14 research outputs found

    Effects of aquatic exercises for women with rheumatoid arthritis: a 12-week intervention in a quasi-experimental study with pain as a mediator of depression

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    Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by low physical fitness, pain, and depression. The present study aimed to examine the effects of a supervised aquatic exercise program on physical fitness, depression, and pain in women with RA and determine whether decreases in pain mediate depression. Methods: Forty-three women with RA, divided into an experimental group (EG; n = 21) and a control group (CG; n = 23), participated in a 12-week exercise program. Treatment effects were calculated via standardized difference or effect size (ES) using ANCOVA adjusted for baseline values (ES, 95% confidence interval (CI)). A simple panel of mediation was executed to determine whether changes in pain mediated improvements in depression after controlling for confounding variables, such as age, physical activity, and body mass index (BMI). Results: The aquatic exercise program had trivial and small effects on physical fitness, large effects on pain, and moderate effects on depression. The mediation model confirmed the indirect effect of pain on the decrease of depression in the participants of the aquatic exercise program. Conclusions: Participants with RA in the aquatic exercise program experienced improvements in physical fitness, depression, and joint pain. Moreover, the improvements in joint pain mediated improvements in depression

    Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Therapy in Patients with Fibromyalgia: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Objective. To review the literature on the effects of whole-body vibration therapy in patients with fibromyalgia. Design. Systematic literature review. Patients. Patients with fibromyalgia. Methods. An electronic search of the literature in four medical databases was performed to identify studies on whole-body vibration therapy that were published up to the 15th of January 2015. Results. Eight articles satisfied the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were analysed. According to the Dutch CBO guidelines, all selected trials had a B level of evidence. The main outcomes that were measured were balance, fatigue, disability index, health-related quality of life, and pain.Whole-body vibration appeared to improve the outcomes, especially balance and disability index. Conclusion.Wholebody vibration could be an adequate treatment for fibromyalgia as a main therapy or added to a physical exercise programme as it could improve balance, disability index, health-related quality of life, fatigue, and pain. However, this conclusion must be treated with caution because the paucity of trials and the marked differences between existing trials in terms of protocol, intervention, and measurement tools hampered the comparison of the trials

    Una intervención a través de la web para mejorar y prevenir el dolor lumbar en los trabajadores de oficina: ensayo controlado aleatorizado

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    Objetivos. Poner a prueba la viabilidad, seguridad y eficacia de una intervención multidisciplinaria a través de la web para los trabajadores de oficina con dolor lumbar inespecífico subagudo. Métodos. Se incluyeron 100 trabajadores de oficina con dolor lumbar subagudo en un ensayo controlado aleatorizado. El grupo de intervención tuvo acceso tanto a la intervención del estudio como a la atención rutinaria. El grupo control sólo tuvo acceso a la atención rutinaria. La atención rutinaria incluye todas las intervenciones no basadas en la web que ofrece el Servicio de Medicina Preventiva de la Universidad de Extremadura. El programa se ofreció a través de la página web del Servicio de Medicina Preventiva. Se pidió a los participantes del grupo de intervención que participaran en un programa a través de la web en su lugar de trabajo durante 11 minutos al día, 5 días a la semana. Las variables dependientes principales fueron la incapacidad funcional, medida por el Cuestionario de Discapacidad de Roland-Morris, y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, medida con el Cuestionario Europeo de Calidad de Vida-5 Dimensiones-3 niveles. Las variables dependientes secundarias fueron el número de episodios de dolor lumbar y la resistencia muscular del tronco. Las variables dependientes se midieron antes y después del período de intervención de 9 meses. Resultados. Durante los 9 meses de estudio, la puntuación en el Cuestionario de Discapacidad de Roland-Morris para los participantes en el grupo de intervención a través de la web mejoró una media de -7,36 puntos (intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95%]: -8.41, -6.31) en comparación a un empeoramiento de 1,89 puntos (IC95%: 0,71, 2,65) en el grupo control. Durante el periodo de estudio, la diferencia de cambio de puntaje del Cuestionario de Discapacidad de Roland-Morris entre los grupos fue de -9,25 puntos (IC95%: -10.57, -7.89). Del mismo modo, durante los 9 meses de estudio, el grupo de intervención tuvo una mejora significativa en la calidad de vida de 0,24 puntos (IC95%: 0,20, 0,29) en comparación con el grupo de control. Conclusiones. Una intervención a través de la web de 9 meses de duración es viable y eficaz para mejorar la función y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y para reducir los episodios de dolor de espalda entre los trabajadores de oficina con una historia de dolor lumbar no específico subagudo.Objectives. To test the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of a web-based multidisciplinary intervention for office workers with subacute, nonspecific low back pain. Methods. The randomized controlled trial included 100 office workers with subacute low back pain. The intervention group had access to both the study intervention and standard care. The control group had access to standard care only. Standard care was defined as all existing non–web-based interventions offered by the University of Extremadura’s Preventive Medicine Service. The web-based programwas offered via the PreventiveMedicine Service website. The participants in the intervention group were asked to engage in the web-based programat their work site for 11minutes each day, 5 days a week. Primary outcomes were functional disability, as measured by the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire, and health-related quality of life, as measured by the EuropeanQuality of Life-5 Dimensions-3 Levels. Secondary outcomes were the number of episodes of low back pain and trunk muscle endurance. Outcomes were measured before and after the 9-month intervention period. Results. Over the 9-month study, the score on the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire for the participants in the web-based intervention group improved by a mean of –7.36 points (95% confidence interval [CI]: –8.41, –6.31) compared to a worsening of 1.89 points (95% CI: 0.71, 2.65) in the control group. The between-group difference in change on the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire over the study period was –9.25 points (95% CI: –10.57, –7.89). Similarly, over the 9-month study, the intervention group had a significant improvement in quality of life of 0.24 points (95% CI: 0.20, 0.29) compared to the control group. Conclusions. A 9-month web-based intervention is feasible and effective to improve function and health-related quality of life and to decrease episodes of low back pain among office workers with a history of subacute, nonspecific low back pain

    Aptidão física funcional e qualidade de vida em mulheres praticantes de hidroginástica e ginásio com máquinas hidráulicas

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    Resulta de común conocimiento que, como otros seres vivos, también las mujeres sufren diversas alteraciones anatómicas, fisiológicas y psicológicas a lo largo de su desarrollo (Bonganha, Santos, Rocha, Chacon-Mikahil & Madruga, 2008). A medida que la edad cronológica avanza, el cambio corporal se va evidenciando, sobre todo debido a la disminución de la masa libre de grasa, al aumento de la masa grasa, a la disminución de la densidad mineral ósea (Callejon, Franceschini, Montes & Toloi, 2005) y a la reducción de algunas aptitudes funcionales. Algunos autores señalan que el envejecimiento acarrea una pérdida de autonomía y de aptitud física, ocurriendo así una pérdida en la capacidad funcional (Valle, 2007 citado por Pendergast, Fisher & Calkins, 1993). Por su parte, Matuso, Matsudo y Neto (2000) añaden que la pérdida de masa ósea y muscular, además del envejecimiento, puede deberse a la inactividad física, por lo que el ejercicio físico se considera beneficioso en la promoción y el mantenimiento de la salud. Objetivo: Estudiar la relación entre la edad posmenopáusica, la aptitud física funcional y la calidad de vida en mujeres practicantes de hidrogimnasia y gimnasia con máquinas hidráulicas. También pretendemos percibir si existen diferencias en las variables referidas en función del tipo de ejercicio practicado.It is common knowledge that, like other living beings, women also suffer various anatomical, physiological and psychological alterations throughout their development (Bonganha, Santos, Rocha, Chacon-Mikahil & Madruga, 2008). As the chronological age progresses, the corporal change becomes evident, mainly due to the decrease of the fat-free mass, the increase of the fat mass, to the decrease of the bone mineral density (Callejon, Franceschini, Montes & Toloi, 2005) and the reduction of some functional abilities. Some authors point out that aging entails a loss of autonomy and physical fitness, thus causing a loss in functional capacity (Valle, 2007 cited by Pendergast, Fisher & Calkins, 1993). Meanwhile, Matuso, Matsudo and Neto (2000) added that the loss of bone and muscle mass, in addition to aging, may be due to physical inactivity, so that physical exercise is considered beneficial in the promotion and maintenance of the health. Objective: To study the relationship between postmenopausal age, functional physical fitness and quality of life in women practicing hidrogym and gymnastics with hydraulic machines. We also intend to perceive if there are differences in the referred variables depending on the type of exercise practiced.Como é do conhecimento comum, tal como outros seres vivos, também as mulheres passam por diversas alterações anatómicas, fisiológicas e psicológicas ao longo do seu desenvolvimento (Bonganha, Santos, Rocha, Chacon-Mikahil & Madruga, 2008). Há medida que a idade cronológica avança, a mudança corporal vai-se evidenciando, sobretudo devido à diminuição da massa livre de gordura, ao aumento da massa gorda, à diminuição da densidade mineral óssea (Callejon, Franceschini, Montes & Toloi, 2005) e à redução de algumas aptidões funcionais. Alguns autores referem que o envelhecimento acarreta uma perda de autonomia e de aptidão física, ocorrendo, assim, uma perda na capacidade funcional (Valle, 2007 citado por Pendergast, Fisher & Calkins, 1993). Por seu lado, Matuso, Matsudo e Neto (2000) acrescentam ainda que a perda da massa óssea e muscular, para além do envelhecimento, pode dever-se à inatividade física, pelo que o exercício físico é considerado benéfico na promoção e na manutenção da saúde. Objetivo: Estudar a relação entre a idade pós-menopausa, a aptidão física funcional e a qualidade de vida em mulheres praticantes de hidroginástica e ginásio com máquinas hidráulicas. Pretendemos ainda perceber se existem diferenças nas variáveis referidas em função do tipo de exercício praticado.peerReviewe

    Exploring Indicators for Training Load Control in Young Swimmers: The Role of Inspiratory Spirometry Outcomes

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    One of the most important implications of technology in swimming is to control training loads. Lactate control, video-analysis of the technique or the assessment of specific actions, i.e., the vertical jump, have helped to provide load adaptation indicators in swimmers in recent decades. However, these indicators have led to a longer application time, due to their indirect procedure and the need to analyze each variable. The aim of this study was to analyze whether inspiratory spirometry values can serve as a training load control tool in swimmers. Countermovement jump (CMJ), Inspiratory Force Index (S-INDEX) and Peak Inspiratory Flow (PIF) were evaluated with a load of 3 cm H2O before, during and after performing a swimming performance test (critical speed test: specific warming up, 400 m and 100 m freestyle). Positive correlations were found between S-INDEX and jump height after warm-up, after 400 m and at the end of 100 m (Spearman = 0.470, R 2 = 0.280; Spearman = 0.508, R2 = 0.392; Spearman = 0.458, R2 = 0.359, p < 0.05, respectively). Moreover, positive correlations were also found between PIF and jump height at the same evaluated moments (Spearman = 0.461, R2 = 0.305; Spearman = 0.493, R2 = 0.386; Spearman = 0.454, R2 = 0.374, p < 0.05). Both the S-INDEX and the PIF could serve as useful tools for swimmer load control, allowing coaches to make more immediate decision

    Bibliometric Analysis of Psychomotricity Research Trends: The Current Role of Childhood

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    Psychomotricity is a wide broad term, which encompasses different bodily action approaches to support children and adolescents to achieve their highest potential. A search on the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection database was performed on this topic, using traditional bibliometric laws. Finally, 118 publications (112 articles and 6 reviews) documents were found. Annual publications presented an exponentially growing trend (R2 = 84.7%). Spain was the most productive country/region worldwide. Paola Magioncalda, Matteo Martino y Víctor Arufe Giraldez were highlighted as the most prolific co-authors. “Retos Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación” was the most productive journal and the “International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health”, was the second most productive; the third in the list was the most productive in the JCR ranking. Thus, research on psychomotricity is experiencing exponential growth, causing this topic to generate great interest among researchers, publishers and journals. The most cited paper was “Neurocognitive Effects of Alcohol Hangover”. The author keywords that were first raised together with psychomotricity were related to rehabilitation and psychomotor development, while the current trend was focused on physical activity and early childhood education

    Neuromuscular response disparities in non-professional athletes during side-cutting: exploring sex differences through electromyographic analysis

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    This study aims to fill a knowledge gap by investigating electromyographic disparities in anterior and posterior muscle activation and coactivation ratios among non-professional men and women during side-cuttings. A cohort of 162 non-professional athletes participated in directional change maneuvers. Electromyographic assessments focused on coactivation ratios during the initial 50, 100, 150, and 200 ms of contraction, analyzing thigh muscle activations and exploring sex-based differences. Findings revealed higher quadriceps than hamstring muscle activation during directional changes, emphasizing the pivotal role of timing and coactivation ratios. Although the coactivation ratio, indicative of protective muscle control, approached 1 in all directional changes, 40% of subjects exhibited ratios below 0.8, suggesting an elevated injury risk. During open side-cutting at 30°, no significant sex differences were observed in anterior and posterior thigh muscle activation. However, in explosive ratios, women outperformed men, potentially attributable to uncontrolled motor unit recruitment. In open side-cutting at 45° and closed side-cutting at 45°, women displayed significantly higher H/Q ratios, indicating a nuanced sex-specific response. The study underscores the importance of an innovative coactivation ratio approach, revealing its early association with injury risk. Although anterior thigh muscle activation generally exceeded posterior, women exhibited poorer coactivation, potentially heightening knee injury risks during directional changes. This research contributes valuable insights into neuromuscular responses among non-professional athletes, particularly within the context of sex-specific differences

    Test-Retest reliability of Biodex Balance SD on physically active old people

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of the Biodex Balance System in elderly. Forty-five subjects aged 66±5.5 years old and weight 71.6±9.8 kg were tested on the Biodex Balance System. In order to calculate the reliability, the Fall Risk Test (FRt) and the Postural Stability Test (PSt) were measured on two separate occasions 7 days apart. Every subject completed the Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) questionnaire the first day of testing. The Fall Risk Index (FRi) showed a good ICC (.80) and a low percentage of variation of method error. The Overall Stability Index (OSi) showed a good and acceptable reliability measured by the ICC (.69) but a percentage of variation of method error near to 25%. FES-I Score was 23.1 (±7.2). The reliability of the BBS using Bland-Altman method showed that systematic errors (mean difference between test-retest) for the balance test developed were nearly zero and the 95% limits of agreement narrow, indicating a good reliability of the measurement. Biodex balance measures were showed reliable and may be useful for measuring the risk of falls and monitoring programs for prevent falls in elderly. This study revealed that fall risk assessment in older people must be incorporated into the evaluation process of the physical functioning.This study was in part supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Education (AP-2006-03676) and Science and Innovation (BES-2009-013442)

    Musculoskeletal fitness and health-related quality of life characteristics among sedentary office workers affected by sub-acute, non-specific low back pain: a cross-sectional study

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    [Objectives]: To establish the level of musculoskeletal fitness and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in sedentary office workers with sub-acute, non-specific low back pain, and compare the results with reference data for healthy sedentary office workers. [Design]: Cross-sectional study. [Setting]: Occupational secondary prevention setting. [Participants]: One-hundred and ninety sedentary office workers: 118 suffering from sub-acute, non-specific low back pain (47 men and 71 women) and 72 age-matched healthy controls (30 men and 42 women). [Main outcome measures]: Participants were assessed using a musculoskeletal fitness battery (sit-and-reach test, hand grip strength, lumbar and abdominal trunk muscle endurance, and back scratch test), the EuroQol-5D-3L, Oswestry Disability Questionnaire, and Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire. Data for both genders and conditions were compared. [Results]: Subjects with low back pain achieved lower scores in most of the fitness tests compared with healthy, age-matched controls. Trunk flexor and extensor endurance demonstrated the greatest difference in both men {flexion: median difference 59 [95% confidence interval (CI) 26 to 90] seconds; extension: median difference 24 [95% CI 20 to 68]} and women [flexion: median difference 59 (95% CI 5 to 85.50) seconds; extension: median difference 41 (95% CI 30 to 55) seconds]. Differences in HRQoL were also demonstrated between groups for both men and women, with the exception of the pain/discomfort dimension in women. [Conclusions]: Sedentary office workers with sub-acute, non-specific low back pain had lower musculoskeletal fitness than healthy, age-matched controls, with the main difference found in endurance of the trunk muscles. HRQoL was also lower in workers with low back pain.Preventive Medicine University Service and Quality of Life, Health Economics and Fitness Laboratory of our University of Extremadura.Peer reviewe