44 research outputs found
Exploring the Relationship Between Education and Economic Growht: A Critical Review Literature
Education and economic growth are closely interrelated. Education enhances individual skills and knowledge, which can increase productivity and promote economic growth. On the other hand, economic growth can increase access to education and other resources needed to improve the quality of education. This study aims to critically review the literature on the relationship between education and economic growth. This study used a literature review method to analyze relevant literature on this topic. The literature analyzed included empirical studies, economic theory, and policy papers. Research findings show that there is a strong positive relationship between education and economic growth. Individuals with higher levels of education generally have higher incomes and are more productive. Countries with higher levels of education also tend to have higher economic growth. The study's findings have important implications for education and economic policy. Increased investment in education can improve individual skills and knowledge, which can promote economic growth and improve people's well-being
The Impact of The Merdeka Curriculum on Indonesia Education
This study aims to determine the effect of the size of the independent curriculum on Indonesian education. This study is a type of SLR research and meta-analysis. This research data comes from an analysis of 10 national and international journals published in 2018-2023. The keyword for data search is the influence of the independent curriculum in Indonesia. Search data sources through google scholar databases, Educarion Resources Information Center (ERIC), and ScienceDirect. Data analysis with the help of Comprensive Meta-analysis (CMA) applications. The results of the study concluded that the independent curriculum has a positive effect on the education system in Indonesia with a summary effect size value (rE = 0.68; Z = 8.146; p < 0.001). This finding shows that the application of the mendeka curriculum has a significant effect on Indonesian education in the medium category. The implementation of an independent curriculum can train students to have critical thinking skills, scientific literacy and student numeracy in learning
The Effect of Size Project Based Learning on Problem Solving Skills In Government Science Students
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Size Problem Based Learning on problem solving ability in government science students. This study is a type of meta-analysis research. Data sources in this study come from 10 national and international journals published from 2020-2024. The criteria for data eligibility are research derived from SINTA and Scopus indexed journals and proceedings, participants in this study of social science students, research related to the effect of size project based learning on problem solving ability in political science students, and the sample size must be large 20 students. Purposive sampling data collection techniques. Data analysis is calculating the effect size value with the help of Microsoft Excel 2020. The results of the study concluded that there was a significant influence of differentiation learning on the profile of Pancasila students in social science students in Indonesia with an average value of effect size 10 studies of 0.878 and Standard error of 0.342 with a high effect size category
Using Talking Chips Technique to Develop the Tenth Graders' Speaking Skills at SMK PSKD 1
AbstractThe objectives of this study were to develop students’ speaking skills using Talking Chips technique and also to investigate the students’ interest in the use of Talking Chips technique inEFL class. This research was a two-cycled action research conducted in SMK PSKD 1 Jakarta. The subject of this study was the tenth graders of Accounting Class 1 consisting of 10participants from SMK 1 PSKD. The quantitative data, collected using tests, were analyzed by using independent and paired sample t-test on SPSS version 17 program. The qualitative data collected through interview, questionnaire, and observation techniques and were analyzed descriptively. The result indicated that there was significant improvement of students’ scores where the mean of students’ pre-test scores was 55.00. It increased 59.60 in post-test I and 73.40 in post-test II. Based on the result, it was concluded that through implementation of Talking Chips technique students’ speaking skills could improve.
Keywords: talking chips, speaking skills, classroom action researc
Energi Mandiri dengan Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair pada Industri Pabrik Kelapa Sawit
Limbah merupakan permasalahan yang cukup serius di dunia industri kelapa sawit dan berdampak merusak lingkungan. Sehingga ditemukan teknologi biogas untuk mengatasi limbah cair (POME) dan dimanfaatkan untuk menghasilkan listrik. Teknologi tank reaktor cukup efektif dalam penanganan limbah cair (POME) untuk menghindari gas metan terlepas ke udara atmosfir. Pengembangan teknologi biogas di Indonesia terus dilakukan dari pendekatan skala besar dan kecil. Dari kapasitas produksi pabrik sebesar 30 ton/jam Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) dapat menghasilkan tenaga listrik sebesar 1 MW dari PLT Biogas (PLTBg)
Analysis of Elearning Quality Measurement With Webqual Method at Politeknik MBP Medan
The development of information technology today has also changed the lifestyle and way of life of many people. By using information technology, many people can explore the world without being limited by space and time through the internet. Information technology has become a tool that has the power as a driving force that changes business, economics, socio-politics and other fields without limits. One of the things that has experienced major changes in lifestyle and way of life in the field of education is teaching and learning activities. The Politeknik MBP Medan college, which was also affected by Pandami, had to change the teaching-learning method using the Learning Management System service which is the right teaching-learning method to provide learning materials to students, in this case called students. In order to obtain the quality of this service, first, the satisfaction level of service users is measured based on the standard of comparison (gap) between reality and the expectations of users of the service. Based on the results of quality measurements from e-learning at the Politeknik MBP Medan for the academic year 2020/2021 in the even semester using the Webqual method, it was concluded that the Webqual method along with its attributes can provide analytical results to be used in improving the performance quality of e-learning. The results of measuring the quality of the data processing of respondents' answers are obtained that the User Satisfaction Level Score is -0.18, this indicates that the quality of e-learning as a whole is not in line with the expectations of users. The results of the analysis of 22 statement attributes from the Webqual method show that all attributes get the results of the "Tingkatkan" pattern analysis and none of the statement attributes get the "Pertahankan" pattern
The Effectiveness on the Realization of the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus Function to the Implementation of Regional Government
This paper aims to analyze the importance of supervisory function in ensuring the government effectiveness and efficiency in the realization of good governance principles. The government internal supervisory apparatus is an authorized institution or agency. In the application of supervisory function in regional government, they must be able to carry out its duty properly based on the prevailing laws and regulations. This study employed juridical-empirical method. The results showed the duties and the function are stipulated on the Government Regulation Number 60 of 2008, the government internal control system which includes the audits, reviews, evaluation, monitoring, and other supervisory activities. In addition, it is also stated in the Regulation of the Ministry of Home Affairs Number 64 of 2007, the technical guidelines and the working procedures of the provincial and regency/city inspectorate. The conclusion is the role of the government internal supervisory apparatus often faces some problems in doing their duties and functions. For instances, rampant corruption cases committed by regional officials making the effectiveness of the role of the government internal supervisory apparatus being questioned. Furthermore, their low capability and the independence issues encountered by regional government hampers the performance of the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus which is directly responsible to regional head. This practice also seems to be able to reduce the objectivity and the independence of the regional government of internal supervisory apparatus in doing their supervisory dutiesTujuan dari penulisan ini yaitu untuk menganalisis fungsi pengawasan menjadi sangat penting dalam menjamin penyelenggaraan pemerintah yang efektif dan efisien untuk mewujudkan asas tata pemerintah yang baik (good governance). Aparat Pengawas Intern Pemerintah sebagai institusi atau lembaga yang berwenang dalam menjalankan fungsi pengawasan di pemerintahan daerah harus mampu melaksanakan fungsi pengawasan tersebut dengan baik sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku . Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tugas dan fungsi diatir oleh Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 60 Tahun 2008 tentang Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah, melalui audit, reviu, evaluasi, pemantauan, dan kegiatan pengawasan lainnya dan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 64 Tahun 2007 tentang Pedoman Teknis Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Inspektorat Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota. Simpulan bahwa Peran Aparat Pengawas Intern Pemerintah kerap kali menghadapi kendala-kendala dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya. Salah satunya adalah mengenai kasus korupsi yang marak dilakukan oleh pejabat daerah, menyebabkan dipertanyakannya efektivitas peran pengawasan Aparat Pengawas Intern Pemerintah Daerah. Selain itu, kapabilitas Aparat Pengawas Intern Pemerintah yang rendah dan masalah independensi yang dihadapi oleh Aparat Pengawas Intern Pemerintah Daerah menghambat kinerja Aparat Pengawas Intern Pemerintah yang secara langsung bertanggung jawab kepada kepala daerah. Praktik tersebut juga dianggap memungkinkan mengurangi objektivitas dan independensi Aparat Pengawas Intern Pemerintah Daerah dalam menjalankan tugas pengawasanny
Voting Behavior of Batam Students in the Legislative Elections
This study aims to analyze the voting behavior of Batam Students in the legislative elections based on voting behavior models and types. The study used qualitative research with a focus group discussion technique. The result showed that students at University are few interested in political practices and issues. The voting behavior of students is categorized as rational, critical, traditional, and pragmatism. The study found that students voted the candidate who gave them money without considering the track record, achievement, and background of the candidate