68 research outputs found

    Aspects of Type I - Type II - Heterotic Triality in Four Dimensions

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    We discuss equivalence between Type I, Type II and Heterotic N=2 superstring theories in four dimensions. We study the effective field theory of Type I models obtained by orientifold reductions of Type IIB compactifications on K3casebytheone−loopcorrectiontothePlanckmassandcanbewrittenasanindexassociatedtotheRamondopenstringsector.ItreceivescontributionsonlyfromN=2BPSstatesthatoriginatefromD=6masslessstringmodes.Weapplythisresulttotheso−calledS−T−UmodelwhichadmitssimultaneousTypeIIandHeteroticdescription,andshowthatallthreeprepotentialsagreeintheappropriatelimitsasexpectedfromthesuperstringtrialityconjecture.WediscussequivalencebetweenTypeI,TypeIIandHeteroticN=2superstringtheoriesinfourdimensions.WestudytheeffectivefieldtheoryofTypeImodelsobtainedbyorientifoldreductionsofTypeIIBcompactificationsonK_3 case by the one-loop correction to the Planck mass and can be written as an index associated to the Ramond open string sector. It receives contributions only from N=2 BPS states that originate from D=6 massless string modes. We apply this result to the so-called S-T-U model which admits simultaneous Type II and Heterotic description, and show that all three prepotentials agree in the appropriate limits as expected from the superstring triality conjecture.We discuss equivalence between Type I, Type II and Heterotic N=2 superstring theories in four dimensions. We study the effective field theory of Type I models obtained by orientifold reductions of Type IIB compactifications on K_3 \times T~2$. We compute the one-loop prepotential which is determined in this case by the one-loop correction to the Planck mass and can be written as an index associated to the Ramond open string sector. It receives contributions only from N=2 BPS states that originate from D=6 massless string modes. We apply this result to the so-called S-T-U model which admits simultaneous Type II and Heterotic description, and show that all three prepotentials agree in the appropriate limits as expected from the superstring triality conjecture.We discuss the equivalence between type I, type II and heterotic N = 2 superstring theories in four dimensions. We study the effective field theory of type I models obtained by orientifold reductions of type IIB compactifications on K 3 × T 2 . We show that the perturbative prepotential is determined by the one-loop corrections to the Planck mass and is associated to an index. As is the case for threshold corrections to gauge couplings, this renormalization is entirely due to N = 2 BPS states that originate from D = 6 massless string modes. We apply our result to the so-called S - T - U model which admits simultaneous type II and heterotic descriptions, and show that all three prepotentials agree in the appropriate limits as expected from the superstring triality conjecture

    Orientifolds of type IIA strings on Calabi-Yau manifolds

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    We identify type IIA orientifolds that are dual to M-theory compactifications on manifolds with G_2-holonomy. We then discuss the construction of crosscap states in Gepner models. (Based on a talk presented by S.G. at PASCOS 2003 held at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai during Jan. 3-8, 2003.)Comment: 3 pages, RevTeX, PASCOS '03 tal

    Massless D-strings and moduli stabilization in type I cosmology

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    We consider the cosmological evolution induced by the free energy F of a gas of maximally supersymmetric heterotic strings at finite temperature and weak coupling in dimension D>=4. We show that F, which plays the role of an effective potential, has minima associated to enhanced gauge symmetries, where all internal moduli can be attracted and dynamically stabilized. Using the fact that the heterotic/type I S-duality remains valid at finite temperature and can be applied at each instant of a quasi-static evolution, we find in the dual type I cosmology that all internal NS-NS and RR moduli in the closed string sector and the Wilson lines in the open string sector can be stabilized. For the special case of D=6, the internal volume modulus remains a flat direction, while the dilaton is stabilized. An essential role is played by light D-string modes wrapping the internal manifold and whose contribution to the free energy cannot be omitted, even when the type I string is at weak coupling. As a result, the order of magnitude of the internal radii expectation values on the type I side is (lambda_I alpha')^{1/2}, where lambda_I is the ten-dimensional string coupling. The non-perturbative corrections to the type I free energy can alternatively be described as effects of "thermal E1-instantons", whose worldsheets wrap the compact Euclidean time cycle.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figur

    Cosmological Phases of the String Thermal Effective Potential

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    In a superstring framework, the free energy density, F, can be determined unambiguously at the full string level once supersymmetry is spontaneously broken via geometrical fluxes. We show explicitly that only the moduli associated to the supersymmetry breaking may give relevant contributions. All other spectator moduli \mu_I give exponentially suppressed contributions for relatively small (as compared to the string scale) temperature, T, and supersymmetry breaking scale, M. More concisely, for \mu_I > T and M, F takes the form F(T,M; \mu_I)=F(T,M)+O[exp(- {\mu_I\over T}), exp(- {\mu_I\over M})] We study the cosmological regime where T and M are below the Hagedorn temperature scale T_H. In this regime, F remains finite for any values of the spectator moduli \mu_I. We investigate extensively the case of one spectator modulus \mu_d corresponding to R_d, the radius-modulus field of an internal compactified dimension. We show that its thermal effective potential admits five phases, each of which can be described by a distinct but different effective field theory. For late cosmological times, the Universe is attracted to a "Radiation-like evolution" with M(t) ~ T(t)~ 1/a(t)~ t^{-2/d}. The spectator modulus \mu(t) is stabilized either to the stringy enhanced symmetry point where R_d=1, or fixed at an arbitrary constant \mu_0>T,M. For arbitrary boundary conditions at some initial time, t_E, \mu(t) may pass through more than one effective field theory phase before its final attraction.Comment: 60 pages, 1 figur

    Non-perturbative orientifold transitions at the conifold

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    After orientifold projection, the conifold singularity in hypermultiplet moduli space of Calabi-Yau compactifications cannot be avoided by geometric deformations. We study the non-perturbative fate of this singularity in a local model involving O6-planes and D6-branes wrapping the deformed conifold in Type IIA string theory. We classify possible A-type orientifolds of the deformed conifold and find that they cannot all be continued to the small resolution. When passing through the singularity on the deformed side, the O-plane charge generally jumps by the class of the vanishing cycle. To decide which classical configurations are dynamically connected, we construct the quantum moduli space by lifting the orientifold to M-theory as well as by looking at the superpotential. We find a rich pattern of smooth and phase transitions depending on the total sixbrane charge. Non-BPS states from branes wrapped on non-supersymmetric bolts are responsible for a phase transition. We also clarify the nature of a Z_2 valued D0-brane charge in the 6-brane background. Along the way, we obtain a new metric of G_2 holonomy corresponding to an O6-plane on the three sphere of the deformed conifold.Comment: 76 pages, references adde

    Polarization and magnetization dynamics of a field-driven multiferroic structure

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    We consider a multiferroic chain with a linear magnetoelectric coupling induced by the electrostatic screening at the ferroelectric/ferromagnet interface. We study theoretically the dynamic ferroelectric and magnetic response to external magnetic and electric fields by utilizing an approach based on coupled Landau- Khalatnikov and finite-temperature Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations. Additionally, we compare with Monte Carlo calculations. It is demonstrated that for material parameters corresponding to BaTiO3/Fe the polarization and the magnetization are controllable by external magnetic and electric fields respectively

    Type IIA Orientifold Limit of M-Theory on Compact Joyce 8-Manifold of Spin(7)-Holonomy

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    We show that M-theory compactified on a compact Joyce 8-manifold of Spin(7)Spin(7)-holonomy, which yields an effective theory in D=3D = 3 with N\N = 1 supersymmetry, admits at some special points in it moduli space a description in terms of type IIA theory on an orientifold of compact Joyce 7-manifold of G2G_2-holonomy. We find the evidence in favour of this duality by computing the massless spectra on both M-thory side and type IIA side. For the latter, we compute the massless spectra by going to the orbifold limit of the Joyce 7-manifold.Comment: 26 pages, 2 eps figures, Latex file, two references and one footnote added, corrected some typo

    Cohomogeneity One Manifolds of Spin(7) and G(2) Holonomy

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    In this paper, we look for metrics of cohomogeneity one in D=8 and D=7 dimensions with Spin(7) and G_2 holonomy respectively. In D=8, we first consider the case of principal orbits that are S^7, viewed as an S^3 bundle over S^4 with triaxial squashing of the S^3 fibres. This gives a more general system of first-order equations for Spin(7) holonomy than has been solved previously. Using numerical methods, we establish the existence of new non-singular asymptotically locally conical (ALC) Spin(7) metrics on line bundles over \CP^3, with a non-trivial parameter that characterises the homogeneous squashing of CP^3. We then consider the case where the principal orbits are the Aloff-Wallach spaces N(k,\ell)=SU(3)/U(1), where the integers k and \ell characterise the embedding of U(1). We find new ALC and AC metrics of Spin(7) holonomy, as solutions of the first-order equations that we obtained previously in hep-th/0102185. These include certain explicit ALC metrics for all N(k,\ell), and numerical and perturbative results for ALC families with AC limits. We then study D=7 metrics of G2G_2 holonomy, and find new explicit examples, which, however, are singular, where the principal orbits are the flag manifold SU(3)/(U(1)\times U(1)). We also obtain numerical results for new non-singular metrics with principal orbits that are S^3\times S^3. Additional topics include a detailed and explicit discussion of the Einstein metrics on N(k,\ell), and an explicit parameterisation of SU(3).Comment: Latex, 60 pages, references added, formulae corrected and additional discussion on the asymptotic flow of N(k,l) cases adde

    Partial breaking of global D=4 supersymmetry, constrained superfields, and 3-brane actions

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    We show that the connection between partial breaking of supersymmetry and nonlinear actions is not accidental and has to do with constraints that lead directly to nonlinear actions of the Born-Infeld type. We develop a constrained superfield approach that gives a universal way of deriving and using these actions. In particular, we find the manifestly supersymmetric form of the action of the 3-brane in 6-dimensional space in terms of N=1 superfields by using the tensor multiplet as a tool. We explain the relation between the Born-Infeld action and the model of partial N=2 supersymmetry breaking by a dual D-term. We represent the Born-Infeld action in a novel form quadratic in the gauge field strengths by introducing two auxiliary complex scalar fields; this makes duality covariance and the connection with the N=1 supersymmetric extension of the action very transparent. We also suggest a general procedure for deriving manifestly duality symmetric actions, explaining in a systematic way relations between previously discussed Lorentz covariant and noncovariant actions.Comment: 28 pages, harvmac. v4: a mistake in eq.(3.24) (pointed out by S. Kuzenko) correcte
