6,182 research outputs found

    Algoritma matching bobot maskimum dalam graph bipartit komplit berboto

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    ABSTRAK Suatu matching dalam graph G adalah subgraph 1-regular pada G yang disebabkan oleh kumpulan dart pasangan garis yang tidak adjacent. Suatu matching merupakan matching maksimum bila matching tersebut mempunyai harga pokok maksimum. Matching dalam graph bipartit merupakan matching maksimum apabila tidak adanya path perluasart yang berkenaan dengan matching tersebut. Matching yang mempunyai bobot maksimum disebut matching bobot maksimum. Matching bobot maksimum dalam graph bipartit komplit berbobot diperoleh dengan mencari matching maksimum dalam subgraph pada graph bipartit komplit berbobot, kemudian dibangun sampai didapatkan matching perfek atau setiap titik dalam V merupakan titik matched. A matching in a graph G is a 1-regular subgraph of G, that is, a subgraph induced _by a collection of pairwise nonadjacent edges. A matching is called maximum matching if the matching have maximum cardinality. A matching in a bipartite graphs is a maximum matching if there exists no augmenting path. A matching in which the sum of the weights of maximum its edges is called maximum weight matching. A maximum weight matching in weighted complete bipartite graphs is got to find maximum matching in subgraph to weighted complete bipartite graphs, further its construct to arrived is got perfec matching or each vertex in V is matched vertex


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    The heat transfer Biot number has a key role in studying transient heat transfer. In prin- ciple an analogous mass transfer Biot number can be derived for transient mass transfer. Substituting that mass transfer Biot number for the heat transfer Biot number all the re- sults and statements of transient heat transfer are valid for transient mass transfer. In our experience the mass transfer Biot number used in the relevant literature for that aim does not give similarity between the two transfer processes. Using a simple model it was shown that three mass transfer Biot numbers can be derived: the fluid-phase, the solid-phase and the analogous mass transfer Biot number. In the relevant literature the fluid-phase mass transfer Biot number is predominantly used which does not give similarity between the two processes. The solid-phase mass transfer Biot number gives a limited similarity of the two processes because of the limited boundary condition used at the interface. The mass transfer Biot number based on the equilibrium conception at the interface gives a general similarity. This assumes only equilibrium at the interface for both processes, consequently it handles the two transfer processes on the same basis

    Illiberal and Populist Political Narratives on Gender and Underreporting of Sexual Violence: A Case Study of Hungary

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    Sexual violence is underreported all over the world. In this article, I argue that democratic backsliding undermines the reporting of sexual violence even further. The author's team conducted in-depth interviews (n = 15) with representatives of civil society organizations, victims' services, clinical practitioners, and child and family welfare in Hungary in 2017 and 2018, in search of organizational and structural causes to why sexual violence remains vastly underreported in the country with the least reported case numbers in Europe. The small but diverse sample helped identify associations between the reporting of sexual violence and repressive, gender-related political decisions such as threatening the existence of civil organizations undertaking victim support roles and providing victim services, a family-centered political narrative, and confining women’s roles solely for reproductive purposes. It is not possible to maintain causation since there are other factors interfering the association. Thus, instead of discussing it as a single cause of underreporting sexual violence, I present the Hungarian case to illustrate the consequences of illiberal politics on reporting. Furthermore, utilizing Slovič's risk-benefit model, I argue that recent products of illiberal politics such as politicizing "gender" undermine trust, a precondition of asking for help and providing support for victims of sexual violence

    Actual Policing in Virtual Reality - A Cause of Moral Panic or a Justified Need?

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    Background:Covid-19 can spread from person to person people through splashes from the nose or mouth which comes out when people who contract Covid-19 cough or exhale. People most at risk contracting this disease is a person who is in close contact with Covid-19 patients including those who treat. Objective:Covid-19 has been declared a pandemic world by WHO (WHO, 2020). Nationally it has been specified status of disaster emergency outbreak of disease due to Coronavirus in Indonesia.Method:The design of this study is a cross-sectional study with non-sampling techniques probability sampling is purposive sampling. Sample in this study, there were 50 people.Result: the results of the study showed that many respondents have a good knowledge category 44 people, and have positive behavior that's as many as 40 people. Next, the results of the analysis using fisher's exact test obtained results p = 0.000 (< 0.05) which means there is a relationship between knowledge and behavior of the community in applying social distance as a precautionary measure Covid-19.Conclusion:From the results of the study it can be concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge and community behavior in applying social distance as one of the Covid-19 prevention measures in Bawalipu Villag


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuihubungan antara bimbingan kelompok dengan motivasi belajar siswa kelas VIII SMP N 1 Pajangan, Bantul Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP N 1 Pajangan, Bantul Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016 yang berjumlah 150 siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebesar 60 anak dengan menggunakan teknik quotarandom sampling. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah metode angket. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket. Teknik analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi product moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara bimbingan kelompok dengan motivasi belajar siswa kelas VIII SMP N 1 Pajangan, Bantul Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016 dengan mengetahui harga rhitung sebesar 0,563 dengan p = 0,000 (taraf signifikansi 5%). Dengan demikian semakin efektifpelaksanaan bimbingan kelompok maka semakin tinggi motivasi belajar siswa, sebaliknya semakin kurang pelaksanaan bimbingan kelompok maka motivasi belajar siswa akan semakin rendah. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa dengan bimbingan kelompok yang efektif akan meningkatkan pemahaman potensi diri siswa dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa yang baik. Diharapkan sekolah dan guru BK mampu mendukung dan meningkatkan pelaksanaan bimbingan kelompok melalui berbagai program kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa

    Ensuring freedoms and protecting rights in the governance of the Internet : a comparative analysis of blocking measures and Internet Providers’ Removal of Illegal Internet Content

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    Removing illegal or harmful material from the internet has been pursued for more than two decades. The advent of Web 2.0, with the prominent increase and diffusion of user-generated content, amplifies the necessity for technical and legal frameworks enabling the removal of illegal material from the network. This study deals with different levels and methods of Internet ‘cleansing’ measures, comparing government regulated and Internet service provider based removals of illegal Internet content. The paper aims at putting the regulatory option of internet blocking measures into the broader perspective of the legal framework regulating the (exemption from) liability of Intermediary Service Providers (ISPs) for user-generated contents. In addition, the paper suggests proposals on which regulatory options can better ensure the respect of freedoms and the protection of rights. The paper introduces several significant cases of blocking online copyright infringing materials. Copyright related blocking techniques have been devised for business reasons – by copyright holders’ associations. It must be recalled, however, that these blocking actions cannot be enforced without the states’ intervention. These business-level actions become isolated if they are not supported by both the European Union and its Member States. Conversely, state-centred initiatives cannot work out without the private sector’s cooperation. Internet service providers play a crucial role in this cooperative framework because of their task of providing access to the Internet and hosting web contents

    Cultural Rights v. Species Protection: A case study of pacific leatherback sea turtles

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    The leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), sometimes called the lute turtle, is the largest of all living turtles. It is the fourth- heaviest modern reptile behind three crocodilians. These species are categorized as critically endangered under the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. These turtles avail pro- tection under the Convention on Illicit Trade in Endangered Species (CITES); a treaty enacted to protect wildlife against over-exploita- tion and with an aim to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. The said treaty is applicable to species in general unless a specific exception applies. However, inasmuch as these turtles are concerned, it pro- hibits all trade for “primarily commercial purposes”. The reproduc- tion rate of these turtles is extremely low and their nesting beaches are un-protected. As a corollary, many perpetrators, like various communities of ‘peoples’ consume their eggs. In addition to the wide- spread consumption of turtle eggs in Mexico, the indigenous Seri In- dians also used leatherback sea turtles during important cultural cer- emonies. Moreover, these turtles are killed as a ‘by-catch’ while shrimps are caught within shrimp nets for the fisheries industry. The killing of these turtles disrupts the oceanic food chain as they feed on jellyfish, which if increases, could reduce the population of commercially viable fish. The entire debate which emanates here is that, although various communities of “peoples” have a cultural right to self-determination under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the rights of fishing these turtles beyond their territories is prohibited by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD). This paper endeavors to analyze the applicability of these conventions to the situation at hand, along with the efforts made by var- ious countries in their domestic legislations to conserve these turtles and their nesting beaches. The bone of contention which also comes to the fore here is the question of ‘who has the right to conserve these turtles?’, considering that these turtles have extraterritorial move- ments and any conservation measures can only possibly be taken in the high seas. The paper also tries to address the said pertinent issue
