12 research outputs found


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    Sistem pertanian di Indonesia berawal dari sistem pertanian lokal yang masih menggunakan budaya dan adat istiadat pada tata cara usahataninya. Namun, seiring dengan berjalannya waktu sistem pertanian di Indonesia sudah mulai bergeser lebih modern dengan meninggalkan budaya dan adat istiadat, penggunaan bahan kimia seperti pupuk dan pestisida juga sudah dilakukan oleh petani untuk membantu meningkatkan produksi padi. Petani di desa Mekarjaya sudah beralih ke sistem pertanian modern, namun masih ada pula petani yang tidak meninggalkan adat dan budaya dalam tata cara usahatani mereka.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pendapatan petani padi sawah sistem pertanian lokal dengan sistem pertanian modern di Desa Mekarjaya. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah inferensial kuantitatif. Sampel sebanyak 70 responden diambil dari populasi menggunakan simple random sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji statistik yaitu Independent sample t – test.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem pertanian lokal dan sistem pertanian modern tidak memiliki perbedaan dari usahataninya. Namun, perbedaan terletak pada tata cara dan adat istiadat yang masih dilakukan petani lokal seperti penggunaan sesajen. Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pendapatan per hektar petani lokal dengan petani modern.Kata Kunci: Pertanian lokal, pertanian modern, padi, , pendapata

    Understanding of Samhanana based on Ayurvedic Concepts

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    In Ayurveda, Daśavida Parīkṣha helps in assessing the patient in all aspects. All Prakṛthyadi examination except Vikṛtaparīkṣa is to assess the Śarīra Bala of a person in a Svasta (Healthy condition). By assessing Svasta condition abnormality easily can be perceived. Saṁhanana is an examination which included Carakācārya in Daśavidaparīkṣha. Saṁhanana can relate with the different Ayurvedic concepts like Praśastha Puruṣa, Vyādhi Kṣamatva, Bala, Prakriti, Dhatu Saratha, Pramana, Guru Vyādhita and Laghu Vyādhita and it can be relate with the some of the modern concepts. This paper aims to understand the Saṁhanana in different aspects

    Combining Microarray Technology and Molecular Epidemiology to Identify Genes Associated with Invasive Group B Streptococcus

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    Many bacterial species function as both commensals and pathogens; we used this dual nature to develop a high-throughput molecular epidemiological approach to identifying bacterial virulence genes. We applied our approach to Group B Streptococcus (GBS). Three representative commensal and one invasive GBS isolates were selected as tester strains from a population-based collection. We used microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization to identify open reading frames (ORFs) present in two sequenced invasive strains, but absent or divergent in tester strains. We screened 23 variable ORFs against 949 GBS isolates using a GBS Library on a Slide (LOS) microarray platform. Four ORFs occurred more frequently in invasive than commensal isolates, and one appeared more frequently in commensal isolates. Comparative hybridization using an oligonucleotide microarray, combined with epidemiologic screening using the LOS microarray platform, enabled rapid identification of bacterial genes potentially associated with pathogenicity

    Comparative evaluation of darbepoetin therapy in non-regenerative anaemia associated with Babesia gibsoni infection in dogs

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    The present study describes a comparative evaluation of haemato-therapeutic response to darbepoetin therapy in non-regenerative anaemia associated with Babesia gibsoni infection in dogs. A total of 68 dogs, presented at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Mannuthy with signs of anaemia, weakness, anorexia and pallor of mucous membranes were screened for nonregenerative anaemia. Twenty dogs with a reticulocyte count of < 60,000/μL, haematocrit of < 30 per cent and positive for B. gibsoni were selected for detailed study. The twenty dogs were divided into two groups of ten animals and were subjected to estimation of complete blood count and analysis of serum protein and iron status. Ten dogs brought to the hospital for vaccination or health check-up served as healthy control. Haematological examination revealed significant anaemia and thrombocytopenia in both the groups. Serum total protein, albumin and total iron binding capacity revealed no difference between diseased groups with the healthy control. Serum iron and percentage transferrin saturation were similar in Group I and II, but significantly higher than healthy control. To compare darbepoetin efficacy, Group I dogs were administered with clindamycin and doxycycline for three weeks, whereas Group II was given with darbepoetin at the dose rate of 0.5 μg/kg body weight at weekly intervals for three weeks in addition to clindamycin-doxycycline as in Group I. Dogs of both groups showed complete remission of clinical signs within 10 days of therapy. Statistical analysis revealed no significant difference in haematological parameters between the treatment groups. It can be concluded from this study that there is no added advantage of darbepoetin therapy over conventional therapies against non-regenerative anaemia associated with B. gibsoni infection in dogs