68 research outputs found

    Meta-analysis fine-mapping is often miscalibrated at single-variant resolution

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    Funding Information: We acknowledge all the participants and researchers of the 23 biobanks that have contributed to the GBMI. Biobank-specific acknowledgments are included in the Data S3 . We thank H. Huang, A.R. Martin, B.M. Neale, Y. Okada, K. Tsuo, J.C. Ulirsch, Y. Wang, and all the members of Finucane and Daly labs for their helpful feedback. M.K. was supported by a Nakajima Foundation Fellowship and the Masason Foundation . H.K.F. was funded by NIH grant DP5 OD024582 . Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)Meta-analysis is pervasively used to combine multiple genome-wide association studies (GWASs). Fine-mapping of meta-analysis studies is typically performed as in a single-cohort study. Here, we first demonstrate that heterogeneity (e.g., of sample size, phenotyping, imputation) hurts calibration of meta-analysis fine-mapping. We propose a summary statistics-based quality-control (QC) method, suspicious loci analysis of meta-analysis summary statistics (SLALOM), that identifies suspicious loci for meta-analysis fine-mapping by detecting outliers in association statistics. We validate SLALOM in simulations and the GWAS Catalog. Applying SLALOM to 14 meta-analyses from the Global Biobank Meta-analysis Initiative (GBMI), we find that 67% of loci show suspicious patterns that call into question fine-mapping accuracy. These predicted suspicious loci are significantly depleted for having nonsynonymous variants as lead variant (2.7×; Fisher's exact p = 7.3 × 10−4). We find limited evidence of fine-mapping improvement in the GBMI meta-analyses compared with individual biobanks. We urge extreme caution when interpreting fine-mapping results from meta-analysis of heterogeneous cohorts.Peer reviewe

    Serine 62-Phosphorylated MYC Associates with Nuclear Lamins and Its Regulation by CIP2A Is Essential for Regenerative Proliferation

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    An understanding of the mechanisms determining MYC's transcriptional and proliferation-promoting activities in vivo could facilitate approaches for MYC targeting. However, post-translational mechanisms that control MYC function in vivo are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that MYC phosphorylation at serine 62 enhances MYC accumulation on Lamin A/C-associated nuclear structures and that the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) inhibitor protein CIP2A is required for this process. CIP2A is also critical for serum-induced MYC phosphorylation and for MYC-elicited proliferation induction in vitro. Complementary transgenic approaches and an intestinal regeneration model further demonstrated the in vivo importance of CIP2A and serine 62 phosphorylation for MYC activity upon DNA damage. However, targeting of CIP2A did not influence the normal function of intestinal crypt cells. These data underline the importance of nuclear organization in the regulation of MYC phosphorylation, leading to an in vivo demonstration of a strategy for inhibiting MYC activity without detrimental physiological effects.Peer reviewe

    Global Biobank Meta-analysis Initiative : Powering genetic discovery across human disease

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    Funding Information: The work of the contributing biobanks was supported by numerous grants from governmental and charitable bodies. Biobank-specific acknowledgments and more detailed acknowledgments are included in Data S2. Initiative management, S.B.C. J.C. N.J.C. M.J.D. E.E.K. A.R.M. B.M.N. Y.O. A.V.P. D.A.v.H. R.G.W. C.J.W. W.Z. and S.Z.; individual biobank analysis, A.B. Y.B. B.M.B. C.D.B. S.C. T.-T.C. K.C. S.M.D. M.D. G.H.d.B. Y.D. N.J.D. M.-J.F. Y.-C.A.F. S.F. V.L.F. L.G.F. E.R.G. T.R.G. D.H.G. C.R.G. G.G.-A. S.E.G. L.A.G. C.H. J.B.H. W.E.H. H.H. K.H. N.I. A.I. R.J. M. Kurki, J.K. N.K. E.E.K. J.T.K. M. Kanai, T.L. K.L. M.H.L. S.L. K.L. Y.-F.L. V.L.F. R.J.F.L. E.A.L.-M. A.R.-M. S.M.-G. R.M. R.E.M. H.C.M. A.R.M. Y.M. H.M. S.E.M. I.Y.M. B.M. S.M. K.N. S.N. M.A.N.-A. K.N. Y.O. P.P. A.L.-P. A.P. B.P. S.P. M.H.P. D.J.R. N.R. M.D.R. A.R. C.S. S.S. S.S.S. J.A.S. P.S. I.S. T.T. R.T. K.T. J.U. D.A.v.H. B.V. M.V. Y.V. J.M.V. R.G.W. Y.W. S.J.W. B.N.W. K.-H.H.W. M.Z. X.Z. and S.Z.; individual biobank management, N.A. A.A.T. K.M.A.-D. P.A. K.C.B. M. Boehnke, M. Boezen, C.D.B. A.C. Z.C. C.-Y.C. J.C. N.J.C. S.M.D. S.F. Y.-C.A.F. S.F. E.F. T.G. C.R.G. C.J.G. Y.G. H.H. K.A.H. K.H. S.I.I. N.M.J. N.K. E.E.K. J.T.K. C.L. M.H.L. M.T.M.L. L.L. K.L. Y.-F.L. R.J.F.L. J.L. S.M. Y.M. K.M. I.Y.M. Y.O. C.M.O. A.V.P. B.P. D.J.P. D.J.R. M.D.R. S.S. J.W.S. H.S. K.S. T.T. U.T. R.C.T. D.A.v.H. M.V. R.G.W. D.C.W. C.W. J.W. M.Z. X.Z. and S.Z.; study design and interpretation of results, A.B. M. Boehnke, M. Boezen, B.M.B. T.-T.C. C.-Y.C. M.J.D. G.D.S. N.J.D. S.F. M.-J.F. H.K.F. E.R.G. A.G. T.G. J.B.H. J.H. K.H. R.J. M.K. E.E.K. T.K. C.M.L. V.L.F. E.A.L.-M. A.R.M. S.N. B.M.N. C.M.O. J.J.P. B.P. N.R. H.R. J.A.S. I.S. K.T. D.A.v.H. R.G.W. Y.W. D.C.W. S.J.W. C.J.W. B.N.W. J.W. K.-H.H.W. M.Z. H.Z. J.Z. W.Z. X.Z. and S.Z.; drafted and edited the paper, A.B. M. Boehnke, M. Boezen, M.J.D. G.H.d.B. N.J.D. T.R.G. J.B.H. N.I. N.M.J. M.K. V.L.F. S.M. A.R.M. H.M. S.N. B.M.N. C.M.O. B.P. H.R. C.S. J.A.S. J.W.S. K.T. Y.W. D.C.W. C.J.W. K.-H.H.W. H.Z. J.Z. W.Z. and S.Z.; primary meta-analysis and quality control, M.J.D. H.K.F. M. Kanai, J.K. J.T.K. M. Kurki, M.M. B.M.N. C.J.W. K.-H.H.W. and W.Z.; drug discovery: S.N. T.K. K.-H.H.W. W.Z. and Y.O.; fine mapping, M. Kanai, W.Z. M.J.D. and H.K.F.; polygenic risk score, Y.W. S.N. E.A.L.-M. S.K. K.T. K.L. M. Kanai, W.Z. K.W. M.-J.F. L.B. P.A. P.D. V.L.F. R.M. Y.M. B.B. S.S. J.U. E.R.G. N.J.C. I.S. Y.O. A.R.M. and J.B.H.; proteome-wide Mendelian randomization, H.Z. H.R. A.B. G.H. G.D.S. B.M.B. W.Z. B.M.N. T.R.G. and J.Z.; transcriptome-wide association study, A.B. J.B.H. W.Z. J.Z. M. Kanai, B.P. E.R.G. and N.J.C.; asthma, K.T. W.Z. Y.W. M. Kanai, S.N. Y.O. B.M.N. M.J.D. and A.R.M.; heart failure, K.-H.H.W. N.J.D. B.N.W. I.S. S.E.G. J.B.H. N.J.C. M.P. R.J.F.L. M.J.D. B.M.N. W.Z. W.E.H. and C.J.W.; idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, J.J.P. W.Z. M.J.D. J.T.K. N.J.C. and J.B.H.; primary open-angle glaucoma, V.L.F. A.B. W.Z. Y.W. K.L. M. Kanai, E.A.L.-M. P.S. R.T. X.Z. S.N. S.S. Y.O. N.I. S.M. H.S. I.S. C.W. A.R.M. E.R.G. N.M.J. N.J.C. and J.B.H.; stroke, I.S. K.-H.H.W. W.H. B.N.W. W.Z. J.E.H. A.P. B.B. A.H.S. M.E.G. R.G.W. K.H. C.K. S.Z. M.J.D. B.M.N. and C.J.W.; venous thromboembolism, B.N.W. I.S. K.-H.H.W. B.B. V.L.F. K.T. M.D. B.N. W.Z. J.A.S. and C.J.W. All authors reviewed the manuscript. M.J.D. is a founder of Maze Therapeutics. B.M.N. is a member of the scientific advisory board at Deep Genomics and a consultant for Camp4 Therapeutics, Takeda Pharmaceutical, and Biogen. The spouse of C.J.W. works at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. C.-Y.C. is employed by Biogen. C.R.G. owns stock in 23andMe, Inc. T.R.G. has received research funding from various pharmaceutical companies to support the application of Mendelian randomization to drug target prioritization. E.E.K. has received speaker fees from Regeneron, Illumina, and 23andMe and is a member of the advisory board for Galateo Bio. R.E.M. has received speaker fees from Illumina and is a scientific advisor to the Epigenetic Clock Development Foundation. G.D.S. has received research funding from various pharmaceutical companies to support the application of Mendelian randomization to drug target prioritization. K.S. and U.T. are employed by deCODE Genetics/Amgen, Inc. J.Z. has received research funding from various pharmaceutical companies to support the application of Mendelian randomization to drug target prioritization. S.M. is a co-founder of and holds stock in Seonix Bio. Publisher Copyright: © 2022Biobanks facilitate genome-wide association studies (GWASs), which have mapped genomic loci across a range of human diseases and traits. However, most biobanks are primarily composed of individuals of European ancestry. We introduce the Global Biobank Meta-analysis Initiative (GBMI)—a collaborative network of 23 biobanks from 4 continents representing more than 2.2 million consented individuals with genetic data linked to electronic health records. GBMI meta-analyzes summary statistics from GWASs generated using harmonized genotypes and phenotypes from member biobanks for 14 exemplar diseases and endpoints. This strategy validates that GWASs conducted in diverse biobanks can be integrated despite heterogeneity in case definitions, recruitment strategies, and baseline characteristics. This collaborative effort improves GWAS power for diseases, benefits understudied diseases, and improves risk prediction while also enabling the nomination of disease genes and drug candidates by incorporating gene and protein expression data and providing insight into the underlying biology of human diseases and traits.Peer reviewe

    Global Biobank Meta-analysis Initiative:Powering genetic discovery across human disease

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    Biobanks facilitate genome-wide association studies (GWASs), which have mapped genomic loci across a range of human diseases and traits. However, most biobanks are primarily composed of individuals of European ancestry. We introduce the Global Biobank Meta-analysis Initiative (GBMI)—a collaborative network of 23 biobanks from 4 continents representing more than 2.2 million consented individuals with genetic data linked to electronic health records. GBMI meta-analyzes summary statistics from GWASs generated using harmonized genotypes and phenotypes from member biobanks for 14 exemplar diseases and endpoints. This strategy validates that GWASs conducted in diverse biobanks can be integrated despite heterogeneity in case definitions, recruitment strategies, and baseline characteristics. This collaborative effort improves GWAS power for diseases, benefits understudied diseases, and improves risk prediction while also enabling the nomination of disease genes and drug candidates by incorporating gene and protein expression data and providing insight into the underlying biology of human diseases and traits.</p

    Lifetime measurements of excited states in ¹⁶³W and the implications for the anomalous B(E2) ratios in transitional nuclei

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    This letter reports lifetime measurements of excited states in the odd-N nucleus 163W using the recoil-distance Doppler shift method to probe the core polarising effect of the i13/2 neutron orbital on the underlying soft triaxial even-even core. The ratio B(E2:21/2⁺ → 17/2⁺)/B(E2:17/2⁺ → 13/2⁺) is consistent with the predictions of the collective rotational model. The deduced B(E2) values provide insights into the validity of collective model predictions for heavy transitional nuclei and a geometric origin for the anomalous B(E2) ratios observed in nearby even-even nuclei is proposed

    Etiopathology and treatment-related aspects of hip fracture

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    Abstract Hip fracture is a trauma with serious consequences, especially in the elderly. Etiological factors should be known better than nowadays to recognize the individuals at high risk. Also, the treatment of displaced femoral neck fractures has been controversial, and the factors leading to a functional outcome are not known well. The true impact of deep infection on the outcome after hip fracture surgery has also been insufficiently examined. The thesis is based on two etiological studies. In the first study, the geometrical parameters of the upper femur and pelvis in postmenopausal women with hip fracture were (n=70) compared to age-adjusted controls (n=40). Measurements were made from position-standardized and calibrated pelvic plain x-rays. The differences between the two different types of hip fracture, femoral neck fractures (n=46) and trochanteric fractures (n=24) were also defined. High femoral neck/shaft angle (NSA), thin femoral cortices, low femoral shaft diameter (FSD) and trochanter width and the pelvic dimensions associate strongly with the hip fracture risk in postmenopausal women. Greater NSA, smallest outer pelvic diameter and acetabular width, narrower FSD and smaller femoral neck/shaft cortex ratio were associated with femoral neck fracture rather than trochanteric fracture in postmenopausal women. In the second study, lifetime factors, some bone metabolism markers and bone mineral density were analyzed from postmenopausal women (n=74; 49 with femoral neck fracture, 25 with trochanteric fracture) and age-adjusted controls (n=40). Impaired functional ability, use of loop diuretics, antidiabetic, antidepressant and neuroleptic drugs, some concurrent diseases, such as stroke, diabetes, malignancy, cardiovascular diseases, low bone mineral density of the upper femur, low serum calcium, low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and high serum calcitonin, seem to be related to the risk of hip fracture, while low bone mineral density and low serum calcitonin are related to the trochanteric type of fracture in postmenopausal women. The treatment of displaced femoral fractures included two prospective case-control studies, and the first of these involved a comparison (357 matched pairs) of patients with osteosynthesis (OS) with two pins in Lund and patients with uncemented hemiarthroplasty (HA) in Oulu. The patients treated with OS had 4 months after fracture better ambulatory capacity, used walking aids less often and had less pain than the patients treated with HA. The other comparison (84 matched pairs) was made between OS with three screws and uncemented HA, and it revealed no significant differences between HA and OS in the short-term functional outcome. Both studies revealed a higher re-operation rate in OS patients than uncemented HA patients. The case-control study with 29 matched pairs showed that deep infection after a hip fracture operation impairs the short-term functional outcome and slightly increases mortality, with an attributable mortality rate of 10 %. In conclusion, this thesis suggests that the geometry of the upper femur and pelvis, the aforesaid lifetime factors, the aforesaid metabolism markers and bone mineral density are associated with the etiopathology and type of hip fracture in postmenopausal women. The short-term functional outcome was better in OS patients treated with two pins compared to uncemented HA, but the higher re-operation rate should be considered among the OS patients. Deep infection is a serious complication of hip fracture surgery, which impairs function and increases mortality

    Ice-breaking tourism and local resilience building

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    Abstract This study focuses on local ice-breaking tourism initiatives in Kemi (Finland), Mombetsu (Japan), and Abashiri (Japan). It adds to research on winter and cruise tourism and analyzes multiscalar challenges—ranging from the global warming and COVID-19 pandemic to dependency on local governmental support—threatening the future of tourism dependent on frozen maritime conditions and vulnerable to changing climate conditions. As the case study cities have invested significantly in tourism built around the uncontrollable natural phenomenon, changes in this industry can lead to substantial spillover effects in the surrounding communities. This qualitative comparative research is based on extensive fieldwork and utilizes the concept of resilience to discuss the means of responding to existing and predicted disturbances. The results of this study show that the recent adaptation and resiliency-building strategies have focused on searching for alternative use of old, new, and renovated ice-breaking vessels, attraction of new types of (often domestic) visitors, and development of activities and facilities that are less sensitive to seasonal variation and climate change. While introducing new local ideas concerning ecological and educational tourism, e-tourism, and community-oriented tourism, this article contributes to the understanding of resilience-building processes in tourism


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