6 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Usaha Kuliner Rumahan Ikan Bakar Khas Jimbaran

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    Pandemi Covid19 yang melanda dunia mengakibatkan merosotnya jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Bali, turunnya tingkat hunian hotel, sepinya restoran dan toko souvenir, menurunnya kunjungan ke obyek wisata serta berdampak pada perekonomian masyarakat Bali yang sebagian besar bergantung pada sektor pariwisata. I Made Swandita merupakan salah satu pekerja sektor pariwisata yang terdampak Pandemi Covid19. Hotel tempat Ia bekerja mengalami kondisi sepi dari tamu yang menginap sehingga banyak karyawannya yang terpaksa dirumahkan atau diberikan cuti tanpa diupah. Kondisi ini membuat Bapak I Made Swandita mencoba usaha dengan membuka usaha kuliner Ikan Bakar Khas Jimbaran yang diberi nama Warung Dolpin Lucky 9. Selama ini mitra lebih memfokuskan pemasaran produk ikan bakar khas Jimbarannya dengan memanfaatkan media social seperti Facebook, Instagram dan WhatsApp. Pemasaran dengan memanfaatkan internet sangat cocok diterapkan di era sekarang ini karena sebagian besar masyarakat sudah sangat akrab dengan internet khususnya media social seperti Facebook, Instagram dan WhatsApp. Dalam perkembangannya, usaha Warung Dolpin Lucky 9 belum begitu mengembirakan dan masih mengalami beberapa permasalahan seperti keterbatasan peralatan penunjang proses produksi dan penyimpanan bahan baku, jangkauan pemasaran yang dirasa kurang luas serta keterbatasan dalam manajemen keuangan usaha. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra, tim pengabdian memberikan solusi diantaranya: memberikan bantuan peralatan penunjang proses produksi dan penyimpanan bahan baku, memberikan pelatihan manajemen dan pemasaran online serta memberikan pelatihan laporan keuangan sederhana. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dimulai dari sosialisasi kegiatan, pemberian bantuan peralatan, pelatihan pemasaran online. Selanjutnya tim pengabdian memberikan pelatihan laporan keuangan usaha dan evaluasi terhadap kegiatan yang dilakukan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah peningkatan produktivitas dan pendapatan usaha mitra sebesar 25% disbanding sebelum dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian

    Analysis of non-domestic water needs tourism sector for accuracy of clean water supply system in Gianyar District

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    Gianyar is one of the regencies which are the main tourist destinations in the Province of Bali, with the icon of the Ubud tourism area which is one of the tourist areas which is already very well known in foreign countries. The increase in tourist visits, both domestic and foreign, certainly brings prosperity to the community and also to the government. Fulfillment of all the necessary facilities for the world of tourism should be a serious concern of the government so that tourists feel at home when visiting Gianyar. One very basic factor that needs serious attention is the availability of clean water. So far, the allocation for non-domestic water needs (schools, government, trade, social and tourism) has only been determined based on the percentage of domestic water needs based on the decision of the Directorate General of Human Settlement with an amount of 20-25% of domestic water needs. Looking at the existing conditions in the field and with the development of tourism facilities, it certainly requires a more accurate calculation related to the predetermined percentage of non-domestic water needs


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    Keberadaan sumber daya air  mempunyai arti yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan manusia dalam berbagai aspek. Demikian juga dengan keberadaan mata air mempunyai arti yang sangat penting bagi masyarakat Bali ditinjau dari sisi sosial kemasyarakatan maupun dalam kaitannya dengan kegiatan upacara keagamaan Hindu. Dalam hal ini telah dilakukan langkah-langkah konservasi berupa pengembangan infrastruktur oleh berbagai pihak yang memiliki otoritas  didukung oleh segenap lapisan masyarakat. Mata air Tukad Saba yang terletak di Banjar Perangsada Desa Pering Kecamatan Blahbatauh merupakan mata air yang sampai saat ini masih dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai keperluan seperti keperluan permadian,  sumber mata air alami serta fungsi suci sebagai tempat melakukan aktivitas keagamaan bagi masyarakat yang ada di sekitarnya. Dari pengamatan dan observasi komprehensif yang telah  dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa mata air ini sangat membutuhkan pengembangan infrastruktur seperti pembuatan tempat permandian, perbaikan tangga masuk, peninggian dasar pura beji, perbaikan bacak penampung, pembuatan penyengker dan candi bentar. Usulan pengembangan infrasturktur ini diharapkan memberikan kenyamanan bagi seluruh masyarakat dalam melakukan aktivitas terkait dengan keberadaan mata air Tukad Sab

    Performance analysis of flood control buildings Mati river watershed area

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    The problem of flooding is a classic problem that befalls almost all regions in Indonesia. Likewise, the area in the Mati river watershed is experiencing problems that are not much different. Moreover, with the existing developments, almost all areas in the Mati River watershed have developed into urban settlement areas which have led to land conversion from agricultural land and green open land to other built-up land. The middle and downstream areas in the Mati River watershed are the main tourism areas in Bali such as Seminyak, Legian, Kuta and parts of the West Denpasar District, Denpasar City. These areas are dense settlements which contribute to increased surface runoff in almost all watershed areas. Several areas in the Mati River watershed are flood-prone areas, namely the Padangsambian area, Jalan Pura Demak area, Monang-Maning, Jalan Dewi Sri and areas in East Kuta. Several river improvements have been made to reduce the impact of flooding, namely changing the permanent weir to a mobile weir, normalizing the channel and building a pumping station which aims to reduce the effects of flooding and stagnant water during the rainy season

    Operational analysis of South Bali's integrated regional water company related to the Sidan Dam operational plan

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    The development of the population and the increase in tourist visits to the Province of Bali have had an impact on the increasing need for clean water. Several efforts to increase the amount of raw water have been carried out by the Government through the construction of several infrastructures such as the Titab dam and Tamblang dam in Buleleng and long storage in Petanu and Penet river. However, with the increase in water that continues to increase, the Government is building the Sidan Dam in Badung Regency which can later be utilized by Badung Regency, Denpasar City, Gianyar Regency and Tabanan Regency. The Sidan Dam is one of 65 strategic dam projects in Indonesia which is being carried out in Bali through the Bali Penida River Basin Office with an estimated cost of Rp. 809 billion. This dam has an area of 82.73 hectares located in three regions, namely Badung Regency, Bangli Regency and Gianyar Regency. This dam has a storage capacity of 3.82 million m3 with an estimated raw water discharge that can be provided later at 1,750 liters/second.&nbsp

    Analysis of non domestic water needs in the clean water supply in Badung Regency

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    The need for clean water is generally divided into two groups, namely domestic water needs and non-domestic water needs. Non-domestic water needs are water needs other than for household purposes such as for education, industry, tourism, social and others. In general, the determination of non-domestic water demand is estimated to be around 20-25% of the total domestic water demand. Badung Regency has characteristics as the main tourist area in Bali as evidenced by the existence of 33 tourist destinations, both cultural tourism, natural tourism, artificial tourism and youth tourism. With these characteristics, this study emphasizes the analysis of non-domestic water needs in the tourism sector. The research was conducted by analyzing various factors related to the need for clean water in the tourism sector such as hotel accommodation, tourism support facilities and the number of tourism objects available. The results of this analysis are compared with domestic water needs according to the existing population. The analysis shows that non-domestic water demand for tourism accommodation (hotels, villas and condominium hotels) is 186.76 liters / second, for tourism objects is 7.64 liters / second, restaurants and bars is 24.21 liters / second.&nbsp