345 research outputs found

    Critical phenomena and quantum phase transition in long range Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chains

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    Antiferromagnetic Hamiltonians with short-range, non-frustrating interactions are well-known to exhibit long range magnetic order in dimensions, d2d\geq 2 but exhibit only quasi long range order, with power law decay of correlations, in d=1 (for half-integer spin). On the other hand, non-frustrating long range interactions can induce long range order in d=1. We study Hamiltonians in which the long range interactions have an adjustable amplitude lambda, as well as an adjustable power-law 1/xα1/|x|^\alpha, using a combination of quantum Monte Carlo and analytic methods: spin-wave, large-N non-linear sigma model, and renormalization group methods. We map out the phase diagram in the lambda-alpha plane and study the nature of the critical line separating the phases with long range and quasi long range order. We find that this corresponds to a novel line of critical points with continuously varying critical exponents and a dynamical exponent, z<1.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures. RG flow added. Final version to appear in JSTA

    Natural polymorphisms of HIV type 2 pol sequences from drug-naive individuals

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    Until today, the susceptibility of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) to protease and nucleosidic reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (PI and NRTI, respectively) has not been clearly documented. In this report we studied HIV-2 proviral sequences (n = 30) from drug-naive patients. Our results revealed that several amino acid positions in the protease and reverse transcriptase coding sequence harbored residues that have been associated with drug resistance in HIV-1-infected patients. In particular, the M46I substitution in the protease was detected in 90% of the sequences analyzed, which, together with the other substitutions identified, may indicate a reduced susceptibility of HIV-2-infected drug-naive patients to PI. Furthermore, interpretation of genotypic data with four available algorithms, developed for interpretation of HIV-1 sequence data, suggested nonoverlapping profiles of drug resistance


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    Um felídeo de 14 anos europeu comum foi apresentado à consulta com história clínica de 1 mês de diminuição de apetite, halitose e deformação facial. O seu estado imunitário foi negativo para FIV e FELV. Os resultados hematológicos e bioquímicos revelaram apenas um aumento de globulinas séricas e a punção aspirativa de agulha fina revelou linfoma localizado sem sinais de envolvimento sistémico nos exames complementares. A cirurgia foi recomendada e consistiu em maxilectomia rostral unilateral, excisão labial, enxerto labial de avanço e colocação de tubo esofágico. O resultado histopatológico revelou linfoma de baixo índice mitótico e os exames imunohistoquímicos revelaram positividade ao marcador CD79a, um marcador de células B. O tumor foi classificado em Estádio I pelo sistema de estadiamento de linfoma felino. Apesar dos resultados histopatológicos sugerirem uma resposta pobre à quimioterapia, iniciou-se um protocolo terapêutico com ciclofosfamida, vincristina e prednisolona. Dois meses após o diagnóstico e seis semanas após início de quimioterapia o animal revelou anorexia e no exame ecográfico de controlo foram detectadas metástases. O gato foi hospitalizado e morreu uma semana depois. O prognóstico de linfoma localizado no gato é desconhecido devido à sua rara ocorrência. Está recomendado o controlo local do tumor com cirurgia ou radioterapia combinadas ou não com quimioterapia. Apesar da sobrevivência do animal ter sido breve após o tratamento cirúrgico os proprietários ficaram satisfeitos com o aumento de qualidade de vida após cirurgia

    Epidemias severas da Ferrugem Polissora do milho, na região Sul do Brasil, na safra 2009/2010.

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    bitstream/item/44165/1/Epidemias-severas.pdfPublicado também na Agrosoft Brasil, 13 dez. 2010 e na Revista do Produtor Rural, ano 4, n. 22, p. 41-43, nov./dez. 2010

    The population genomics of archaeological transition in west Iberia: Investigation of ancient substructure using imputation and haplotype-based methods

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    We analyse new genomic data (0.05–2.95x) from 14 ancient individuals from Portugal distributed from the Middle Neolithic (4200–3500 BC) to the Middle Bronze Age (1740–1430 BC) and impute genomewide diploid genotypes in these together with published ancient Eurasians. While discontinuity is evident in the transition to agriculture across the region, sensitive haplotype-based analyses suggest a significant degree of local hunter-gatherer contribution to later Iberian Neolithic populations. A more subtle genetic influx is also apparent in the Bronze Age, detectable from analyses including haplotype sharing with both ancient and modern genomes, D-statistics and Y-chromosome lineages. However, the limited nature of this introgression contrasts with the major Steppe migration turnovers within third Millennium northern Europe and echoes the survival of non-Indo-European language in Iberia. Changes in genomic estimates of individual height across Europe are also associated with these major cultural transitions, and ancestral components continue to correlate with modern differences in stature