Western France)

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    The evolution of the passive Armorican margin (Western France) during the Neogene and Quaternary was analyzed using field data. The morphology of the margin attests to a late Hercynian shaping, further deformation during the Mesozoic mid-Atlantic opening, during the Alpine Orogeny, and ultimately, a Late Cenozoic uplift, mostly related to an onshore isostatic accommodation in response to erosion and limited tectonic activity. A very limited strike–slip dynamic, with very low seismicity, accommodated the Neogene–Pleistocene N170 strains around the rigid Armorican terrane. The South Armorican domain and English Channel floor include shear zones that adjusted the Alpine convergence, facilitating its transpressive slip to the west. The Permo-Triassic N150 faults were reactivated during the inversion phases that began after the Bartonian under the distal control of the Alpine convergence and the decrease in the Atlantic spreading rate after 34 Ma. The Armorican marine platforms were stable after the late Eocene and slightly subsident, experiencing pulsed episodes of transient lithospheric doming during the Neogene and Quaternary. Co-seismic activity onshore without surface rupture was recorded around ∌5.3 Ma, ∌3.7 Ma, ∌2.4–1.2 Ma, and ∌400–250 ka, in tandem with an inland exhumation driven by isostatic adjustment due to an intensification of periglacial erosion at the onset of the early interstadials or by agriculture. Low-magnitude and ubiquitous shallow seismic activities seem to be related today to an isostatic uplifted old brittle–ductile transition due to the accumulation of shearing strain

    Efficient heating of single-molecule junctions for thermoelectric studies at cryogenic temperatures

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    The energy dependent thermoelectric response of a single molecule contains valuable information about its transmission function and its excited states. However, measuring it requires devices that can efficiently heat up one side of the molecule while being able to tune its electrochemical potential over a wide energy range. Furthermore, to increase junction stability, devices need to operate at cryogenic temperatures. In this work, we report on a device architecture to study the thermoelectric properties and the conductance of single molecules simultaneously over a wide energy range. We employ a sample heater in direct contact with the metallic electrodes contacting the single molecule which allows us to apply temperature biases up to ΔT = 60 K with minimal heating of the molecular junction. This makes these devices compatible with base temperatures Tbath < 2 K and enables studies in the linear (Δ T â‰Ș T molecule) and nonlinear (Δ T ≫ T molecule) thermoelectric transport regimes
